Here i am with a new story. It's based on the movie with the same title. It's a Boy Girl Thing. It's was my first movie about BodySwap. Main ideas are taken from that movie and fanfiction of BecomingScarlett. All characters are from MCU. It's a High School AU.

The only ones genderbend are Steve and Natasha.

I don't own Avengers or this song. Everything belongs to their own owners.

Chapter 1: Jock and Nerd.

It's a Monday's night. On one street are two identical buildings. Both of them are divided by a big oak tree. In the houses were living two very different 17 years old teenagers.

One of them is a beautiful girl with blue eyes and long blond, practically gold hair. She has a beautiful body, which she conceals in a big shirt with sleeves and long shorts flannel PJ. Her name is Stephanie Rogers. She is S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy's native artistic nerd. In the past she was so shy, sickly and weakly so that she was afraid to talk and became a target for bullies, but now she wouldn't let anybody step on her. Next month, she will have an interview to enroll her in the best medical university in the city.

Right now, she is trying to calm herself down by doing her favorite thing: sketching and drawing using easel and canvas. At the first glance, for someone like her, Stephanie is supposed to have a good life. She has good grades, a good talent in drawing, and a chance to go to a good college, which would give her a great future.

Unfortunately, life just can't be perfect for everyone. There are also some downsides.

One of them is loud music which sounds outside.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny That when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung."

As it couldn't become more annoyed, her neighbor is then starting to sing along.

"And you wanna pull up though. You notice that butt was stuffed deep in the jeans she's wearing. I'm hooked and I can't stop staring. Oh babe, I wanna get witcha and take your pretty picture. And I'm down to get the friction on."

The voice itself is not so awful. It's the song and words are problems. She didn't even include the volume is too loud. And it is very difficult to concentrate on the drawing on the concert. The last straw was for her when she accidently messed up her picture.

"Hey! Nikita! Do you mind!?" she screamed in annoyance.

The windows in the neighbor house opens and reveals the second teenager. He is a handsome boy with green eyes and short red hair. He has a thin muscular body and strong arms. His name is Nikita Romanoff. He is studying at the same High School as her. However, instead of Stephanie he is star quarterback. He is not smart as her but not so dumb as others jocks.

"What?!" he asked mockingly as he didn't hear her.

"Can you turn your music?!" Stephanie asked in anger, her patience wearing thin. Also, she tries not to look at Nikita's half-naked chest and towel covering his lower parts. "I can't relax hearing that noise!"

"What? But that's Sir Mix-a-Lot. Everybody loves this stuff", he commented in annoyance.

"Author and lyrics are not my concern. It's too loud for me! I don't even care about your show!" Rogers explained further, pointing at his half-naked state while preparing for worse. "Can you turn down the volume?"

"What will I get then?" Romanoff asked with a sly smirk.

"I will give you tips on the next History test", Stephanie answered with a sigh. She doesn't like to cheat and doesn't give anybody an opportunity to cheat but for him she is gonna make him an exception. It's because for extra credit she tutors him.

"Ok, I will do it", he agreed with her negotiation.

"Thanks", she said in honest surprise. She didn't expect him to agree with her. Maybe he is not so jerk.

"If you flash your girls to me", Romanoff continued with a smirk.

"WHAT?! You are a pig!" Rogers snapped in anger. It's the last straw. "Why do you even want to see my A-cup if any bimbo at school could strip for you if only you would look at her?!"

"I have my own reasons", Nikita answered with a smirk. "Also, I am curious how they grew up from the last time I saw them."

"You never saw them", Stephanie snarled while closing the window shut. Why did she even put up with his nonsense in the first place?

Unfortunately, the bottom of her flannel shirt got caught in the window frame, and when she turned away, her piece of clothing ripped off her body leaving her naked.

Stephanie then gasps from shock and coldness and tries to pull it away from the window, without any results. She then hears a quiet chuckle and realizes that Nikita sees everything and Rogers covers her chest from him.

"Now I have seen them", he commented mockingly and then turned the music off and closed the window.

With cheeks full of embarrassment, she closes curtains over the window and puts on the robe. When she turns around, she notices that Romanoff is still looking at her with the same cocky smirk.

For them, it's a pretty normal routine. Boy teases the girl about some silly thing. It offends her, then both of them argue. And after that both of them continued to live as nothing happened. As their offender doesn't exist at all.

The next morning Stephanie woke up by the lights of the sun. She then makes her bed, brushes the teeth and goes to the shower. After that she brushes her long hair and dresses up for the school.

Choosing clothes, it was always very difficult for her, especially bras. Contrary to what the entire Academy thinks, Stephanie Rogers has a sexy body of an Olympic Gymnast and Swimmer. With long legs, wide hips, and big chest. She could already be popular if she chose to show her body off but she didn't need friends who would only take her as some eye-candy. She is not that type of girl.

Looking down at her over-size chest she lets out a sigh. If someone thought that having big boobs is a gift, then for her it's a curse. She can't wear tank tops or else everybody would stare at her. She can't lie down on the front; they would bother her. And she needs to wake up much earlier than the entire neighborhood for her morning runs.

Letting out another sigh, Stephanie choses a normal white bra and simple panties and puts on her favorite button up shirt and jeans. Making sure that her curves are hidden and nothing transparent is seen, she goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When she enters the kitchen, she meets with an interesting surprise. She sees her breakfast ready made by an old man in his late 50s. He is average height. He also is bald and has a goatee and wears round glasses, which hide his blue eyes. His name is Doctor Abraham Erskine. He is her adoptive father.

After the death of her biological parents, Dr. Erskine, a friend of the family, adopted the poor girl as his own. And despite everything, he becomes like a father for her. And she tries to do anything to make him proud of her. That's why she decided to become a doctor like him.

"Good morning, Stephie", greeted Erskine with a smile. "I hope you are hungry."

"Good morning, dad", said Stephanie kissing him in the check and taking an oatmeal. "I am hungry."

"Today mail came here for you", he said while showing her a single letter.

Couldn't contain her excitement, she takes it away from him and opens it. When she read it she couldn't believe her eyes. It's happened.

"I have an interview", she said in shock and disbelief. But it was only a second before she burst into cheers. "It will happen in the next month."

"Good job", congratulated Abraham while hugging her. "Now you have a big amount of time to relax."

"Relax? I can't! There is too much I need to do!" Stephanie continued to point out she needs to do frantically.

Seeing his adopted daughter in a little distress Erskine could only sigh. Leave it to her daughter to always worry about little things. He then hugs her again and explains, "Stephie, you have time to get ready. It will be your last month in school and I want you to relax and have fun."

"Like our neighbors?" she asked in disdain.

"Don't be so ill to Nikita and Clint. You can understand them better than anybody else", he explained with a frown. He never liked that his daughter had such an attitude towards that boy. Both fathers of the children are good friends. "And I am not asking you to be like him. I mean so you will be open to people. So that you would have friends."

"I wouldn't always be with you. Sometimes I will leave this world. And I want that you would have friends to help you. That's all I want for you. For you to not be alone."

Stephanie tried to digest everything her guardian just said. She has some kind of 'girl band' of hers. They always talk about everything connected to school. But all of the girls have something in common. All of them had boyfriends except for her. In the last school year, she decided only to concentrate about her future so then she forgot about them.

"I have good friends. I just need to reconcile with them that's all", she explained her reasons and left the house. "Goodbye."

Maybe it will be a start for something new?

At the same time, Nikita Romanoff wakes up by constantly knocking on his brother.

"Get up man! Or I would eat your breakfast!" called a voice behind the door.

"I am up! I am up, jeez", he complained about loud noises.

He finds himself in his room with only the company of his morning wood. Smirking to himself he goes to the shower. After it he puts on some clean jeans and black tee and fixes his bed head hair. He then descends to the kitchen and meets with his adopted father and brother.

His brother is a 17-year-old brown-haired teenager with blue eyes. His name is Clint Barton. Nikolai's adoptive and surrogate brother. He has the same mindset as his brother, except he is more serious and down to earth. He even has a relationship with Laura Cardellini.

Their guardian is a biracial skin bald man with brown eyes in his late 50's. The most notable thing is that his left eye is completely covered by an eyepatch. His name is Nicholas 'Nick' Joseph Fury. He is a colonel of the US Army and former C. I. A. agent.

Parents of both boys were working in C. I. A. And then one mission went wrong. And Clint and Nikita become orphans. And Nick didn't have a choice except to adopt the boys. And he never regrets it.

"Good morning Clint, Fury", announced Nikita with a yawn.

"Not my fault. We let you sleep for an hour", commented Barton with a shrug. "We would be late for a school."

"Also, about school. Do you already know what you will do?" Fury asked while feeding their family pet. A cat named Goose. Why was that name chosen? Nobody knows.

"You know, going to state college then to C.I.A.", answered Romanoff while eating.

"Glad to see that you both have your mother's intellect", joked Nick around the house.

Despite being athletes, both of them have more than average intelligence. In addition, they also have the talent to hack and to spy. Both of them wanted to work at the place where their birth parents worked.

"Now we are full. Goodbye Fury", said Clint exiting the house.

Nick then looks at Goose and comments, "I told you that even my children will call me 'Fury'."

Before entering the car, both brothers decided to talk about girls.

"How are things between you and Laura?" asked Nikita with a curiosity.

"The same as always. Can you tomorrow sleep in another place?" asked Clint uncomfortably. "It's just Laura's dad doesn't wanna see me for a while."

"Ok, I will", redhead answered with a chuckle. "But why not today?"

"Tomorrow she needs to pass her essay. And then I will congratulate her", brown head commented with a smirk. He then decides to tease his brother a little. "Also, how changed Rogers' boobs?"

In his answer Romanoff could only freeze in shock. "How did you know?"

"I live in the same house as you, dude. It's a good thing that Fury didn't hear anything", explained with the same smirk Barton.

"If you want to know. I think that they did grow but I can't guess the size. It was too dark", Nikita answered in disappointment or embarrassment.

"You should already make a move on her. Or you should be careful with her", commented Clint. "Remember how Fury lost his left eye." It was a family joke. Nick always told different stories about the loss of his eye. The next story becomes more absurd than the previous one.

"I know it. 'Hell hath fury no as woman scorned'", redhead commented in monotone tone. "And I am in process. Mark my words, in the end of the month we minimum will wake up in the same bed."

With these words, both brothers left the house and on the way to school. Not knowing that it will be the last day of their normal life.

Tell me what you think of it? Did i do the characters right? All your thoughts and ideas write down on in the reviews.