So, not so new story ... I'm reposting this. This story was pulled years ago by FFn. That decision (without any sort of warning, really) forced me to move from just posting on FFn to Stars (then The Writer's Coffee Shop), AO3, and FictionPad. After doing some thinking, and FicPad turning into a for-profit platform, I've decided to repost this here. I may also repost A Ilha Do Amor, too ... we'll see.


I will be doing some editing for content, but this is written in its entirety on Stars, AO3, Wattpad and FicPad (when it's not being a pain in the butt).

Are you still with me? Please say that you are…Thank you for your patience in my wacky updating schedule. My life has changed rapidly over the past few weeks. I have an update on my blog about that if you're curious. Anyhow, I do thank you for sticking with me.

Now, none of this is mine. I'm no Stephenie Meyer (though there are days that I wish I was. Getting paid millions to write? Yes and please.) I like to slip into her world and borrow her characters because they are just so epically awesome!

We've made it. The epilogue…holy crap. It's bittersweet that this is ending. I've grown to love and cherish these characters. Now, I'm going to do a long author's note up top and nada on the bottom. So, here goes…thank you to everyone who followed along with this story. I am truly blown away at how much people cared for these characters. Seeing a flawed Bella, a dorky Edward and a dark Charlie…who knew? Anyhow, the good times, the bad and the mediocre, they've all help me grow as a writer. Thank you to those of you who gave opinions (there are so many to list, but I appreciate every single opinion, suggestion and word of encouragement), who provided artwork, who have just been there when I was moments away from pulling this (trust me, the flamers got me and I was so close).

As far as I'm concerned, the story of 'Sweet Girl' and 'Sexward Tattward' is over. There is one more chapter…but it's an outtake. It will be posted as a separate story called Healing Touch. It was written a year ago for the Fandom for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm glad you enjoyed this and I'm truly blessed at the support that you've all given me as I wrote this baby. Much love! ~ Tufano79

PS ~ There will be a lemon in the epi. I promise!

Chapter Thirty-Five: Epilogue

Ten Years Later


"Thank you, Dr. Cullen," said my young patient, Sarah.

"Now, what did I say?" I admonished, giving her a soft and encouraging smile. She may be my patient, but I wanted her to feel comfortable with me. I wanted her to call my by my first name.

"Sorry, Bella," she blushed, shooting a furtive glance my direction. "I'll see you next week?"

"Nope, in three weeks, Sarah. I'm going on vacation with my husband and my family," I explained. She panicked. Sarah didn't handle change well. Every week, we spent an hour in my office on Wednesday talking about school, life and anxieties surrounding them. She was also mildly autistic and suffered from a fairly severe case of OCD. "Breathe, Sarah." She panted and wrapped her arms around her belly. After a few moments, she calmed, looking at me with wide eyes. "You have the number of my associate, Dr. Greene. If it's an emergency, she can call me okay?"

Sarah breathed deeply and looked at her feet. She was still slightly panicked. "Okay," she replied. Swallowing convulsively, she looked back up at me. "Where are you going on vacation?"

"We're going to the Outer Banks," I responded, walking with her to reception. "We're celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary with our friends and family." The first week was going to be spent in Nags Head with our friends and family. After that, our children were going to fly back with Nana and Poppy to get ready for school. Edward and I were going to spend an additional week on our own, rekindling the fire.

Not like we needed help. We were plenty hot on our own.

"Have fun, Bella," Sarah said, giving me a timid smile. "Don't get too sunburnt."

"I won't," I replied, returning her grin. "See you when we get back." She nodded and I turned to go back to my office. Inside, I closed the door and began going through the motions of writing down the notes for Sarah's case while they were still fresh in my mind. I had gotten my psychology doctorate in three years, which was a marvel in and of itself. That first year in classes was brutal. I was just married, pregnant with my first child and suffering from the worst case of morning sickness. Ever.

Though, I never understood why they called it morning sickness. With my first born, our miracle baby girl named Angelie, it was all-day sickness. And it never went away. I actually had to be admitted while on our honeymoon for an IV because I was so dehydrated.

However, by the grace of God, Edward's unending patience and a very sweet baby girl later, I finished my doctorate from the University of Chicago in Psychology. I was, currently, one of the leading child psychologists in the field of PTSD, OCD, autism and bullying. My practice was booming and was right across the hall from my husband's practice in one of the medical buildings in Naperville, associated with Edwards Hospital. In my practice, I worked with a slew of social workers, two other psychologists and a psychiatrist. We were a well-oiled machine. While I was gone, my co-worker and one of my closest friends, Dr. Jenn Greene, was taking over my patients if there were any emergencies. I had Sarah, one of my more challenging patients, program Dr. Greene's emergency cell phone number into her phone while we were in session today. I had faith that Sarah would be fine. Sarah knew, too, but having that security blanket put her mind at ease.

As I was finishing up typing Sarah's notes, there was a quiet knock on my door and Jenn poked her head in. "Girl, you need to get the hell out of dodge. Your husband is in the waiting room, pacing a hole in the carpet. What time are you leaving?"

"We're leaving tomorrow at like three in the afternoon," I snorted. "God, I love him so much but he's such a nervous Nellie when we travel."

"I don't think it's the traveling that's worrying him. It's the whole traveling with your entire family that's making Edward nuts," Jenn snorted. "Go home, Bella. You've worked too fucking long already. Enjoy your anniversary and get fucking leied."

"Laid as in have sex or leied as in the flower necklaces?" I giggled.

"Both," she said, turning off the monitor of my computer. "I love you but get out of here."

"You do realize we're going to the Outer Banks. Not Hawaii."

"Whatever, you need some loving from your sexy hubby. Anniversaries are like Christmas for married couples. It's a guaranteed day where you get sex," Jenn giggled.

"We don't have that problem, Jenn," I smirked.

"Yeah, TMI, Cullen. Get the hell out of here," she beamed.

"Thanks, Jenn. Call me if there are any emergencies," I said, frowning slightly as I went through the process of logging off the computer.

"The only way I'm calling you is if the apocalypse was coming and the four riders were in our waiting room. And that's a big if," she grinned. I nodded and I packed up my laptop bag. Jenn gave me a hug and I locked up my office. In the waiting room, Edward, Angelie and my sweet baby boy, Brandon were waiting for me.

"Mama!" Brandon squealed, trying to launch himself out of his father's arms.

"Whoa, buddy," Edward chuckled, putting him on the ground as my son ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my legs.

"We fly tomorrow, Mama," he said, his hazel eyes shining up at me.

"I know, sweetie," I smiled, picking him up and kissing his forehead. Brandon was a mini-clone of Edward. The only differences were his eye color, which was hazel, and hair color, which was more brown than red. Other than that, Brandon looked exactly like Edward. Esme showed me pictures and it was freaky how much Brandon resembled his father. Angelie was a perfect blend of Edward and me. She had my pale skin and deep brown eyes but reddish hair and Rose's features. She was going to be a knockout when she got older. Hell, she was already gorgeous at the age of nine. I turned to my daughter and she fell into my arms, snuggling into my embrace. "How are you doing, baby girl?"

"Good, Mama," she said. I kissed her forehead, tugging on her long hair. She wrapped herself closer to me.

I looked up and my eyes found the bright shining ones of my husband. The past ten years have been kind to him. He was in shape, still muscular and sexy at the age of forty-four. His face was just as chiseled and he still looked like a Greek god to me. His hair, which was still mostly bronze, had a touch of grey at the temples and scattered throughout his unruly mop. "Ever hear of a comb, Edward," I giggled, ruffling his hair.

"How many years have you been asking me that?" he snickered, cupping my face and kissing me sweetly. "Love you, sweet girl."

"Love you, too," I smiled against his lips.

"No kissy face," Brandon squawked.

"I'll show you kissy face," Edward growled playfully, scooping Brandon up off the ground. He lifted his shirt and blew a loud raspberry into his belly. Brandon squealed and kicked his legs. Rolling my eyes, I walked past my two goofy men and out into the lobby of the medical building.

We loaded the kids up into the car and drove back to our home in Naperville. It truly was our sanctuary. Our escape from our loving and sometimes overbearing family. Don't get me wrong. I love my family. Very much, but when they swoop in on you en masse, it's…stifling. After Angelie was born, the house was never empty for a good six months. We always had visitors. For the first month, it was Esme who stayed in the guest room, while I completed my classes. I didn't want to forfeit the four classes I was taking that semester. My professors were amenable for me taking a week off without penalty, but in order to pass, I had to complete the coursework and projects. I did as much as I could prior to Angelie's birth, but still had some additional assignments to complete afterward. So, Esme stayed for the month after our baby girl was born so I could finish that. I did take one semester off after that. A fairly serious bout of post-partum depression and an increase in my anxiety disorder forced me to do so.

Brandon was truly our miracle baby, though. After Angelie's birth, I was afraid that getting pregnant again wouldn't happen. First off, I felt horrifically ugly with stretch marks, saggy skin and that pesky extra twenty pounds that wouldn't go away. I wouldn't let Edward touch me. It wasn't until Christmas after Angelie was born that Edward and I made love again.

Secondly, Angelie's birth wasn't easy. She was born breech and I had to have an emergency c-section because she was in distress. As a result, I had more scar tissue surrounding my uterus and remaining ovary. My periods were spotty at best. So, when I discovered I was pregnant with Brandon, I burst into Edward's office, interrupting a consultation with a patient, screaming that we were having another baby. Thankfully, the woman in his office was a mother herself and understood my excitement. Edward sobbed and kissed my belly, nuzzling the flabby skin there. After Brandon was born, Edward and I decided that we had our perfect family. I had my remaining tube tied and he got a vasectomy.

The revolving door of family wasn't nearly as bad with Brandon, but I was fairly comfortable in my job as a psychologist at that point. Since then, it's tapered off and we only have company over for major holidays and the random barbeque.

"You're spacing out, sweet girl," Edward murmured, kissing my knuckles.

"Sorry, baby," I said, giving him a warm smile. "Just thinking about everything we need to do before we leave tomorrow. You were smart in taking today off."

"I did go to medical school. I'm smart and shit," he snorted.

"Daddy," Brandon chided.

"Shoot," Edward grumped. "What do I owe?"

"Seriously, Dad. You know the breakdown of fees better than most anybody in our family," Angelie snickered. "The f-bomb is fifty. The s-word and the b-word are both twenty-five. The synonym for donkey is ten. Oh, and the d-word is five."

"We should print that out for you so you can stick it in your wallet, my dear," I deadpanned. "You're the only one who really pays into the swear jar."

"Garrett's worse," Edward argued.

"Who's worse, kiddos? Daddy or Uncle Garrett?"

"Uncle Garrett," they both answered.

"See?" Edward said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "You'd figure after how many years I'd curtail my cursing, but it's such a hard habit."

"Imagine you're at work, Edward. You are pretty well-behaved in the office," I offered, patting his shoulder. My husband gave me a scowl, pulling into the garage.

Garrett and Alice lived close by. They were an interesting couple and I loved them both very much. Garrett and Alice worked with Edward in their practice, which was one of the most lucrative in the hospital. Not to mention the largest. It was all-encompassing, really. Edward and two other doctors were internists and general surgeons. Garrett and another woman were pediatricians. Rose was ran her OB-GYN practice in there and Carlisle had resigned from Cook County and had surgical patients, too, focusing on Cardiology and Pulmonology. Angela, Ben, Alice and Lauren worked as nurses along with a few others that were hired as well.

Back to Alice and Garrett, they moved into a house in Naperville, too. Garrett had put his condo on the market after he put in his resignation from Cook County and they found a smaller home on the south side of Naperville. It was gorgeous and they had put a lot of hard work into it. Most of the work was by Garrett's hands. He had a never-ending 'honey-do' list by Alice's description. Garrett bitched and moaned, but did all of it because he loved Alice.

Around the time Angelie was born, Alice was feeling sick and nauseous. Cynthia, who was cuddling my baby girl, urged Alice to take a pregnancy test. Much to her chagrin, the test was positive. Alice and Garrett weren't married and weren't even trying to have a baby. Alice was nervous about Garrett's reaction, but I knew he'd be okay with it. He was over the moon excited over my baby and whenever he visited, Angelie was always in Uncle Garrett's arms.

Seven months later, Hunter Edward McGovern was born. Garrett was a sobbing, hysterical mess and he proposed to Alice after they put their baby boy into his arms. They were married a year later in a quiet wedding in their backyard. Hunter was the best man (with the help of Edward) and I was the matron of honor. They were trying for another baby, but Alice's body had suffered a lot with Hunter due to her petite stature. Regardless if they have other children, Hunter is loved and spoiled by his parents. Not to mention by his godparents, too; which happen to be Edward and me. Garrett and Alice are the godparents to Brandon.

"Bella, you've been spacing out a lot lately," Edward said as I shook off my fog, reminiscing over our lives.

"Sorry, baby. Just happy about our trip and our anniversary," I beamed. "Can you believe we've been married for almost ten years?"

"I can. Every day I love you more," he smiled, cupping my face with his large hands. He kissed my mouth and rested his forehead against mine. "I have a surprise for you, Dr. Cullen."

"What's that, Dr. Cullen?" I giggled.

"On our trip, we're renewing our vows," he whispered, his green eyes sparkling and swirling with happiness. "Don't worry about anything. Rose, Alice and my mom have taken care of it all."

"But, don't I need a dress or something?" I frowned.

"Do you trust my sister?" he asked.

"You know I do," I deadpanned.

"Well, she got you a dress. You'll see it when we get there. Rose and Em left already with their kiddos and are making the final preparations for our renewal," he smiled, holding me to his body. "I made most of the arrangements and my mom and Rose took care of the leg-work. I wanted to surprise you, baby. We've been working so hard for so long. We deserve this. You deserve this."

Normally, I'd admonish him for spending money frivolously or making decisions without my opinion, but something about this was so sweet and so Edward that I didn't do any of that. Instead, I pulled his head to mine and kissed him feverishly. My tongue slid between his lips and his hands glided down my back, taking purchase on my ass, squeezing it forcefully.

"Gross, guys!" Angelie moaned.

"Oops," Edward snickered. "Sorry, little one. We just got carried away."

"I can see that," Angelie deadpanned. "Pizza man's here. I didn't want to root around in mom's purse to look for money."

"Thanks, Angelie," Edward replied. Our daughter turned and bounded down the stairs. Edward looked at me, his green eyes anxious and worried. "You're not mad at me?"

"No, Edward. I'm surprised and slightly nervous as to what kind of dress Rose's bought for me, but I'm so happy," I beamed. I kissed him chastely. "Thank you, Dr. Tattward."

"You're welcome, my sweet girl," he grinned crookedly.

xx APFL xx

Traveling with two children (three if you count Edward and I honestly did.) is such a hassle. Every year we went somewhere around the time of our anniversary. We didn't want our kids to lead a sheltered life like I did. So, we've gone so many different places. Disney World, Disneyland, Mt. Rushmore, Colorado Rockies, Grand Canyon, St. Louis Arch, Statue of Liberty, Washington D.C., Seattle Space Needle…the list went on and on.

It made me a pro at packing for four people. However, I was still stuffing clothes into suitcases when the limo arrived at one. Edward truly was smart to take yesterday off. I should have done the same, but I felt guilty enough missing three appointments with Sarah. I didn't want to make it four. Sighing, I closed our luggage and had Edward bring it downstairs. Angelie was listening to her iPod while Brandon was bouncing around the house, screaming at the top of his lungs that we were flying.

He loved traveling.

Edward caught him mid-bounce and thrust him over his shoulders. "Goofy boy. Keep it to a dull roar, will ya? Our neighbors on the plane won't exactly appreciate you screaming in their ears that they're flying."

"Sorry, Daddy," he giggled. "Let's go! I want to see the planes!"

Angelie rolled her eyes and followed Edward and his 'Brandon' backpack out the door. I lowered the air and grabbed my purse and carryon. (Also known as the 'Mommy' bag…I've got so much shit in there to occupy my kids, it's freaking scary.) I got into the car and settled next to my sexy hubby. Angelie was reading a book while Brandon was squirming in his booster seat, trying to see out the window. Edward wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled against him. The limo pulled out of our driveway and we were on our way to O'Hare Airport.

We checked into our flight and got through security with minimal issues. Brandon couldn't stay still during the scan because he was so excited and he had to be scanned manually by a very grumpy TSA agent. I think Edward was going to pop him one with his brusque attitude toward our very squirrely and antsy son. After that, we walked to our gate and were greeted by Alice, Garrett, and Carlisle.

"Where's your kid, Garrett?" Edward asked, dangling Brandon from his legs.

"Nana Esme has taken Hunter to the bathroom," Alice replied. "Why is your son hanging upside down?"

"Because I'm a monkey!" Brandon squealed. "Down, Daddy!" Carefully, Edward put Brandon down and he launched himself into Carlisle's arms. "Hi, Poppy! We're flying on a plane, today!"

"I know, bucko," Carlisle said, kissing Brandon's head.

"Do you have those spice candies, Poppy?" Brandon asked, his face turned up in an impish grin.

"I do but you can have four once we get on the plane. I don't want to add to your sugar high, monkey boy," Poppy chuckled. Brandon nodded and hopped off Carlisle's lap, going to hug Alice and Garrett. Carlisle got up and hugged my girl. We sat down across from Alice and Garrett. Alice told me about all of the plans Edward had made for our renewal. He had gone all out. Our family was going to be in attendance; some of them were already there, enjoying an early vacation.

We were arriving in North Carolina a week prior to our anniversary. We had some things scheduled, but for the most part, we were going there to relax, bake in the sun and hang out at the private pool at the rental. Now, that all had been changed due to Edward's sneaky arrangement of a surprise renewal. However, I'd rather it be that way. Our wedding, as fun and romantic as it had been, took up all of my time to plan and I was not working at the time. This renewal was a bonus, really. From what Alice described, it was a combination of what our original wedding was like, with a dash of relaxation and fun.

Hunter and Esme came back and he gave me a kiss on my cheek before clambering onto Alice's lap. We chattered quietly until we needed to load up on the plane. Our crew of nine people commandeered the entire first class cabin. Hunter and Brandon were eagerly waiting for the plane to take off while Angelie was scribbling in her journal, much like I wanted to. However, Alice and Esme were showing me pictures of the flowers and the location of the renewal, which happened to be at our rental, just outside on the beach.

Every so often, I sent Edward a look, trying to get him to save me from discussion of flowers, wine and crab cakes. He and Garrett were deep in discussion, not really paying attention. With a sigh, I politely listened to Alice and Esme, chiming with my own ideas, for the remainder of the flight.

We landed in North Carolina, in the Norfolk Airport shortly after seven in the evening. We walked to the baggage claim, picking up our slew of luggage. Then, we picked up our three rental vehicles. Carlisle and Esme were renting a SUV, driving all of the kids to the rental. Garrett and Alice rented a mid-sized sedan while Edward insisted we get an upgraded luxury convertible.

It took us roughly two hours to get to the rental. Everyone was staying in the house. It was going to be packed. It was seven bedrooms and every bedroom was filled. Edward and I were getting the master suite. Carlisle and Esme got the next biggest room. Garrett and Alice, along with Rose and Emmett were getting their own suites. All of the boys, Brandon, Hunter, and Rose and Emmett's twin six-year-old terrors, Blake and Carl, were bunking together in one of the bunk rooms. Angelie and her cousin, Paige, who was seven, were sharing the other bunk room. Ben and Angela were coming but, just for the weekend of our anniversary and they had their own rental because they had five children.

Yep. Five. Count them…five children.

Ben really did have super sperm.

Jasper and his wife, Maria, were coming up for the weekend of the anniversary, too. They were staying in the seventh bedroom. Far away from Garrett and Alice. She never really forgave him for being a douche to me. Plus, she had truly loved him and it hurt her tremendously to give him up, but she couldn't stand his opinion on me. Granted, she found love with Garrett, part of her heart still belonged to Jasper. As a result, she couldn't stand to be in the same room as him and they got into some pretty epic fights. The biggest one was when Jasper saw Alice was pregnant and she wasn't married at Christmas with Carlisle and Esme. She and Garrett were invited for dinner.

"My feet are so swollen. Shoes are so painful," Alice grumped looking at her feet. She had taken off her boots and was walking around her socks. "What about you? Did you have a hatred of shoes, Bella?"

"I did but I dealt with it and bought a bigger size," I replied. "Have you tried reducing your salt intake?"

"My food has no flavor," she sighed. "Garrett rubs my feet but they're still so huge." She was roughly six months along and was the cutest pregnant lady. I looked like Jabba the Hut while I was pregnant, wearing huge muumuus and shapeless clothing. Okay, I'm exaggerating things, but my preggo-wear was nowhere near as cute as Alice's. Alice was still stylish and adorable. "I love my baby, but I can't wait to wear real shoes again."

"Don't be dissing the Birks, Ali," I snickered. "They're quite comfy."

"And look like old-lady shoes. I'm thirty-three. Not a hundred. Give me heels," she sighed. Turning, she walked to the fridge and ran into Jasper. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"No big deal," Jasper replied, looking down at her. "I didn't know you got married and you're expecting?"

"I'm not married," Alice shrugged, opening the fridge and swiping a bottle of water. "Not yet."

"Wait a minute…Garrett gets you pregnant and he doesn't have the gall to fucking propose?" Jasper seethed. "If that were my baby…"

"Don't finish that sentence, Jasper," Alice hissed.

He continued as if he didn't hear her. "If that were my baby, I'd married you in a heartbeat. I wouldn't want my child to be a bastard."

Alice's face was turning red and the water was shaking in her grasp. "You fucking asshole. It's my body. My decision. Not yours," she shrieked, smacking him across the face. "You have absolutely NO RIGHT to make that judgment about me, you hypocrite!"

"Alice, settle down," I soothed, putting my arms around her. "Jasper, I suggest you leave."

"Am I not entitled to my opinion?" Jasper snapped.

"You are. I'm not denying that but you need to walk away," I said sternly. Alice's shrieking had captured the attention of Edward, Garrett and Carlisle. "Edward, get Jas out of here. He's upsetting Alice."

Jasper turned to Garrett, glaring at him. "You should have kept it in your pants, asshole," he seethed. "And you won't marry her?"

"Jasper, you don't know the whole story," Edward said, pulling on Jasper's arm.

"Well, then. Enlighten me," Jasper sneered.

"I've proposed to her numerous times. But she's said no," Garrett responded. "I can't force her to say yes, jackass. Do we love each other? Yes. Do we love our child? With our whole hearts. Do we need to be married to prove it? Absolutely not."

Jasper's eyes narrowed and he wriggled out of Edward's arms, leaving the house in a huff. Alice's blood pressure was skyrocketing through the roof and had to be rushed to the hospital due to that whole fiasco.

That was Alice and Jasper's relationship in a nutshell. They lived to torment each other. However, Jasper was the main instigator. He calmed down after marrying Maria, his childhood sweetheart, but Alice and Jasper's relationship would always be adversarial. It was just a given.

Our caravan of cars pulled up to the massive rental. It was lit up like a Christmas tree. It was absolutely gorgeous and probably cost us a ton of money. "Edward, this is unreal," I breathed.

"Only the best for my family," he said, kissing me softly. "Besides, the rental was paid for by our family, split five ways as a gift for our anniversary/wedding-renewal."

"Oh jeez," I moaned.

"They wanted to do this for us. We've done our share of spoiling. So, it's time to pay it forward," Edward said. "Come on, sweet girl. Let's go inside and check out our home for the next two and half weeks."

Inside, it was beautiful and so perfectly nautical. The ceilings were high, the floors were hardwood and the furnishings were luxurious and high-end. Our reverie was broken by the shrieks of all of the children. The boys were crawling on Emmett, who was like a moving mountain. Angelie and Paige were talking with Rose.

Rose and Emmett were married in a small civil ceremony in between her intern year and second year of residency. She didn't want a huge wedding, so she grabbed Edward and me to act as their witnesses. Carlisle and Esme were there, along with Emmett's sister. His parents had passed away the year previous in a car crash. It was a touching ceremony and very small, just like Rose wanted. Unfortunately, when they tried to start a family, she was given the worst news a woman could hear. She was unable to conceive. The scar tissue from her rape was horrific and not even surgery could repair it. Rose had a minor relapse of her anorexia and bulimia but when a little girl, who was three, was brought into the ER in her final year of residency, who was abused, Rose's heart shattered. It was then that Paige became a member of our family. Paige's mother beat her daily, hating her baby. Rose contacted the courts and with the help of a very close friend of the family, became a certified foster parent. When Paige was released from the hospital, she was released into Rose and Emmett's care. Paige's birth mother gave up her parental rights after a year and Paige became an official Cullen-McCarty a year after that.

The twins' adoption wasn't nearly as dramatic. A teen couple got pregnant and their parents were against abortion. So, they gave the baby up for adoption. Little did they know that they were pregnant with identical twins. Rose and Emmett may adopt more children, but their family was happy and content now.

Rose walked up to me, hugging me tightly. "I see my brother is still in one piece," she quipped.

"Yes, he is. Thank you for helping him plan the renewal, Rose," I smiled, kissing her cheek.

"He wanted to surprise you," she replied, giving me a crooked grin. "We were having lunch one day and he mentioned that he wanted to renew his vows to you. I suggested that you do it on your annual anniversary trip. Working together, we came up with this and the rest, as you say, is history."

"I also hear that you picked out my renewal dress?"

"I did. We have an appointment at the bridal salon in town at four tomorrow," she explained. "Angelie will need to come with us. I got her a dress, too." We walked into the kitchen and there were some munchies. We ate a late snack before tucking our kids into bed. Brandon crashed in my arms while I was eating some cheese and sausage. He had the right idea. I was just as tired as him. We all went into our separate rooms after putting the kids to bed. Brandon barely moved when I changed him into his jammies. Angelie could hardly keep her eyes open since she was so tired.

The next day, Edward and Garrett left around ten to run an errand. We spent the morning playing in the pool and trying to teach Brandon how to swim. He was more interested in screaming and splashing the water. Shortly before I needed to get ready to go into town, Edward came back. Angelie and I got out of the pool and got ready to go into town. All of the girls were going to make this excursion. Rose and Paige were already dressed and eating lunch while Alice was finishing up getting ready. Esme was going to meet us there. She was golfing with Carlisle.

After we ate a late lunch, we all scrambled into the SUV that Esme and Carlisle left at the rental. Rose drove it into town, parking in front of a quaint bridal salon. Inside, we were handed champagne for the adults and sparkling grape juice for the girls. I finished my champagne and walked into the dressing room. Inside, there was a white chiffon dress with spaghetti straps and a rhinestone pin at the bust line. It was shorter in the front, longer in the back and was perfect for a beach wedding. I stripped out of my clothes and into the strapless bra I brought with me and a pair of Spanx. I pulled the dress over my body and zipped it up in the back. Padding out into the store, I noticed that Esme was there with some color on her face.

"Oh, Bella," they all breathed.

"Mommy, you look like an angel," Angelie smiled.

"Come on, Angelie. I've got a surprise for you," Rose beamed. Angelie frowned and followed Rose into the other dressing room. Alice and Esme cooed over my dress while the seamstress adjusted the bust, which was too big and pinned the straps. A few moments later, Angelie walked out, wearing a white dress with tulle for the skirt with a blue sash around her waist.

"Oh, baby," I said, hugging her to my side. "You look so beautiful."

"We're like twins, Mama," she said, standing in front of me. I wrapped my arms around my daughter's shoulders and we did look like twins. "You're prettier, though."

"No, Angelie, you're far more beautiful than me," I said, kissing her head. She blushed and hugged me tightly. We take a few photos and find some barefoot sandals to wear for the renewal. We leave, going to eat at a local café that was known for its clam chowder and crab cakes.

We spend the next couple of days enjoying each other's company, going to the beach, during the tourist thing and visiting every single lighthouse known to man in the Nags Head area, watching the wild horses on Currituck Beach, having a throw-back experience on the Island Farm, visited Roanoke Island and the lost colony and parasailed over Kitty Hawk like the Wright Brothers. Well, my family did. I just took pictures from the ground. I was scared shitless.

On Thursday, the day before our anniversary, the girls surprised me with a spa day. I still hated going to the spa and getting all of the girly bits waxed but I did enjoy getting pedicures. It was my one guilty pleasure. My toes were a combination of pink, bling and turquoise blue. I also got a manicure, too. I wanted some sparkle on my fingers. Well, other than the bling my husband just loved to adorn me with.

"Mom, your cell phone's ringing," Angelie said as she walked over to my seat, holding my phone. "It's an Illinois number."

I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I replied.

"Is this Isabella Swan?" asked a male voice.

"That was my maiden name. I go by Isabella Cullen now," I answered tersely. "Can I help you?"

"Well, Mrs. Cullen, this is Alfred Hanover from the Illinois Department of Corrections. I'm contacting you regarding your father," he said.

"I don't have a father," I said coldly. "He's dead to me, as far as I'm concerned."

"Mrs. Cullen, I know what he did to you, but you're listed as his next of kin according to his paperwork," Alfred said.

"Go ahead," I said.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cullen, but your father passed away this morning," he muttered.


"He was sick for a long time. He had lung cancer that spread to his bones and his brain," Alfred said quietly. "He wasn't really coherent at the end, but he asked the doctor to relay a message to you." I didn't say anything. "Shall I tell you?"

"Yes," I whispered.

"He said that he was sorry for ruining the best thing in his life. He said that he missed you and loved you, Mrs. Cullen," Alfred breathed. "The doctor explained that he was completely lucid and so very sad when he said that."

"Regret is a powerful emotion," I said blandly. "Well, thank you for letting me know, Mr. Hanover."

"What should we do with the body?" he asked.

"Cremate him. If there's a charge, send it to my home and I'll pay for his disposal fee," I said harshly.

"No, that won't be necessary, Mrs. Cullen," he sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"My father has been dead to me a long time, Mr. Hanover. I pray that he finally found peace," I said, a few tears falling out of my eyes. "Have a good day, sir." I hung up and got up from the chair. I was done with my beauty treatments and I needed some air. Out on the deck of the spa, I sat down and stared out over the Atlantic Ocean. I knew my father was sick. When he was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor at the correctional facility contacted me as a courtesy. I told him to fuck himself.

That was a year ago.

I toyed with the idea of visiting him, but I knew it would be fruitless. In my mind, Charlie was always going to be a douchebag. The doctor said that the cancer was treatable and that Charlie would be fine. Sure, it was. I was conflicted. I wanted to feel sad about his death, but instead, I was fucking pissed.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Rose asked. "Angelie said that you were upset after a phone call."

"That was the Illinois Department of Corrections calling to tell me that my dad is dead," I said, pocketing my cell phone.

"How are you feeling about that?" she questioned, putting her arm around me.

"Fucking pissed," I spat. "He apparently apologized for 'ruining the best thing in his life and that he missed and loved me.' I'm confused, pissed off and…" Tears were streaming down my face. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. You have every right to feel like that. When I read that Royce was shanked in prison, I expected to be overjoyed. Instead, I was angry as hell. He should have suffered more." She looked at me and her green eyes narrowed. "Come on. I'll take you back to the rental."

"No, it's not…"

"You need your husband," she said. "Esme can drive the rest of the lunatics back. Besides, I think Angelie was talked into getting a pedicure."

"That's a shocker. She hates feet," I snorted.

"She saw yours and liked it. Esme is holding her hand while they work on her little piggies." Rose guided me to the car and drove me back to the rental. She kissed my cheek before turning to go back to the spa. I went up to the room I shared with Edward and sat down at the desk. I pulled out my journal and flipped to the next available page.

August 8th, 2024

You know, life has a nasty way of throwing curveballs at you. I'm happy in my life. I've got a wonderful husband (whom I'm celebrating ten years of marital bliss tomorrow), a beautiful family and amazing friends. My career is stable and I love my job. I thought I loved nursing, but being a psychologist has made me happier than I ever thought possible.

Now, the curveball.

Today, as I'm at the spa getting beautified for my wedding renewal (a nice surprise from my hubby…I love him so much), I get a phone call from the Illinois Department of Corrections. A very gruff man told me that my father passed away this morning from cancer.

I don't know how to feel.

Should I feel elation that the man who tried to kill me is dead?

Should I feel sadness that he's gone?

Should I feel anger because he should have suffered more?

Right now, I feel angry, pissed off and downright agitated. I want to fucking hit something. I'm also very confused because of my father's last words. He said that he regretted what he did that he loved and missed me. I…don't know…why would he say that? Was it because he was afraid of dying and not atoning for his sins?

Eleven years since he shot me. The hatred and contempt in his eyes is still a fresh memory as he shot me three times. I still wake up with nightmares. My leg is in constant pain from the damage he caused. I almost didn't get to have my babies because of him. Thankfully, I was touched by God twice and now have two beautiful children whom I love more than my own life. And seeing their cherubic faces, I couldn't imagine not loving them. They were a part of me. A part of Edward. How you could hate your own flesh and blood? It's unfathomable.

I still don't know how to feel about my dad's passing. I probably need to let it sink in or something. As morbid as this sounds, he's still going to be dead tomorrow.

I closed my journal and felt Edward's presence. Looking up, he gave me a sad smile. I shot up from the desk and fell into his arms. We, somehow, managed to fall to the floor and I cried softly as he rocked me. His hands were running through my hair as he quietly murmured of his love and devotion to me.

Once I pulled myself together, I told him about the phone call and about my father's last words. Edward didn't say anything, he just held me, kissing me and loving me.

"What do I do, Edward? How I react?"

"You're probably in a state of shock, sweet girl," he said. "Hell, I am and I hated the guy with every fiber of my being. He was a cock-sucking douchebag that preyed on the weak to himself feel better." He cupped my face and kissed my lips softly. "We don't have to think about now. You don't have to make sense of your emotions now. When you do, I'm here for you, baby. I'll always be here for you. We're partners."

"I know. Thank you for being here for me," I said.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, sweet girl," he chuckled. He kissed me twice more before standing up and helping me to my feet. "Angela and Ben are here. We're having a barbeque on the patio before we're separating for the night."

"Oh no. You're not going anywhere. I agreed to it when we got married but, damn it, we've been married for ten years. We're sleeping together," I snarled.

"Yes ma'am," Edward said, giving me a salute.

Down on the patio, there were eleven kids running around. Okay, nine kids, one toddler and an infant. Our families were all blended together and it brought a smile to my face. Blood didn't make us love each other. It was our relationships, our friendships and our bonds. In addition to Angela and Ben, Marcus and Di were there along Eleazar and his new wife, Carmen. Yes, Carmen as in our former nursing manager from County.

For dinner, we had burgers, brats, hot dogs and everything fattening you could enjoy. Edward and I chatted with Eleazar, asking him how he was doing. He had survived cancer and was now enjoying his retirement in the Florida Keys with Carmen. The kids crashed around nine. Ben and Angela took their brood back to their rental which was down the street and bid us a good night. We put our children to sleep and stayed out, talking with our friends and family until nearly one in the morning. I barely remembered being guided up to our room by my slightly drunk husband. He stripped me out of my clothes and put me to bed in my panties and one of his shirts.

The next morning was sunny and perfect. I could hear the workers set up the altar for our renewal. I got up and saw the set up on the patio. Chairs and one long table were set up on the covered portion of the patio. Next to it was a dance floor and a spot for the DJ. Alice and Rose were working to set the table. Angelie and Paige were twining flowers around the arch on the beach along with white tulle.

Edward walked in, wearing a pair of shorts and a smile. His hair was disheveled and sexy. "Morning, sweet girl," he said, sitting down on the bed. I crawled next to him, wrapping my arms around his slender waist. "How are you?"

"I'm happy about today. I get to say 'I do' to you again," I said, kissing his chest.

"How about yesterday?" he whispered, kissing my hair. "How are you about that?"

"Still conflicted. Pissed off mostly," I shrugged. "Why?"

"Your nightmares came back, baby. You were thrashing about around dawn," he said, cupping my face. "Do you remember your dream?"

"No. It's probably for the best, too," I sighed. "Don't worry about it, Edward. I'm fine. We're getting remarried today and that's all that matters. Got it?"

"Got it, baby," he chuckled. "Anyhow, I've been sent up here to tell you to shower. Rose and Alice are going to do your hair. Phil will be here at three and the ceremony will start at four." We had discovered that Phil Dwyer, the man who originally married us, lived a few hours away in Williamsburg and was going to perform our renewal. Edward kissed me sweetly and let me get ready. When I was done with the shower, my sisters came in and began attacking my hair with a blow dryer, curling irons and hair spray. My hair was curled and lay over my shoulders in chocolate curls. Pinned above my ear was a cluster of white flowers. Rose left to work on Angelie's hair while I munched on lunch.

Alice put on my makeup and she snapped photos with her high-end camera. She was acting like our photographer for this time around. We weren't having 'attendants.' Well, we were, but they were our children. I put on my dress and slipped on my barefoot sandals. Brandon knocked on the door, carrying a large blue bag. "Mommy, you're so pretty," he breathed.

"Well, you're incredibly handsome," I said, looking at him in his khaki pants and white linen shirt. His hair was artfully gelled and he looked so much like Edward. "What's this?"

"It's a gift from Daddy," Brandon whispered conspiratorially. "He said that you need to wear it."

"Well, who am I to argue with him?" I giggled. "Can you do me a favor, Brandon? Can you bring this to Daddy for me?" I handed him a khaki bag with blue tissue paper in it. "It's his present."

"Okay. I love you mommy," he said, kissing my mouth before skipping out of the room. I walked to the bed and sat down, pulling out a card. After our wedding, I told Edward that I'd rather hear from him than from Hallmark, so when we exchanged gifts, our cards were always hand written. His stationary felt heavy in my hands. Tenderly, I rubbed the embossed initials before opening the card.

My sweet girl,

Ten years ago today, we became husband and wife. Every day has been a gift and I'm so lucky to have you by my side as my wife, my partner, my best friend, mother to our children and well, my everything.

I'm not going to be as long-winded as I usually am. I just wanted to say a few things.

Number one…every day, I find something new that I love about you. Today, it was your cute little snore/giggle. Yesterday, it was your patience with Brandon in the pool, teaching him how to swim. The day before…you get the idea, right? Seriously though, I find something that brings me joy and makes me love you more every single day.

Number two…You are truly my best friend. The past ten years have been filled ups and downs (far more ups than downs, I must say), but having you by my side has made each moment that much more special.

Number three…and four…Angelie and Brandon. Thank you for giving me two beautiful, perfect children, Bella. I was ready to adopt but when you told me you were pregnant with Angelie at our wedding and then Brandon…my heart just swelled in love for you. And our babies.

Number five…I just love you. I'll always love you. Until my dying breath, I'll love you, my beautiful, sweet Bella. My intelligent, tenacious Dr. Cullen. My loving and adoring mother to my children. Our children.

We made it ten years. Here's to fifty more.

All my love and devotion,


PS – Don't even think about bitching about me spending too much money on you.

"Oh, God, he got me jewelry," I snorted. I pulled out two boxes. Opening them up, one was a pair of earrings. The oval center stone was the perfect shade of turquoise but shimmered like a diamond. Surrounding the stone were pave set diamonds that made it look so elegant. The second box was a coordinating necklace but the blue stone was pear-shaped.

Esme walked in after I had opened the jewelry and she sat down next to me. "Oh, my son has got some beautiful taste in jewelry," she crooned.

"What's the center stone? It looks like a diamond…" I said, looking up at her.

"It's blue zircon. Similar to a diamond," she replied, clasping the necklace around my neck. "Are you okay, sweetie? Edward told me about your dad."

"I'll be fine. I'm not sure how to really react right now, but I need to let it settle in," I said. "Is everyone here?"

"Yeah. Are you ready to go? Ready to say 'I do' to my son again?" she asked, smiling. I nodded. I walked downstairs and was handed a very casual, but pretty bouquet of blue hydrangeas and white roses. Angelie held a smaller version of my bouquet.

"Shall we, pretty girl?" I asked, holding out my hand. She beamed and we walked out onto the balcony. The DJ played some soft, instrumental music as we walked down onto the beach. Edward was standing, barefooted, next to Phil, holding Brandon. All three of them wore sunglasses. I chuckled, remembering our wedding day with Phil wearing his sunglasses. Reaching the altar, Phil said his greeting and had us repeat our vows from ten years ago. When it came to exchanging rings, we took it to the next level and exchanged infinity jewelry with our children. Angelie got an infinity heart pendant, similar to my infinity necklace. Brandon got a bracelet. Edward reached into his pocket and he pulled out a box. Opening it, he gave me a sheepish grin. There were two rings inside. One was an eternity band. The other was a three-stone anniversary ring. He picked up my right hand and slid the eternity band on first.

"I know you were so sad when your promise ring wouldn't fit anymore. I wanted to get the diamonds reset into a new ring, but the jeweler said that they were too small. I have that ring in the safe and we'll give it to Angelie when she's older. You like that, pretty girl?"

She nodded, hugging her father's waist. "Love you, Daddy," she murmured.

He kissed her forehead before turning back to me. "So, I got a new one made. In addition to that, I saw this ring and I thought it was a perfect representation of our family. The two blue diamonds represent our children, Angelie and Brandon. The center stone represents us." He took it out and pushed it next to the eternity band. He kissed my new set of rings before flipping over his wrist. Peeling back a bandage, he revealed a new tattoo. "I felt left out with the infinity design, so Garrett and I found a tattoo parlor. I'm set, too." I picked up his wrist, kissing it softly, just above his ink.

"Yeah, you guys are like the best couple ever," Phil said, tears splashing onto his cheeks. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you a family." Edward smiled, taking my face into his hands and kissed me sweetly on the lips. Then, he wrapped his arms around all of us and we hugged as our family cheered for us.

After the ceremony, Alice took us down on the beach to take some pictures as a family. It was so much fun and I couldn't have been happier as we posed for goofy pictures, loving pictures and pictures of us. Garrett came and he took our two children back to the rental while Alice took pictures of Edward and me. She finished and let us enjoy the few moments alone. Edward looked at me, his green eyes shining with happiness. "Happy anniversary, Bella."

"I love you, Edward," I smiled, kissing his mouth. "Thank you for the beautiful jewelry."

"Thank you for the amazing gifts, too. I love the watch," he said, holding it out proudly. "And those coasters with our pictures? So fucking cool."

"Language, Edward," I chided, kissing his nose.

"Are you going to make me pay in the swear jar?" he quipped.

"No. Because I want to hear that language later on tonight," I purred, wrapping my arms around his neck. "When you make love to me."

"Believe me, I will," he cooed back, dipping me and plunging his tongue between my lips. He righted me and held me close, his forehead pressed to mine. "We should head back." I nodded and we walked back to the rental. Garrett handed us both a glass champagne and he toasted us.

Around six, we sat down for dinner. It was a delicious surf and turf with clam chowder as a starter and a strawberry salad. We cut the cake and fed it to each other, smiling goofily as we smushed the cake into each other's faces. Edward took great pleasure licking the icing off my cheek. After that, we went out onto the make-shift dance floor. Edward gathered me in his arms and I expected to hear our song from our wedding. Instead, "Little Things" by One Direction wafted over the dance floor and Edward's eyes glazed over in tears. It went along with his card. All of the little things he loved about me and each new little thing he discovered every day.

We didn't really dance. Just swayed, staring into each other's eyes. Every so often, he'd kiss my mouth and pulled me closer to his body. Once the song ended, I was a sobbing mess. Edward held me as the sounds of some upbeat popular song filled the air. Our family joined us on the dance floor. My sweet husband wiped my eyes and kissed me lovingly. We danced the night away until our family loaded up our car. We were going to a small luxury bed and breakfast for the weekend and return just before Carlisle and Esme left with the kids.

After kissing Angelie and Brandon goodbye, making them promise to behave, we left and drove the short distance to the bed and breakfast, which was really a smaller two bedroom rental on the other side of the neighborhood we were staying in. We pulled into the driveway. Edward took my hand, slinging our overnight bag onto his shoulder. Unlocking the door, Edward guided me through the door and every flat surface was covered in candles. Flowers were all over the house and it looked like an amazing scene out of a romantic movie. "Wow," I breathed. "Who did all this?"

"I believe Emmett was sent over here ten minutes before we left to light the candles. We actually passed him on the way here," Edward said as he moved my hair over my shoulder. His lips found my neck and he pulled me to his chest. "You looked like an angel today, sweet girl. As beautiful as you looked on our wedding day."

"Really?" I asked.

"Mmmhmm," he replied, his lips wrapping around my earlobe. "You are so beautiful, my Bella." He turned me and our eyes locked. I knew I wasn't as thin as I was when I got married. Having two children definitely changed my body. I was right on the cusp of missy and plus sizes but Edward still loved me. He especially loved my breasts. He was gave them special attention whenever we made love. "Let me show you how beautiful you are." He took my hand and we walked to the bedroom. There were more candles and a ton more flowers. Turning to face me, he tossed the overnight bag onto the chair in the bedroom. His hands were gliding over my skin and goose flesh erupted on my arms. He smiled as his hands moved across my chest and over the swell of my breasts. "May I see my wife?" he asked.

I nodded and bit my lip. He turned me around and unzipped my dress. It loosened and Edward gently pushed the straps off my shoulders. The dress fell to the ground and I was in my strapless bra and my panties. He kissed me gently and guided me to the bed. I began unbuttoning his shirt, pushing it over his broad shoulders. Once my legs reached the bed, I crawled onto it and settled myself on the pillows. Edward was staring at me like I was a steak. I blushed all over and he slithered onto the bed, settling in the cradle of my legs. His mouth hungrily devoured mine as he rolled us so I was straddling his legs. With expert fingers, he removed my bra, tossing it onto the ground.

He growled as he cupped my breasts, suckling on them with his mouth. Moaning, my head fell back and I bucked against his burgeoning arousal. His lips teased my nipple. "Oh, Edward," I whimpered, threading my hands into his soft, thick hair.

"I love hearing my name like that," he purred. "My Bella." Looking up at me, he kissed my mouth, sliding his tongue between my lips. His thumbs were caressing over my nipples, causing my panties to become very, very wet. With another growl, he flipped us again. His mouth moved from mine and he kissed down my body. He gave each of my scars, which had long since faded into silvery lines on my pale flesh, love and devotion. He always did that. It was a reminder that we were almost ripped apart but that we fought back to be together. Tenderly, he traced my own infinity tattoo just below my scar on my left side. I sighed contentedly. "You like when I do that?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's ticklish but soothing, too. You know?" I said. I knew what I wanted to say but couldn't really describe it.

"I get it," he said. "You also sigh when I kiss your c-section scar, too," he said, his eyes twinkling.

"It's because I know why I have that one and it was because of our miracles," I replied, a single tear falling out of my eye. He smiled softly, kissing my tear away and kissing my mouth. "I love you, Edward."

"I love you more, my Bella," he whispered against my lips. With one more searing kiss, he moved back down to my belly and pulled down my lacy boy shorts. "Fuck, I love that you wax, baby."

"Just for you, Edward," I purred. I spread my legs, displaying my sex and he growled lowly. His mouth slowly descended to my dripping core. With a wink, he kissed my c-section scar and I, of course, sighed contentedly. He chuckled and spread my legs further apart. He nuzzled my lower lips with his mouth before dragging his tongue along the entire length of my slit. "FUCK!" I screamed.

"Don't hold back, my beautiful wife," he commanded. "No one is around us. You can scream as loud as you want. You can come has hard as you want. It's been far too long since I've been covered in your release, baby. Will you squirt for me?"

"Holy hell," I moaned, as I fell back on the bed. Edward laughed lowly and dragged me to the edge of the bed. His mouth was devouring my sex. His tongue was flicking my clit while his fingers were deep inside of me, curling upwards to my g-spot. My legs were on either side of his head and I was squirming, grinding against his face. He kissed down to my entrance and his tongue slid inside, tasting me from the source. His thumb was pressed to my clit and circled it languidly. My body was moving, slithering and begging for release. "Edward, more…please, baby. I need more."

He snarled and removed his tongue from my pussy, sliding three of his fingers inside of me. His tongue was flicking my clit at a rapid pace and his hand was pounding in my core. I could feel my orgasm build. The tightening in my belly and the sound of Edward's hand inside of me was a clear indication of how close I was. "Fuck me, baby. Come all over my face," he commanded, diving back into my pussy. His fervor was relentless and I bit back screams as my body began to quiver in ecstasy. "That's it, Bella." I screamed, feeling the torrents of bliss wash over me as he moved his fingers in and out of me.

My body calmed down and I fell back onto the bed, boneless and completely exhausted. Edward sat down next to me, idly tracing circles on my breasts. Opening my eyes, I barked out a laugh. His hair was drenched and he had this goofy grin on his face. "Damn, that was a fucking good orgasm," I giggled.

"Oh yeah," he smiled, kissing my lips chastely. "It's been too long since I've felt you come all over me. I've missed it."

"I've missed losing myself in what you're doing," I replied, reaching for his belt buckle. "With our kids, we need to be quiet or there's never enough time in the day or…"

"I know, sweet girl," he said as he slid his khakis off his body, revealing his naked form.

"Edward, where are your underwear?" I quipped.

"Didn't need 'em. I knew I was going to get some tonight, so I didn't put any on," he smirked.

"Up by the pillows, big boy," I said. He beamed, sliding up to the pillows. I crawled over him and took him in my mouth. Just briefly, though. We're forty-four and forty-one, respectively. It takes a while to bounce back. Especially, my sexy man. With a kiss to the head of his cock, I straddled his waist. Kissing his mouth, I sank down over his arousal, allowing him to fill me completely. "Fuck."

"You always feel so fucking good, Mrs. Cullen," he purred, lavishing my neck with kisses. I rocked against him, feeling him stretch my inside. Our bodies were one. You couldn't tell where I ended or where he began. His mouth moved to mine, kissing me deeply. I moaned, tangling my hands into his damp hair. His arms wrapped around my waist and he began thrusting inside of me, harder and faster.

With a roll of his hips, I was on my back. He gently put my bad leg over his shoulder, allowing him to go deeper inside of me. I moaned loudly, reaching between us and rubbing my clit. "Yes, baby. Rub that pretty little pussy," he grunted. His hips were flush with mine, pounding in and out of me. The sound of skin slapping against each other was the only sound in the room. He looked so sexy hovering over me, his muscles tensed and his face just inches away from me. His cock was so far inside of me that I couldn't help but whimper in pleasure.

"Edward," I breathed. "Please…please…come with me."

"Oh, baby, I'm there," he said breathlessly. He leaned down and kissed me, pouring every ounce of love he had into that one kiss. His thrusts were jerky and deep.

"Yes! Yes!" I panted against his mouth. I scratched at his back as he grunted until I felt him twitch inside of me. With another scream, my pussy clenched around his cock. My orgasm triggered his and he moaned as he released inside of me. My leg fell off his shoulder and he collapsed on me, nuzzling his face between my breasts. We were a sweaty heap of limbs, sex and love. "I can't imagine not being with you, Edward," I said.

"I meant what I said in my card. We've enjoyed the first ten years of marriage. We've got fifty to go," he chuckled.

"I love the sound of that."

xx APFL xx

The weekend was spent in various stages of undress. We were like newlyweds all over again. I felt bad for the cleaning service who had to come and wash the mess in the rental. We passed out after our lovemaking and all of the candles burnt down, leaving puddles of wax all over the surfaces. Plus, I was quite gushy when I came all weekend long. On Monday, we drove back to the house. We said goodbye to our children who were leaving with Carlisle and Esme. Angelie was getting ready to start fourth grade and Brandon was going into kindergarten. We'd be back for their first days, but Esme was going to get them ready.

Most everybody left on Monday. Ben and Angela, with their brood, stayed until Wednesday. We spent time with them and enjoyed bonding with Nia, who was a knockout at the age of ten and her four younger brothers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Once they left, we spent time doing some touristy things on our own, but for the most part, we just did each other. Every single room in the luxury rental we had our renewal in was christened. Multiple times.

The day before we were scheduled to leave, I was checking my email. I noticed an email from the Illinois Department of Corrections. Really?

"Edward, should I open this?" I asked.

He came over and looked at it. "Do you want me to screen it?"

"Yeah," I nodded. I got up and went to finish packing our toiletries. Edward came into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around me. "Well?"

"Read it. It's from Jacob, but it's okay," he said, cupping my chin and brushing his lips with mine. He led me out to the bed and sat down. He pulled me between his legs and put the computer on my lap. With a sigh, I looked at the message from Jacob.

To: Isabella Cullen
From: Illinois Department of Corrections, Jacob Black
Re: Closure

Dear Dr. Cullen,

I spoke with you a week ago regarding your father's passing. After calling you, his accomplice and one of his few friends in jail approached me. Jacob Black handed me a letter from your father. The contents of the letter are detailed in the below email.

Dear Bella,

I know that I'm probably the last person you want to hear from. I received approval to email you from the warden. After this, you won't hear from me again. I just wanted to let you know about your dad. We were sent to the same prison and despite our mutual hatred of each other, grew quite close. He was very frail and needed protection. Anyhow, I was the one who noticed he was sick and forced the doctors in the infirmary to get him tested. Regardless, as his time came to an end, Charlie truly regretted his actions of what he did to you and to your family, Bella.

And no. It wasn't a ploy of a dying man. He truly felt awful. He spent hours crying over how he treated you. He did miss you and said that he loved you. He get all misty-eyed when talked about you as a baby. Now, the words from a convicted felon, drug addict and a man who tried to kill you are probably the last ones you want to believe.

Charlie wanted me to tell you this. Verbatim. "Shoot for the moon…even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Reach for your dreams, Bells."

Anyhow, I hope that this provides you with some answers. Like I said, you won't hear from me again. I know I screwed up and I accept my life sentence fully.

Jacob Black

"Can we call the Illinois Department of Corrections?" I asked, tears falling down my face. "I'd like to have a burial for my father."

Edward nodded and dialed the number on the signature of the email. Charlie's body was cremated but not disposed of. Edward or I would have to pick it up.

Knowing what Jacob told us, I felt at peace with my father's death. My dad had been a douche. But, the quote, was something he said to me when I was a little girl. We'd lay out on the roof of the apartment building as I told him my hopes and dreams. He'd always reply, 'Shoot for the moon…even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Reach for your dreams, Bells." It was his way of saying he loved me.

The following Monday, we were packing up our bags, getting ready to fly home. Edward had sent down Garrett to pick up the ashes of my dad. I was antsy to get home. I missed my babies. I missed my bed. I missed my babies. I really missed my babies. I wanted to love on them.

In the plane, Edward gripped my hand as we descended into O'Hare. "Back to reality," he sighed.

"Yeah," I replied. "Thank you for the renewal, Edward. For this entire trip. It's been amazing and wonderful and…"

"I love you, too," he chuckled. He kissed me and I put my head on his shoulder. The flight landed and we got off the plane, walking to baggage claim. We grabbed our suitcases, walking out to the vestibule that the limo was going to pick us up. A black Hummer SUV pulled up and the back door opened. Brandon popped out, dragging Carlisle with him.

"Mommy!" he squealed, running into my arms. Angelie hopped out and she ran over to Edward. "I missed you, Mommy. I'm so glad you're home." He nuzzled my neck, holding me tightly.

"I missed you, too, sweetheart," I said, kissing his head.

Angelie walked over to me, hugging me tightly. "It's good you're home, Mom," she said. "I've missed you. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby girl."

We got into the car, telling our children the remaining portion of our trip. Brandon asked if we got him presents. Edward chuckled, pulling out a few toys he'd picked up for him from Kitty Hawk and from a small shop in downtown Nags Head. Brandon was content to play with them as we drove home. I pulled out a doll that looked exactly like Angelie, handing it to her. She smiled widely, hugging the doll to her body.

Back at home, Esme made dinner for us while we worked on unpacking and beginning our laundry. Garrett stopped by with a metal box. He gave me a grim smile, kissing my cheek. I hugged him and told him that we'd probably need him in the next few days for my dad's burial. It wasn't going to be big, but I wanted to do something. Perhaps bury his ashes in the backyard.

That night, Edward and I decided to have a small ceremony in our backyard, behind our pool. It was going to be our family. The people who were involved and knew of my relationship with Charlie. It was just going to be something that I had to do for him. Edward, being the patient man that he was, stood by me as I made arrangements.

The morning of my dad's burial was dreary. It matched my mood perfectly. The kids were staying with a neighbor across the way while we were doing the burial. Our family came. Emmett dug a hole behind the pool. We were going to put his ashes in the hole and then plant a tree above it. I held the metal tin with my father's remains. Edward had his arm wrapped around me and he kissed my forehead. Emmett reached for the tin and I gave him a watery smile. "Can I say a few words?" No one objected. "You're probably all wondering why I'm doing this. Originally I told the warden to cremate him and dispose of the remains. However, on our last day of vacation, I received an email from the warden, who acted as an intermediary for Jacob Black. Jacob told me that Charlie felt horribly about he treated me and that he was sorry for his actions. In a way, Jacob provided the closure I needed. He also gave me some hope that my father did, at one point, love me. Now, twelve years ago, that would have meant the world to me. I so hungry for love that I looked for it everywhere. But the one person who should love me unconditionally, didn't. I'm stronger now. I don't need that reassurance. I have a beautiful family, a loving husband and fantastic friends. Even if I didn't talk to my father at the end, I want him to at least know that his daughter is alright."

I wiped my face and handed Emmett the box. Edward held me so tightly as I sniffled quietly. Emmett opened the tin and poured Charlie's ashes into the ground. Garrett picked up the small pine tree that we had chosen, placing it into the hole. Garrett and Emmett worked on covering the roots and watering the tree.

As I stood there, I thought of a few things. Happy endings only happen in fairy tales. Right? Not for me. Prince Charmings are not a figment of our imaginations. Edward and I got our wish of our fairytale wedding and babies. Edward truly is Prince Charming in the flesh. I love him with every ounce of my soul as he loves me. He's my best friend, my husband, my lover and my future. We will always be there for each other, regardless of the situation.

I'm living proof of a happily ever after; living the fairy tale. Edward was exactly what the doctor ordered. My prescription for love…

Take one and live happily ever after.