Disclaimer: I do not own Sofia the First, and the fanfiction universe this story takes place in belongs to AquaTurquoise. Used with her permission.

Cedric was alone today. Sofia having left with her family early to attend James tournament. Baileywick had even gone too, leaving Violet in temporary charge of the castle affairs.

So when a familiar knock sounded on his door, one he hadn't heard in a very long time, he knew immediately it could be only one person.

The sorcerer hesitated for just a moment, then opened it. Despite mentally preparing himself, he still found himself speechless as his old friend smiled up at him.

"Hello Cedric," she greeted, in that melodious cadence he had missed so much.

The man merely stared back at her, his throat dry. Swallowing hard, he found his voice again.

"Hello Lorelei," he said softly.

She was really here. After spending the previous day in a state of semi-denial, too afraid to believe it was true. Watching her only from a distance, as he refused any interaction with her. He finally allowed himself to accept the reality that she was truly standing at his door. Not an image from his memory, but an actual person; who he could see, hear, and touch...

He shook himself from his thoughts. Even if she was here, this was only temporary, he reminded himself. He shouldn't get in too deep...

"Um...shouldn't you be at the tournament with the rest of the family?" Leaning against his doorframe.

"Well," she started, folding her arms behind her back. "I figured when James made that wish, he had meant it for Miranda anyway; and considering the nature of everything..." silently alluding to how her sudden presence had shaken the royal family's norm, "I thought it'd probably be best to just stay here."

That made sense. Lorelei had always considered the wellbeing of others above her own. So of course she wouldn't want to make things awkward or uncomfortable for them, he thought fondly.

"Besides," her eyes twinkled at him, "I was hoping to spend my last day here, with my best friend."

The sorcerer balked, that nervousness and apprehension suddenly finding him again. He was about to make up some excuse as to why he couldn't, and just barricade himself in his tower the rest of the day.

But Sofia's words echoed in his mind

...if I could have just one more day with him. I'd want to make the most of it...

He had been afforded an opportunity many never have. One both he and his dear apprentice had longed for at one point. To spend just one more day with someone they had loved dearly, and lost all too quickly.

Perhaps he should take this chance.


"So tell me more about your apprentice, Sofia," Lorelei inquired as they walked through the castle halls. "She seemed like a wonderful girl."

He chuckled fondly, "She is, more than you can probably imagine. Not to mention, very talented when it comes to magic."

"I would think so, especially if she's learning from you."

Cedric smiled and blushed at the compliment. Knowing it was sincere. Lorelei had always had faith in him.

"Well, in addition to being my faithful apprentice. She's also the Protector of the Ever Realm," he added, proudly.


"It's a long story," he shrugged. "But essentially, she travels all over; helping and rescuing those in need, or who are in danger. You know, protecting the realm."

"Really?" Lorelei's eyes widened the revelation. "She seems so young though..."

He laughed again. "Yes well, don't underestimate her because of her youth. Trust me, she's more than capable of the task. Even saved the entire Ever Realm from an evil sorceress a little over a year ago."

"Wow..." the former queen breathed in awe.

"...she's saved me on several occasions as well. Both from outside dangers and...myself..."

She cocked her head slightly. Noting how her friend's features had suddenly become rather somber.


The sorcerer swallowed, debating within himself how to best phrase this. He wanted to be honest, but wasn't too keen on revealing all the details of his shame to her. Especially when she had thought so highly of him in the past.

"I...was not exactly in a very good place after you left..." he explained. "...At best, I merely felt underappreciated by everyone else; and at worse, I was openly mocked..."

Lorelei pouted, disappointed to hear he had gone through that. Of course she'd been aware of such treatment in the past; and had done her best to temper it. But the fact that it had persisted for so long after her death, when he didn't have anyone else to turn to, broke her heart.

"As a result, I did some things that I'm not very proud of...and wanted to do even worse..."

She frowned. Though it was more an expression of gentle reprimand and sympathy, than one of condemnation.

"But Sofia," his features slowly brightening once more, "She brought me out of that darkness, helped me see the error of my ways, and gave me the love I had so desperately wanted...and thanks to her, I've never been happier." he concluded, taking her hands in his own.

Lorelei squeezed his hand gently in response. Her expression matching his own, as he spoke so fondly of his apprentice. Her joy marred only by the knowledge that she wouldn't get a chance to know this precious girl more.

"Yes happy..." he murmured softly. Absentmindedly caressing her fingers with his thumb. "...Just like when I was with you..."

She blinked

The sorcerer's eyes widened, suddenly coming out of his reverie. Quickly he dropped her hands. "Er...I mean...that is...she reminds me a lot of you," he explained, flushing lightly. "A...Amber does too for that matter. But in a different way. Especially in looks. She's almost like your own little twin."

She smiled, wistfully. "My own little twin huh?...that does sound nice.."

The sorcerer continued to gush about his apprentice. Telling Lorelei of the many adventures they had shared. The former queen listening with interest and happiness for her friend. Glad he had found such a loyal and loving companion.

In time their conversations turned to other current events, as well as their youth. Lorelei was both surprised and pleased, to learn that Cedric and Roland were actually getting along now. Thanks in no small measure to Sofia. Something the former queen had hoped for, for years.

When it was time for lunch, Cedric conjured some tea, and a delectable spread out in the garden for them to share. Much to Lorelei's delight, as well as his. It was always so wonderful to him how much she adored his magic.

With every smile that graced her beautiful face, and every sweet laugh that sounded from her; old emotions began to resurface within the sorcerer. Feelings he had buried long ago, when she married Roland

But, Roland was with Miranda now...Perhaps this this time around, he and Lorelei...

He forced the notion from his mind. No! he couldn't allow himself to entertain those thoughts.

It felt like old times, as they spent the remainder of the day together. talking of anything and everything. The sorcerer even sharing and teaching his dear friend some new spells. Just as they had done so many years ago...

The hour was getting late, to which Cedric remarked of.

"Yes," Lorelei agreed, looking up at the sky. "I imagine James' tournament will be over soon."

Cedric's throat caught at that, his heart beginning to clench painfully. Once the tournament ended, then Lorelei...

The woman knelt down to pick a forget-me-not, a pleasant expression on her face as she examined it's beauty.

"You know, when I first learned of my fate... That I was to disappear from this world after today, I was terrified..."

He swallowed, trying his best to stifle that same fear himself.

"But, now that it's actually approaching...I feel...strangely at peace with it," she stated.

Her words, set him at ease a little. Though he still wasn't too terribly pleased at the idea.

She placed the tiny flower in his palm. before taking his other hand.

"Come on, there's one last place I want to visit.."

Cedric allowed her to pull him along until they reached the little pond she had been so fond of during her last days.

Removing her shoes, she sat down and dipped her bare feet into the pool. Sighing happily as she savored the feel of the cool water upon them. Looking up, she patted the space next to her. Inviting him to join her.

He hesitated a moment, but did as she bid. Joining her upon the ground. Though he refrained from entering the water like her.

She smiled, and together they sat in companionable silence.

Meanwhile, not far from the castle, Sofia was urging Minimus towards home. The young Protector having actually missed the last of her brother's tournament. On account of having been called on a sudden mission.

"We're almost home, Minimus."

"But Sofia, shouldn't we have gone back to James' school?" the purple horse asked.

"The tournament will be over by now," she explained, "Besides," a concerned frown on her face as she held her amulet. "I really think I'm needed at home..."

The garden glowed in the gentle orange light of the sunset. Smiling serenely, Lorelei pulled her feet out of the water. Cedric watching curiously as she stood up.

He followed suit, and was startled when she suddenly faced him. The most peaceful and accepting smile on her face.

"Thank you my friend, for everything," she said sweetly.

Cedric eyes widened, horrid realization coming over him. His thoughts reeling wildly as he reached a trembling hand towards her. Panic overwhelming, as he saw her body begin to glow and fade.


Lorelei merely stood there, the image of tranquility, as her form started to vanish. "I'm so glad I got to spend my last day with you."

The poor man could bear it no longer. "No!" he cried. Lunging forward he embraced her in a crushing hug. A horrible pit forming in his stomach as he realized that she only felt half solid in his arms.

Softly, he felt her arms wrapping around him. Squeezing as tight as her increasingly ethereal form would allow.

"Please...please..." he begged, voice croaking in despair. Holding her with all the strength he could muster; as if he could somehow persuade the inevitable to cease it's tide. "Don't leave me..."

He just couldn't lose her...Not again...

""I'm sorry, my friend. But I can't stay," she smiled sadly. Feeling him nuzzle into her hair, as he whimpered piteously.

"Please, let everyone know how much I love them, and know that I love you too," her fragile voice sounding more distant with every word.

His breath shuddered uncontrollaby, vision blurry with tears.


But even in this crucial moment, he just couldn't express the feelings he had been hiding for so long.

"Goodbye," she whispered softly on the wind. Finally disintegrating into a thousand glowing lights.

Cedric just stood there stone still, as the glowing orbs slowly vanished one by one. Face frozen in anguish, and his arms still held out in an embrace. Though now there was nothing in them.

She was gone.

She had faded away from his life once again; and along with her all those forgotten dreams and wishes he had remembered anew...

"Mr. Cedric?"

He turned to see his apprentice. Clad in her Protector ensemble, and approaching him with a look of concern.

"Oh Sofia," quickly he wiped his face. "Wh...What are you doing back so soon?" Surely the royal family couldn't have arrived that quickly after the tournament.

"The other Protectors called me on a mission during the tournament," she explained simply. "I figured it would've already been over by the time I finished. So I decided to just come straight home."

"I see..."

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine," he insisted, waving a hand dismissively. "...Lorelei just disappeared right before you showed up."

The girl's heart pricked, "Oh...I'm so sorry, Mr. Cedric."

"It's alright. The two of us had a lovely day together actually," he explained. A smile plastered on his face as he tried to stay cheerful. "So thank you for encouraging me in that regard."

She smiled a little.

"Let's go inside and wait for the rest of your family," he suggested, heading towards the castle.

As he started his retreat, Sofia lingered behind. A thought gnawing at her.

"Mr. Cedric?..." she called softly. Halting him.

"Yes Sofia?"

The girl bit her lip, hesitant to ask. But just needing know, if what she had suspected was true or not...

"Were...were you in love with her?..."

The sorcerer merely stood there with mouth agape. Her simple question striking him like a rock. Rapidly, tears began pooling in his eyes as the truth of his feelings for his old friend; and his new found heartbreak, washed over him like a torrential flood.

With a cry the sorcerer fell to the earth. Burying his face in his hands, as he sobbed deeply.

Small arms started to wrap around him. His apprentice having rushed to his side to offer him a comforting hug.

The act surprised him a little. As the girl had become far more conservative with her hugs since entering her teenaged years. Nevertheless, he was extremely grateful. Opening up his own arms to recieve her embrace. Clinging tight to her, and the comfort she provided.

Tears trickled from Sofia's own eyes, as she rubbed his back soothingly. Her heart brimming with empathy for her dear mentor.

At last, after a long time, Cedric stopped. His tears finally spent. Pulling away, he began wiping them from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cedric," she apologized. Trying to blink back her own tears. "I...I shouldn't have asked," reprimanding herself for being so horribly tactless. Especially when she was normally so much better at that.

"No. No it's alright," he assured. Gently wiping away her tears with his thumb, as she hiccuped a little.

"But to answer your question...yes, I do believe I was in love with her..." he admitted.

Her small hand reached up to his face. Wiping away the remainder of his tears. He smiled appreciatively, before taking her hand and giving it an affectionate squeeze.

"I'll be alright..." he assured her, still sniffling a little. It wasn't a lie. After all, he had suffered Lorelei's loss twice before and survived; though his heart still ached immensely, somehow he knew he'd be okay.

"Come on, it's getting late," he advised. Indeed, the sun had already finished it's descent below the horizon; and it was now night.

Starting to rise, he felt her still tugging at his sleeve. Looking he saw his young apprentice's blue eyes staring up at him with determination, hope, and affection.

"I...I know you'll find someone someday, Mr. Cedric, " she stated confidently. "Someone who loves you very much, and who you can spend the rest of your life with."

The sorcerer wasn't quite as positive about that prediction himself. But it still helped him feel a bit lighter.

He stood, gently pulling the girl to her feet. "Thank you, Sofia."

She smiled sweetly at him, and Cedric's heart started to warm at the sight. The deep ache within starting to fade away.

Yes, he'd be fine. So long as he had his precious best friend, and apprentice, by his side.

The two started to exit the garden hand in hand, when a golden and purple butterfly flew up to them. Hovering briefly in front of Cedric's face, before alighting a top the left side of Sofia's head.

The girl gasped, as the butterfly rested for just a moment. Then took off once more.

The two friends stared silently after it. A feeling of deja vu coming over Cedric, as he recalled a lone winter night a few years ago.

"Was that...?" Sofia questioned, looking towards her mentor.

The man continued to watch in the direction the butterfly had gone off in, before looking back at his apprentice. A knowing smile on his face.

She beamed back at him, and it was like the glorious dawn after the dark of the night.

Hands held tightly, they continued on their way towards the castle. Hearts filled with hope for whatever lay in store for the future.

Thank you, Lorelei

The End

A/N: While writing this particular chapter, I listened to 'Kiss of Death' from 'Darling in The Franxx' a lot. Mostly the english cover by youtuber LeeandLie. But also the original by Mika Nakashima x Hyde.

Anyway, while reading Aqua's past stories about Lorelei and Cedric. I couldn't help but feel that there was something between them; and that if Roland hadn't been in the picture, they would have been more than friends. So I really wanted to explore that in this story. It was very bittersweet.

Thankfully though, if any of you are keeping up with Aqua's recent stories, then you can probably tell that Cedric is going to be just fine. :)

Thank you for reading.