Crime Alley, Gotham City

December 20th, 9:41 p.m.

"Well, I suppose I should give some backstory to the situation, shouldn't I?"

"It was gonna be a cold night in Crime Alley, of course it was always cold there but it was never as bad as this." Jason's voice narrated as Helena listened intently. "It was said that there's going to be a blizzard that night, so the second I heard the word blizzard I immediately bolted down to the Batcave."

"As you know, that snow storm was supposed to be the worst Gotham's had in years and so that meant not leaving the house for the fortunate and possibly dying of hypothermia for the homeless and Bruce must have completely forgotten that I used to be among the homeless because he was confused as to why I was going down to the Batcave to suit up and at first I didn't think much of it, I had previously told myself that the reason for his confusion was because he was worried that I might freeze out there, but now I realize the reason he was confused as to why I was so intent on going to help them was because he had forgotten I wasn't Dick, that I wasn't already in an orphanage before he took me in."

"But I'm getting off track, so allow me to stop talking about how as long as I'm Robin I will always get compared to Grayson and continue to tell the story."

When Bruce and Alfred finally caught up to me in the Batcave, only Bruce still confused as to why I was fully geared up, that was until Alfred spoke up and asked me so Bruce didn't have to. "Master Jason, would you like to inform Master Bruce and I as to why you're in uniform getting ready to head into the city during a blizzard?"

"Because Alfred, like the meteorologist said, tonight's storm is going to be the worst Gotham has had in years and while the fortunate will be safe for the time being, the homeless don't have anywhere to go and no places for warmth, especially the kids."

"And how do you plan on helping? Because we most certainly can't bring them here, not only because we need to maintain our secret identities but also because the batmobile doesn't have enough space to transport all those people and isn't fast enough to get all those people here before the storm hits." Bruce had said that like he'd just crunched those numbers in his head, but given the fact that he's Batman he probably did.

Because of this I was inclined to believe him, but it wasn't like what he said would be any less true otherwise, so luckily I had already planned for the store ahead of time. "Then it's a good thing the Batcomputer had already alerted me of the blizzard a week ago, giving me the chance to prepare warehouses ahead of time." I said this while pulling up a map of Gotham on the Batcomputer and highlighting The 4 Warehouse locations.

"Jason, how did you pay for those warehouses?" Now I already knew Bruce would have eventually asked me that question, so I didn't have time to think of anything to lie my way out of the question, not that I think Bruce would have actually fallen for it.

"Heh, so you know how you have that trust bond for me? Yeah, I kind of took the money from there and bought the warehouses in your name." I definitely ticked off Bruce that night, but I wouldn't get a scolding for it until a couple weeks later. "Anyway how I got the warehouses are beside the point, the point is I need to get to all of them and make sure everyone is accounted for."

Bruce looked impressed before showing visible confusion once again. "What do you mean to make sure everyone has been accounted for?"

"Right….. that. Alright so for the past week after I got the warehouses I started collecting info on all of the homeless in Gotham and started sorting them into the separate warehouses depending on where they were in the city, but the one on the outskirts of Crime Alley is special, why? Because I know personally that Crime Alley has the highest population of homeless kids and for a lot of them this is their first blizzard, which makes it even more unlikely that they'll survive it."

"Your plan is well thought out Master Jason, well done! But how do you plan on checking all four of those warehouses when there's only two of you?" Now I love Alfred Pennyworth to death and with no hesitation I would kill for him, but you don't understand how bad I wanted to say goddammit Alfred in that moment.

"Make that three of us, Alfred!" There he stood, the man I loathed the most, Dickhead Grayson. Of course, the reason he was there that's because I called him there which was it a decision that I even surprised myself with, but him being there was the best we were going to get at the time, because as you know, Barbara was out of commission and you didn't know our secret yet so I had to make do with what we had.

As the night continued, the three of us had already concluded that the best option would be to split up with me going to Crime Alley and Old Gotham, Dick going to The Bowery, and Bruce covering the Kubrick District. As I was finishing my roll call for childrens warehouse Bruce and Dick told me through the comms that all the names I had gathered for those warehouses had all been in attendance and they both decided to stay at their respective warehouses to guard them.

However, when I finished the roll call I noticed almost all the kids were there…. Almost, I immediately noticed that one kid wasn't there and it wasn't one of the older ones who had already lived in conditions like this, but it was one of the last kids who should be outside at the time and so happens to be the only kid who never left the warehouse when I wasn't there.

Her name was Lillian Winchester or Lily for short, she was a short orange ginger haired little girl who had only been 6 years old at the time and also the kid that would stay at the warehouse 24/7 and of course I knew she had her reasons to, so that's why I began panicking because I couldn't think of a reason as to why she wouldn't be in the warehouse now of all times and the only solution that I thought would be plausible was also the last one I hoped actually happened…. She was kidnapped.

I immediately called Bruce and Dick to let them know that there was a kid missing and that to let Alfred know to keep an eye on the two warehouses for me while looked for her and as soon as I left the call I jumped down to the kids and told the oldest of them to be on high alert while I was gone and to not let anyone in because if it was me trying to get in that I would come through the top windows and be in the rafters, they simply nodded and proceeded to board up the doors to make sure no one could force their way in.

Before I left, I gave them a burner phone that they could contact me with and so I headed outside to begin my investigation on where this little girl went and who took her.

I felt a shiver down my spine as the cold wind hit the parts of my suit that exposed my skin. It was cold as balls, but that only gave me more motivation to find Lily. My search began right outside the warehouse so I could find footprints and when I couldn't find any I had concluded that she must have been taken before any snow landed, so finding footprints was a dead end.

I turned on the electromagnetic vision in my mask so I could see anything in my vicinity that gave off a radio wave and luckily enough I found it, I found the comm piece that I gave Lily so she could contact me if trouble showed up at the door. She had only used it a few times after I gave it to her because of some thugs trying to take the warehouse from them and even if she couldn't use it to call me, thanks to the constant paranoia that emanates from Batman all comm pieces not only had tracking devices inside them, but also recorded audio logs 24/7.

The problem was that she didn't have it her, but luckily not only could I extract the audio logs for it and have Alfred run a voice recognition sequence back at the Cave but I could also have Alfred give me her current location because thanks to Batmans habit of having his habits rub off on people, I kind of picked up some of his paranoia so I placed a tracker in her dress.

"Alfred, I need you to run a voice recognition diagnostic on the audio logs I'm sending you and I need you to give me the current location of R-Tracker-5459 ASAP." I spoke on the direct line to the Batcave, to which Alfred responded immediately. "They're in Gotham Park, near the reservoir, you get there faster on your motorbike, it's on its way to you now."

"Have it catch up to me Alfie, every second that I spend not on my way to their location is another second with her life in danger and I'm not going to let that little girl die on my watch." I spoke with passion and even though I couldn't see his face, I knew Alfred was smiling on the other end, but what I didn't know was that Bruce and Dickhead were listening in on the conversation.

Once I had got that out of the way, I began making my way to Gotham Park jumping from rooftop to rooftop, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling an array of emotions because while I only wanted to think about saving Lily, I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to do to the bastard that took her and the fact that I remembered that I couldn't kill him only pissed me off even more.

But before I knew it, I was halfway to the Gotham Park before my motorbike pulled up next to the building I was on and Alfred's voice was ringing in my ears. "Master Jason, if you haven't noticed your bike is right next to you and the diagnostic I ran finally came through and I have a name, but although you might not like who it is…."

"Alfred, why are you being so ominous?" I asked, even more curious to know what the name was but all I got was radio silence, which was not helping my temper at the moment. "Alfred, What. Is. The. Name?"

I heard a sigh of concern from Alfred before he finally gave me the name….and he was right, I did not like it at all.

"Santo Cassamento."