Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Men characters. Marvel does. Just be nice with my ideas and that's all. Because this is a disclaimer. And I am disclaiming, bub. Ayup.
Also, please note (for the curious people, that is) that one of the definitions of the word amaranthine is "everlasting." You can manipulate my implications to your liking ;)

It was the beginning of autumn. The leaves had begun to morph their colors to deep shades of red and orange, growing crisp and lackadaisically falling to the ground. Scott Summers always held a deep appreciation for autumn. But today was the first day of school.

And almost ironically, Scott had always dreaded it.

But not today. This was his senior year. His big year to shine and show the world who Scott Summers really was. He could see it now: the fame, the glory, the girls. Though all he really wanted was the attention of one ...Jean Grey. The living, breathing, in-the-flesh epitome of everything Scott wanted. Not because she appeared perfect to everybody else, but she appeared perfect to Scott. And that's what mattered; no one else knew Jean like he did. And if Jean could only realize the way he--


Scott winced as the annoying repetitive beeps interrupted his thoughts. His eyebrows furrowed as he slammed his hand down on the "snooze" button.

Like that's ever going to happen, Summers.