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A/N: Mature themes ahead. Please skip to, 'Years later.'

"Mom...! Mom!" Someone screamed.

A woman laid on the ground. Her black color hair was in a mess with her hazel colored eyes losing focus. Her body was littered with bruises, cuts and burns. The blood was profusely coming out of her missing left arm and left leg.

"Geez...even though...I told...you not to come...you came..." She weakly said.

A boy came running towards her and his blue color eyes widening in horror. His purple hair would swing as a rough breeze passed over the two. He snapped out of his state and went to the woman's side.

"Mom..." He whimpered.

"Koji...you always come running when it concerns me...idiot. I guess that's alright...don't you ever forget why you wanted to become a hero..."

The woman moved her free hand to get her thumb to grab as much as possible. She would press her bleeding thumb against Koji's lip.

"Lucky that we have the same blood type." She whispered.

The woman had made his mouth take her blood. She also cut his cheek by using her nail. The woman put blood back on her thumb and pressed her blood filled thumb against his cheek. She made her blood mix in with his own before going limp.

"Hopefully...hopefully you gain my Quirk...the...only...one...I...love you...son..."

She didn't get a chance to stay alive any longer. The boy known as Koji watch as the woman died right next to him. The blood loose becoming too much for the woman to bear.


Koji began to cry and hold the dead woman dying in his arms. The child began to felt so much hate within him. However, since no one was around to help him. The child could help but act on his emotions. He gritted hie teeth.

"Yeah, my goal to be a hero. Is to make everyone feel guilty. I will get revenge for you. I will get revenge on society for how they treated us." Koji spoke.

Koji heard a set of footsteps and knew he had to run away. They couldn't figure his connection to her. The boy took her sword before running away from the scene. Koji would get their revenge on society. He would make everyone feel guilty.

Years later.

Koji had on a black hoodie with black cargo pants. His choice of footwear would be a pair of brown hiking shoes. He had a sword on his back with it being contained in a brown sword sheate. The teen wouldn't even past a corner as someone rushed in front of him. It was a large bulky male.

'What the hell are you even doing here?' Koji thought.

He had spiky blonde hair and light blue eyes. The man wore khaki colored cargo pants, a white t-shirt and his choice of foot wear was brown dress shoes.

"Young man what is your name!?" He shouted.

"Koji Nintai." He answered.

The Man was taken aback at the name for a second while Koji took this as a chance to speak again.

"Why did you follow me here, All Might?" Koji asked.

All Might suddenly transformed and Koji watched in great curiosity. All Might became skinny and a bit pale with his spiky hair becoming more flat. His shirt hang loosely on him as it barely fit. The man also spat out blood but recovered in an instant. Koji deduced that All Might went through this on a common basis.

"Oh? A time limit. I won't tell anyone besides we can't have the Symbol of Peace dying in a...tragic accident." Koji said cryptically.

All Might wiped the blood from the side of his mouth.

'Damn...I was hoping to get this out of the way before I reverted back to my original form.' He thought.

"I wanted to thank you for protecting and saving that boy at the market. Despite having no Quirks, you still preformed a selfless act." All Might said.

Yuzu chuckled at the mention of his selfless act. This brought a rised eyebrow from All Might.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't do it because I felt so selfless. Honestly, I was content with the kid dying from his pitiful mistake. However, I did it for my own reasons. Don't think for a second I want to become a Hero for the sake of playing the selfless card. It is and will always be in my own self interest. Take care, All Might. I have things to do." Yuzu stated.

Yuzu passed up a gaping All Might. The Man couldn't process the information that was in his possession. All Might could only watch as Yuzu walked away from him. The Teen moving onwards without looking back.

'Then why did you save him? You barely beat him and yet you could have died. In that instant you pressed onwards without thinking." All Might thought.

Yuzu would walk towards a messy beach. The entire area would be covered in various trash and old kitchen appliance's.

'Ever since I was little I wouldn't stop training to accomplish my goal. I'm going to get into U.A. I know I can barely pass their written exams and that's all that matters. I'll throw myself towards their physical exam. If their exams are ridiculous strong from what people have said then I have preform those feats as well. It would normally take a regular adult a year to clean this all up by themselves. I'm gonna do it in eight months. I need to pass up my physical limitations to even have a slim chance at passing the exams. I defeated that slime monster with the help of my sword. I can defintely do it in eight months.' Koji thought.

Koji took a step forward towards the mountains of rubble with the intent to clean up this entire beach by himself. To get into U.A. To start reaching his goal.

Eight months and a week later.

'It took me a bit longer but...'

Koji steady his body before raising a fist in the air. He gave a tired grin.

'Eight grueling months of pure hell. I finally did it.' Koji thought.

The entire beach and then some would be cleared of every single trash or junk. Koji let his body fall to the sand and looked up at the night sky.

'Finally, I can rest now that I completed my physical training. However, I'm not able to move for a few weeks. I can't even move my body.' Koji thought.

He saw All Might come into his vision and Koji felt hatred nearly overwhelming surface. He pushed it down because he knew that he wasn't in the best position.

"I would have stopped you but I watch you train. It was a good regime. I'm impressed that you made it up." All Might said.

"Just looked online..." Koji answered.

"After watching you do something that I thought was impossible. I have something to ask of you but first let's get you somewhere safe. Where is your home?" All Might asked.

All Might stopped in front of a barely kept together shack and sweat dropped at the place.

"You can't stay here...what happened to your parents?" All Might asked.

Koji was now located on All Mights back and when the man went to look at the child. His purple hair covered his eyes.

"My parents? I guess you can say they died. I'm an orphan." Koji answered.

All Might looked away and then down.

"I didn't mean to poke a still healing wound. I'm sorry."

Yuzu gripped All Might's shoulders as hard as possible. His emotions overwhelming his bodies need to rest but Koji released the hold.


"Let me take you to my place. I can give you better treatment and let you rest there until you can move again." All Might said.

Koji didn't bother thanking All Might. He stayed silent for most of the way to All Might's home.

"I need a successor for my power One for All. I already had my eyes on someone but watching you moving into harms way. To save someone else without a second thought and beating the villain. Then clearing the beach in little over eight months. I was reminded of your determination and willpower that I once had." All Might stated.

"Are you saying that you were Quirkless?" Kojo asked.

"Yeah, I was once like you. A Quirkless person wanting to be a hero. I may not have trained as hard as you have but I could feel your intense passion. All the way from the sidewalk. That's why I want to know if you will accept my Quirk." All Might said.

"No." Koji instantly replied.

All Might became suprised at Koji's instant answer.


"I want to show everyone that a Quirkless person can become a hero. I know several of them exisit but they don't have a license. That's why I'm going to U.A to become a qoute on qoute official hero. Even if I wanted a Quirk. I only want my mother's. There's no way that I will take your Quirk. I think that you already have a candidate. Give it to them." Koji explained.

All Might would have no problem with that if he hadn't meet Koji. However, after watching the kid for eight months. All Might could only feel one thing. That one thing was that he wanted Koji to inherit the mantle.

'It's gonna take some time to break down that stubborness of yours but I will have you become my successor.' All Might thought.

"This won't be the last time, I ask young Koji. However, we will start training after you gain proper rest." All Might said.

'Training from All Might? I could use a pro's training regime." Koji thought.

"I'll agree to train under you but while I'm still trying to rest. I want you to teach me academics. That way I won't fall behind on studies." Koji said.

"Excellent!" All Might proudly yelled.

Koji gave a sweat drop.

'What did I get myself into?' He thought.