Rapunzel was running. The moment black rocks started to disappear, she knew something went terribly, terribly wrong. She left the guards and Eugene to handle the Saporians being freed from their prisons, and ran.

Her hair trailed after her. She didn't bother to tie them again, the awful feeling in her stomach pushing her forward. She didn't know where did it came from or why she felt that way. But she knew, she just knew something was not right.

Ruddiger somehow managed to cling to her shoulders, chittering anxiously to her ear. He also felt it. He also knew something was wrong, so very very wrong.

One of the larger clusters blinked and vanished, uncovering the scene behind it. Quirin was kneeling on the ground, his large frame shaking. On the ground she saw another form, unmoving. She spotted familiar clothing and she faltered for a moment before rushing forward.

"No, Varian!" She cried, reaching the two and falling to her knees. The boy's eyes were closed, skin pale, chest still. Her eyes watered. "No, why?!"

Ruddiger jumped down from her shoulders and climbed up the boy's chest. He pawed at his cheek, moaning.

"What's going-? Varian?!" Another voice sounded from behind and Rapunzel heard Cassandra gasp in shock at the sight. "What happened? Why is he-?"

"It was a curse…" Quirin said, his voice hoarse, eyes red.

"A… a curse?" Green eyes widened in shock and confusion. "What do you mean by-?"

"The power came with a price. The power in exchange for-" The man tried to explain but his voice cracked and his frame shook with another wave of tears.

"For life…" Cassandra finished, her voice soft, understanding.

"But if he knew, then why-?" Rapunzel asked staring at the lifeless body.

"I don't know. I don't know!" Quirin cried, burrowing his head in his hands. "I really don't know!"

The women were shocked. Even Ruddiger ceased his crying, staring at the man. They all knew Quirin as stoic and composed man. He rarely showed his emotions, staying calm in toughest situations. To see him broken like this… it was heartbreaking.

"He… The last thing he asked me…" the man tried to say, his voice creaking. "He wanted to know, if I was proud of him. If he made me proud."

"That's... " Cassandra looked at the boy on the ground, an awful feeling settling in her stomach. "That's all he ever wanted."

Quirin nodded silently, still clenching the single glove.

Rapunzel stared at the man and back at the lying body. Her mind was spinning. Tightening her lips, she reached for her hair, wrapping them over the boy.

"Raps?" Cassandra's voice was confused. The princess didn't react, wrapping more of her hair around the body. "Raps, it won't work. We've already tried it. The magic is gone."

"No! I have to try!" The blonde argued, her hands trembling. "It can't… I can't let it end like this!"

"Raps-" Cass sounded hurt but she ignored it.

"Flower gleam and glow." She sang, tears falling from her eyes. "Let your power shine." There was no glow, like before, like in the tower. But she kept on going. "Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine." Large tears were falling from her eyes. Still, nothing was happening, nothing was changing. "Heal what has been hurt. Ch-change the Fate's de-design." Her voice was trembling. Still, she refused to give up. "S-save what ha-has been lost. Bring back what o-once wa-was mine. What on-once was mi-ine."

She collapsed on herself, crying into her palms. No glow. No healing power. No movement.

"No! Please, no!" She cried, shoulders shaking with spasms of tears. "He can't be gone! He can't be!"

"Raps…" A gentle hand landed on her shoulder.

Rapunzel immediately turned and buried her face in Cassandra's embrace. She clenched her armor, crying and crying and crying.

"Raps, I…" Cassandra said and stopped. She took a deep breath and started again. "I might have an idea."

The blonde moved away, her green eyes searching her best friend's face for answers. Cassandra sighed again and looked down to her chest.

"I… If your hair didn't work, then maybe…" She trailed off, her hand reaching for the stone in her armor. Rapunzel's eyes widened in realization.

"You… you think it will help?" She questioned, eyes wide. The blue-haired woman looked down, uncertain.

"I don't know, Raps. But…" Her gaze landed on the unmoving form. "It can't make things worse."

"And… and what about you?" The princess asked, her eyes concerned. "What if something happens to you?"

"I… I should be okay, I think…" The woman didn't sound sure, but who could be. The Moonstone was a mystery, similar to the Sundrop. "I… I want to try, Raps."

"I…" The princess faltered, not sure how she could respond. What if it didn't work? What if taking the Moonstone will kill Cassandra? What if she loses two friends? What if-?

"Please…" A raspy voice stopped her train of thoughts. Quirin wasn't looking at them, still grasping the glove between his hands. "I… I can't lose him. If there is a slight chance it can save him…"

Rapunzel stared at the man, at the lying boy, at her friend. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay… yeah, okay. Let's… let's try it, Cass." She agreed.

The blue-haired woman smiled gratefully. She reached for the stone, her hand hovering in the air for a moment. Then, her brows furrowed with determination and she pulled.

The stone glowed, power flowing like the rushing wind. Cassandra cried out in pain but didn't stop, didn't waver until the stone was separated, lying on her open palm. Her armor disappeared, turning back to her clothes from before. Her hair became dark brown again, eyes changing to natural hazel colour.

She was sweating, panting, her breaths short. Rapunzel reached out her hand but she shook it off.

"I'm fine… I'm… Let's do this." She moved closer to the unmoving form, faltering only for a second, before pushing the Moonstone to his chest.

The glow appeared again, but the stone wasn't fighting this time. She felt it slowly entering the boy's body, disappearing from her hold. Blue hue wandered his frame, starting from the chest and slowly embracing him wholly. It stayed for a few moments, before dimming and vanishing.

They stared at the boy, eyes open for any changes. But still… nothing was happening. Rapunzel's heart dropped. Ruddiger pawed at his cheeks again, moaning.

Suddenly, his hair lit up all ot once, and he sat up, a loud gasp escaping his mouth, eyes glowing luminescent blue. Ruddiger fell down, letting out a small yelp of pain, but staring at the boy in shock. They startled at the movement, and he fell back again, hair turning natural black with one blue hairstripe, eyes closing.

They tensed, as he fell. And then, slowly, his chest rose and fell. They let out a sigh of relief, observing the slow, regular movements

"It… It worked…" Cassandra gasped, her eyes wide open. "I wasn't sure it would, but… it worked…"

"Thank you." Quirin sounded tired, but smiled gratefully at the woman. "For bringing my son back."

"I…" She startled at the words, her eyes falling at the steady rise and fall of the boy's chest. A small smile crept up her lips. "You're welcome."

They heard a groan and Varian's eyes slowly fluttered open. They seemed unfocused for a moment, slightly hazy.

"Varian." Quirin reached out his hand and caressed his cheek gently. "How are you feeling?"

"Dad…?" His eyes focused on the man's face, gaze confused. "What happened?"

"You… you died, son." The man's voice was quiet, eyes hurt. "I…The princess tried to heal you, but…"

"Heal? But her hair…" The boy questioned. The princess didn't have healing powers anymore. He remembered, when she tried to heal him, way back during their first encounter.

"I know, I know. I didn't work." His father confirmed and Varian's brows furrowed. If the princess didn't heal him, then how..?

He pushed himself up to the sitting position, eyes searching the surrounding. Ruddiger was on his laps instantly, chittering anxiously and banging his head on his chest.

"Ruddiger! You're okay!" Varian exclaimed happily, hugging the raccoon. The animal yelped in pain and he noticed the bandages. "Oh… you're hurt…"

He looked around again. His gaze stopped on the familiar figure, sitting somewhere to the back. But something was off. Something was…

"Cassie, what happened to your hair? And your eyes? And your armour?" He cried out, shocked. The woman cringed at the nickname but didn't comment on that.

"I… I don't have the Moonstone anymore." She said, eyes downcast. His eyes narrowed, brows furrowing.

"You… What happened? Where is it, then?" He pushed, mind spinning. How much did he miss when he was…?

"Cass gave up the Moonstone to save you, Varian." This time it was Rapunzel who answered. "She gave it to you."

"To me? But how come I-?" He reached for his shirt, pulling it up to take a look at his chest. It looked normal, except for the small moon symbol placed over his heart. He stared at it blankly, trying to comprehend the situation. Ruddiger pawed at it cautiously, but nothing happened. 'What…?"

"It was never mine to claim to begin with." Cassandra shrugged. "I just gave back what was rightfully yours."

"I… What?" Varian was still staring at the small tattoo on his chest. What the hell?

A cough from behind startled all of them. Captain was standing few feet away, hands clasped behind his back.

"Princess, the prisoners have all been secured. We'll be escorting them to the capital." He said, eyes darting around. "What about…?"

His gaze landed on Cassandra and then Varian, both flinching.

"I should face the trial." The woman said, standing up and brushing her knees. "It's fair."

"Cass-" Rapunzel tried to argue but the brown-haired woman shut her out.

"Raps, I know what I did. I am not denying it." She turned to her father, her eyes certain. "And I am ready to take whatever consequences await me."

"Very well." Captain's voice was pained but he seemed to approve of his daughter's decision. She reached out her hands and he cuffed her, eyes apologetic. "And concerning the boy-?"

"He's not guilty of anything." Rapunzel cut in, eyes stern. "He didn't hurt any of the citizens of Corona."

"But he did aid the Saporians with his-" Captain argued but the princess interrupted him.

"Not out of free will. He was kidnapped and forced to work." She lifted her chin higher, appearing regal. "He is not to be found at fault for that."

"As you wish, Your Highness." The man replied, casting a glance at the boy before clearing his throat. "We will then escort the prisoners… and Cassandra, to the capital. Will you be joining us?"

"In a moment, yes." She replied. Captain nodded and walked away, Cassandra following silently.

Rapunzel let out a deep breath and turned to Varian and Quirin, the former staring at her surprised.

"You… you protected me.." He said, confused. "Why..?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Varian." She kneeled and put one hand on his shoulder, smiling gently.

"But… The Captain is right. I built those weapons. I helped Saporians attack Corona." He argued, trembling. Ruddiger chittered, hugging closer to his chest, trying to comfort the boy.

"But did you do it because you wanted to?" She asked, eyes soft. His gaze locked on hers. He opened his mouth and closed it, lips pursing. "Varian. You didn't do anything wrong." She repeated, stressing each word.

"I…." His head dropped but she could see a small smile on his lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Rapunzel smiled back, standing up and brushing her dress. "Now, I have to go back to the castle. But I'll see you soon, alright?"

"Alright." He nodded, his father helping him to his feet, Ruddiger taking up his spot on the boy's shoulders.

She walked to Eugene, waiting next to Max. She smiled as he offered her a hand to saddle the horse.

"Everything good, Blondie?" He asked, as he positioned himself behind her, taking up the reigns.

She looked at father and son, slowly making their way towards their house, the large man gently supporting the boy. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Eugene. Everything's fine." She replied.