Hey everyone how's it going?

Now here I have is a total drama story a different one this time

I'm giving Cody a break and this time it's Duncan's turn.

Now this takes place after all stars and Duncan will have Courtney and Gwen.


I don't own any of this.

(Takes place after all stars)

After getting rescued and brought back to the main the cast of all stars then proceeded to kick the shit out of Chris for putting them there and what was surprising was Duncan's beating when he said this.

"That's for putting me and my best girls in danger like that you asshole of a host."

Gwen and Courtney heard him said that and blushed and realize they still had feelings for him.

Just then Fang appears ready to eat everyone.

Duncan then let go of Chris and turned to the mutant shark with anger.

"Ok that's it I had it enough with this king shark reject." Duncan said with rage as he pulled out a knife meant to fight sharks.

"Come on you Jaws reject!" he said making Fang angry.

They charged at each other and formed a fight cloud.

(30 ass kicking minutes later)

Duncan was standing with a necklace of shark teeth over the dead body of Fang and he was covered in blood, bite marks and scratches.

Then he turned to Chris.

"IF you ever laid harm on Courtney and Gwen again Mc-lean next time I won't be so merciful and the same goes to you Chef." Said Duncan darkly.

"HA! I like to see you try nice guy." Mocked Chef.

"THAT'S IT!" said Duncan and he grabbed Chef, put him in a cannon and fired him all the way to Toronto as he screams.

Duncan then turn to Chris with a murderous look on his face and Chris was scared of what Duncan would do until Gwen and Courtney hugged him from behind stopping him.

"Duncan stop!" said Courtney.

"Duncan that's enough Chris has had enough." Added Gwen.

Duncan did stopped and he slowly started to calm down and catch his breath.

After he calmed down he got his contract and then ripped it up and made it clear he was done with total drama for good and he won't be coming back and if Chris or Chef try to force him to come back all bets were off.

Duncan then return home and he went to court to get out of jail and Courtney helped him out as his lawyer and after presenting a crazy ton of evidence to the court, Chris was sued of $2 million and everyone's contracts was render null and void and Duncan got his record expunged.

Duncan then used some of the money to help out his friends, he helped DJ getting rid of his curse and getting him and his mom a new house and a new bus. Also get Zeke back to normal and get him re-educated. He also made amends with Harold cause he stood up to him and Cody for dating Gwen and using a Dingo on him.

Also he got along with Mike now that Mal is gone for good and they made peace and they even hangout.

During that Courtney and Gwen made amends with each other and also Courtney learned to loosen up a bit and even hang out with Gwen.

As they both hang and talk they remember the times they competed and also how each of them dated Duncan and well thanks to total drama it did wreck it and they felt ashamed of not heeding Duncan's warning of Mal until it was too late and they paid the price.

Now with that over they realized that they both loved Duncan and wanted to be with him and accept him for what he is.

So they hatched an idea.

(3 weeks later)

Duncan was at home working out with his brothers lifting some weights and working the punching bag, when his mom came in and told him there's someone on the phone wanting to talk to him.

Duncan put the weights down and went to the kitchen and answered the phone.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey Duncan."

"Gwen? What is it?" he asked.

"Look I know things between us went south in all-stars and well me and Courtney paid the price and we sorry of not taking your warning seriously and so we would like to make it up to you." Said Gwen.

Gwen then told Duncan where they will be and he wrote it down on paper.

"Ok see you 2 tomorrow night at 8." Said Duncan and they hang up.

He took the note and put it in his pocket and went back to working out.

(next day around 6 pm)

Duncan was on his black-blue-green Harley Davidson motorcycle as drove to where to meet Gwen and Courtney.

He bought it with the money he won from the lawsuit and was glad he riding one.

It was about 7:45 when he arrived at the location.

It was a hotel about 4 stories high.

He parked his ride and went inside, he went up to the desk and got the key and went to the room on the 3rd floor.

"Ok, 221, 222, 223 and 224 here it is." He said.

He put the key in and unlocked the door and went inside the room.

He closed the door behind him and saw on the bed was Gwen and Courtney wear some sexy lingerie.

"Hey you two." Said Duncan now feeling really nervous.

"Glad you can come Duncan." Said Gwen.

"Now that you are here we need to talk." Said Courtney.

"Here we go." whispered Duncan.

To be continued

Well that ends part 1 of this

Part 2 will be up soon as I finish uploading my last chapter for Cody's encounter

Also one of my total drama stories is getting a revamp so keep an eye out.

Also how was your Easter?

Well gotta run

SO R and R no flames and no insults

Until next time

This is darkboy18 logging out
