Alright. Back with this piece of something. So far everyone still seems highly excited for this. A few hiccups and banes. But I'll get to all that at the end.
So, for now, enjoy the chapter.
"So, your scythe not only is a scythe, which is awesome, but it's also a high caliber sniper!?"
"Yup! Built her myself."
"That's so cool! You really like weapons if you built something as amazing as that!"
"Finally, some true recognition!"
"How could I not be in awe!? I wish I could make a badass weapon like that! That's incredible!"
"Oh yeah, while we're on the matter, what is your weapon?"
Issei paused mid-step. Of course she had to ask about HIS weapon. His eyes flicked to his left arm before returning to the curious silver eyes of his new friend. They were filled with innocent curiosity. She was bouncing off the balls of her feet, a small smile playing on her lips. Ruby seemed truly excited to know about the gear.
God, why did she have to make such a face? Who knew something that wasn't boobs could be used against him. Such innocence was a rarity and it tugged at his heartstrings the only way boobs knew how to.
He needed to find a distraction.
"Oh hey, people!" Issei said the moment a crowd of voices reached his ears. And, with great luck, the duo had arrived at the hall for orientation.
"Whoa," Ruby exclaimed in awe as she stepped deeper inside.
"Yeah, whoa. Well, gotta go find a spot! See you around, Ruby!" The Sekiryuutei blurted out before disappearing into the crowd.
"Oh, um...okay..." Ruby replied, although she knew he couldn't hear her. She watched him vanish behind a group, his mop of brown hair disappearing among the fellow students.
"Hey sis, saved ya a spot!" A blonde, buxom girl exclaimed. Ruby kept her eyes on the spot Issei had disappeared to, unaware of her sister's call. She was so distracted that she didn't react until the older sister came over and wrapped the short redhead underneath one of her arms.
"You're staring really hard, sis. Gonna tell me who that was?" The blonde started to tease. She poked at her little sister's cheek, a grin threatening to split her face. "Was that your little friend, hmm~?"
"Stop it, Yang! I'm still mad at you!"
"What? I'm just teasing little sis," Yang replied, raising her hands in mock surrender. "Nothing wrong with finding your first crush. You are a growing girl after all."
Ruby blushed with embarrassment. "It's not like that! He's a friend..."
"Oh? And just who is this "friend"? You seemed awfully cheery and open with him for having just met."
"His name is Issei, he saved me when I exploded! Thanks to you ditching me!"
"Ouch, meltdown on the first day?" Yang asked playfully. She rested her arms behind her head and leaned her weight to one leg.
"No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And I think there was some fire...and maybe some ice..." Ruby placed a finger to her chin, trying to remember exactly what she blew up with.
"Are you being sarcastic?" Yang asked, raising a brow.
"Hah, I wish," the younger sibling sighed. "I knocked over some prissy girls luggage, then she yelled at me, then I sneezed and everything exploded, then she yelled some more, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop, and then Issei came in-"
"You!" A voice shouted from behind her. Ruby knew instantly but the shock made her jump and grab onto the first thing she could. Luckily, Yang was quick with her reflexes and caught the girl. Although she, too, looked just as surprised by the interruption.
"Oh gods, it's happening again!" The reaper girl cried.
"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" Weiss berated, stomping her foot for dramatic effect.
"Oh my gods, you really exploded..."
After Ozpin had finished giving his speech, if one could even call it that, Prof. Goodwitch had followed up with what was to be expected for the remainder of the day. Talks of sleeping arrangements, the cafeteria and dinner time, and a brief review of preparations for initiation tomorrow morning. She then quickly ended the orientation, leaving everyone to their own devices.
Issei couldn't fault them for trying to keep things brief, teenagers had the worst attention span, but, at the same time, they could have done it with a little more flair. God knows, he knew personally that they had it in them. Personal tutoring allowed him to see things most students didn't. Especially when it came to the, normally, stoic Glynda Goodwitch.
Getting back on track, a large slumber party was the plan for the night and initiation would begin tomorrow. It was safe to say that the decision was made to wait for teams to be formed before assigning dorm rooms.
The brunette opted to try meditating before lights out. The gossiping of a few girls and roughhousing of a few guys told him many things. The main one was that not a lot of people seemed worried about initiation tomorrow. That either meant they were confident or arrogant. But, either way, he couldn't let that distract him from his own goals. And that meant meditation and trying to unlock his aura. So no distractions, especially with the amount of supermodel huntresses that seemed way too common here than he liked.
And he really liked it.
Besides, it's not like he could do any actual training at this hour. Nor could he summon the Boosted Gear and practice his control. So, he was kind of stuck "finding himself", as Ozpin had called it. Although, Issei wanted to find out more about just himself.
Issei tried his hardest to find out what that voice was. He had been for the entire week. There was no way it was a part of his imagination only. There was something more to him, something God hadn't told him. And whether he did that on purpose, or accident, this part of him must have been the something that interfered with his aura, and he was damn sure going to find out what it was.
Placing his right hand just above his left, a green circle lit up on the back of the left's. Intricate symbols and signs danced within the rings, each glowing a bright ember as his fingers grazed over them. The feeling of a deeper part of him opened and he closed his eyes as he began to delve into his soul once more. Meditation was a connection to one's self and Issei needed to find out more about himself and the extra parts that came along with him.
The depths he had entered were massive. It might as well be infinite with no clear end in sight no matter how far he tried to search. It was that issue that he accused Ozpin of the uselessness of meditating. There was no end in sight, no start, no end, just vast amounts of an ancient feeling and power that seemed to stretch forever. Yet, he still persevered, knowing that something lurked within the depths. He wanted to find an answer. No, he needed to find an answer. He was sure something was in the Boosted Gear. Or someone.
If only he could find them...
Issei jumped, his eyes shooting open. The sound of someone setting up their sleeping bag opposite of his pillar brought him back to reality and he couldn't help the shaky breath he released. He had become too engrossed in his search and had been caught off guard. He clicked his teeth and mentally berated himself, knowing he was better than that.
Luckily, Ozpin wasn't around. Issei rubbed the top of his head, remembering the endless whacks from the headmaster's cane whenever his focus slipped or he became unaware to that which surrounded him. Always to be lectured that achieving the perfect balance would allow him to unlock the full potential of the gear. Physical strength could get him far but mental strength would make him unstoppable. Meditation was to heighten awareness and attention, not allow it to slip. This search was a difficult wall to climb, and at the start of it all too.
The boy released a heavy sigh. He began to wonder if he really could save these people. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders. Such weight was starting to pull him down now as he felt doubt in himself.
Was he really supposed to be a hero? Was he the one who was supposed to save this world?
"I know you are, my son. Safe travels and...good luck."
God seemed to believe in him. The brunette wondered if he could believe in himself too.
Looking past the pillar, Issei noticed it was the bow-wearing girl from earlier in the day. She had helped him take that heiress girl down a few pegs. She looked to be reading the book that she had in her hand earlier and didn't seem to have noticed him yet.
But that was natural, he was an average kind of guy who could mesh into the background when he wasn't doing outlandish things. When he wasn't perving, talking about tits, or openly discussing porn, the brunette found that he was essentially invisible to the students body back at Kuoh Academy.
At least, of all people, it was her near him. She didn't look like she would bother him as long as he didn't bother her. It seemed all she wanted to do was read in peace. It was why he chose to sleep there, keeping to himself. It kept him from the guys wrestling and also didn't allow him to see most of the girls, as well.
Though, he had to admit, looking at the golden eyed girl, her nightgown was pretty eye catching. It complimented her silky hair and allowed her eyes to pop. It gave her a sort of elegance and mysterious air about her. And when matched with the candlelight...
"Issei, I had a great time today."
The sunset. The fountain. That smile. The lies. The spear. And all of that blood... His blood...
"It was so much fun."
Issei turned away. He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them tight.
That right, it was that kind of leering and perving that had gotten him killed in the first place. His thoughts delve to sexual thoughts and even more perverse moments to follow and it led to his death. There were so many signs that warned him that something was right. But he ignored it all in favor of finally losing his virginity. And all it got him was a painful death where HE was the one penetrated.
Maybe he should just keep to himself. Stick to his training. Maybe then he would have a chance.
If only it was that easy, right?
Issei's attention was brought back to the opposite side of the pillar. He spared a glance over his shoulder and was surprised at the two new arrivals. The first he noticed was Ruby making strange noises. She was dressed in a black tank top with an adorable heart creature on front and simple white pajama bottoms with hearts. She looked cute.
From the looks of it, she was currently being dragged. The dragger had long blonde hair, that shined like the sun, and lilac eyes that carried a playful yet confident look. She looked to be the definition of a social butterfly. The way she walked, the look on her face, and with no lack of conviction, Issei could easily say she was popular.
The teen boy couldn't help but notice her choice in sleepwear too. The blonde girl wore an orange tank top and black shorts that hugged her hips and thighs a little too well. And her boobs, they were...they were perfect! They were not like one of his old seniors but...the shape, the bounce, and there was no bra!
"Ouch, goddamn it!" Issei winced as he rose his hand to his mouth. When he pulled it back, it was stained with a few drops of red. He wiped the back of his hand over his lips but it didn't stop the thin line of red at the corner of his lips. He had bit his tongue a bit too hard. He turned away, pressing his back to the pillar, trying to clean the drying blood. All the while, his thoughts were running wild.
'No, no, no! I'm done perving. It will only get me killed again. I can't... Not again...' He shook his head vigorously. He couldn't rid himself of Yuuma's face. That confident, dark grin she had before leaving him to die. He was a joke, nothing more to girls. A pervert and someone to toy with.
"Would you die for me?"
"I'll say it again. Would you die for me?"
"Die for me!"
"...Issei?" Issei jumped in place. He wasn't expecting such a soft and caring voice.
Slowly turning, he came to see Ruby looking down at him, worried.
"Oh...h-hi Ruby," he replied nervously. He really hoped she hadn't heard him but she must have. The look on her face gave it away.
Looking back at the others, the dark haired girl looked surprised to see him. His outburst must have scared them seeing as he was only now being discovered.
"Umm, sorry, I-I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation," he apologized, a small drip of sweat forming on his brow. The world traveler really didn't want to be involved. Not in his state of mind.
"It's no big deal," Ruby replied with a soft smile. A smile so sweet it made Issei want to melt on the spot. He would fight a thousand Grimm to protect such a smile. Then fight a thousand more. "Your lips? Are you bleeding?"
The redhead took a step towards him. Oh, how that sweet kindness was only bringing more attention towards him.
"It's fine, Ruby! I'm fine," the Sekiryuutei answered immediately. He held his hands outwards in a panicked motion, the younger teen stopping immediately.
"A-Are you sure? Aren't you hurt?"
Why!? Why did she have to be so kind!?
"Don't worry about me. I wouldn't be a man if I couldn't handle this much," he replied, following with an awkward laugh. It did little to convince any of the three.
"Well...alright." Ruby looked unconvinced but pushed it aside, not wanting to upset Issei more. "Anyways, I used to love stories like that! Yang would read them to me all the time when we were kids."
"Are you hoping for a happy ending?" Blake asked, following the shift in conversation.
"I'm hoping we can all have one. After all, we all have to help each other, right?" Ruby asked with a kindred smile. Blake couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips.
"That's pretty ambitious, for a child... Unfortunately, the world isn't so kind." Blake's smile then flipped into a frown. Her eyes fell and a knowing look crossed her features.
"That's why we're here aren't we?" Ruby asked unwavered. "To make it better."
Blake turned back to Ruby for a moment, the four still with silence hanging over them. Yang was about to encourage her sister's ideal, and break the silence, however Issei was just a bit quicker.
"I wouldn't say either of you are wrong..."
"What do you mean?" Ruby asked. Blake and Yang both turned to him as well, equally curious.
"The world is a cruel place, Ruby. There are bad people and even worse things that aim to hurt and kill, no matter if they are enemies or innocent people." Issei reminisced about his world. His friends, his family, all those who had done no wrong. Then he thought of all the bad people who just wanted to destroy his world. Yuuma was one of those people and he couldn't help the heavy, pained sigh that escaped his lips. "But the people who inhabit this world can change. Good or bad, a person can always be better. It just takes time and effort to change. Time and effort to make a change. Before the worst can come and take everything away. But we have to fight, we have to make a difference."
The trio's response differed. Issei hadn't expected himself to say that, the words flowing without much thought.
Ruby was beaming at him. It was a smile so big it threatened to split her face. She also seemed excited by the giddy body language she gave off.
The blonde girl folded her arms and rose a brow, a small smirk playing at her lips. She seemed impressed and, dare he say, thankful? He wondered what her and Ruby's relationship was. They did seem close.
And the last girl held a neutral look as she was in thought. It was almost reminiscent. There was also the small tugging at her lips. Was she upset by what he said? It didn't seem directed at him though.
"Seems you're a natural motivational speaker." Issei turned to the blonde girl, a playful smirk clear on her face. "Much better than Ozpin during that speech."
Issei turned away and shrugged his shoulders. "I'll take that as a compliment, uh..."
"Yang. Yang Xiao Long."
"Issei Hyoudou."
"Blake Belladonna."
"Ruby Rose."
"What is with all this noise!? Can't you see that some of us are trying to sleep!"
The group turned to see Weiss walking over. More so stomping over. She was dressed in a light blue nightgown and she had her hair down. Issei still didn't know if it was natural or not.
Her eyes met Ruby's first and they pointed at each other. ""Oh no, not you again!""
"Of all people, it had to be you..." The heiress groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"I said I was sorry! What more do you want!?" Ruby apologized, distressed.
"Oi, what's your deal with my sister?" Yang asked, standing protectively by the smaller huntress to be. So they were sisters.
"She's a hazard to my health!" Weiss snapped back, stomping her foot childishly.
As they continued to argue, Issei and Blake sighed simultaneously. The former just wanted to be done with everything that happened today. He was stressed and exhausted, and the likelihood of meditation was thrown out the window with the three girls constant bickering.
"Haah, no point in staying up," Issei muttered.
"Agreed," Blake replied, closing her book with an annoyed expression. "Guess it's an early lights out then."
"It would seem so. Care to do the honors?"
Blake leant over and, with one gentle breath, the flame was extinguished. The room was engulfed in darkness, promptly stopping the trio amidst their shouting match.
"Hey, who turned out the lights!?"
"Wonder what those two are so worked up about..." Ruby spoke out loud. She watched as a ginger hair girl and boy with a magenta streak walked by, the former talking about a plethora of things and the latter merely listening and nodding.
"Oh, who knows," Yang replied with a shrug. She threw a few test punches before she adjusted her gauntlets once more. "Anywho, what's got you so chipper today?"
"Oh, you know. The awkward talking phase is officially over. Now I can let my sweetheart do the talking for me." Ruby giggled as she held Crescent Rose in her arms like it was an actual baby. Yang watched her little sister giggle manically, caressing and kissing the side of its dormant form.
"Well Ruby, you gotta remember, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you have to meet new people and learn to work together."
"Ughhh, you sound like dad," Ruby groaned out. "And I don't need to meet people to grow up. I drink milk."
"Uh-huh, so, what do you plan on doing about teams, sis?" The buxom blonde asked, trying not to sound suspicious. The red and black cladded girl looked back at her sibling with an arched brow.
"What do you mean? I'll just be on your team," Ruby stated as if it was the most obvious thing.
Yang rubbed her arm nervously. She looked a bit uncomfortable as she shuffled her feet as well. This made Ruby knit her brows.
"Mmm... Well, maybe, just maybe, I was thinking maybe, we could be on different teams." She avoided all forms of eye contact with her younger sister. She wouldn't dare look at those eyes that made her submit to her sister's whims.
However, it made the gasp from said sister all the more painful to hear.
"Yang Xiao Long! My dearest sister! My rock! Are you actually implying that you don't want to team up with me!?" The older sister made the mistake of turning back. The hurt and betrayal she saw almost made her want to say that it was a joke. She almost apologized and told her that they would definitely team up. Key word, almost. This was something she needed to do. For her sister's sake.
Yang averted her eyes once more. She rubbed her arm and shifted her weight from one leg to the other.
"It's not that Rubes, it's just...well, I think being on another team with other people will help you socialize a little better and,you know, finally break out of your shell."
Ruby pouted. She could see her sister's point but that didn't help. She didn't want to socialize with new people. That was her problem! Yesterday should have been proof of that! The only other person who she had been able to talk to was Issei. Blake seemed like she just wanted to be left alone. And Weiss... Ruby felt she should try to stay clear of that girl.
"Yang, I don't need to be on another team! And I don't need to break out of my shell!"
"What about Issei, he seems like a good friend. I'm sure he'd be a good teammate."
"Well...yeah, but still..."
"Seems everyone is uppity this morning," a new voice joined in.
"Sup, Life Coach," Yang greeted, relieved for the man of the hour's timely arrival.
"Life Coach? I'm far from it, I guess..."
Ruby turned to see Issei behind her. His eyes were to the floor and he was rubbing the back of his neck. It was similar to last night where he didn't make any real eye contact with her. She wondered if something was wrong.
"Hey Issei!" Ruby chirped with a big smile. The brunette turned to her and offered a light smile in return. He had no problem looking at her.
"Morning Ruby. Ready for the day?" He asked, no awkwardness or nervousness in his tone. Strange.
"You bet! But Yang said she doesn't want to be on my team! Can you believe it!? She's so mean!"
Issei chuckled unevenly in response before he placed a hand on top of the short girl's head. She squeaked at the comforting touch. "Haha, shame on her, I guess. Tell you what, how about I join instead?"
Ruby's eyes twinkled like stars. She nodded her head immediately, ecstatic at the thought of having her first friend on her team. "That would be awesome! Heck yeah you can!"
"Great, sounds like a plan then." He then casted a gaze to his side. Yang, once more, was smiling at him. He quickly shot away, feeling his cheeks light up. "Well, I'll catch you guys later!"
And, like that, he was on his way again. He didn't even dare spare a glance back, still feeling the blonde girl's gaze on his back. Those eyes of playful confidence.
Issei continued, passing other students, paying them no mind as he searched for his locker.
That was until he found the damn thing. He'd have been happy, if not for someone standing in front of it. A certain someone who he didn't have the greatest first impression of. A certain heiress who was a bit too stuck up and prideful. A certain heiress he had, unfortunately, forgotten the name of. Was it Sneeze? Ice Sneeze, or something?
The boy released an annoyed sigh. He needed to grab his outfit and change so it was better to hurry up and get the inevitable conversation over with. Maybe after a night's rest she would be in a better mood. Moving did bring out irritation and annoyance in a person. Probably more so with an ice queen like herself.
Weiss jumped a bit in surprise, having been torn from her conversation with the girl next to her. She turned and looked up at the Sekiryuutei, blinking twice to recover from her initial shock. Then, a small scowl marred her face with narrowed eyes that displayed a displeasure at the sight of him.
"Oh, it's you again," she said distastefully. Yeah, seems they had a really bad start. "What do you want?"
"Look, it seems we got off on the wrong foot yesterday. I just want to get my gear out of my locker," he answered, scratching the back of his head. He would try to be nice. There was no reason to make enemies at the start of the school year. God knows he made too many back at Kuoh with his uncontrolled perversion.
Weiss blinked twice, turning to the locker before looking back at him. She then stepped to the side.
"Ah, I see..." She muttered, a tiny hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "I shall apologize then.
Issei's eyes widened slightly. Had that really worked? "Yeah, no problem."
Moving past her, he pulled on his trench coat and adjusted his straps and belt. Once he was satisfied, he felt two eyes on his back. Turning, he still saw the ice queen and mystery girl staring at him.
Once his gaze landed on Weiss, she turned away and coughed into her closed fist. "Ahem... Anyways, Issei, was it," Weiss began, garnering his attention. "Have you met Pyrrha Nikos?" She then gestured to the red haired girl beside her. Said girl waved back gently, a kindred smile on her face.
"Hello!" She greeted happily. It seemed like a practiced gesture, too formal with no real emotion about it. Issei felt wary of it. If there was one thing he didn't like, it was people acting. Everyone should just be themselves.
"I've had a crush on you for a really long time!"
Issei bit the inside of his cheek.
By the time he focused back in, it seemed he had upset the ice queen. She took his period of silence as him mulling over the name and the look on his face as confusion.
"You've heard of Pyrrha Nikos, haven't you?" Weiss asked.
"I'm sorry, I actually haven't." He shrugged his shoulder. He wasn't about to lie and make himself look any more stupid than he already appeared.
"What!? She's the four time regional Champion of Mistral! She graduated at the top of her class at Sanctum Academy!"
"Huh, four time champion? That's pretty cool," the boy replied, not sounding as impressed as Weiss thought he should. Her jaw dropped further.
"She's the mascot for Pumpkin Pete's cereal brand?" Weiss further tried to convince. It had no effect as Issei merely shook his head.
"How?" Weiss muttered. "How do you not know who the Pyrrha Nikos is?"
Shit, was she famous or something? Ozpin hadn't prepared him for something like this. How was he supposed to answer this? He truly didn't know who she was or what she did. Was it that big of a deal to know this girl? He already stuck out, he'd really rather not stick out anymore.
"Uhh, sorry, but I never really cared for that kind of stuff. I judge people for who they are as a person." Issei wasn't lying, but it was more of an answer to deflect rather than voice his ignorance.
Both Weiss and Pyrrha blinked. The latter, however, was radiating, damn near blinding the boy with her toothy smile. It looked truly genuine at this point, despite the fact she had such a glass smile mere moments ago. She was...weird. Almost as weird as Ice.
"I see," Weiss muttered. "You have definitely proven that to be the truth. I can say that your lack of care for popularity is...admirable."
An awkward air fell between the trio. Issei glanced to Weiss who was trying her hardest not to look like she was staring. Then he turned to Pyrrha who was still smiling, albeit not as bright as before. He didn't know how to really feel about them. They were potential teammates but both were really weird, and this was coming from him. The silence wasn't helping either. So, Issei decided now was his time to take his leave.
"Well, I'm gonna go finish prepping for initiation. But I'll see you guys out there," he said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. The brunette tripped over a mop bucket behind him, receiving a giggle from Pyrrha and a groan from Weiss. He shot back to his feet, his cheeks red with embarrassment. "So, uh, yeah... Guess I'll see you out there. Later Pyrrha and...Ice Sneeze..."
"Its Weiss Schnee!"
"So, before we begin, are there any questions?" The headmaster asked his students.
"Y-yeah, I have a-" Issei began to say, raising a finger. He looked over the cliff seeing how far down it was into the forest. The very same forest he had been teleported to. He still wasn't over that and how God literally missed the school by a couple clicks. "-several questions, actually."
"Good! We'll begin immediately then. Everyone, take your positions and good luck to you all." Ozpin finished, bringing the cup of coffee to his lips.
As soon as he said this, students began launching into the sky. One by one, Issei could hear the shouts of possible comrades being sent flying to what he thought was their doom. Some out of excitement, others nervousness, and some with fear. He was pretty sure he was of the latter.
"Ozpin, what is a landing strategy?" Issei asked, another student's shout ringing in his ear.
"Just as it sounds. You are being launched into the Emerald Forest. From there, you'll be strategizing your landing."
"Uh-huh..." Issei spared another glance, seeing the vast amount of trees and ground. Land where and land how? "So uh, do we get parachutes or something?"
"Mmm-no. You will be falling. It's up to you on how you decide to land."
"Wait, you didn't tell me about this part!"
"Oh? Must have slipped my mind."
Issei went pale. "You son of a-."
"Mr. Hyoudou," Glynda spoke with a dangerous glint in her eye. It promptly stopped the boy in his tracks.
Issei looked back to the older male, where he swore he saw the smallest of smirks grace the headmaster's face. "Good luck, Mr. Hyoudou."
"Mr. Hyoudou!"
And then, he was gone.
Issei would have expected a lot of things to happen to him during his fall. He expected to go splat on the ground. That didn't happen. He expected to be covered in branches, leaves, scratches, and bruises. That didn't happen. He even expected a possible Nevermore to swoop him up for a quick morning meal. Not even that happened!
Of all the things, Issei had not expected to be pinned to a tree. Now, what could have pinned him to a tree? Why a perfectly thrown spear, of course! And Issei could only voice his gratitude towards the kind soul who saved him with such an expertly thrown spear through his trench coat.
"Who throws a spear at someone?!" He shouted to no one in particular. He shook his arms side to side, over his head, which only prompted him to swing left to right comically. Eventually he stilled and folded his arms, puffing out one of his cheeks in a pout. "I'm supposed to be the hero. Not the damsel in distress. Ozpin is so gonna get it when I get back up those damn cliffs..."
Issei tilted his head back, seeing himself not too far from the ground. He then looked back down, or up, at the spear. The brunette had already been pinned for five minutes, and he'd rather not give the chance for Grimm to surround him. He had already been spewing a decent amount of negativity and didn't want to give any more fuel to the possible creatures in the area. Plus, the longer he sat there, the longer it would take him to finish the initiation.
The Sekiryuutei tightened his core and curled up, trying to reach the spear. He missed the first time, his hand grasping air, falling back against the tree. He inwardly cursed and tried again, his fingers finding the weapon but slipping, sending his back into the tree trunk once more. Issei released a groan.
The bushes below him shook, alerting his attention immediately. He looked back to see them shaking vigorously. Much similar to the night he had arrived and the Beowolves appeared. Was it a Grimm? Or another student? He didn't know but he didn't want to risk it being the former. Knowing his luck, it would probably be a pack of Beowolves or a few Ursa Minors. Either way, he'd rather fight then be dinner on a stick.
So, with a big inhale of air, he tightened his core and reached for it once more. And this time, he was able to wrap his left hand around the polearm. He gave it a quick tug but the weapon didn't even budge. He looked to see it had embedded itself in the bark before twisting and locking it into place.
The shaking increased as it grew closer. Issei tried to pull again but all he received was a groan from the wood. He cursed again, trying to yank it out but his position didn't allow him to utilize his full power. If he didn't move now, there was no telling what he could expect when he did get free.
"Damn it. Boost!"
The call came and Issei felt the power increase flow through him again. With a grunt, he pulled at the spear once more. Splintered wood danced around him and the sudden feeling of gravity pulling him down told the boy he was free. Though his relief was short lived when he landed flat on his back. Hard.
"Gah, damn it. Ozpin is so going to regret this..." He mumbled to himself.
The shaking leaves brought his attention back to reality instantaneously. It was but a couple of seconds between him laying on the ground to flipping himself over with the spear in his hand, ready for a battle.
That was, until a certain redhead came out into the clearing. She brushed a few leaves off her person and straightened out her skirt. Then, she turned to Issei and their eyes met. She smiled softly at him while his eyes widened.
"Issei, was it?"
"Well then, it would seem we're partners."
"Oh, yeah, I guess we are..." Then the words truly registered in his head. "Wait, what!?"
Pyrrha giggled behind a delicate hand. "You're the first person I've made eye contact with. Remember what Professor Ozpin said?"
Issei scoffed. "Yeah, how could I forget..." He grumbled. His thoughts went to how the old man had launched him off a cliff without properly warning him that he would have to find his own way to keep himself from dying. All with a smug smile on his face and shoving that damn cup of coffee down his throat.
Maybe he could replace all the coffee in school with decaf. Or maybe hot chocolate. No, students sometimes need it. Even he has fallen to the need of a quick energizer from caffeine. He shouldn't focus on it for now, he still had to pass initiation first.
"Um, could I have my spear back, please?" Pyrrha spoke up.
Issei blinked, then remembered the spear in his hand. "Wait, it was you who threw this?"
"Yes, I am sorry. I saw you spiralling out of control and had no other way to help."
Now Issei felt kind of bad. He knew he had complained about it earlier but she did save his life. And now she was apologizing about it.
The boy looked back to see her smile softly at him again. She did seem genuinely apologetic.
"Well, I guess I owe you a thank you then," he replied. He gave a slight head nod as he returned the spear to her. Unfortunately, his eyes had a hard time coming back up to her eyes. That corset seemed a bit too low...and a bit too tight.
"Issei?" He shot up to see two concerned emerald orbs. "Are you alright?"
The brunette spun on his heels. "Yup, never better...partner. We should...we should, uhh, get moving. Yeah, get moving. Gotta find those relics!"
With that, he began a brisk pace deeper into the forest. Pyrrha watched him for a few moments, brow raised ever so slightly. But she shrugged it off and simply chose to follow him.
Ozpin closed his scroll and turned his eyes back to look over the forest. A gentle breeze passed through, making the cup of coffee in his hand feel much warmer. He brought it to his lips, taking a sip, sighing with content as its warmth filled him at his core.
"Our final pair has just been formed, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie," Glynda said as she walked up beside him. She looked at the dynamic between the two and shook her head gently. "Poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." She then swiped through a few more cameras before landing on another pair. "Issei Hyoudou and Pyrrha Nikos. That boy, I still think it was a mistake allowing him to take the initiation after his failure to unlock his aura. Honestly, how is that even possible..?"
"I'm not so sure either. Something about him caused an interference. Something I don't think even his god could have foreseen." Ozpin looked over to his assistant's scroll, seeing the brunette and redhead walking. However, something caught his eye. "Glynda, do you see off about Issei?" He asked as much to himself as her. The blonde woman looked confused until she looked back at the pair.
"Yes, Mr. Hyoudou is actually keeping quite a distance from Ms. Nikos," she stated as she watched closely. The world traveler kept a fair amount of distance between himself and the invincible girl.
Normally, any guy would be thrilled to be as close to her as possible. She was a full package indeed. The looks, the fame, and the personality. Not to mention, she was an amazing fighter and would be an amazing teammate to have. And yet, Issei kept her at just enough length not to be rude but also not so friendly.
"It is as you say. A boy his age would be wanting to be as close to her as she would allow. Yet he does not," he said as she focused on the brunette. "I wouldn't say that he swings away either."
"Yes, I would agree. I've caught his eyes wandering too many times."
"And yet he has kept his distance from Ms. Nikos. There is also Ms. Schnee when they were in the locker room as well," Ozpin said as the two continued to watch the boy. Every small glance he made, every careful step he took, and every chance he took to avoid small talk with the Spartan. "He seems cautious, almost. He fails to make real eye contact and he seems much too nervous for it to simply be for initiation."
"But what could cause such a thing?" Glynda asked. "I'm sure it is not me. He has had no problem talking with me or Prof. Peach during lessons. So it seems to only deal with females of his age group."
"It's quite possible it is something of his past. Some form of trauma that makes him afraid of the opposite age group."
"That couldn't be right. During orientation, I found footage of him talking with Ms. Rose," she said.
The professor quickly went through the footage before finding the video of the boy and reaper girl talking. They were smiling with no hints of nervousness anywhere on Issei's face.
Ozpin's brows knit as he looked at the footage. He then swiped back to Issei with Pyrrha. "Stranger and stranger indeed."
"It's possible that it isn't just girls of his age group. But its something deeper than that. Something much more concerning. Especially considering that these two are two be partners. And the possibility of who will be on his team," Glynda explained, pulling the scroll away.
"Yes, this will be quite the conundrum if it continues. But it's not something we can really intervene in," the grey haired man said while shrugging his shoulders.
"But we can't just leave him like this."
Ozpin turned away from the cliff. "Unfortunately, it is. Only he can work this out."
"This is a problem we know little of. It is also a problem I'm sure he will speak to no one about, if he even knows he has it." Glynda went to speak but found herself unable to find anything to truly say. Ozpin continued anyway. "Besides, to truly overcome it, he's the type who will charge in head first. Give it time and give him some faith. I'm sure he may one day find his answer."
With that, Ozpin began to walk away. Glynda watched him for a bit before looking back over the cliffs. Her thoughts went to the brunette and, not too long after, she too turned and began to walk away.
"Hah, it's actually funny," Ozpin spoke up without looking back.
"What is?"
"You seem to have taken quite a liking to the boy."
Okay. So where to begin? Well, first and foremost, thanks for reading. Now, to address of few issues that have passed over.
The main issue, this Final Fantasy sword debacle. The sword was pitched to me and I declined it. I dont play, nor have I watched, any Final Fantasy game and have no idea of what this sword is. Second, Issei doesn't need the damn sword. He is plenty strong for this world and doesnt need any edge with it no matter what and I'd much rather not have it used as a hand off item to someone else who has their own weapons and styles to utilize. If you don't like it, sue me..
Next issue. Questions asking about the story. I try to answer questions, even when they deal with future events in the story. I'm no longer doing that. Because those people, when they find out its not what they want, will go to Reddit or, whatever Spacebattles is, and complain making me seem like some villian. When I wanted to do this story because I like it and want to appease those who wanted something like this. I know its not everyone who has done this but I'd rather keep ideas to myself unless absolutely necessary to avoid another outbreak of blind anger coming at me.
Okay, think that's it for now. For those who only encourage, enjoy, or merely just read. Thank you. Just had to put that out there for the ones who try to push their agendas on mine. I appreciate all who enjoy the content and those who support me. Leave a review, follow and fav, and I'll see you next chapter.