Star Wars Multiverse

The Alternate Universes

Universe 1: Disney Canon Universe

The universe following Star Wars Episodes 1-9, Rebels, The Clone Wars, Resistance.

Universe 2: A Peaceful Galaxy

Point of Divergence: A fateful encounter leads Luke to the Sith Wayfinder.

Universe 3: Vader's Empire

Point of Divergence: The discovery of the Ewoks leads to their massacre. The Rebels lose the Battle of Endor, but Luke and Vader still end Sidious's life. Darth Vader becomes the new ruler of the Empire and turns Luke into the Sith Darth Caedus.

Universe 4: The Skywalkers

Point of Divergence: Anakin convinces Mace Windu to stay his hand, never killing Sidious. The Clone Wars ravage on, with the Separatist Alliance now freed from Sidious' machinations. Luke and Leia grow up in a tumultuous Galaxy.

Universe 5: Path of the Jedi

Kanan Jarrus lives and continues the fight against the Empire.

Universe 6: Qui-Gon Lives

Point of Divergence: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon defeat Maul before the Sith Lord kills the Jedi Master. Anakin is trained by Qui-Gon Jinn instead, becoming a much different person.

Universe 7: Supreme Leader Rey Palpatine

Point of Divergence: Rey's parents fail at keeping their daughter safe from Palpatine's grip. She is raised as Supreme Leader of the First Order.

Universe 8: First Senator Leia Organa

Point of Divergence: Leia wins the position of First Senator and steers the New Republic into open war with the First Order.