Hi friends,

this is my first FFVII fic. With the remake that just came out this month, I felt super inspired.

My fic takes place in the Wall Market chapter, and I am super excited to share with you my reimagined story of Zack in this timeline. :0

I really am just testing the waters and trying to flush out my ideas clearly. I do hope you all enjoy this chapter. I am so so so excited for the second part of the FFVII remake, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Also, please remember to wash your hands regularly and stay inside during these trying times. Take care, and hope to see you all again in the next chapter.


Chapter 1: Welcome to Wall Market

The day he came back it rained.

Zack doesn't remember how long he has been asleep nor does he remember how he got to the city. How many days have passed, where was Cloud, and where was his sword, a sharp pain attacked his head, and he realized that the after effects of Hojo's experiments haven't left him untouched.

"So you're up, dude!" a red haired man says, he's wearing a snappy outfit with his chest exposed. "Name's Johnny, found ya roughed up by the riverbank the other day."

Zack didn't want to be recognized, in fact if Shinra knew he wasn't dead, they would personally come for his head. His best bet would be to stay low key, make some cash and find a way back to Aerith, then find Cloud.

"No, not at all, actually I'm new here! Name is Zack, I guess you can call me a jack of all trades; I can build, fight, plant flowers, whatever you need. Came to the city to look for work." Zack said as he sat up and extended his hand out.

"Oh perfect, me too, that's why I moved out of sector 7 and came to Wall Market! I can give you the grand tour!" Johnny said boastfully. "I actually moved out here, after the love of my life, urged me to get out of our town. I would throw it all away if she told me to go back home, though, you know, I'm a simple man."

Zack laughed, in a way he was similar, he risked it all to come back to Midgar and see Aerith. "Me too actually, haven't seen my girlfriend for 5 years. I want to see her as soon as possible, she's probably in sector 5, kept her waiting long enough. But I've got to make a bit of gil before I head out."

Johnny grinned and his eyes light up with enthusiasm, "Well if you're a fighter, the Don is having another tournament soon at the Colosseum, winner gets a good amount of gil. The crowds always looking for fresh meat to either get slaughtered or succeed."

Zack hopped out of bed and did some squats, he then took a look at his surroundings. "Oh yeah, Johnny thanks for your help. Where are we by the way?"

"My place! Found you in pretty bad shape, I'm actually surprised you woke up so soon." Johnny said, "though it does look like you need some new clothes and a shower. I should have something for ya." He throws Zack a pair of black jeans, black bomber jacket, and a black cap to keep 'lowkey'.

"Oh, thanks! I'll pay you back once I win the Colosseum!" Zack said as he rushed to take a shower. Things were finally turning out for the better.


After Zack showered and threw on Johnny's outfit the two men headed out to explore the city and find out the rules on the Don's Colosseum. Zack found Johnny's chattering to be quite entertaining, plus it kept his mind off of Cloud and Aerith for a bit. Johnny filled Zack in on the whole prelims to test out if he was capable to even put on a good show, according to Johnny, everyone and their mom were at these shows, and it was almost impossible to get tickets.

When the duo made it to the registration office the thugs in charge said it was closed for night. Instead they pointed the duo to the gambling ring, and a mischievous smirk landed on Zack's face. His sword and best friend might of gone missing but he still had his materia, and he had the perfect thing for luck.

"Let's go Johnny, gotta make some money for the night." The black hair man smirked as he wandered in the makeshift casino with his new friend. He had to borrow 100 gil from Johnny, but within 30 minutes Zack had already won 20,000 gil. The two men, well actually just the black haired man, continued to dominate, while his red head friend stupidly cheered.

Johnny was amazed, but the Don's thugs were less than pleased, after the next round a few dozen of them threatened to send Zack and Johnny to the graveyard if they didn't leave. Not wanting to cause a scene Zack grabbed his winning pot along with Johnny and left like he was told. The last thing Zack wanted was to start a scene, he had to keep low key so he could leave in the morning.

As soon as they reached the outside, Johnny was the first to speak, he was majorly excited about their pot of cash, and said they should celebrate with a round of beers and babes.

Zack instead mentioned he was starving, and since luck was on their side, they should indulge in something fancy. Johnny mentioned there is a really nice sushi restaurant that costs a pretty penny, but has amazing sake and the freshest fish; that's all it took for Zack to tell Johnny to lead the way.

They ate and drank to their heart's content, but the night did not end after a bougie dinner. The duo continued their party of two, and went to a bar on the opposite side of town. Johnny was a regular and told Zack it was where the young single guys went to mingle, and probably the most popping place in town as it was next to Honeybee Inn. Zack didn't mind, the bar was packed but he was in a socializing mood. It felt good to cut loose.

After a few rounds of darts, Johnny said he would take a breather outside, and by that point Zack had already made friends with the bartenders and regular customers. Johnny saw the warm energy the black haired man emanated, and for the first time since he moved to Wall Market, he felt good about making a real friend.


As Johnny was taking a breather outside, he noticed a young couple approach him. The man brashly grabbed him and said.

"Oi, have you seen Tifa?", a blonde haired man said. He had a huge sword, and a pretty brunette by his side. She wasn't Tifa, but Johnny noticed she had that pretty ethereal girl next door type of vibe.

"Tifa, my love, my light?" Johnny said, as a sea of emotions began to trigger, "She's here? She must of came out here to find me. Tifa baby, wait for me I am coming!" he screamed, as he ran down Wall Market.

"Should we… er follow him?" Aerith said, as she looked at an annoyed Cloud. He shook his head and turned to Aerith.

"I'll follow him, you find out what you can around this area, you know I'm not much of a people person." He said, as he began to walk towards Johnny. Cloud then turned his head back and told her, "are you going to be ok, call if you need me?"

Aerith smiled, "Of course, I'm a tough girl. Now, hurry up, we've got to save Tifa!"

Cloud nodded and sprinted after Johnny. Aerith was a bit nervous, but she was tough, plus she was quite good at dealing with people, or so she though. She decided to walk into the bar, and immediately felt overwhelmed. She took a seat near a fashionable young woman, who was trying her way with a handsome looking guy. Aerith couldn't see his face much, but he was dressed in an all-black outfit with a hat to that covered most of his face. She tried to mind her own business as she ordered a drink from the bartender, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation, she had to strategize how to extract info.

"Look lady, for the 5th time, I'm really not interested, I'm just waiting for my friend." The man said as he got up and closed his tab. Aerith's heart was racing, that voice, the one she longed to hear for 5 years.

She got up and followed the stranger out. Just as they reached the outside she grabbed his hand, and he jumped, he didn't bother turning around. "Look lady, I told you I have a girlfriend."

"Oh, my mistake then…", she said sadly. The stranger then turned his face, and she met his face eye wide with shock.

"Aerith?! Is that you?", before she could answer he grabbed her and pulled her body into his.

It was her Zack, she couldn't believe it, the one she only saw in her dreams was holding her. This was too good to be true, and just like that the words sunk into her. He had a girlfriend, she immediately squirmed out of his grip.

Zack was a bit shocked, coming down from his high he made sure to look Aerith in the eyes. He met her green eyes, and immediately was hurt, Aerith was crying and he knew he was the cause of it.

"What's wrong?" He said gently, as he held her face. She sniffled and refused to look him in the eye.

"Nothing, you left for 5 years, no replies to my phone calls or letters… and you have a girlfriend." She pouted. The thing with Zack is, he has a way of charming people over, and Aerith was not about to get fooled by his puppy dog antics again.

"Is that what you're mad about? I'll tell you everything, and yes ma'am I have a girlfriend, her name is Aerith and I've loved her since I was 16!" Zack said as he wiped the tears away from her eyes with his thumb. Aerith's cheeks turned red from embarrassment, she buried her face his his chest and muttered.

"Oh you", she felt like she was 15 again, and the feelings between them never really changed. She knew he had his reasons, and she was mad for no reason, but being apart from him really hurt. She held onto Zack, so tight that it made her shoulders hurt. He was here, after so many years, that missing piece of her heart was finally back. Before she could indulge in their reunion she remembered the reason why she was in Wall Market in the first place, Cloud.

Zack could feel Aerith break out of their embrace, he looked at her again; her bright cheery self, returned, and he knew that look all too well. It was the 'I have a tiny wish' look she gave him whenever she wanted him to do something. Oh how he missed it, "So, what is it I can help you with?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" She said cheerfully, "Well I've got a friend, and he's in a pinch. His girlfriend, or well… the girl he loves is going to be offered as a bride to the Don, so we're here to find our way in and bust her out."

"Sounds dangerous… I'm in! If it's man power I got you covered." Zack said, he then looked at his girlfriend. She happily smiled and told him they needed to gather more info. Zack mentioned during his time at the bar he found out the Don picks a woman to be his bride every so often, and those women would always disappear immediately after.

Aerith's face turned pale, she couldn't imagine that would happen to Tifa. She grabbed her boyfriend's hand and said, "We have to get in there, Zack!"

"Yeah, I know. Hmm…maybe I can disguise myself as a vendor and have you as my bride offering, then we bust in there and save you friend's girl!" Zack said cheerfully, he felt mighty proud of his plan.

"Well then, tell me what you're waiting for. Come, we need to find Cloud first!" Aerith said as she happily grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

"Cloud?!" Zack said in shock. Why was the planet so small? Also, if it's the girl Cloud loves, it had to be Tifa who was in trouble. Zack had to act fast.