I know this whole virus situation is pretty dang serious and this isn't meant to make light of the gravity of the situation, just something I thought up to see how the iCarly gang would act in such an event. And of course there's Seddieness. Why else would I write this other than an excuse for them to be close. And I needed something to do.
I've been working on other stories, but for some reason I wanted to write something a little less smutty than most of the other things I have in the works and in time with current events. I started thinking about this whole idea when the early U.S. cases were in the Seattle area. There are references to their previous relationship and things they may or may not have done but nothing graphic, so it's rating is a little more kid friendly. If you have that kind of mind, you can infer whatever you wish.
The story starts off after the virus hits and the first of the shutdowns begins. Oh, and the gang is still in high school in this one, at least for a few more months.
Spencer was sitting on his couch watching the news on TV when Carly, Sam and Freddie came into the apartment after school like they always did.
"Watcha doin'?" Carly asked him. She hadn't even expected him to be home. He was supposed to be driving to Idaho with Socko to pick up an RV he had bought online.
"Ssshhhhhh." He hissed, waving his hand at them, not tearing his eyes off the screen.
"Eewww, the news!" Sam cracked on her way past the back of the sofa toward the kitchen. "Gross!"
Freddie took a seat beside the twenty-nine year old artist.
Carly stood behind them with her arms folded. "Come on you two. We've still got to do one more run through on tonight's show and we go live on the net in less than four hours." Carly huffed. "Dang it, Sam. You have a whole box of Fat Cakes in your bag."
"And half a Sub-Place sub." Freddie added.
"Do you have to raid the refrigerator right away?" The brunette looked toward the kitchen. "We have a lot of work to do."
"Can you guys keep it down." Spencer demanded. "Hush!"
"What's got his boxers in a bunch?" Sam asked, now walked toward them gnawing on a chicken leg.
"I don't wear boxers." Spencer retorted. "God, why am I even telling my sister's friends about my underwear? Sit down Carly, there is some serious stuff going on. Haven't they talked about this at school?"
Carly shrugged and Sam swallowed.
"I know. My mom told me about it." Freddie replied. "I was originally just thinking it was her germ paranoia, but she might actually be right on this one."
"Psh. Your mom's crazier than mine." Sam cracked and nudged Freddie with her knee, urging him to make space for her beside him. He scooted slightly closer to Spencer and made room for her.
"Granddad called a bit ago. He thinks we should go out to Yakima to stay with him for a little while. You know, because of the virus in the city."
"Gross! I'm not moving to Yakima. We were through this chiz five years ago." Carly sneered.
"Not permanently." Spencer explained. "And not just you. He invited both of us. An-and I think, well . . . I think we should take him up on it. What's happening right now isn't good."
"But what about iCarly." The dark haired teen gasped.
"And school." Freddie looked at the Shay siblings with wide eyes. "We only have a couple of months before graduation. Our class trip is less than a month away. And then prom and finals and . . . "
"Screw school. Where will I go?" Sam asked. "I'm staying here because my mom left for Canada last night, remember?"
"There's going to be a press conference any minute now. The news people say they expect the governor to close schools. And almost everything else, too." Spencer told the teens. "Sit down and watch."
"Gnnnh! The news is BO-RING!" Sam threw her hear back over the back of the couch after tossing the chicken leg bone toward the trash can and wiping her mouth on Freddie's sleeve.
Carly begrudgingly took a seat on the other side of her brother just as Mrs. Benson came bursting through the door still wearing her nurse's scrubs from work. "Fredward! You need to come home right now." She demanded. "I need to disinfect you and you need to wear these." She handed him a face mask and rubber gloves.
"Mom. They said on the news last night that wearing a mask doesn't help." Freddie argued.
"Do not argue with me, young man. I'm the one who went to medical school." She shot back, hands on hips, before seeing the TV. "Oh, you're watching the press conference, too." She took a seat on the arm of the couch next to her son and stared at the screen. "I suppose we can wait until it's over."
The press conference soon began and the five people sat in shock listening to the various officials who were speaking. First there were a couple of doctors and then the mayors of Seattle and Olympia. Finally, the governor took control and announced that schools all across the state would be closed for several weeks and that no restaurants or public places would be allowed open except for a few stores and businesses that were deemed as necessary, such as pharmacies, grocery stores and gas stations.
"Welp, that settles it. Go pack, Carly." Spencer ordered as soon as he turned off the TV and stood up.
"Carls!" Sam whined, jumping up herself. "What about the show."
"The show's in a little over three hours. We can wait to leave until it's over. But as soon as you sign off, we're out of here." Spencer demanded, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that he was dead serious. More serious than he'd ever been about anything in his life. "In the meantime, I want bags packed and in the car."
Sam just looked at her friend, who was standing in front of her brother, dumbfounded at how responsible and adult-like he suddenly had become. "And before you ask, Sam I already said something to Granddad about you coming along."
"Oh, thank God!" Sam breathed a sigh of relief. "Not that I want to go to Yakima."
"You can't come this time, Sam." Spencer lowered his head and said quietly. "I'm sorry, kiddo."
"Ex-squeeze me?" The blonde chirped.
"He said, and I quote 'You can't bring half of Seattle with you'. I'm sorry, Sam. You know if it were up to me, I'd say yes, right?"
"Bu-but . . . I can't, my mom's not even . . . " Sam began to panic and flopped back down on the sofa beside Freddie.
"Come on, Fredward. We need to go." Marissa saw the drama beginning to unfold in the Shay household and it was getting uncomfortable.
"Mom, I have to stay to get ready for the show. But I'll be home as soon as it's over, alright."
"Not one minute later." She agreed and headed for the door by herself.
"This is jank!" Carly protested and stomped her foot in protest. "Sam should be able to go. Who goes off and leaves their best friend during the apocalypse?"
"I'm sorry little sis." Spencer put his hand on her shoulder. "Maybe Sam can stay with the Bensons."
"What?" Sam sputtered after taking a drink out of a water bottle that was sitting on the coffee table. "You seriously think I want to spend the apocalypse with my ex-boyfriend and his insane mother who hates the sight of me?"
"It's not the apocalypse, you guys." Spencer reassured her. "This will all blow over in a week or so."
"Well, I'm still not . . . " Sam began before being cut off.
Freddie turned to her and mumbled quietly. "You are welcome, Sam. To stay with us." Deep down inside he knew his mother would blow a gasket over this, but he also knew he had a duty to his friend to help her.
"Yeah, right. Mommy Benson will crap out a whole litter of kittens if I show up on your doorstep like some orphan. I'll be fine on my own. Don't worry about me." That quickly, her walls were back up and vulnerable Sam was gone.
They all dropped it, knowing that being pushy with Sam wasn't a good course of action. Carly went to pack, Freddie went to the studio to begin setting up some pre-recorded clips for the show and Sam sulked about the apartment. She stopped in Carly's room for a few minutes but the girls didn't talk much other than a few comments about school work and a couple of their classmates.
Sam ended up in the studio, slumped down into one of the bean bags, playing with her phone. She had given thought to what Freddie proposed but knew it wasn't a good idea.
"Chiz!" She griped suddenly.
"Whussa matter, Puckett?" Freddie asked, not looking up from his computer. "Lose at tank-craft again?"
"Worse! This is all I need, my pain in the butt, goody two shoes, prissy sister is coming home. They closed the schools in her state, too. Her text says the boarding school is out for at least a month." Sam got up and walked toward him holding out the phone for him to see the text.
"Man, they said colleges were switching to online classes but a boarding school in another state and for whole month!" He knew Melanie was real from the time when he and Sam dated, but he didn't know what else to say.
"So I'm stuck with her nubby butt for a freakin' month. Can someone just kill me now?"
He stopped what he was doing and walked in front of the cart to be near her. "Just so you know, I meant it. It wasn't just a hollow thing I said in the moment."
"That you invited me to your place? I appreciate the offer but I don't need your charity, Fredlumps. And I really can't run off and let Melanie on her own. Even if she is a pest. And don't' get me started on the thousand reasons I don't want to live under the same roof as your crazy mom."
"Well, yeah. I meant that too. I still wish you'd just stay with us. I know my mom can be a bit over the top but she's trying to lighten up. And really, it's not charity. This whole thing is really worrisome and you shouldn't be all alone. I care about you, Sam. I meant it when I said I love you. "
"Which night?" She smirked, not looking at him directly. "The night I took my bra off? Or the night you stayed at my house?"
"No. Well, yeah. I always meant it. Especially the night in the elevator."
She didn't know how to respond. She loved him too, but she couldn't say it out load. At least not right now. Somehow, she was now within arms length of him acting shy like a middle school girl at her first dance. His eyes broke her down even if she only barely glanced at him long enough to see them.
"You don't have to say it back. I - I just thought you should know."
"So if I agree to shack up at casa Benson, where do I sleep? Your mom's renting the guest room to T-Bo, and I doubt if she'll let me crash in your room. You know with my girl cooties and your boy hormones and all."
"She'd have a fit if she knew about the night after prom last year wouldn't she?" He cracked and stepped closer to nudge her shoulder with his. "And T-Bo moved out two months ago."
"Really? He moved in with Cheryl? I didn't know that."
"Yep. So we have a spare room. It's all yours."
"I'm gonna hafta go to my house and pick up some chiz. And we need to go to the store for some real food. I know what kind of crap your mom cooks and I swear to God if she tries to feed me eggless eggs or tofu burgers I'll smother her with a pillow while she's asleep."
Freddie grinned at breaking her down. "Deal. First thing in the morning. We'll hit your place and then the grocery store."
"What about Melanie?" She suddenly remembered. "She's taking the bus, leaving first thing in the morning, she'll probably be here day, like, after tomorrow."
"Well, I guess when she gets here she can stay too. It's a big bed, you guys can share, right?" He shrugged, like it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. They were now facing each other and only about a foot apart.
"The only person I've shared a bed with since I'm ten is Carly. Well, uh, and you th-that one time."
Both blushed at the memory, nearly ready to kiss each other.
"You guys ready?" Carly opened the door and interrupted their moment. "Let's get this show on the road. Hah, see what I did there?"
"Ha! You're so punny." Sam cracked, blushing at what she was nearly caught doing.
"We've got ten minutes." Freddie said as he pulled out his phone and looked at the time. Sam turned her back to her two dark haired friends to hide the embarrassment on her face.
"Can't we start the show now and you can just run it on the air on time? Like a time delay or some chiz?" She looked at Freddie. "Spencer really wants to leave. Wait, uh, did I interrupt something here?"
"Psh! No!" Sam sneered. "Give me a little bit. I need to check my makeup and I, uh, needa use the can." With that she quickly walked out of the room.
"So I guess we're not starting early." Carly threw her hands in the air. "Did you at least get her to agree to stay with you?"
"Yeah. And apparently Melanie too. When she gets here."
"Good. You, um, wait, Sam has a sister? Really?" Carly tried to feign disbelief.
"I dated Sam for over a month, remember? I've been to her house. I've seen the pictures from when they were little kids. I know about Melanie." He shook his head. "Sam's mom talks about her all the time, too."
"Good. Cause if you two ever get back together, well honesty is good in a relationship."
"Sam and I aren't getting back together." He rolled his eyes, before saying quietly. "As much as I'd like to."
Carly heard him, even though se wasn't supposed to. She knew Sam wanted the same thing, but the stubborn blonde was too ashamed to admit it. The subject was thankfully dropped and the girl pulled out her own pear-phone. "Where the crab is she?" Carly griped, looking at the time. "It doesn't even take this long for me to do my makeup. And Sam wears less than me."
"Eh, she's probably pooping." Freddie shrugged. "Just relax, she'll be here on time."
Sam returned barely in time to start the show. Before long it was over and the three teens were in the living room saying their goodbyes. Carly, being the emotional one, acted like this was the last time they were ever going to see each other.
"I promise we'll Face Talk every day." Carly sobbed as she hugged Sam again.
"You'd better!" Sam demanded. "I'm gonna need someone normal to talk to. I'm staying with Benson and his weird mom."
"Alright Carly. Everything's in the car. Let's roll." Spencer demanded, walking in and clapping his hands. "Freddie, can you keep an eye on the apartment and water my plants, please."
"Sure, Spence." The young man agreed. "Wait, you have plants?"
"No." Spencer hung his head in shame.
"And why don't you have plants?" Carly scolded.
"Because I forgot to water George." He pouted.
The three teens shook their heads, but Spencer was soon shooing them from the apartment and into the hall. "Time to go. Have fun at Freddie's, Sam. But not too much fun."
"Yeah, God knows we won't have any fun in Yakima. Goodbye, Freddie." Carly hugged the teen boy. "Take care of Sam for me." She whispered in his ear.
She let go and Freddie shared a bro hug with Spencer as Sam and Carly embraced once more. "Take care of yourself, Sam." She whispered "And Freddie." In to her friends ear. "Really good care."
"Yeah, uh, you too." Sam returned and quickly hugged Spencer. "Get her back here soon, dude."
She and Freddie watched as the Shays boarded the elevator and the doors closed. They turned around and headed for the door of apartment 8-D.
"You sure about this, Fredlumps?" Sam asked as he inserted his key into the lock. "I still say I'll be fine on my own."
He simply nodded and opened the door, stepping back like a gentleman to allow Sam to enter first.
They both looked around but didn't see Marissa Benson until she came out from the hallway. She looked at Sam with a sneer and grabbed for her disinfectant spray bottle.
"Mom!" Freddie scolded but it was too late. A fog enveloped the teens. "Mom, for Pete's sake." He gasped and coughed at the wave of spray, waving his hands in front of him. "I need to tell you something. I invited Sam to stay with us."
Marissa quit spraying and looked at him with wide eyes. "What did you say?"
And this is where Mrs. Benson loses her mind. This story is planned out, maybe not fully written but at least planned. I'll try to have another chapter up in about a week.