Chapter Twelve: Dolphin Ride

"Introducing the newest and youngest member of our crew,.. mister Harry Snape!" Harry Hook announced excitedly as young Harry hurried down the deck wearing a dark purple T-shirt with a matching bandana on top of his head, black vest, and matching pants and boots while Uma applauded and cheered for him.

"Don't you look frightening?" She questioned as Harry smiled back up at her.

"You really think so?" He questioned her back.

"Yeah, now all that's missing is a golden earring." The older Harry teased with a rather sly grin but Uma just simply turned her head towards him.

"Don't even think about it he's too young!" She snapped and that's when suddenly Harry heard something that sounded angelic.

"Wait, what's that?" He questioned with uncertainty.

"Mermaids probably." The older Harry replied with a grin as Harry suddenly grew a look of excitement onto his face as he had never seen a real live mermaid before and raced over to the railing and suddenly let out a rather loud breath of exasperation.

"Why do I have to be so little?" He wondered.

"Hey, you're only a kid once and you should enjoy it." Uma began as she came up from behind him before hoisting him up inside her arms and placing him by her hip just like his father always did. "See, you only needed a bit of help." She told him and sure enough Harry saw the pod of mermaids swimming and leaping out in front of him. Some had blonde hair, some had red hair like his mother and sister, and some had black hair like him and his father, brother, and cousin.

"Umm,.. Uma?" Harry began questioningly while glancing up at her. "What are your mummy and daddy like?" He asked her before the smile disappeared from her face and she heaved a little sigh.

"Well my father died before I was born so I never met him." She began.

"My birth father died when I was only a year old so I still know how that feels since I don't even remember him." Harry began. "So what's your mummy like?" He wondered but she simply just shook her head.

"I really don't want to talk about it Harry." She replied.

"Why not?" Harry questioned.

"Let's just say she's a really mean person." She told him.

"My aunt used to be like that, but that's only because she was afraid of my uncle so she came to stay with me and my family along with my cousin Dudley. My cousin Stevie also used to live with us but she moved out last year to be with her boyfriend." He explained. "Oh by the way, can I ask you another question?" He wondered.

"Sure, what is it?" Uma questioned him back with a grin.

"How did a cave get to be full of treasure? Did other pirates put it there?" He asked her as the older Harry gave him a rather sly grin.

"There's actually a really interesting story that explains all that." He replied.

"I sure would like to hear it." Harry told him.

"Alright, how about we tell you tonight as a bedtime story?" he suggested.

"Okay, but for now where are you supposed to go to the bathroom around here?" He wondered as the older Harry chuckled.

"We're guys remember. Just unzip and piss." He replied while gesturing his hand out towards the ocean making Harry laugh.

"Harry he's a child for goodness sakes and you shouldn't cuss in front of him." Uma said while placing her hands over Harry's ears before setting him down so he could relieve himself.

"What? It probably isn't like it's something that he hasn't heard before." The older Harry said as the younger Harry unzipped his pants.

"I know that, but it still doesn't make it right." She told him.

"Say, I have an idea. Once Harry's finished, we can take him swimming." The older Harry said as the younger Harry started urinating into the ocean and then just simply glanced up at him.

"I would love to, but I don't know how to swim." He responded.

"I don't think that that's going to be a problem mate." The older Harry said inside his thick Scottish accent before pointing over at pod of dolphins that were leaping into the air and doing flips before landing back inside the water with humongous splashes.

"Whoa,.." Harry whispered in astonished gasp as he widened his eyes and grinned before zipping his pants back up again while the dolphins met the older Harry at the end of the stern and the dolphins squeaked and whistled. The older Harry grinned down at them before glancing back up.

"If I'm not mistaken, I do believe that these guys would like to know if a certain seven-year-old little boy would like a ride." He said.

"I'm seven and I'm a boy so I would love to!" Harry exclaimed excitedly as he came racing towards them as the older Harry chuckled before he picked him up and helped him into the water.

"Alright Harry, just make sure to hold on." He instructed as Harry nodded and then quickly grabbed the dolphin's dorsal. Before he knew it the dolphin took off at the speed of light and Harry couldn't help but grin. It was almost like he was flying, and then before he knew it he actually was.

The older Harry's eyes widened as big as saucers while both he and Uma looked up at the sky. "Well, it's safe to say that Harry truly is a wizard alright." He said.

"Yeah, the question is that how in the world are we going to get him down from there!?" Uma cried and as Harry turned his head to look back at her he accidentally lost his concentration and began to fall. "Harry!" Uma yelled as her heart pounded frantically against her chest while Harry screamed, but just right before he hit the water another boy not all that much older than him caught him.

He had short light-brown hair and baby blue eyes and still had most of his baby teeth. "Who are you?" Harry questioned with uncertainty while looking up at him as the boy smiled back down at him.

"I'm Peter Pan." He replied.