Back with the others, Snow White was on the floor as the others looked down at her.

"He's dead," Cinderella told Snow White. "We did it."

"The mirror, I'm sorry, I-" Sleeping Beauty started.

"It's alright; you did the right thing." Snow White told her.

"Our people are safe." Rapunzel said to Sleeping Beauty.

Snow White grunted before she seemed to roll over and let out one last icy breath.

"Princess Snow White... You'll be okay now..." Jack frowned. "It's going to be okay."

"I had an icicle ready to stab Rumplestiltskin with," Snow White said softly. "I might've misplaced it."

"No!" Jill cried with tears in her eyes.

"I didn't expect your new friends to use those Elements of theirs." Snow White replied.

Jack and Jill both soon hugged Snow White, not wanting to say goodbye to her as if she was going to die. Salem frowned because this was heartbreaking.

"Sh-She can't die... Can she?" Sabrina asked emotionally.

"Oh, Sabrina..." Zelda frowned as she gave her niece a hug.

"Looks like whatever you guys did up here took care of all those-" Laguardia said as he soon came into the room before flinching at the sad sight as Red got ready to launch an arrow at him. "...Things."

Snow White soon let out cold air from her mouth as she began to turn white and she closed her eyes.

"Only now there's quite a few people you're here with..." Laguardia said uneasily. "No idea where here is... They're gonna need help."

"We should go." Rapunzel nodded.

Drell soon reached into his pocket and brought out a candle.

"What's the candle for, Uncle?" Thor asked.

"I might have a way to bring back Snow White if anyone is willing," Drell replied. "It's a very special, enchanted candle that I found from Snow White's step-mother, Queen Regina. This candle can bring back Snow White-" he then started.

"Drell, no!" Hilda gasped as she knew what that candle did.

"But another life has to be sacrificed in return," Drell then continued, ignoring her protests. "And since Snow White and I are both in this realm... I'll let you kids choose if I should take her place in the afterlife."

"You'd really sacrifice your own life for Snow White?" Atticus asked.

"Yes." Drell nodded.

"But what about the Elements?" Hilda asked. "Can't they bring her back without anyone needing to lose a life?"

"Maybe it's better this way," Drell said softly. "I almost let you down with Rumplestiltskin when he took over the Council... Maybe you'd be better off without me, Hilda."

"No, I wouldn't," Hilda had tears in her eyes. "Neither one of us would."

"I just want everybody to live happily ever after," Drell said as he dropped the candle in Cherry's hands before he crossed his arms. "Just do it and get it over with. I'll miss you all."

"Dammit, Drell, you might be a giant pain in the ass, but you mean too much to Thor to let me let you die like this!" Lionel began to cry.

"There has to be some way to bring Snow White back without anyone dying." Jill said as she and Jack shed a tear.

"I wish there was some other way, but-" Drell started.

"Please..." Cherry said to Drell.

"I'm sorry." Drell replied.

Jack and Jill soon looked at each other and hugged each other as they began to cry. Cherry gave the candle back as she turned her head before Lionel and Thor hugged her and patted her on the head. Eventually, two teardrops began to fall right onto Snow White and they seemed to shape into a heart once they fell together on the woman's face. Then suddenly, the heart-shaped teardrop began to glow brightly.

"W-What's going on?" Sabrina asked.

"It can't be," Drell said. "The Power of Love; I should have remembered."

"What?!" The others asked.

"Why didn't I remember this?" Drell groaned. "It makes sense that Jack and Jill would do this."

"By crying?" Sabrina asked.

"Well, Snow White and her husband always saw Jack and Jill as their own children, so it must be strong and powerful enough to help bring her back." Drell explained as Snow White seemed to glow with the heart-shaped teardrops.

The heart-shaped teardrops began to glow brighter as Snow White soon began to thaw back to life as she soon gasped for air as she woke up.

"Snow White!" Jack and Jill beamed before they ran in and hugged her.

"Oh... Kids..." Snow White smiled wearily as she hugged them before warming up. "I'm so glad that Rumplestiltskin didn't get you."

"I'm just glad he's gone for good." Jack smiled back.

"Too bad there isn't another way back home." Jill said.

"Actually, there is there is one magic mirror that is still connected to your realm." Hilda said.

The others soon looked at Hilda.

"There is?" Sleeping Beauty asked. "If there's one, you have to tell me."

"Relax, Beauty," Zelda rolled her eyes. "Like we'd betray you like that and leave you out of this."

"Hmph." Sleeping Beauty narrowed her eyes.

They soon went back to the Spellman house and came upstairs in the attic.

"Phew!" Cherry grimaced before sneezing. "WACHOO! ...Ugh, it looks and smells like a museum in here. When was the last time you partied here, 1699?"

"Please leave the comments to yourself." Drell told her.

"Okay. Okay." Cherry said.

"Rude." Lionel warned Cherry.

Cherry stuck her tongue out at him. Hilda and Zelda soon came over to their magic mirror which was covered in a tarp before it was moved.

"Now, we'll just activate it again with a bit of magic," Hilda smiled at Snow White and the others. "It's been quiet over the past few centuries, but it just reminded us of good times before Rumplestiltskin and those wars."

"And now that he's gone we can use this to visit you all again." Zelda added.

"Ready, Zelda?" Hilda asked.

"Ready, Hilda." Zelda smiled.

The two sisters soon brought out their hands to use some complex and intense magic. Cherry looked ready to back away in case this would be dangerous.

"Look it!" Drell grinned as he took her arm and pulled her back to see this.

Hilda and Zelda both glowed with pink and green colors as they soon shot at the mirror and after using their magic, there was a glowing and swirling portal that appeared on the glass and there was an image shown of the Fairy Tale Realm. More specifically, Snow White's kingdom.

"We still got it." Zelda smiled.

"You all can now go back home." Drell told the princesses, Red, Jack, and Jill.

"Thanks, big guy." Red said as she playfully punched his arm before wincing.

"Hey, just don't do that to Zeus or Hercules," Drell said to her. "Your hand would probably be limp and boneless right now."

"Noted." Red winced, but wasn't hurt too terribly as she was stronger than she looked.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Sabrina said to the princesses. "Do you think we'll see each other again?"

"I wouldn't say that's impossible." Lionel smirked hopefully.

"You can come and visit us as long as Hilda and Zelda are okay with you using the magic mirror to visit us." Snow White told the adventure group.

The group looked at each other, thoughtful and hopeful about that.

"We'll see what the future brings, princesses." Thor said with a playful curtsy.

The girls chuckled a bit as Thor curtsied even though he was a boy.

"Come along, Jack and Jill," Snow White told the orphans behind her. "Let's go home."

"Let's." Jack and Jill smiled in agreement before they went through the magic mirror's portal together.

Snow White smiled warmly as she went in after them as Red, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Rapunzel soon followed behind. Once they walked through the magic mirror and ended back in their realm, the new portal soon closed.

Hilda and Zelda looked emotional.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Salem told them. "Maybe one of you could visit soon," he then hid a small smirk. "Two less feet to step on my tail."

"Oh, ha, ha, very funny." Sabrina rolled her eyes at Salem.

Salem chuckled before Hilda and Zelda both gave him sharp looks.

"I think it's bathtime for the kitty." Zelda smirked at her sister.

"Oh, yes." Hilda smirked back.

The two then snapped their fingers and made Salem hover before landing in a tub of soap and water.

"NOOOOO!" Salem cried out before he was splashed in the water and the girls used sponges and washcloths on him.

Everybody laughed at that before the young group decided to hang out at Pops' to get some chocolate milkshakes with each other.

"I gotta say, I'm so glad that you guys are my real friends," Lionel smiled at the others. "If Rumplestiltskin had found me in the 5th-Dimension, everyone else there would just sell me out and want me dead or somethin'."

"Well, those people in the 5th-Dimension are jerks." Thor said.

"Yeah." Atticus added.

"Tell me about it," Lionel rolled his eyes before he sipped his chocolate milkshake. "I don't know what their deal was."

"I dunno either, but have fun in the Justice League," Atticus smiled as Bruce and Selina seemed to walk down the streets together, hand-in-hand as they passed the ice cream shop. "Seems like we're all like one big happy family over there."

"And I'm glad I get to be apart of it with you!" Thor beamed at Lionel.

"Me too, Big Guy." Lionel smiled warmly.

"I just wonder if we'll see the... Um... Grimm Avengers again..." Mo remarked. "I hope so anyway. That was an interesting partnership."

"You got that right." Cherry said.

"Let's hope the next time we see them, it doesn't involve anything dangerous." Patch said.

"That feels unlikely when you live in a town like this." Lionel remarked.

Sabrina seemed to smirk though as her eyes briefly glowed red. "That was amazing," she then said. "Fighting against those thralls... It was like something out of a horror movie."

The others looked at her in concern before she looked back.

"...Sabrina, are your eyes red?" Lionel asked in concern.

"...No," Sabrina said before her eyes were blue again. "What're you talking about?"

Lionel was about to say something, but then shrugged. "It's probably not important," he then said. "I just hope Jack and Jill are a lot happier back home now with the princesses. I wonder what they're all doing right now?"

"Probably adjusting to their new lives in Snow White's castle with Snow White." Mo said.

"Most likely." Atticus said.

The group soon went back to finishing their milkshakes.

Meanwhile in the Fairy Tale Realm...

"Jack, Jill, welcome to your new home." Snow White smiled as she let the twins come into her castle, showing them a large bedroom that was made just for them with some toys and some weapons to train with as well as some books.

Jack and Jill smiled at each other as they ran inside the room that was made just for them.

"This is amazing." Jill smiled.

"I think we're going to like it here." Jack added.

"I'm glad," Snow White said to them. "You two mean a lot to me. Let's just say that your mother and I were very good friends."

"Well, that's comforting to know." Jack said softly.

"You always did look out for us ever since that day." Jill added.

"Of course," Snow White nodded. "Why don't you kids play a little and I'll see about us having some dinner?"

"Okay, Mom." Jill smiled as she went to play with Jack and their toys.

Snow White beamed a bit as she left the kids alone.

"Jack, do you think we'll visit that realm again someday?" Jill asked her brother.

"Hard to say, Jill, but maybe someday," Jack smiled. "I'm just glad we're free from Rumplestiltskin."

"Me too, he was just such a cold-hearted man." Jill said.

The two of them began to play together with their toys of dolls and action figures. Everybody seemed to be living happily ever after after quite the adventure. Except for maybe Rumplestiltskin and anyone else who was willing to work with/for him.

The End