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All Might would be in his regular form while Koji was placed in a infirmary bed. The pair were inside the nurse's office.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner. I hope you can forgive me." All Might stated.


"What are you up to?"

Koji stiffen as he slowly turned his head around with the woman looking at him. In one hand he had a wooden branch that was a bit longer then him.

"Trying to become like you."

The woman released a sign but a smile came to her lips.

"You don't have to be like me and besides you're holding the sword wrong."

The woman would walk over to re-position his hands on the tree branch.

"The stance is too unstable."

Flashback end.

"I can never forgive you, not after what you did." Koji replied.

All Might became shaken by Koji's words before looking down at the ground.

"I see." He spoke.

Koji turn his head.

"However, I won't be so stingy to not thank you. If you hadn't protected me and stopped that Nomu. I wouldn't be here right now. Let's just call your two blunders as if they didn't happen." Koji stated.

All Might looked up at Koji. His eyes wide but they did return to normal. As a sad smile grace his lips.

"Thank you, Koji. Oh, how are you doing? You were in a scary position and experienced the world of the pros for a minute." All Might asked.

"I'm okay, been through worse." Koji said.

Koji looked at his arms and for a second. He could remember the split blood. The lives he couldn't save. The teen clenching his fists.

"I'm glad I picked the right choice." Koji stated.

All Might did not have to speak but gave Koji a welcoming look. The look told Koji to come, that All Might would be listening to him.

"I had a choice...to run away or save those two. I remember everything that I had been through, the people that I could not save. However, if I died then I would not be able to complete my goal. I couldn't do anything right away as the two different values battled within me. One had to give way. I'm glad that I could say that I have no regrets. All Might you may have been right. The reason I truly became a hero may not have been the right one." Koji said.

All Might gave Koji a thumbs up.

"That's the spirit." All Might stated.

"It seems like you two are bonding well now that you're up. There are visitors waiting outside for you. The bandages can come off in three days. If it hadn't been for the dire situtation. I would have scolded you for your broken arm." Recovery girl said.

Koji stuck his tongue out at the woman. All Might sweat dropped while the woman fumed at him. Koji eventually left the nurses office and found people waiting for him. Uraraka, Ida, Tsuyu and Mineta.

"Guys...his arm is broken!" Mineta screamed.

"I'm fine...really..." Koji stated.

"Are sure? We heard about what happened..." Uraraka asked.

"Yeah just give it a few days. I'll be good as new. Thanks for checking up on me though." Koji answered.

"We also wanted to thank you for saving us back there, I'm Tsuyu Asui but Tsu is what I prefer to be called and this is Mineta." Tsuyu said.

"You're welcome."

"As Class President I came here to extend my thanks and gratitude." Ida stated.

All Might watch Koji interact with Class 1-A and the man couldn't be any happier.

'You are already starting to make friends. You will definitely get into The Top Hero Class.' All Might thought.


"You were wrong Master, All Might was perfect." Tomura said.

"No, I wasn't. He was slower and held less power then expected. The League of Villians came cheap anyway, did you retrieve that Nomu?"

"No he was sent flying away and Kurogiri couldn't retrieve him. Due the situation we were in." Tomura said.

"That's a real shame."

"However, there was one kid. He moved just as fast as The Deadly Blossom did."


"That kid...that kid caused the operation to fail!"

"No use in crying over spilled milk! Get stronger troops! We need the symbol that you will provide for all of the villians. Tomura Shigaraki, you are the only one that can do it!"

Days later.

Koji had more or less ditched class...again. He stay on the roof top of the school to avoid most of the fuming teachers looking for him. The Teen was on his phone watching an episode of Bleach. The door to the school roof open and Koji internally whine because now he had to wait to watch his anime.

"Your skipping class...again." All Might said tiredly.

This was a common occurance with Koji. No matter what All Might did the boy still skipped clsss.

"It's all useless stuff besides heroes are teaching it. The curriculum is downright boring I'll fall asleep in the middle of the lesson." Koji replied.

All Might sat down next to the boy. If Koji would be so against schooling regardless if he interfered. Then it was pointless. All Might chose to sit next to Koji and notice the paused video.

"What were you watching?"

Koji raised a brow. In every instance, All Might would yell at him to get back to class. This time the man became somewhat interested in his video. Koji wouldn't complain if he would get away with skipping class. Then the teen would take the chance.

"Bleach it's an anime about a 15 year old teen getting soul reaper powers. At this point, he is in The Soul Society rescuing his friend. Though the plot diveted into a side story and I was close to watching Yoruichi fight Soi Fon." Koji explained.

"Can I watch with you?" All Might asked.

"It wouldn't hurt." Koji said.

The pair watch the fight play out with All Might actually enjoying himself.

"I can see why you watch anime alot. It is quite enjoyable." All Might said.

"That's not the only reason. I can incorporate some of their moves into my style of fighting. A hybrid of sorts. It'll be user to see their attacks. For example, if someone has a Rubber Quirk. I know how they will fight because if they fight like Luffy. Their attacks will be more telegraphed and I can react before they launch an attack. Secondly, their Quirk won't be as shocking when it is revealed." Koji explained.

"That's very good using anime as a sort of way to improve or expand on your already existing skill set. I'm starting to get why you suck at your school work." All Might said.

"What are you trying to say?" Koji asked.

"That you're hopeless when it comes to academics. I know now that it's because you really don't care for the books. If you applied yourself. I know that you'll do great. There's no need to force you and besides I know you'll apply yourself when it really matters. ." All Might explained.

Koji put a hand on All Might's forehead.

"You okay? You not sick are you?" Koji asked.

All Might chuckled at the boy.

"Nope just realizing that my student is a genius." All Might replied.

Koji was taken aback by the compliment. Despite his failing grades, All Might still said that he was genius. The Man wasn't judging him solely on his academic scores.

"I'm going to the gym after school. Don't bother me." Koji said.

"Just be careful on the way there and back. Even if I told you no, you'll still sneak out." All Might replied.

Koji gave him a proud smile. The Kid wasn't sorry one bit.

'Geez, what am I gonna do with you?' All Might thought.

Koji stood up while dusting his pants off.

"I'm not going back to class." Koji said.

'I'm gonna need help from you god to deal with this child.' All Might thought.

Koji left the rooftop to go to a different hiding place. All Might got up and left the rooftop as well. True to his word, Koji had went to the gym right after school. He instantly went to the gym's locker rooms before changing into a different outfit. Koji had on a purple no sleeve shirt and black sport shorts. His dress shoes would he replaced with his traditional white running shoes. The Teen going to the treadmill to start warming up.

The Gym Staff Member watched as someone walked into his gym. The woman was fairly tall, had a musclar build with dark skin. Her long white colored hair reach past her waist. The woman had red color eyes. She had a Mutation Quirk. The thing that gave it away was her two bunny ears and if you looked closely. Their was a bunny tail. The woman wore a pair of blue jean pants, a red shirt with a open brown vest. A rucksack thrown over her shoulder.

'Rumi Usagiyama is at my gym!'

The man became excited at having a Popular Pro Hero in his gym. He just hope the equipment could meet her standards.

"Do I need a membership to pratice here?" Rumi asked.

"No, you'll have to pay an extra fee." The Man answered.

"Alright, I'm using the gym. It doesn't look half bad." She said.

"The locker rooms are over there." The Staff Member directed.

Rumi gave a nod and soon went into the female locker rooms. She changed into a black sports wear outfit. It didn't take long the gym to be filled with all kinds of people. The Regulars who didn't care if the gym had a Pro Hero or not. Then it turn to people who were fans of the hero. The gym became packed within the hour. Koji's wouldn't be notice by the Pro Hero until she began to leave the gym. As she checked out, The Woman watch as he continued on with his session.

"Is he gonna be okay? That's a lot even for me." Rumi asked.

"He's gonna be okay. This is his standard thing, he will stop within the next hour or so." The Man said.

Rumi eyed the boy again before leaving the gym. She didn't have anything to say to him... at least not today. For the next few days, she came back to the gym. For every day she came back to the gym. Rumi kept having to leave before Koji. The woman became intrigued and would talk to him.