The Strangest Moments Can Be The Best

Chapter 1 -

I never meant for this to happen. One moment, I thought I loved being in the company of Finn. Having him finally be my boyfriend with no more struggles from Santana or Jesse or even Quinn. I loved the feel of him hugging me, the smell of him, being as though I am protected when in his arms. So why am I staring at Quinn a lot.

Every second of every day I find my eyes attracted to Quinn, the way she walks, the way she talks with that slow rumbling purr of hers, everytime i get goosebumps and the urge of wanting to hide away and lock myself in the bathroom so I can take care of matters.

This was our final year, our sophomore year. It was supposed to be an easy ride, I can focus on Finn and Glee, we could finally win the championship, finally beat all of our competitors, I could work on myself and my step to being a big broadway actress, living in my one true home, New York. But that all came crashing down when I stood in the bathroom with Quinn.

Like usual, I had a little bit of slushy in my hair. The attacks have slowed down a lot last year, so I was a little surprised to find just a random hockey player chucking a purple slushie in my face. I don't think he got the memo that I was with one of the most popular boys in the school. I mean, i think that's the only reason why i no longer got slushied recently.

"Who did that to you?" Quinn said, dare i say, a bit angrily.

"I don't really know," Rachel replied, "a new hockey player I think, could have been a freshman."

"When was the last time you got slushied?" Quinn said turning towards me.

"I can't really remember. It's been a while, though." Rahcel said, with a hint of sadness to her voice, remembering all those horrible previous times, mostly led by the women standing in front of her right now.

Quinn imdeiatly picked up on this and somehow found herself wanting to cheer Rachel up.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm still head cheerleader with Santana, we'll just go hunt down the guy and get him to backoff. Santana may pretend to still hate you but we all know when she finds she'll make sure to feed him to 'Auntie Snix'"

Rachel chuckled, eyes going watery. Not with the thought of how she got slushied, but because of how far the glee club has come. Never in a million years would she have thought that the unholy trinity would stick up for her. It's the most absurd thought and yet here Quinn was, looking angry at another person on her behalf.

Quinn noticed Rachel's eyes water. "Hey, it's okay Rachel." She said as she got closer. Rachel kinda stood there in shock thinking that Quinn was going to hug her. However, she got into even more shock when Quinn slowly lifted her hand up to Rachels cheek. Ever so gently Quinn wiped away the couple of tears that slid free from her eyes, her thumb lingered. Both of our eyes met in an intense gaze that felt like it would last forever. Our heads seemed to slowly start and gravitate towards one another and just when Rachel thought they were going to kiss, the door to the bathroom banged open and a group of baby cheerios walked in, all giggling to themselves. As soon as they saw the HBIC they all got silent instantly.

Quinn angrily turned towards them and yelled "Out!" while pointing towards the door. Before they could even put a foot in much further the cheerios ran out of the room to not incur the wrath of the head cheerleader.

By then it was too late and the moment had gone. Rachel looked at Quinn shocked and this set Quinn into motion, her eyes turned panicky and you could see the walls closing in on herself, her eyes turning into slates, she glanced away from Rachel.

"I'll make sure you won't get slushied again." was the last thing Quinn said before she stormed out of the bathroom herself. As soon as she left I noticed that she left her powdered foundation on the sink. I picked it up and put it in my bag to return to her at a later date.

When I looked up into the mirror, I noticed how white and ashen I looked, with purple slushie still sitting in my hair. I quickly got my wipes and tried to get it out as best as I could. As soon as I thought to myself to be more presentable, I picked everything up and left the bathroom.