Chapter 1 - Capillary

"The first documented case of time travel was from an American during the early age of quirks."

The click-clacking of footsteps echo loudly as they walk through the station's hallway, and Izuku focuses his jet-lagged brain to focus on detective Tsukauchi guiding him.

"Originally thought quirkless, his quirk activated accidentally and triggered the user to repeat the same day over and over again. While it was an incredibly powerful quirk for the time, we have not seen any other time-related quirks since Eri." The harsh lights force even harsher shadows, making the building seem colder than it was. Tsukauchi continues unperturbed. "That is not to say that there hasn't been any time travel quirks since."

Izuku nods and they take a corner. He takes the moment to fill Tsukauchi in on what he knows. "We theorize on at least two types of time travel - closed time loops and branching timelines. We are both familiar with a case of the first. The American's was not classified in either since we lack information from that time, and Eri's is more of an outlier."

Nodding in confirmation, the detective stops him before an office. Uraraka, in her full hero gear, stands immediately from her chair by the door to enthusiastically greet him.

Catching her with a bright chuckle, Izuku greets, "Uravity!"

"Deku! We missed you!" She settles down, taking in his casual clothes, "Sorry for bringing you in on such short notice - even more so since you were on such an important mission!"

Izuku smiles down at her. "It's no problem." He assures, looking up as the office door opens and Todoroki steps out, "We had a successful sting last week and have been on standby since."

"Welcome back." Todoroki claps hands with him earnestly. "How was Thailand?"

"Thanks," Smile slowly falling from his face, Izuku peeks through the window at the lone figure remaining in the office. "Outside of my mission, it was lovely."

Despite being the new Symbol of Peace, he was occasionally requested for the rare, high-danger undercover missions. The idea of going undercover sounded fun, but these missions often exposed him to the worst of humanity. When Tsukauchi had made the call about another mission that required delicacy while he was still incognito, Izuku had been hesitant.

Until he mentioned time travel.

"The chief of police went ahead and dismissed me as this has higher priority. If they need any more help, some of the Bangkok heroes are on standby..."

Izuku trails off as the figure comes into better view. He was a male, late teens with shaggy brown hair. His eyes were downcast and hands clasped firmly together in his lap. Izuku had already been told this wasn't their villain - so then he was a witness?

"But I hear I might have to be going back undercover again." He sighs. Detective Tsukauchi takes that moment to fill him the rest of the way in.

"Hisakawa Hibiki, 17 years old and the younger of his identical twin, Michi." The door opens and Hibiki looks up, startled. "We discussed closed time loops earlier - but this will be our first case of diverging timelines."

Todoroki finishes the unsaid thought before Izuku's mind can catch up, "Their quirk births alternate universes at points from our own."

Izuku barely restrains his shocked curiosity - because holy hell - that was a powerful quirk. One that he would absolutely love to grill the kid about. There had to be a catch.

Dancing between the two heroes blocking the doorway, Uraraka comes to sit by Hibiki. She gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Hisakawa, this is the hero Deku." He waves, but it seems Hibiki had already recognized the number one hero. "Would you mind filling him in?"

Hibiki scrunches up uncomfortably - a mix between awestruck and nervous. Izuku doesn't blame him, he had been in more police stations with big-name heroes than he could count.

"Ah, erm - Nice to meet you sir." He ducks his head and Izuku smiles brightly as he comes to sit across from him. Tsukauchi slides Izuku a folder and he idly flips through it as Hibiki continues, "Well, I guess I should start by saying that my brother and I both have identical quirks."

The Hisakawa file reveals that the twins were living on their own. Their father was living overseas and their mother was deceased. Michi had a few petty crimes listed, and had been declared missing for nearly eight months.

Izuku waits to question him, instead encouraging him to continue. "That's so cool! Not all twins have identical quirks."

Hibiki smiles, some of the tension fading from his shoulders. A bitter huff escapes his lungs.

"That is actually why I was able to tell something was off. Michi has sent villains into the past."

Sitting up straighter, Izuku sets his jaw, not willing to push Hibiki. The teen shakes his head and continues.

"Originally, when we got our quirks, we were too scared to use them. It would teleport us to a random place at a random time of day. We learned to just not use it. About three years ago did we really start experimenting. That's when we learned it was not only time travel, but that it was creating alternate timelines entirely. Michi was really dogged about learning more about it. I can't tell you how many trips he made or how many timelines that sprouted."

A quick glance at the file: The Hisakawa mother had died in an accident indirectly caused by a villain attack three years ago. It didn't take a genius to know why their quirks suddenly became such a focus to the Hisakawa brothers.

Izuku bites his tongue.

"Our quirk lets us travel to a full moon any time in the past since we developed our quirk. We can use our quirk anytime, and we can bring or send one other at a time to the past with us..." Hibiki exhales and relaxes into Uraraka's touch as she grips his shoulder, "But we cannot bring living objects from the past back to the present."

Crossing his arms and looking more steely than he probably meant, Todoroki interrupts, "And this is when Hisakawa came to us. He himself cannot go back to retrieve the villains - that would be akin to suicide. We were in need of someone who can handle the situation appropriately and won't stand out."

Izuku purses his lips, not at all put out by the fact that they were implying he looked plain (after all, that's the reason he was on his last mission too). Todoroki, despite having the right disposition to handle the fragility of something like time travel, stood out far too much. He's nodding his agreement to join this new mission before they can even ask.

"Right, what's the plan?" His enthusiasm forces a chuckle from Uraraka.

Seven papers are spread before him, each with faces and the title of villain on them.

"These are the seven criminals sent back in time by Hisakawa Michi." Tsukauchi elaborates. Hibiki sits up and brings Izuku's attention back to him.

"This has created a new timeline, and until one of the targets is killed, this is the only new timeline made from this. Michi sent all of them almost at once, but that will be one person each to kill their target per full moon. The earliest villain has been sent back to April, ten years ago."

Izuku bites his lip, brows furrowing. That was a long time ago - back when he was still in high school. There were still people he cared about back then that were no longer around today.

His earlier excitement wanes, this mission was going to be harder than he first thought.

"I'm pretty sure Michi was ordered to send them all to Musutafu. I think it's to kill the most prominent heroes today that were less unbeatable back then. My quirk will let me send you back to the same time, but only to the general area."

"So UA students then?" Izuku mumbles, "I just have to find the villains before they kill anyone. How do I bring them back?"

"The portal that sends you to the past closes after you arrive, but it will still be there. If you come back to the same spot with the villain, it will recognize you and send you back here. In an emergency, I can also open a new one to come get you myself. Also..." Hibiki pauses, "If they do manage to kill anyone, that will create another timeline on top of the one already made."

"Right, so I just have to worry about catching them before that happens."

"This doesn't apply to you." Hibiki says suddenly, tilting the entire tone of the room off-kilter.

Todoroki uncrosses his arms and leans forward, very carefully choosing his words, "What do you mean by that?"

Sensing the change in atmosphere, Hibiki shrinks back into himself, "I mean, if Deku - or any other time traveler - were to kill say, a villain, it would only cause that timeline to diverge further. Not create another one. I wouldn't have to send people back to stop it from happening - thus creating a new timeline."

There were so many villains back then, that if they had been stopped, so many innocents would have lived. Izuku knows Hibiki wasn't implying to take any out, was simply using it as an example.

But that knowledge was there now.

Uraraka and Todoroki fix him with unreadable gazes, and Izuku tries to bring back the lighter atmosphere from earlier. He's suddenly reminded of how harsh the station's lights were.

"What about other changes? Little things - nothing drastic like killing a villain."

Hibiki shrugs, frown pulling at his lips, "Michi was able to save mom sometimes by stealing the spark plugs to our car."

"And it wouldn't branch off into a new timeline?"

"No, since it was already a new one, it just continued like that. The other Hibiki and Michi would never know if they didn't see us, and Mom got to continue living with them..."

The office falls quiet, somewhere, in the back of his mind, he can hear rain patter against the roof. Todoroki swiftly grabs his arm.

"This doesn't mean you can interfere with the known closed time loops. Izuku, you know some things cannot be changed."

"Relax," He replies. His eyes fall to trace the grain of the table in front of him. Some people would die no matter what he changed - not all of their classmates would graduate with them. Bakugou's sacrifice was still a raw wound, as was All Might's tragic demise. No matter how painful, there were some things that even time travel couldn't fix. "I don't plan on changing anything."

Okay, maybe that wasn't the entire truth. The deadpan looks from both his friends tell him how much they believe him as well.

A few tweaks here and there could save thousands of lives.

Uraraka shifts a leg so it tucks underneath her, "But we could."

And what a heavy statement that was. They had the power to change the past - even if it wasn't their own - they still could. Did that make it legal? Was it moral or would they be the same as the villains Michi associated with?

Even Todoroki look enticed. His hetero-chromatic gaze glances to the detective (gauging how much they could get away with) and then back to Izuku. Tsukauchi remains hesitantly quiet.

"We could. Deku certainly has the power. Hell, he could break into Tartarus and hit All for One with a quirk suppressant long enough to kill the bastard."

His heart skips a beat as Uraraka shakes her head - they were talking about this like it was real, like it was a possibility. A goal within reach. And still, Detective Tsukauchi doesn't stop them.

"No - it can't be anyone too obvious like that. Not only does this timeline not understand time travel yet, villains like All for One and Shigaraki are too high-key."

"Then-" Izuku pauses, waiting for Tsukauchi to stop them and say that this was illegal. Heart bursting out of chest when he realizes that the detective was following his lead (was it because there were no laws about this yet? or because Tsukauchi knew that these people needed to be stopped regardless of the gray legality of Izuku's actions?), he proclaims "Then someone smaller, with less eyes on them but just as critical to the League."

"Daruma Ujiko." Todoroki finishes for him. "Toppling a pillar so crucial as him will cripple the League's strength."

Before his excitement can get the better of him, Izuku states, "First, I need to actually get to the past and figure out what to do from there. I need to be careful about anything else."

Tsukauchi stands and leans out the door, "I'll need files on Daruma Ujiko, blueprints for Jaku Hospital from 20XX, and a list of the League of Villains and the Paranormal Liberation Front's activities between the years 20XX and 20XX."

This was happening.

Izuku stamps out his giddiness and turns to Uraraka and Todoroki, both seemingly as giddy as him. Uraraka is smiling so bright, he can see wetness at the corners of her eyes. Todoroki had never been one to be so openly expressive, but the toothy, near-vicious grin leaves Izuku beaming.

They were doing this.

"So, when do we start?"


Thursday, April 4th 11:27 am. ~10 Years in the Past

Deku steps from the roaring portal, pulling his hood tighter against his face.

After Hibiki's statement at the office, they had decided Deku would shower and take a night's rest while the others prepared clothes and a persona for him. Despite how plain he was, the only difference between 26 year old Deku and 15-16 year old Izuku was merely height and build. While he had sprouted upwards, he was no All Might in bulk - lean and lithe but broad shouldered enough that he cut an imposing figure to petty criminals.

Regardless, eagle-eyed residents would be able to tell his identity at a glance. Not only was a change in costume required, but so was posture.

That was why Deku groaned when he saw the hoodie and worn jeans Uraraka and Todoroki had tossed at him the moment he walked back into the office. 'Street Thug' was what they had decided and Deku went with it.

So, Deku shifts his posture to how he remembers that of Overhaul's (because if he was going to be a thug, then he was going to be a thug with class and how dare they try and get him to imitate Shigaraki), pulls his dark gloves tighter to cover his scars, and secures the black medical mask over his face.

"10 years, huh?" He looks around, squinting at the sunbeams creeping through the canopy of trees above him. Spring air filtered pleasantly through the mask.

The fight to keep his smile from stretching his face fails miserably - he was back in the past.

Early April - his first semester hadn't started yet then. He had already gotten his acceptance letter though, right? It was still filed away in his keepsakes back at his apartment.

He pulls himself from his musings and walks out of the park. The first stop would be the Todoroki residence.

Collectively, they had compiled a list of possible targets based on what was public knowledge. This early in the timeline, their two main guesses had been the Todoroki and Yaoyorozu estates.

Hibiki, being more in-tune with time travel, had also told them he 'had a feeling' when it came to where the time travelers were going. Deku rejoiced at the convenience of this.

The fact that the villain he was hunting could nullify elemental based attacks solidified the fact that it was a young Todoroki he was aiming for. A car honks and he jumps further away from the road he was walking next to. The couple he nearly bounces into shy away with their heads down and hushed voices. Woops.

Kamaitachi was the name of this particular villain - he was one of the stronger ones Michi had been said to have sent back. The pale man was weaselly, his quirk allowing him to suck up elemental attacks and allegedly spew them back at their user.

Deku wanders into the nicer residential area, not far from the Todoroki's. At this time of day, Enji Todoroki would be at his agency.

Wandering past the entrance, Deku cases the wall surrounding the estate. With no signs of Kamaitachi, he hops the wall and hides within their rock garden.

From this spot, he can see down their hallway and into a slim section of the kitchen. Fuyumi works at cleaning up lunch for two.

Shifting, Deku bends a leg to prop his arm onto. He waits.

And he waits.

He's watching as Shouto finally makes a brief appearance (and oh wow, was he young) when he catches sight of someone leaping over the back wall.

Before Hibiki had opened a portal this morning, Tsukauchi had told him to be careful with how he used One for All. They had come to an agreement that he shouldn't use it visibly - meaning to keep it down to 7% to prevent that telltale lightning from giving him away - and to not use it in ways that the younger Izuku didn't understand yet.

So no other quirks, no Blackwhip, no nothing.

There were thousands of people whose quirks were a simple strength and speed augmentation, and Deku needed to blend in with the crowd.

His limitations do nothing to stop him from downing Kamaitachi in the blink of an eye. The villain collapses from Deku's quick strike, and the hero catches him before he can collapse and make more of a noise. Hand over Kamaitachi's mouth, he watches the house.

No movement.

Deku bolts, the limp villain dangling bonelessly in his grasp as he darts through every back alley and empty street he can find. Heart pounding in his ears, he knows how suspicious he looks. Every step is adrenaline fueled.

He only slows when he reaches the park, the thrill of escaping seamlessly not quite lost yet. Hefting Kamaitachi higher, he winds through the trees back to where he remembered the portal was.

It looks like empty air - but the tug he had felt when entering and being thrust back in time tries to pull him closer.

Deku glances around. That had almost been too easy, he can't help the thought that it was sorta anticlimactic. This was the past and no paradoxes, no world-ending bosses arose, there was nothing excessively dramatic.

Sci-fi movies had led him astray.

With that thought, he drags the first villain back through the portal.


Feet landing in the empty room designated for the Time Travel Portal, Izuku is met with the excited faces of his team. He smirks and pauses for dramatics.

"Can someone take him? All this time travel has sprained my flex-" Izuku pauses to flex his free arm, "capacitor."

"Oh my god." The starving excitement is instantly wiped from Uraraka's face and Todoroki groans like he had food poisoning. Izuku laughs heartedly and hands off Kamaitachi to the pair of policemen on standby at the door.

Feigning pain as Uraraka gently slugs his arm, he pulls the medical mask down and turns back to face the questions palpably building up.

"How was it?" Uraraka can barely keep her voice level, she was practically vibrating in her boots and Todoroki looked to be almost doing the same.

He tries to hide his smile, but once his lips start to make kissy shapes, he gives in and beams brightly.

"It was so cool! We were right - he was going after little Shouto himself! It was spring, there were flowers! And some people thought I was a thug, and -" he starts going off, his excited tirade unstoppable. Todoroki pats his back good-naturedly, reminding him to breathe.

Hibiki stands ready, attentively watching the heroes with fascination. He had also chuckled at Izuku's pun earlier. In a way, the kid reminded him of a young Kaminari. Izuku hums, police were on the tail of Michi. He hopes their story doesn't end tragically.

"Thanks Hisakawa. I'm ready whenever you are." Izuku nods to him and pulls his hood and mask back on. Hibiki nods back.

He makes one last glance back to Tsukauchi, Todoroki, and Uraraka. With a wave, the portal roars to life before him and he steps through.

Saturday, May 4th 12:13 am. ~10 Years in the Past.

When he ducks through the portal and into the past, he understands what Tsukauchi and Hibiki mean when they tell him that this could be traced. The light from the portal was blinding at this time of night, and the sheer noise would wake anyone in the vicinity.

Deku grips his hood as the wind rips at it and trots away, stepping clear of the area before turning to watch the portal shut. It shutters, combs of light zig-zagging before it all breaks apart.

No doubt a quirk like this would go unnoticed for long.

A dead tree filters the bright light of the full moon so it hits his surroundings in patches. The portal this time had spit him out in some neighborhood playground. With the roar of the portal gone, Deku can hear the gentle trickle of a creek nearby.

Powering up to 7% he darts to a more populated area and onto the roofs of buildings. This late at night, especially during Golden Week, nothing would be open around here.

Unlike with the other villains, they knew who the target was this time. He pulls out a map to Shinsou Hitoshi's residence.

Killer Tengu had a vendetta against Shinsou since the latter had put him in prison. The villain had a deadly quirk, that once a victim was within hearing distance, he could suck the oxygen from their lungs by simply speaking aloud. Even without his quirk, his skill with his blades was phenomenal.

Deku notes that this was likely the most dangerous of the bunch - and had been a bad match up for Shinsou whose quirk worked the instant Killer Tengu had spoken.

But now he was armed with that knowledge and heading for a young and near-defenseless Shinsou. This Shinsou would still be preparing for the Sports Festival within the week. Deku dashed his way over the rooftops faster.

The targeted house comes into view, and Deku barely has a moment to recognize Tengu creeping towards a second-story window. Tiles cracking under his heel, Izuku leaps forward, aiming to knock Tengu out in one hit.

The villain, alerted by his jump, shifts to the side just in time to avoid the brunt of Deku's kick. Wide eyed, the villain snarls, "Suffocate, you bastard!"

Gasping, he keeps his head as no air comes. Deku charges forward slamming the villain into the wall. A light comes on in the house.

Air still fails to return to him as his lungs pump. Keeping the panic at bay, he slams Tengu's head against the ground. The villain's quirk breaks just as the edges of his vision haze.

He stumbles back against the wall, taking a moment to refill his lungs. A flashlight blinds him from the opposite end of the house, he can hear someone (Shinsou's parent?) on the phone with the police.

Snatching Killer Tengu's limp form, he springs away. He grimaces at the fact that he can only use 7% - that fight would have ended before it had even begun and he would have been back at the portal in the blink of an eye.

Falling back away from the edge of a roof, he ducks as police sirens whir by. Deku grumbles - what if they thought he was the villain here? Abducting some poor late-night walker?

Shit - this was going to be investigated for sure.



Izuku grumbles as he hauls Tengu through the portal and lays him out on the floor. The police from before had returned, and move to cuff and muzzle the villain quickly.

"I take it that this round didn't go as well." Todoroki stands from where he had been sitting against the wall. Izuku scuffs the dark blue carpet of the office with his foot and pulls down his mask.

"Had the police called on me."

"Oof." Standing to join the other two heroes, Uraraka fixes him with a sympathetic gaze.

"Oof indeed." Izuku agrees. He runs a hand through his hair where it peeks out from the hood. Exhaling slowly, he turns to Tsukauchi, "What now? Didn't expect to get the police involved so soon."

The detective hums, setting his coffee on the windowsill (the office had been emptied after all, not even chairs for his poor friends to sit in while he was gone).

"Well, we can only continue on." That was an uncharacteristically optimistic statement from him, "Maybe they will connect your appearance to the portals, maybe they won't. But this was never a matter of if we would be detected - those portals not only cause a scene but they also show up on any quirk factor radar on this side of Japan."

Todoroki swallows next to him, "So you're saying he could go through there one time and be met with the entire police force?"

Laughing sheepishly, Tsukauchi nods, "Since it's Musutafu, I would probably be there too. Along with several Pro Heroes."

Izuku nearly gags - he says that like it would be reassuring, that would be the worst-case scenario! Maybe after a villain succeeding to kill their target...

Shaking his head and ruffling up his hair once more, Izuku moves on to the next point.

"Right, let's just hope that doesn't happen then. Hisakawa," he addresses the lanky teen, "Where to next?"


Wednesday, July 31st 7:16 pm. ~10 Years in the Past.

Just like with Shinsou's, his childhood home had been leaked to those most persistent in digging up his information. While his friend's had only been known amongst the villain group due to Tengu's obsessive desire for revenge, the same did not hold true for Deku. His home had been made public (at least to those deep enough in the web) by hungry fans two years back.

Err, that would be eight years in the future now.

He steps out of the alley and into a street, pleasantly surprised to recognize the area. Sending a silent thank you to Hibiki for getting the general area closer this time, he works his way through the dinnertime walkers and makes his way home.

The short walk has him constantly pulling his hood lower over his face and adjusting his black medical mask to make sure it was still in place. He keeps his head low, and lower still as he passes near Bakugou's house.

Deku holds his breath the entire way past, too scared of being seen and too scared of what he could see.

The apartment complexes stand tall, but he is quick to scale them. He settles on a roof, humid summer air heating him uncomfortably in all his dark layers. Across from him, the lamp to his room is on.

It illuminates his old room, and he smiles in nostalgia as he sees his younger self darting back and forth in an attempt to keep busy. Fondness seeps through him, it was summer break, the next big thing for him was summer training camp in the woods - could he not settle down? His mom and All Might were right, he was a cute kid.

If only he could stay and fight all of those imminent battles for him, save him and his friends from the pain of the upcoming years. It hurt to be ordered to let the timeline flow naturally.

He pulls the collar of his shirt to allow airflow, and Deku briefly despises Michi for skipping June and going straight into July. He knows it was probably due to a lack of information on the villain's part, and really, Deku couldn't blame Michi until they had concrete evidence that he had willingly aided the villains.

Minutes tick by and the streets grow sparse. The roof catches at his heel as he stretches his leg out. The younger Izuku moves to his closet, sorting out clothing and gear.

Deku checks his watch (he was on strict command to leave his cell in the case that it connected with his younger self's device) and frowned at the time. Nearly an hour had passed and no sign of their villain.

Mom would have been getting off of work and heading back on the bus by now. If this villain - Reticular, whose quirk could paralyze through eye contact - were to arrive, then he wouldn't want her home if a fight were to break out.

Biting his lip and bouncing his leg, he fiddles with his gloves.

Deku gives one last glance to his younger self and stands hesitantly. Feet pacing to the other end of the roof, he takes off in the direction of the bus stop.

The alleyway he lands in is damp, and he jogs his way to the bus stop. A young woman clutches her purse tighter, but other than that the stop is empty.

Deku backtracks, following the main roads this time. He keeps his eyes out for the hulking figure of Reticular. A car whooshes by, its tires sending up mist from the water collected in the street.

Other than that, the well-lit streets are empty.

Taking a corner he finally spies the villain - and in the same moment notices who he is looming over. Heart sinking to his stomach, cold adrenaline bursts through him.

Inko Midoryia lays on the concrete sidewalk, hand held up in defense and eyes blown wide. That was his mom. Horror and fury blind him.

Deku moves.

The villain is sent rocketing away and Deku skids to a stop with his back to his mother. He brings Full Cowl back down to 7% with a shaky exhale.

She was fine - the villain hadn't hurt her aside from pushing her to the ground. She was okay.

His mother's shocked gasp has him glancing back to double check, and he pulls his hood lower. In the few moments he had paused to catch his breath, she had climbed to fer feet. Her hands were clasped close to her chest, one looking as if it were about to reach out to him.

From over his shoulder, their eyes make contact for a only an instant. Deku stiffens and turns away.

Twitching from where he lay under the golden glow of a streetlamp, the villain doesn't get up. Deku strides over, bending down to pick him up by the shirt.

With the fear fading, he finds himself with a new problem. He didn't trust that the medical mask would hold up well enough under the scrutiny of his mother. Face carefully angled away, Deku leans over the villain, a single hand clutching Reticular's shirt a he pulls him up.

Act like a gangster - there's no way she would recognize him then.


The quiet call freezes him - there's no doubt she saw him tense at her words. Rather than acknowledging her, he tosses the villain over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. In two quick bounds, he flees the street and her sight altogether.

He was screwed.

Ice chills his veins as he lands in front of the portal.

He was screwed.

Thank you very much for reading!

Comments are very much appreciated! This is going to be a 3-part story, and is already complete. This will be the last unrelated story I work on until I post the next chapter of my FFXV fic (also Time Travel, yes yes I know, I'm back on my bs) Damnatio Memoriae. Anyway, I'll upload the next chapter of this in the next few days (i wanna this time next week but in quarantine all time blends together, so it may be a day or to earlier or later).

So Manga Spoilers: I just caught up with the manga last week. As I was reading and go to the part where we see the lineup of past OfA users, I thought 'huh, that one on the end kinda looks like Bakugou lol'...The next night I see that theory vid where the second OfA user is actually Bakugou and it's a time loop theory. My mind was blown. Idk how much I really believe it, but its a fun idea and I kinda imply it happens here in this fic. If anyone was wondering what Deku and Todoroki were referencing to.

Right, I really hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time! :)