The Girl of Water Meets the Woman of The Stars

[Chapter Synopsis: Alumina and Poseidon further their teachings, but are interrupted by Anna Heartfilia who ends up assisting the two, namely in the clothing department...]

-The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.-


Name: Benthos, Alumina

Age: 4

Race: Human

Affiliation: N / A


Level: 1 [50/300 EXP]

Health: 140/140, 2 regeneration per hour

Magic: 70/70 , 1 regeneration per hour

Strength: 2

Endurance: 7

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 1

Luck: 1 (+2)


Sea(Water) Dragon Slayer - As a Water Dragon Slayer, you gain a immunity to water spells that are lower than Dragon Slaying spells. You are also capable of inhaling water in the air or from attacks to restore mana and health, expelling water from your body to attack, and gaining a small immunity against heat and fire magic. (Note: God Slayers and Devil Slaying Magic can be used to restore Mana, but at a cost)

The Gamer - As the Gamer, you gain resistance to mental spells, are physically incapable of dying of starvation or dehydration, and able to calculate what stats go into where for maximum potential.


Ruined Dress - Only good for protecting the innocent from nature and the eyes of perverts.

Sand God's Charm - A mysterious charm in the face of the Egyptian God, Ash. (+2 Luck while being worn)


Observe (Lvl 1) - Allows the user to observe an enemy for level, stats, weaknesses and strengths at higher levels.


Sea Dragon's Roar - An attack that causes a burst of water to come out from the mouth, the water having been pushed out in such force that it can damage people and lacerate. Mana Cost: 5

Jewel Count: 5

Looking through my stats now, I was quite satisified. My two traits that were detrimental to my stats had lifted, revealing the fact I had a 7 in Endurance which apparently is the factor for my Health and Mana points, which also raised. The math behind it was weird, seeing how 2 points somehow made 50, while 7 made 150.

On the other hand, a reward from the quest was a neat little charm in the shape of a god from the real world, though that religion is quite dead if I'm correct. Either way, it was useful for now since it raised my luck by 2, increasing the chance of events and stuff like that.

Shaking my head, I turned back to Poseidon who was going on about the next technique I would need to learn before I gain the next spell as a Dragon Slayer- namely the fact that I needed to learn how to use my whole body to attack. He was also going to teach me a unique spell creation technique using my legs, should my arms ever be tied up.

I wasn't exactly sure how that would work, seeing how most of my moveset was composed of Sea/Water Dragon Slaying Magic. Perhaps I could learn another magic to help out my original Magic? Hmm, something I could think about later. Let's tune back into the teaching.

"... So by using the force of motion as you fall, you can easily stand back up by moving your hands under you, ducking your elbows to absorb some of the force of the fall back into your body, and then spring yourself back up for a kick." He finishes at least, but quickly notices how bored I am. He sighs, "Sorry, that was too much for you, huh. Perhaps I should wait until you're a bit older in order to teach you the next art...? No, that's a bad idea." He shook his head with a sigh.

I rubbed the back of my neck in shame, a light blush brushing on my cheeks, "Ah, sorry dad. I was dazing out for some reason. You seemed to talk on and on..." I groaned out, trying to give an excuse but it really wasn't a good one, huh...? Poseidon studied me carefully, almost making me sweat from the intense stare before he makes a noise of realization.

"I have an idea, how about you go swimming for a bit, or even practice your roar against some of the wildlife to get some food?" he suggested, causing a new quest to blur my vison for a moment. I don't bother to look right now as I accepted the quest, deciding it's best if I head into the forest first to kill something then go swimming.

[Quest Obtained: First Kill, Fresh Meat]

Quest: First Kill, Fresh Meat

Objective: Slay 2 Boars and Swim for 30 minutes

Reward: 150 EXP, Chance Encounter with ? ? ?, 50 Jewels

As I entered the forest via the path of destruction my father left (said dragon snoozing on the sand behind me), I wondered about the boars I would need to hunt as I looked at the quest itself. In my past life, I didn't really think much about meat and where it came from, mainly because I was a omnivore and it was needed on my plate every so often.

Of course, I did understand that some of the farms they come from were bad, or used stuff that weren't natural. I don't blame the people who stuck to veggies and fruits, but I never would turn away from meat to eat nuts or whatever they have to eat as a replacement. I'm also confused on the fact that they won't drink milk, which is also just as important. Shaking my head, I continued my treck.

Absently, I glanced down at my ruined dress. It was quite dirty now, stiff because of my dip in the ocean and the open holes seemed even larger than normal. I sighed, clutching the fabric to try and soften it, only to fail.

Suddenly, the bushes to the side began to shake, causing me to bolt backwards into a bush to crouch and watch. Boars weren't the thing I needed to hide from, really, but the other carnivores, such as wolves and even tigers, prowled in this forest. If I had learned a close-combat move, like my father was talking about, I could probably take one down no problem but...

Shaking my head, I watched as a pair of boars walked out from the shaking bushes, snorting at the air and ground. I decided to make use of my new skill, [Observe] to get an idea on their level.

Boar 1 - Common Entity

Level 1

Boar 2 - Common Entity

Level 1

I see, so both are level one. Nothing else showed up for me, like health and stats, so my Observe level was too low of a level at the moment. There would be more opportunities in the future, but for now all I need to know is that they're just the right level.

Taking in a deep breath while concentrating on the magic within me, I burst out a [Sea Dragon's Roar] at Boar 1, the sea-green colored water slamming into its face and causing it to squeal in pain, the salt water successfully getting into its eyes, causing a temporary blindness.

Bursting forward, I appeared in the clearing. Boar 2 roared in anger, slamming its hooves into the ground in warning as it got in front of its friend, who was trying to wipe its head of the water in its eyes. I grinned fiercly in return, adreniline coursing through my body.

After a tense second, I burst forward. While I couldn't use any spells other than [Sea Dragon's Roar] for Close Combat, I can use my fists and legs to attack, if I remember how dad was describing it. The boar in turned charged at me, its sharp tusks pointed to impale me.

With a quick leap, I managed to just scale over the boar who was about my size, pulling my fist back to slam into Boar 1's snout and causing it to squeal. I winced in return, gaining damage back from the punch due to it's improper form. Shit... right.

[Skill Obtained: Punching Skill]

Fuck off, now's not the time for that! I moved out of the way as the other boar tried to get my back, nicking my leg with its tusk unfortunately. Crap, that hurts... Luckily that didn't hurt much, though my health had definetly lowered some. Quickly gathering my wind, I breathed in while aiming at boar 2 as it charged once more.

With a quick [Sea Dragon's Roar] that sent Boar 2 squealing to the ground trying to clean its eyes, I rushed to finish Boar 1. Jumping up, watching as the boar tried to follow in time, I suddenly slammed down with my legs into its neck, hearing a crack from it and wincing on my part as I ducked my knee to absorb the contact, then leaping off.

Boar 1 fell to the ground, dead now. Its neck was twisted in a weird way, which made me winced. Oooh.. wouldn't want to be in that position nope. Turning back to Boar 2, who has proven more of a challenge, it stared at its friend with anger then turned to me, squealing out a roar as it charged.

It was much faster than before this time, slamming into me with full force and dragging me into a tree, ducking away before I could kick it off as I let out a heavy breath. Holding my ribs, I glared at the boar. Luckily, no bones were broken and I hope to god that it would never happened, but now I was mad.

[Skill ob-]

Quickly getting rid of the sudden ping, I rose up to my feet. Seeing how the first boar went down after a punch and a kick after being sprayed with water, I was hoping that the same would happen with this one, although I'm pretty sure the kick from above was a critical or a vital hit.

Shaking my hands out from the jitters I had for adrenaline, I resumed a bullshit fighting style, trying to make sure I had my feet under me as the boar charged. I grinned, deciding to do a stupid move on this boar.

As it got closer, I ducked my body and hands to grab at its large tusks, grinding my feet into the earth to stop it in its tracks. Moving quickly now, I moved myself up a bit to let one of my legs smash into its nose, causing it to break and giving the boar something to squeal about now.

As blood dripped down its nose, I decided one last roar would take it down, so taking a deep breath in... then letting it out. The boar didn't bother to move out of shock as a burst of water shot into its eyes, pushing it away. When it ended, the boar still looked alive before falling down on its side, causing me to grin.

Quickly moving to the boars, I carefully picked them up by the back legs and started to drag them back, focusing on my new obtains (Skill Wise) along with experience.


Name: Benthos, Alumina

Age: 4

Race: Human

Affiliation: N / A


Level: 1 [150/300 EXP]

Health: 100/140, 2 regeneration per hour

Magic: 55/70 , 1 regeneration per hour

Strength: 2

Endurance: 7

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 1

Luck: 1 (+2)


Sea(Water) Dragon Slayer - As a Water Dragon Slayer, you gain a immunity to water spells that are lower than Dragon Slaying spells. You are also capable of inhaling water in the air or from attacks to restore mana and health, expelling water from your body to attack, and gaining a small immunity against heat and fire magic. (Note: God Slayers and Devil Slaying Magic can be used to restore Mana, but at a cost)

The Gamer - As the Gamer, you gain resistance to mental spells, are physically incapable of dying of starvation or dehydration, and able to calculate what stats go into where for maximum potential.


Ruined Dress - Only good for protecting the innocent from nature and the eyes of perverts.

Sand God's Charm - A mysterious charm in the face of the Egyptian God, Ash. (+2 Luck while being worn)


Observe (Lvl 1) - Allows the user to observe an enemy for level, stats, weaknesses and strengths at higher levels.

Punch (Lvl 1) - The user punches the enemy with a fist, causing light damage at the cost of damage back. ( -2 HP per punch )

Kick (Lvl 1) - The user lashes out with their legs to kick an enemy, causing heavy damage at the cost of damage back. ( -3 HP per kick )


Sea Dragon's Roar - An attack that causes a burst of water to come out from the mouth, the water having been pushed out in such force that it can damage people and lacerate. Mana Cost: 5

Jewel Count: 5

Jeez, 40 damage from one boar? Well, I guess my kicks and punches also did the deal too, but thankfully I was okay. I also gained the Punch and Kick skill, which could become a Martial Arts skill later on, I suppose.

Finally back, I dropped the boar by my father who looked down with pride at me and watched as I entered the water. Sitting down for a moment to relax, I opened my mouth to let some of it enter. Luckily, as a Sea Dragon Slayer, I could drink water regardless of where it's been (kind of gross, really) and feel rejuvinated afterwards.

Glancing at my health and mana, which I noticed was full, I fully swam in the ocean. It wasn't even the ocean completely, but more of a cover that allowed the ocean to enter and go as it pleases. With it being mid-day, the waves were nice on us and the water was clear.

After a while, suddenly, I hear a loud voice yell out, "Poseidon!~ Heeeey, Poseidon!" The voice was feminine, and looking back I saw a woman in a white and grey dress, a dark blue and gold cloak over her shoulders. She had long blond air which was held in a ponytail, and she had bangs that curved over her left eye in such a way that it reminded me of bird wings.

Poseidon lazily looked up from his napping place, which he had returned to sleeping in, to suddenly grin. It was odd on such a large creature, but he made it happen, "Ah, Anna! About time you came. I was worried you forgot about me and my charge." he teased, causing the woman to laugh shakily.

"Ah, sorry sorry! I've been with Natsu and Igneel for the last few days after we brought you the girl that I totally forgot about her! Speaking of the girl, where is she?" she looked around with honey-brown eyes, not able to spot me until I rose up from the ocean cove.

She paused for a moment, before frowning. I tilted my head in confusion as she suddenly turned on her heal to roar in anger at Poseidon, who ducked his head back in shock, his eyes just as wide as mine, "Poseidon, you didn't bother to ask me for new clothes?! What the hell, you big loaf!" she shook her fist at him.

Poseidon shakily smiled, "Ah, Anna... I can't fly, remember? Remember?" he tried to remind the angry woman, who huffed at him. I could see steam literally coming out of her ears as she turned to the boar. She seemed to nod her head before turning to me.

"You, come here. I'm giving you proper clothes to wear from these boars." she ordered with a bark. I nodded hurriedly, running over to her as she sat me down on Poseidon's leg, taking a single glance at me before turning to the boar.

"So, what's her name Poseidon? Don't tell me I have to name her myself as well..." Anna huffed, glancing at the dragons direction, who sweatdropped alongside me, "Ah, why don't you ask the child herself?" he nudged me gently with one of the claws on his other flipper, which caused me to answer, "Benthos Alumina." I spoke.

Anna smiled softly, "That's a good name. Treasure it, okay? Names like that aren't very common to come by, at least from a dragon." she waved a finger at me before returning to her task. Poseidon decided to speak up now, "Little one, this is Anna. She is one of the people who found you in the forest. She's also a mage, just like you, but can use Celestial Magic." he informed me.

I gave a nod before suddenly looking up, Anna looking down at me while having, in her hand, new clothing. It wasn't that amazing, really, but they were expertly made by her hand. It was a simple leather tunic stripped of fur and any tissue that would cause it to rot, but was surprisingly light and soft when I held it. The shorts that came with it were equally so, and were tight around the waist so it wouldn't slide off when I swam or fought.

Without much thought on privacy (mainly because there was a dragon and a adult woman here, not a bunch of perverts), I quickly switched out my dress for my shirt and shorts, standing up to twist around for a better look. As I thought, the shirt while light and soft was thick enough to keep me warm and safe, and my shorts were just the same.

Anna sighed, brushing her hand through her bangs as she looked down at me with a smile, "Jeez, you could've gone behind a rock. Just because your caretaker is a dragon and I'm an adult woman doesn't mean you can suddenly strip in front of us." she scolded softly as she booped my nose.

Shaking my head, I turned to my notifications, which said I had gained a level. Hmm, nice. Let's see what we got now...


Name: Benthos, Alumina

Age: 4

Race: Human

Affiliation: N / A


Level: 2 [0/500 EXP]

Health: 140/140, 2 regeneration per hour

Magic: 70/70 , 1 regeneration per hour

Strength: 2

Endurance: 7

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 1

Luck: 1 (+2)

Level Up Points: 5


Sea(Water) Dragon Slayer - As a Water Dragon Slayer, you gain a immunity to water spells that are lower than Dragon Slaying spells. You are also capable of inhaling water in the air or from attacks to restore mana and health, expelling water from your body to attack, and gaining a small immunity against heat and fire magic. (Note: God Slayers and Devil Slaying Magic can be used to restore Mana, but at a cost)

The Gamer - As the Gamer, you gain resistance to mental spells, are physically incapable of dying of starvation or dehydration, and able to calculate what stats go into where for maximum potential.


Ruined Dress - Only good for protecting the innocent from nature and the eyes of perverts.

Sand God's Charm - A mysterious charm in the face of the Egyptian God, Ash. (+2 Luck while being worn)


Observe (Lvl 1) - Allows the user to observe an enemy for level, stats, weaknesses and strengths at higher levels.

Punch (Lvl 1) - The user punches the enemy with a fist, causing light damage at the cost of damage back. ( -2 HP per punch )

Kick (Lvl 1) - The user lashes out with their legs to kick an enemy, causing heavy damage at the cost of damage back. ( -3 HP per kick )


Sea Dragon's Roar - An attack that causes a burst of water to come out from the mouth, the water having been pushed out in such force that it can damage people and lacerate. Mana Cost: 5

Jewel Count: 5

I see... 5 stat points that I could spend on... I suppose I should put one in strength, two in Dexterity, one in charisma and then put one in Wisdom.


Name: Benthos, Alumina

Age: 4

Race: Human

Affiliation: N / A


Level: 2 [0/500 EXP]

Health: 140/140, 2 regeneration per hour

Magic: 70/70 , 1 regeneration per hour

Strength: 3

Endurance: 7

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 2

Luck: 1 (+2)

Level Up Points: 0


Sea(Water) Dragon Slayer - As a Water Dragon Slayer, you gain a immunity to water spells that are lower than Dragon Slaying spells. You are also capable of inhaling water in the air or from attacks to restore mana and health, expelling water from your body to attack, and gaining a small immunity against heat and fire magic. (Note: God Slayers and Devil Slaying Magic can be used to restore Mana, but at a cost)

The Gamer - As the Gamer, you gain resistance to mental spells, are physically incapable of dying of starvation or dehydration, and able to calculate what stats go into where for maximum potential.


Ruined Dress - Only good for protecting the innocent from nature and the eyes of perverts.

Sand God's Charm - A mysterious charm in the face of the Egyptian God, Ash. (+2 Luck while being worn)


Observe (Lvl 1) - Allows the user to observe an enemy for level, stats, weaknesses and strengths at higher levels.

Punch (Lvl 1) - The user punches the enemy with a fist, causing light damage at the cost of damage back. ( -2 HP per punch )

Kick (Lvl 1) - The user lashes out with their legs to kick an enemy, causing heavy damage at the cost of damage back. ( -3 HP per kick )


Sea Dragon's Roar - An attack that causes a burst of water to come out from the mouth, the water having been pushed out in such force that it can damage people and lacerate. Mana Cost: 5

Jewel Count: 55

Satisfied with how my stats came out, I focused back on Anna and Poseidon, who had started to talk together as I dozed out. I smiled and sat by my fathers leg as they talked, dazing out while listening to the two talk.