So it's been a while again.
To be honest, I feel bad about abandoning Setting Sun the way I did. Some people might have speculated it was the reboot that did it, but it wasn't exactly, it was more just that life got in the way and every time I tried to get back and finish it off I couldn't find the motivation to carry on. But I've been just as interested in Vanguard as ever, I spent the whole of G building every Shadow Paladin build from Claret to Diablo to Luard. At the time of writing I'm playing Vanguard Zero and putting together a Chronofang Tiger Gear Chronicle deck, having just finished building V Claret. I've been keeping up with the reboot eagerly to see what old favorites are coming back and how they're different from the original.
So on that subject...
This is, as the name implies, a V-style reboot of the original Blue Hour. I have no manga to make it closer to, but you can consider this essentially my attempt at refining my older work and adapting it in line with the reboot's cards and gameplay. So while you will definitely see familiar names, the details will be different, decks may be different, and the story here will certainly be different.
On a gameplay note, this fic will abide by the reboot's card pool and rules, but at the start of the story, Imaginary Gift II hasn't yet been introduced in-universe. Force II, Accel II and Protect II will be introduced later on, but I felt it was better to reflect the real world progression of the Imaginary Gifts rather than start the story with the variants already existing. As with the original fics from Midnight Sun onward, I'm not strictly abiding by the real world release schedule of cards, though for progression purposes I'm not likely to show anything extremely out of order unless there's a specific reason for it.
I will say that I am definitely going to be using some cards of my own creation, and as before, when I do their stats will be given at the end of the chapter in which they're first played.
I will not have any particular schedule for when I update this, as I think my attempt to do that with Setting Sun was more harm than help, but I will try to update at least semi-regularly. Despite the current situation, I'm considered an essential worker so I do still have to go to work unfortunately, but I'll do my best to keep updating as often as possible. On that subject, I hope that everyone reading stays safe and well.
As always, the credit for creating this game goes to Akira Itou and all the staff at Bushiroad who've worked so hard to keep it going for nearly a decade now. I hope that it lasts many more years after this, and that everyone involved continues to have lots of fun.
So with all the details done, let's stand up the Vanguard in this new world!
From his perch, he gazed out.
He saw a boy in tears as the boat on which he stood pushed off from a desolate shore.
A boy and a girl kissing on a balcony under the moon.
A boy banishing the darkness with a beautiful dragon of light.
A trio lifting a trophy before the eyes of a nation.
Snatches flashed past his eyes, a planet on fire, death raining from the heavens, silhouettes of white and red. Knights and dragons falling before the inexorable tide.
A young man with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Who are you?" the young man with the hazel eyes asked.
He answered with lies and with some reassuring words he pressed a deck of cards into the young man's hand before he left, his task complete.
Such a small thing that could change everything.
Ride 1: Stand Up, Vanguard
The shop was called Avalon Gaming.
The words were white decorating a blue sign, underlined by the emblem of a sword. Samuel Wilson smiled a little at that touch before his gaze fell to the window to stare in. Grey carpet coated the floor, tables set up neatly in rows. The schools had finished for the afternoon and so boys and girls in their uniforms passed him by, some entering the shop.
Samuel was eighteen, his hair black and his eyes an inky dark blue. He was dressed lightly in the summer heat, just plain jeans and a white polo shirt with a dark blue deck case clipped to his belt. Tanned arms spoke of time in the sunlight, his mouth set neutrally as he glanced left and right past the tide of schoolchildren. He shifted from side to side a little as he turned his gaze back to the shop.
"Where are you?" he muttered under his breath.
"Samuel!" His head whipped right to see a girl parting a pair of boys in blue uniforms. Her hair fell over brown-tanned shoulders, as black as his own, while a smile decorated lips red with lipstick. Her eyes, dark green to his blue, sparkled where his were clouded, but if you were to put their faces side by side the resemblance would be clear. Like him she was dressed for the weather, a white spaghetti-strap top and a knee-length blue skirt over black leggings, a bag at her side held by a strap strung over her chest.
"I thought you weren't coming for a minute then," Samuel said, smiling for a moment.
"Sorry," his sister replied. "Alice and I were chatting and I lost track." Behind her another girl emerged, her hair fiery orange, her eyes a brighter blue than his. She wore a faded band T-shirt for some group he didn't know and denim shorts, her bare legs nursing a sunburn. Like Samuel's sister, her mouth curved into a smile, her face dotted with freckles.
"I don't think we've been introduced yet," Alice said, looking Samuel up and down. "Leah?"
"This is Samuel, the brother I told you about, Alice," Leah said. "And this is Alice, Samuel." She looked between them. "Please get along, I already spent enough time convincing him to come down here." She chuckled a little and Samuel looked away, the redhead girl looking confused.
"Convincing?" she echoed. Leah looked at her brother, who shook his head a little.
"Ah, it was just we're still new to town," she said. "And it's a little intimidating coming to a new place, you know?"
"I get it," Alice replied, her smile returning. "My cousin's like that. Actually, he should be along in a bit too, I think. Maybe you guys can play."
Samuel rested a hand on the case at his belt. "Maybe," he mused.
Alice looked at him for a moment, then chuckled. "Leah, you didn't tell me your brother broods." Leah giggled loud enough for the schoolchildren around them to look to see what was so funny, and Samuel bowed his head. "Sorry," the redhead said, still smiling. "Come on. Let's head inside."
Samuel let her lead him and Leah through the door, the shop's bell ringing as they entered. Posters hung on the walls depicting Vanguard units, a king on a horse with a fiery mane, a dark dragon wielding a lance, a crimson dragon wielding a curved white sword. The floor was plain laminate, the walls beneath the posters painted a creamy yellow. The back wall held shelves of product and a door presumably leading to the storeroom, ahead of them was the counter, and the last wall was taken up primarily by the posters.
Everyone turned to look at the newcomers, gazes fixed on people who weren't recognized. Behind the counter ahead of them, a man Samuel assumed was the manager looked up from where he was sorting cards on the counter. A name badge pinned to his blue shirt declared him to be Simon Owens, sunglasses perched on his forehead. A few tables over a young woman stood up and drew his gaze, her hair dark blonde. Her dark red T-shirt hung off a figure that Samuel noted was very thin, her jeans jet black and a violet deck case strapped to her belt like his own. Chestnut brown eyes looked at the new faces with wariness before settling on Alice.
"Alice," the blonde girl said, raising a hand in greeting.
"Hey, Agatha," the redhead answered. "Everyone. This is Samuel and Leah." A chorus of greetings sounded out and Agatha turned her attention to the two, Samuel in particular.
"I see you've got a case," she noted, nodding her head towards his belt. "So do you already play?"
"I did," a rebellious thought said.
"Not for a while," he admitted, but he opened the case and retrieved his sleeved deck from within.
"Looking to get back in?" Agatha asked, glancing between him and his sister.
"I was looking for a crowd, I guess," Leah said, stepping forward. "We just moved here from London and you know, new area, all our old friends left behind. That sort of deal."
The blonde girl nodded. "Yeah, I get that. Well, new fighters are always welcome, right Simon?"
"Absolutely," the manager said, nodding to the new pair. "We've got a tournament coming up soon too to pick our team for regionals, if you're interested." Samuel noted Agatha's expression at that, the way the corners of her mouth fell.
"Definitely," Leah smiled, with a glance at Samuel. He forced a smile back.
"Sure," he said.
"Well, you've got your deck ready," Agatha said. "Why not give one of us a game to show us what you've got? That's the best way for Vanguard fighters to get to know one another, right?" Samuel's grip on his cards tightened. He would have agreed, before.
"Who wants to play?" he asked.
A young man trudged his way down the dusty pavement, the sun beating down on him. Despite the heat, he was smiling a little. The rucksack slung over his shoulder slipped a little and he caught it before it could fall. Boys and girls in school uniforms passed him by, one jostling him as they rushed past, and he stammered out an apology when their angry eyes turned on him.
He wore clothes that showed their age, jeans that frayed at the knees, a shirt with a loose thread on the sleeve. His brown hair was cut unevenly, making a jagged line across his fringe, and his green eyes were fixed downward, avoiding the gazes that wandered past him. He kept looking at his own feet, his steps avoiding the cracks between the paving slabs as he remembered the game he played as a child.
"Now Robert, don't touch the cracks! Or the monster will get you!"
Despite the years that had passed, he smiled at his younger self hopping from slab to slab like there actually was a monster lurking under the street.
"Hey, Robert!" He looked up, startled, to find himself where he was heading. Avalon Gaming was on his left, Alice poking her head out of the door just in front of him.
"Hi Alice," he said, offering her a smile. "Sorry, I got held up at college."
"Sorry I didn't wait, but I didn't want to keep Leah and her brother long," she replied apologetically. "But seriously, her brother... you've gotta come see this."
"See what?" Robert wondered aloud, staring at his cousin.
"He's... just come in," she said, holding the door open as he made his way inside. The few times he'd come here with Alice before, the crowd inside had been spread all around the tables, but now everyone had packed themselves like sardines beside a single one by the window. Alice led the way, clearing a path for them with gentle pushes and warm smiles. He wished he had her easy confidence as he trailed behind her.
"Final Turn." The crowd around them oohed and aahed at the strong voice, even Alice gasping a little.
"Even against her?" Robert's cousin murmured.
"Against who?" Robert asked, stepping onto tip-toes to see over her shoulder. He took in the girl opposite, recognizing her blonde hair and pale skin. Agatha. Alice said she was the best fighter in the shop since a guy called Gabriel had left, but Robert wouldn't know. He hadn't mustered the courage to play against her.
When he drew his gaze back he found black hair and a white polo shirt, their owner sat like his chair was uncomfortable. Robert could see two cards peeking out past the young man's back, but they weren't ones he knew.
Agatha was frowning furiously. "Final Turn?" she echoed. "You really think so?"
The young man plucked a card from his hand, placing it down. "I call Cathbad. And now, my Vanguard's skill." Robert tried to shift enough to see what the Vanguard in question was, but he ran into an elbow and timidly drew back as its owner glared at him, only catching both players putting cards off to the sides of their fields. "Boost, and attack."
Agatha's frown deepened. "No guard."
"Twin Drive," the black-haired guy said. "First check, no Trigger. Second check, Critical Trigger! I give the Critical to my Vanguard and the Power to Cathbad." Agatha wordlessly placed two cards into her Damage Zone, and as Robert looked over Alice's shoulder, he saw six there. She had been beaten.
"What the..." the blonde young woman muttered. "I haven't seen anyone like this since-" She cut herself short, looking up. "Were you serious when you said you hadn't played in a while? I'd believe you if you told me you were pro."
The young man opposite her gave a laugh that verged on bitter. "I'm no pro, trust me."
"You've just beaten me, Richard, Ruth and Oliver," Agatha said pointedly, staring across the table in disbelief.
Robert's jaw dropped before he could help himself. "What?" he exclaimed. Everyone looked at him and he shrank into Alice's shadow, intimidated by the sudden attention.
"You know, when I convinced you to come here, I didn't think you'd make such a scene," the girl stood next to Alice said, her hair the same shade as the young man's.
He shrugged as he turned to look at her, giving Robert a look at half his face. A dark blue eye, serious and intense. Lips set neutrally. Bangs of hair cutting across his forehead. "I give everyone my all, Leah."
"But you've just beaten... the best players here, right?" Leah said, looking just as stunned as Agatha as the rest of the crowd nodded their confirmation.
The young man glanced around. "Is there anyone else?" he asked, his voice slicing through the din. The room fell silent as his gaze tossed out a challenge.
"If he beat Agatha, what chance do we have?"
"It's ridiculous..."
"Where did he even come from?"
Robert stared at the young man. Had he really beaten those others too? He didn't know the people here too well, Alice had only got him coming along in the last few months, but he knew that Richard and Oliver had both been on the shop's team for the last regional championships. Everyone was muttering among themselves, almost cowering away from the newcomer.
Driven by a thought he didn't fully process, Robert stepped forward, gently nudging Alice aside. "I'll fight you." The entire room looked at him.
"You?" a young man built like a rugby player scoffed. "Robert, were you paying attention?"
"Don't put him down like that," Alice retorted, though she glanced at Robert uncertainly.
"Yeah, but with no offence intended, I don't think Robert's going to miraculously win where the rest of us have lost," a dark-skinned girl stood behind Agatha said.
"Come on, Ruth," a young man with lighter black hair and kind green eyes spoke. Robert recognized him as Oliver. "If he wants to play, who are we to stop him?"
Agatha, who had been regarding her deck, looked up at Robert. "Are you sure?" she said. Despite how softly she spoke, everyone took notice and quietened down. "I'm not being mean here, but you're still a beginner, Robert. And this guy is the real deal. If you want to fight, I won't stop you, but I want you to know what you're in for."
Alice looked back at him. "It's your choice, Robert, but she's right. He walked through all of them like it was nothing." The crowd parted a little to expose him to the young man with that pitch black hair.
"You're Robert, right?" he asked. Robert nodded. "Like she said, it's your choice. So what will you do? Will you let them tell you what your decision is?" He cast a glance across the room. "Or will you choose on your own?" Somehow, Robert felt like that was something more to this than wanting another opponent. The other young man put too much emphasis into what he said, and his eyes were too clouded with meaning.
He could back down. Hide behind Alice. No one would blame him, after all, Ruth had said it. How could anyone expect him with his cheap deck to be the one who succeeded where even Agatha had failed? But when he looked at the young man in front of him, he found himself refusing. No. He didn't want to prove them right. Even if he was doomed to lose, it was better to meet it head on rather than run away, right?
That was what a Vanguard fighter did.
Robert slipped his rucksack off of his shoulder, unzipping it and retrieving a gray deck case from inside. The crowd parted for him now as he made his way around the table, passing Leah as she looked at him with a little smile. Agatha stood up as he approached, looking at him like she genuinely hadn't expected this. Part of him cheered at her surprise as he took the seat she offered.
"I'm Samuel," the young man opposite said. "You must be Alice's cousin, right?" He nodded with a glance at her. "She made me think you were shy and yet you've chosen to fight me." He gave a strange little smile. "Better to choose than to let your choice be made for you."
"What do you mean?" Robert asked.
Samuel placed a card face down on his Vanguard circle. "Just something." He shuffled his deck quickly and drew five cards, shuffling two back in and drawing replacements. Robert quickly placed down his own cards, drawing his own hand and frowning at four grade 0 cards in it. He quickly replaced them all, only slightly satisfied by their replacements. There was a moment where they just looked at each other, the tension in the air building.
"Imagine it," Samuel finally said as everyone looked on. "We've just stepped foot on Cray, a planet much like Earth." Robert nodded, gripping his Vanguard's card. He knew what was coming. "Stand up, the Vanguard!"
"Stand up, the Vanguard!" Robert answered as they flipped the cards over.
The pair of them imagined the battlefield in their minds. It was a shining city under the moonlight, the buildings futuristic and all gleaming white metal and glass. Statues of knights and dragons adorned the streets and courtyards, a great fountain where they took shape topped by a white metal statue of a knightly dragon with its hands rested atop a great blade.
On the opposite side of the courtyard, Samuel stood, his form translucent. Likewise, Robert stood in his imaginary body, the pair gazing past the great statue at each other for a moment before gleaming symbols collapsed on their forms. Samuel emerged as a jet black dog, a teal visor coating its eyes and sigils the same color marking its armor [Fullbau – 6000 Power]. Robert meanwhile took the shape of a robot twice the size of a man, dark blue and wielding a sword and shield [Dimensional Robo, Goyusha – 6000 Power].
"Shadow Paladin?" Robert murmured, looking at Samuel's Vanguard.
Samuel nodded. "Since you stepped up, I'll let you go first."
He gave a nod in answer and drew a card. "I Ride Miracle Fairy, Larabi!"
Goyusha disappeared as the steely circles orbited Robert's astral body for a moment, collapsing into him and forming a cute rabbit-like creature with brilliant red eyes. It wore a cute black and white dress with a little red tie, posing heroically [Miracle Fairy, Larabi – 7000 Power].
"Goyusha's skill," Robert said, making a draw and regarding his hand. He had everything set up to get to Grade 3 at least. Glancing up at Samuel, he considered. "I haven't seen you around before."
"Leah and I are new," Samuel answered, meeting his gaze for a moment.
"We just moved here recently," his sister elaborated from beside him. "We used to live up in London."
"Did you fight up there too?" he asked before cringing internally. Of course they had. There was no chance that Samuel had only just started playing if he was good enough to beat the best players here.
Samuel didn't say anything for a moment, suddenly glacial. "Sorry, is it my turn?" Leah shot him a look, offering Robert an apologetic smile.
"Uh, yes," he murmured. What was it about that question that had turned Samuel to ice like that?
Hand: 6
Front Row: Empty/Miracle Fairy, Larabi/Empty
Back Row: Empty/Empty/Empty
Soul: 1
Damage: None
Hand: 5
Front Row: Empty/Fullbau/Empty
Back Row: Empty/Empty/Empty
Soul: 0
Damage: None
Samuel made a draw in silence, though he clearly relaxed a bit as he plucked a card from his hand. "I Ride Blaster Javelin!"
The glowing yellow symbols struck his astral body as Fullbau vanished, an armored knight taking the dog's place. Like Fullbau his armor was black trimmed with teal lines, his expression stony as he brandished a jet-black spear [Blaster Javelin – 8000 Power].
Samuel drew another card due to Fullbau's skill, the same as Goyusha's. Then he quickly took two more cards from his hand, slapping them down in succession. "I call Skull Witch, Nemain, and Blaster Dagger."
Behind Blaster Javelin a pale-skinned elf took shape, her hair almost white and her black leather leotard leaving very little to the imagination. Crystals hung from spiked plates at her hips, a violet skull of crystal perched in her hand as she gazed into its eyes sockets with a sultry smirk [Skull Witch, Nemain – 5000 Power]. To her side another knight took form, this one younger, wielding a wicked dagger of black steel shaped like a fang [Blaster Dagger – 8000 Power].
Robert looked in surprise at the aggressive calling. To drop two rear-guards so quickly was unusual, he knew that much. His gaze fell on Nemain, recognizing the foil of the card. "A triple rare? With 5000 Power?"
"To Shadow Paladins, your raw power is hardly the only measure of your worth," Samuel commented. "I activate Nemain's skill. By resting her, I Superior Call a unit with exactly 5000 Power from my deck, like, say," he took his deck, quickly retrieving a card, "a second Nemain." He placed the card in front of Javelin.
As the first Nemain knelt, still gazing at her skull as though about to burst into soliloquy, an equally-pale clone appeared [Skull Witch, Nemain – 5000 Power].
Robert's eyes widened. "You don't have to Counterblast or Soul Blast?"
His opponent nodded. "But I can only activate the ability of a Skull Witch, Nemain once per turn. So I can't fill my field just yet." He smiled just a little, resting a hand on Javelin's card and sharply turning it sideways. "Blaster Javelin, strike the Vanguard!"
"In the name of my Vanguard!" Javelin declared, racing forwards with surprising speed. He pounced in a lunge, spear pointed right at Larabi.
"I don't guard," Robert answered after a moment. Samuel's aggression was a little worrying, but he knew he could handle it. He remembered his earliest fights when he'd tried to guard every early attack to Alice's amusement and quickly found himself out of cards and open to more powerful strikes from Grade 3 Vanguards.
That had quickly taught him to be more patient with his defense.
"I check," Samuel announced, holding up the card. "No Trigger just yet."
[Drive Check – Tragic Knight, Cathbad – No Trigger]
With a bellow, Javelin thrust his spear. The point found Larabi's stomach, the fairy wailing as she was stabbed and tossed back by his mighty blow.
[Damage Check – Mad Scepter X – No Trigger]
Samuel's hand turned to the Vanguard's right, resting Dagger, then Nemain. "Nemain!"
The Skull Witch merely chuckled as she raised the hand cradling the crystalline skull, casting a bolt of violet light at Larabi [5000 Power + 8000 Power = 13000 Power].
Once again, Robert didn't take any cards from his hand. "No guard."
The bolt struck home, exploding into eerie smoke that stank of rot. Larabi choked as she emerged.
[Damage Check – Masked Police Leader, Silbard – No Trigger]
"I'll let you go with that, for now," Samuel concluded. For just a moment he smiled, then his expression was more neutral again. Robert glanced between him and Leah.
"You said you're not a pro," he finally said. "But I know that Agatha, Richard... they wouldn't lose to just anyone."
"I meant what I said," the Shadow Paladin user retorted, and there was that ice again. "I'm no pro. I'm just a fighter who doesn't hold back, Robert. Not even against you."
"And I wouldn't want you to," Robert replied just as sharply. Why was Samuel being so elusive?
"It's your turn," his opponent spoke, again softening a little. It was like he was lashing out whenever Robert hit some unseen nerve, before railing himself in again. But what was it?
Hand: 5
Front Row: Empty/Blaster Javelin/Skull Witch, Nemain
Back Row: Empty/Skull Witch, Nemain/Blaster Dagger
Soul: 2
Damage: None
Hand: 6
Front Row: Empty/Miracle Fairy, Larabi/Empty
Back Row: Empty/Empty/Empty
Soul: 1
Damage: Mad Scepter X (U), Masked Police Leader, Silbard (U)
"I draw," Robert said, still puzzling inside for a moment before he forced the issue away. No. He couldn't get distracted against an opponent this aggressive. He placed a card down atop Larabi's. "I Ride Miracle Cutie!"
Larabi faded away with a smile, Robert's astral self appearing just to disappear into steely light once again. This time a superhero emerged, a woman in a tight white and green bodysuit, her hot pink hair billowing into two ponytails like flames [Miracle Cutie – 10000 Power].
"And I'll call Cosmo Beak!"
With a shriek a red and silver eagle descended from the skies, clearly robotic with twin laser cannons mounted on its wings [Cosmo Beak – 10000 Power].
"I activate Cosmo Beak's Counterblast," Robert continued, flipping over a Damage. "Cosmo Beak and Miracle Cutie gain 5000 Power this turn!" He glanced at his hand a little ruefully, seeing three Triggers and two identical Grade 3s clogging it up. He didn't want to risk too much by calling a Trigger to boost when Samuel was already filling his field, and he couldn't use the Grade 3s just yet. But at least he could hopefully even the Damage up.
Samuel was looking over his field, a spark of realization in his eyes for just a moment. "Using Cosmo Beak this early is bold of you," he commented, that little smile creeping back onto his face. "I guess you know what you're doing with it."
Robert nodded as he turned Miracle Cutie's card. "Miracle Cutie, attack the Vanguard!"
"Yes, sir!" the superheroine cried, leaping into the air and somersaulting. A glowing pink aura surrounded her as she emerged into a diving kick aimed straight at Javelin's chest [15000 Power].
Samuel glanced at his hand just once. "No guard," he said.
"I check!" Robert answered, drawing the card. No Trigger presented itself.
[Drive Check – Dimensional Robo, Dailander – No Trigger]
Miracle Cutie's kick landed, the superheroine using the impact to hurl herself back as Javelin was sent skidding away. He came to a halt and stumbled forwards, using his spear to hold himself up as he panted for breath.
[Damage Check – Dark Mage, Badbabh Caar – No Trigger]
"Cosmo Beak attacks!"
"No guard!" Samuel repeated, and just for a moment there was a gleam in his eye.
Before Javelin could fully recover, Cosmo Beak struck. Bolts of light spat from its laser cannons and detonated around him, consuming the knight in smoke and cinder.
[Damage Check – Blaster Javelin – No Trigger]
Samuel set the card down without a reaction. Robert couldn't tell if he was pleased or disappointed, or any emotion at all. For someone who said he wasn't a pro, his poker face was unrevealing.
"How do you like that?" he ventured. "I've evened us up."
"That you have," Samuel answered, his tone even. "Your cards. There's something about them, but maybe I just need to see a little more." He looked down at his hand, at one single card in the center.
"What is it, Samuel?" Leah asked, glancing across the field like she was trying to pick up on what her brother had noticed.
"It's nothing," her brother replied. "We'll see soon." His gaze rose back to Robert. "Is that your turn?"
"Yes," Robert replied. "I end my turn." He glanced at the Dailander he had Drive Checked. At least now he had one booster for his next turn.
Hand: 6
Front Row: Cosmo Beak/Miracle Cutie/Empty
Back Row: Empty/Empty/Empty
Soul: 2
Damage: Mad Scepter X (F), Masked Police Leader, Silbard (U)
Hand: 5
Front Row: Empty/Blaster Javelin/Skull Witch, Nemain
Back Row: Empty/Skull Witch, Nemain/Blaster Dagger
Soul: 1
Damage: Dark Mage, Badbabh Caar (U), Blaster Javelin (U)
Samuel drew without a word, leaving the crowd to mutter among themselves. But everyone fell silent as he took the card he had been staring at, holding it high.
"Black sword of determination," he chanted. "Carve a path defined by your wishes alone! I Ride..."
Blaster Javelin shattered into shadows, and Samuel's astral body appeared only to be engulfed by a wall of violet flame. The fire raged against the ground, rising like a pillar into the air as it spun into a tornado-shaped inferno. For just a moment, lines of cyan light flared, and an instant later the flames exploded outward to coat the battlefield.
At the heart of where the inferno had been, a black knight hovered like a terrible wraith. Horn-like fins crowned his helm, rubies and amethysts adorning futuristic plate over a simple gray bodysuit. His shoulders rose to sharp points, the blade in his hand jagged with a ruby set in the crossguard. Those cyan lines decorated his armor and his weapon. Dark green eyes glared down at Miracle Cutie from on high.
"Blaster Dark," Samuel finished [Blaster Dark – 10000 Power].
"What is that card?" Oliver murmured softly from the sidelines. "It looks like a... black Blaster Blade." Robert agreed silently. There were differences, the blade was thicker, the knight's eyes green instead of blue. But the silhouette was so close that it couldn't be a coincidence.
Samuel looked at the spectators with a crushingly solemn air. "He wanted to be Blaster Blade, once." He glanced down at his Vanguard's card as though he couldn't keep looking at the people around them. "But he failed."
"Failed?" Alice echoed from behind Robert.
"Blaster Dark's skill," Samuel said, cutting her short as he turned Badbabh Caar's card over. "When he appears, I Counterblast to have you retire a rear-guard of your choice. Greediness Shadow!"
A dark miasma suddenly consumed Blaster Dark before being drawn into his blade as he slowly raised it to point up at Cosmo Beak. Before any of the Units could react further, the blade had slashed and an arc of violet energy cut the mechanical bird in half, its pieces exploding and raining shrapnel upon the burning battlefield.
"Of course, since you only had one rear-guard, you only had one possible choice," the black-haired fighter concluded. He turned the Nemain behind Blaster Dark sideways. "Nemain's skill." He placed the third Nemain to the left this time. "And I call Tragic Knight, Cathbad."
Units appeared to Blaster Dark's left, first a third Nemain [Skull Witch, Nemain – 5000 Power], followed by another black-armored knight, this one with jet black hair, coat tails tossed by the raging wind. He hefted a massive dark scimitar, his eyes stained with pain and his teeth gritted [Tragic Knight, Cathbad – 10000 Power].
"Finally, Blaster Dark's second skill." He placed a Howl Owl into his drop zone. "Because you have no rear-guards, I can discard a card to give Blaster Dark an extra drive this turn."
"A Grade 2 with Twin Drive?" Robert exclaimed.
"That's right," Samuel said, with a wry smirk. "Show me how you defend this, Robert. Blaster Dark attacks the Vanguard!"
Without a word, the knight was in motion, taking his blade in both hands to deliver a brutal strike to Miracle Cutie.
Robert stared down at his hand, and Army Penguin, Justice Cobalt, and Dimensional Robo, Dailander stared back as his guardian options. He didn't like the thought of dropping cards so early, but a Critical Trigger here would put him in a really bad spot. He plucked the Justice Cobalt from his hand. "I guard!"
A strange alien wolf-man leaped from the shadow of the buildings, placing himself between Blaster Dark and Miracle Cutie resolutely [10000 Power + 15000 Shield = 25000 Power].
"I thought you might," Samuel mused, already taking the first card from his deck. "Twin Drive." The first card was flipped with no Trigger showing, and he simply put it into his hand.
[Drive Check – Blaster Rapier – No Trigger]
The second card turned over and this time a golden icon glowed in its corner, that small smile curving Samuel's lips. "Critical Trigger. I'll give all of the effects to Cathbad."
[Drive Check – Darkside Trumpeter – Critical Trigger]
Silent but unstoppable, Blaster Dark swung his blade. Its edge found Justice Cobalt and effortlessly tore him in half, shattering the lycanthrope but leaving Dark's power spent.
Without missing a beat, Samuel turned Dagger and Nemain's cards. "Nemain attacks your Vanguard!"
"Yes, my Vanguard," Nemain said with that smirk and a nod to Blaster Dark, who did not respond. Once again the bolt of toxic light shot across the field [5000 Power + 8000 Power = 13000 Power].
"Army Penguin!" Robert answered. There was something about this he didn't like, even though it seemed like he could guard Cathbad with just Gorescue.
A strange penguin-shaped robot rose up, diving in the way of Nemain's spell and exploding into shards of metal [10000 Power + 5000 Shield = 15000 Power].
Samuel's smile faltered. "That's nice instinct. With a boost from Nemain, Cathbad attacks! And with Cathbad's skill, when he attacks a Vanguard, he gets 3000 Power for each rear-guard I have more than you!"
"Kill or be killed," Cathbad muttered, hefting his great blade as he tensed. "In that case..." He exploded across the field, blazing with a dark aura [10000 Power + 10000 Power + 15000 Power + 5000 Power = 40000 Power, Critical 2].
Robert looked at his hand, but he already knew he was short. At least he'd guarded Nemain. Four Damage wasn't too bad, even if it was uncomfortable being there before either of them were at Grade 3. "No guard."
Cathbad's mantra was cut off by a terrifying roar as the knight swung his scimitar with all his might. Miracle Cutie tried to catch the blade, but even superhuman strength could not halt it. With a wail and a scream, she was crushed under its great edge, rising weakly as Cathbad jumped back to the Shadow Paladin ranks. Around them, the purple flames still burned, dying down now.
Grimacing, Robert checked two cards in succession, stopping on the second. "Critical Trigger," he said, setting it down.
[Damage Check – Masked Police, Elvino – No Trigger]
[Damage Check – Justice Cobalt – Critical Trigger]
"Four Damage already? It's like this is even easier than Agatha for him!"
"That's enough, Isaac," a young man stood behind Agatha said with a stern look. Richard's hair and eyes were the same wooden shade of brown, and he stood taller than anyone else in the room except the rugby player. The best way Robert could describe him was brotherly. Like he was the cool big brother everyone wanted, smart, funny and strong. And yet Samuel had beaten him like Agatha, Ruth and Oliver. "Robert's trying his best."
Robert bowed his head. Would that be enough? He couldn't escape the feeling that Samuel was playing with his food more than anything. Part of him regretted standing up so rashly. What had he expected to happen? He was going to get crushed, nothing but a speed bump in Samuel's way.
"Hey." He looked up at Samuel's voice, seeing his opponent staring at him. "I asked you before if you were going to let them choose for you, or make your own decision. Maybe you feel like you're in over your head." He gestured to Robert's Damage Zone. "And I don't blame you if right now you're wishing you'd stayed quiet. I've got you in a tight spot."
"You're just better," Robert admitted, hating the words. "Your cards are better than mine."
Samuel nodded to concede that point. "I thought your deck looked like you didn't have a lot of high rarity cards. Everything's a common or a rare so far. I won't deny that if I was in your seat, I'd think I was at a disadvantage."
"But that doesn't mean everything," Agatha said, looking at Robert from the side. "His Triggers aren't any better than yours. His cards play by the same rules as yours. What makes the difference more than anything is the fighter, not the cards."
Easy for you to say, he wanted to retort. But he bit it back. No. That was petty. Agatha had lost to Samuel despite her deck being good enough to take her to regionals in the past.
"If you want to concede now, then that's your decision to make," Samuel said quietly. He offered no push either way, no hint as to whether he'd be happy to get this over with or if he would be disappointed to see it end before the sixth Damage was placed.
No one else spoke either, silenced by Samuel's words. He looked around, trying to read the mood. Leah looked straight at him with eyes that almost seemed ashamed, like she hated what her brother was putting Robert through. Agatha was sympathetic, offering him a nod that only told him that she was behind him. Richard had much the same. Others in the crowd were shaking their heads, telling him to give up. It's hopeless, they said. He's crushing you. He'll win soon anyway, just save him the time.
But no.
He had gotten himself into this. He had stepped up when no one else would. If he backed down now, what was the point in doing that? If nothing else, he could hold his head high knowing he hadn't let his doubt win.
"I want to continue," he said, meeting Samuel's gaze. "To the bitter end."
Samuel smiled a genuine smile. "That's a good answer. Show me what you've got!"
Hand: 5
Front Row: Tragic Knight, Cathbad/Blaster Dark/Skull Witch, Nemain
Back Row: Skull Witch, Nemain/Skull Witch, Nemain/Blaster Dagger
Soul: 2
Damage: Dark Mage, Badbabh Caar (F), Blaster Javelin (U)
Hand: 4
Front Row: Empty/Miracle Cutie/Empty
Back Row: Empty/Empty/Empty
Soul: 2
Damage: Mad Scepter X (F), Masked Police Leader, Silbard (U), Masked Police, Elvino (U), Justice Cobalt (U)
"Stand and draw!" Robert declared, feeling emboldened by Samuel's response. "I Ride Miracle Beauty!"
The battered Miracle Cutie gratefully faded into motes of light, the shining runes coalescing to form a new superhero. Again they were female, this one dressed in a white and pink leotard adorned by a cape of the same colors, her long hair a brilliant green. Heart symbols adorned her costume, Miracle Beauty smiling widely as her entrance cast light across the broken, burning battlefield [Miracle Beauty – 13000 Power].
Robert took a card from his second deck, holding it up. "Imaginary Gift: Force!" he declared, slotting the card beneath his Vanguard and Soul. "Miracle Beauty gains 10000 Power during my turn!"
A shining iridescent crest formed in front of Miracle Beauty, like a six-pointed star laid over three circles. The crest spun and flew backwards, merging into Miracle Beauty's form [23000 Power].
He looked at his hand, considering. Gorescue, a second Miracle Beauty, Mad Scepter X and Dailander. At least with the Mad Scepter X he had an extra 10000 Shield to protect himself next turn. "I call Miracle Beauty, Mad Scepter X, and Dimensional Robo, Dailander!"
A copy of his Vanguard appeared at her side [Miracle Beauty – 13000 Power], mirrored by a futuristic white car bristling with drills, missile launchers and laser cannons [Mad Scepter X – 10000 Power]. Finally a large tank-like vehicle appeared behind the Vanguard, twin laser cannons rising from behind its cockpit and the number 3 emblazoned on its nose [Dimensional Robo, Dailander – 8000 Power].
Samuel looked at the field. "So you've assembled your combo," he noted with a smile.
"Combo?" Leah asked, looking puzzled. "What combo?"
"That's right," Robert replied, meeting his opponent's smile with a determined grin. "My rear-guard Miracle Beauty attacks Blaster Dark!"
Much as Miracle Cutie had, Miracle Beauty jumped into the air, aiming a diving kick at Samuel's black knight. "Shining Wink!" she declared as she raced downward.
"Cathbad Intercepts!" Samuel answered.
The Tragic Knight dived forward, his blade clattering against stone behind him as Miracle Beauty's kick struck and dashed him against the ground. Behind him, Blaster Dark watched his ally's sacrifice impassively [10000 Power + 5000 Shield = 15000 Power].
Robert's hand moved to his field's center. "Dailander boosts! And my Vanguard attacks! Since she has more than 30000 Power with Dailander's boost, I Counterblast to stand my other Miracle Beauty!"
As her twin landed back at her side, the Vanguard Miracle Beauty jumped, glowing brilliantly as she descended towards Blaster Dark [23000 Power + 8000 Power = 31000 Power].
"That was a clever move, Intercepting Cathbad," Agatha noted from the sidelines. "Due to Dailander's skill, you won't be able to Intercept against this attack because the boost puts Miracle Beauty over 30000 Power."
Samuel nodded in thanks. "I don't guard, Robert."
Robert took the first card from his deck. "Twin Drive!" A golden icon flashed. "Critical Trigger! I give the Critical to my Vanguard and the Power to my second Miracle Beauty!"
[Drive Check – Dimensional Robo, Daibattles – Critical Trigger]
"Second check." No second Trigger.
[Drive Check – Miracle Cutie – No Trigger]
With no ally sacrificing themselves to protect him, Blaster Dark took the full force of Miracle Beauty's kick head on. It tossed him through the air, hurling him into a wall with enough force that he smashed straight through. But he resolutely emerged, his armor splintered and his skin cut, striding back to his position despite his injuries.
[Damage Check – Blaster Dagger – No Trigger]
[Damage Check – Blaster Dark – No Trigger]
If Samuel was disappointed at the lack of a defensive Trigger, he didn't show it.
"Mad Scepter X attacks!" Robert continued.
The car's engine roared as it unleashed a volley of missiles and lasers straight at the battered knight.
"Darkside Trumpeter guards," Samuel answered.
An angelic girl with blue hair appeared, bearing a trumpet. As she sounded her instrument, a glowing veil of light took shape, blocking the barrage before she was blown into dust by the last missile. Again Blaster Dark showed no reaction [10000 Power + 15000 Shield = 25000 Power].
Robert frowned. "You didn't need that much to guard that attack."
"So you're wondering why I chose to," his opponent replied. "Perhaps I wanted to save more important cards in my hand. Perhaps it was a mistake. Perhaps I'm playing with you." His smile widened a little. "Which do you think it is?"
"I don't think you make mistakes. And you said yourself that you give every fight your all." As he spoke, he turned his rear-guard Miracle Beauty's card.
"No guard."
Again the heroic kick struck, but this one did not have the sheer force of the Vanguard's empowered blow. Though Blaster Dark staggered back several steps, blocking the kick with his sword, he was not catapulted away as he had been before. With a mighty effort he swung the sword outward, throwing the superhero back to Robert's side of the field.
[Damage Check – Abyss Router – No Trigger]
Samuel set the card down, putting his Damage to five cards. One short of a loss. His smile had faded, but Robert didn't think it was the game that had done. "You don't think I make mistakes," he mused, with the same bitter tone he had had when he said he wasn't a pro. "That's a nice thought. Everyone makes mistakes, though. No matter how infallible they think they are." There was an uncomfortable silence, the words hanging in the air and drowning everyone's will to speak.
"What do you mean?" Agatha finally ventured.
Samuel seemed to snap out of his reverie. "Ah, nothing." He smiled, trying to dispel the tension, but Robert wasn't fooled. Again there was more meaning to what Samuel was saying. "You've more than evened things up, but it's my turn now, Robert. I'm going to give you my all. Just try to survive it!"
"I will," Robert answered, holding his gaze. "I'm not going to lose."
Hand: 3
Front Row: Mad Scepter X/Miracle Beauty (IG:Fx1)/Miracle Beauty
Back Row: Empty/Dimensional Robo, Dailander/Empty
Soul: 3
Damage: Mad Scepter X (F), Masked Police Leader, Silbard (F), Masked Police, Elvino (U), Justice Cobalt (U)
Hand: 4
Front Row: Empty/Blaster Dark/Skull Witch, Nemain
Back Row: Skull Witch, Nemain/Skull Witch, Nemain/Blaster Dagger
Soul: 2
Damage: Dark Mage, Badbabh Caar (F), Blaster Javelin (U), Blaster Dagger (U), Blaster Dark (U), Abyss Router (U)
Samuel drew without a word, again fixed on a single card in his hand. Then he looked up, considering for the briefest instant.
"Final Turn!" he declared. The crowd burst into muttering and disapproval.
"Even against Robert?"
"He really thinks he's got this won?"
"Of course he does. He's got that card. The one that beat all the others."
"What an arrogant guy..."
Ignoring them, Samuel raised the card into the air once again. "Cursed dragon, rise now and make all before you a sacrifice to your glory! Ride, the Vanguard!"
Blaster Dark convulsed, blade falling from his hand as he dropped to his knees. Hands frantically clutched at his face as he screamed, the violet fire exploding up to consume his form entirely. It blazed as a swirling inferno before the shining symbols collapsed into the fire, a black-armored arm ripping free as though the flames were a cocoon. A monstrous black dragon emerged, eyes burning red, the same cyan lines marking its armored form. Its wings spread, wrapped in dark steel so they were like great swords.
A mighty twin-bladed lance appeared with a thunderclap and the dragon snatched it from the air, whirling around to stand proud in the heavens. The flames that had birthed it were driven mad by the wind, transforming the battlefield into a terrible vision of purple fire. Above it, Samuel's Vanguard was like an angel of ruin, come to cast judgment upon the battlefield [13000 Power].
"Phantom Blaster Dragon!"
"Phantom Blaster Dragon," Robert repeated in a whisper, staring at the card. So this had defeated Agatha, Richard and the others?
"Imaginary Gift: Force!" Samuel continued, placing the card beneath his Vanguard.
Phantom Blaster Dragon roared in pride and fury as the six-pointed star sign soaked into its body, empowering it [23000 Power].
From the sidelines, Agatha watched, dark recognition filling her eyes. Richard, Oliver and Ruth all shared the look. They had sat where he had, and faced this unit.
And it had broken them all.
"Nemain's skill." He rested the solitary Nemain that had been behind Cathbad, placing his fourth and final copy of the witch in front of her.
A fourth Nemain rose up, but where the others before had been smirking, this one's expression was downcast and full of dread. She glanced at the dragon in the sky with nothing less than raw terror [Skull Witch, Nemain – 5000 Power].
Samuel was again silent for a moment, like he was letting the tension peak. Finally, he moved his hand to his Damage Zone, turning a card over. "I activate Phantom Blaster Dragon's skill. I Counterblast one card and sacrifice three of my rear-guards!"
"Sacrifice?!" Robert exclaimed.
The dragon crashed down, its very footfalls making the earth tremble. It whirled in a lethal arc, its lance finding three Nemain and carving through them in a single nightmarish motion. Screaming, the witches collapsed, clutching at the wounds that had murdered them.
"In return, Phantom Blaster Dragon gains 15000 Power and a Critical, and you choose three of your rear-guards and retire them! Damned Charging Lance!" Samuel finished. Robert's eyes widened before falling to his field. He only had three rear-guards.
From the corpses of the fallen witches came crackling orbs of eerie green magic, orbiting the cursed dragon as it raised a hand. Its talons clenched into a terrible fist and the orbs shot over the battlefield, finding Robert's rear-guards and obliterating them as the cyan lines on Phantom Blaster Dragon's body were transformed to a terrible crimson [38000 Power, Critical 2].
Robert stared with hollow eyes at Phantom Blaster Dragon's card. It made sense, finally. How this terrible dragon had beaten players like Agatha. It had obliterated their fields as it had obliterated his. And with Nemain's ability to call copies of herself for free, Samuel had lost very little to unleash the dragon's skill. Damned Charging Lance, he had called it.
"I call," Samuel said after a moment, placing down a Blaster Javelin in his empty back row circle.
The spear-wielding knight took form, bowing his head in veneration at the sight of Phantom Blaster Dragon [Blaster Javelin – 8000 Power].
"Javelin's skill. Since I have another grade 1 rear-guard, I Counterblast to draw a card and Javelin gains 3000 Power this turn," the Shadow Paladin user declared, making a draw. "I call Blaster Rapier and Blaster Dark!"
A female knight took shape in front of Javelin, wielding a rapier as her name said. Her eyes were a cold blue, her hair black like Samuel's [Blaster Rapier – 9000 Power]. On the opposite side of the field, Blaster Dark rose up, stabbing his blade's tip into the courtyard's stone and resting his hands atop the hilt [Blaster Dark – 10000 Power]. Both knights knelt in the presence of their dread master, blades resting on the ground as they bowed in supplication.
"Here I come, Robert," Samuel declared, a hand resting on the center Nemain's card. "Can you stop this?"
Robert glared back, the taunt stirring his defiance. "I'm going to try." The odds were slim. He had to hope that Samuel didn't get a Trigger and that he found a defensive Trigger against the rear-guards.
"Another good answer," his opponent said, resting Nemain. "With a boost from Nemain, Phantom Blaster Dragon attacks! Shadow Erosion!"
Bladed wings beat down and Phantom Blaster ascended, the downdraft fanning the inferno into a greater fury. Those orbs of green magic appeared, whirling around it with arcs of lightning chaining them together, before a jab of the dragon's lance sent them all flying. They rushed towards the lone Miracle Beauty as spears of dark power [38000 Power + 5000 Power = 43000 Power, Critical 2].
Robert placed down two cards. "Gorescue, Daibattles!" That left him with just Miracle Cutie. Her 5000 Shield would make no difference, a Trigger would break his guard even with her.
A giant fire truck and race car-like machines both appeared in the path of Phantom Blaster Dragon's onslaught [13000 Power + 20000 Shield + 15000 Shield = 48000 Power].
"What's the point?" a muscular young man in a red jacket and white-rimmed glasses commented. "Even if you can guard this, you can't stop Rapier and Dark with just one card. What difference does guarding this make?"
Samuel shot him a glance. "It means he's choosing not to accept defeat even if it seems inevitable. That makes all the difference." As he turned back to the game, Robert was surprised to see a melancholy look in his eyes that quickly disappeared as he took a card. "Twin Drive. First check, no Trigger."
[Drive Check – Phantom Blaster Dragon – No Trigger]
He placed the second copy of his Vanguard into his hand, taking the second card. "Let's see how this ends. Second check." He slowly turned the card over, and a crimson icon shone.
[Drive Check – Dark Shield, Mac Lir – Draw Trigger]
"Draw Trigger," Samuel concluded. "I give the Power to Phantom Blaster Dragon, and I draw one card." He placed both cards into his hand.
Now blazing red [43000 Power + 10000 Power = 53000 Power], the spears of magic ripped through Robert's guardians effortlessly. Their husks exploded in the wake of Phantom Blaster's attack as the Shadow Erosion fell upon Miracle Beauty, spears stabbing right through her. Wailing, the heroine collapsed to her knees, struggling to remain upright despite her injuries.
From afar the dragon gazed down, and gave a triumphant roar that shook the burning battlefield.
"It's not over yet," Robert answered. "I can still get a Heal Trigger."
"Yes, you can," his opponent nodded. "Show me."
"Damage Check!" Robert drew the first card and revealed it. No Trigger greeted him.
[Damage Check – Miracle Fairy, Larabi – No Trigger]
"No, I can do this," he muttered as he set the card down. One more chance. He took the second card, slowly turning it over. Everyone was holding their breaths as he revealed its face.
No glow.
[Damage Check – Miracle Beauty – No Trigger]
Miracle Beauty fell, alone upon the broken field. The inferno crept up the buildings, devouring all in its path, even the Shadow Paladin knights forced to retreat from its fury. Only Phantom Blaster Dragon remained, gazing upon its works with those terrible red eyes.
Its roar was like laughter.
He had lost.
There was silence for a moment.
"It's okay," Alice finally said. "You tried so hard."
"He got crushed," the guy with the red jacket scoffed. Kenneth. That was his name, Robert finally recalled. "Like we all knew he would be. We tried to tell you, Robert. But you didn't listen."
"He made his own choice," Samuel retorted.
"And you got yourself a new plaything," Kenneth laughed. "Like I bet you were hoping for."
Samuel looked down at his field, eyes resting on Phantom Blaster Dragon's card. In the art, the dragon hung in the air as it had dominated the battlefield from the sky, claws reaching out, lance held behind it. Robert stared at it too. The Unit that had annihilated his hopes of victory. "I take every fight seriously," Samuel said, and it seemed like he was talking to himself. "Why should I wear kid gloves? Hold back because of my opponent? Isn't that just an insult? Better to challenge my opponent seriously rather than toy with them by giving less than my best."
"Pain makes us stronger." It was Agatha who spoke, with a haunted look in her eyes. "Only by struggling and overcoming challenges do we become more powerful." As Robert looked at her, he saw her hands resting on the table, her right trembling.
"Agatha." Richard had spoken, gently resting a hand on her shoulder. An unspoken understanding passed between them as she looked at him, and when she looked back that strange look had gone. Her hands slipped beneath the tabletop.
Samuel looked at the pair for a moment curiously, before looking back at Robert. "I went all out because I see holding back as nothing more than demeaning you. Do you understand?"
Robert nodded. "Even if you're not a pro, you seem like you could be one. The way you fight-"
"There are better people than me out there, trust me," Samuel replied. "I'm nothing special really. Just a guy." He tried to smile, but it was obvious that something still bothered him, making his expression clearly forced. He held it for a moment as Robert stared, and then his gaze fell to Robert's deck. "I was curious. Do you have any cards rarer than a rare?"
Robert shook his head. "I scraped together what I could off of a paper round for this deck. I couldn't afford a lot."
"Why not get a Trial Deck?" Samuel queried. "It wouldn't be very much, but you'd have a solid foundation there."
"I wanted to play Dimension Police," he explained. "I just... when I saw them, I loved the idea. Superheroes fighting to save people, giving their Vanguard their support so it's like a team. I wanted to use a deck like that. Even if there's no Trial Deck for them, I wanted to do what I could with them." He looked at Samuel. "Shadow Paladins. Why?"
Samuel avoided his gaze, looking at Blaster Dark's card now. "Because once upon a time, I tried to be like Blaster Blade. A unbeatable champion with allies who would never abandon him." He paused with a melancholy look. "I failed too." He looked up at Robert. "And I like how they play. You fight with the Clan you do because of a dream. I fight with mine because of cold reality."
Robert met his suddenly cold eyes with a fiery look. "The world doesn't work that way."
"You haven't seen how much it does," Samuel answered evasively. "In time you will."
"Why are you here?" he pressed. "Why did you come here today?"
Samuel turned his head to indicate Leah. "Because my sister convinced me to pick up my deck and try Vanguard again."
There was a stunned silence, broken by Agatha. "She convinced you?"
Samuel offered a chuckle to try and break the tension. "I didn't mean to make a scene, I promise. I missed Vanguard. It just took some poking and prodding to get me to actually admit it. And I have had fun today." Robert noted he hadn't actually addressed the question.
"You have a funny way of showing it," Alice muttered.
"He can be stubborn, trust me," Leah chuckled. "Are you done making a scene, Samuel? I did want to fight today too." She held up a deck case of her own, this one orange.
"Step right up," he smiled, recovering his cards and standing up. "Did you want to fight Leah too, Robert?"
Robert considered it. "Uh, sorry," he said with an apologetic look at her. "But I just..."
"It's okay," she said warmly as his words drifted off. "My brother gave you a lot to think about, right? But I promise he's not as cold as he can seem." Again she shot Samuel a glare. "I'd like to fight when you feel up to it. Your deck looks fun to play against."
"Thank you," he said, bowing his head slightly. The two seemed like night and day, Leah replaced her brother's imposing aura with a comforting warmth. He already felt better just from hearing her encouragement.
"So," Leah said as she took Samuel's vacated seat. "Who wants to take me on?" Her eyes challenged the room.
Card of the Day:
Phantom Blaster Dragon
Grade 3/Twin Drive!/Imaginary Gift: Force
Abyss Dragon – Shadow Paladin – United Sanctuary
13000 Power/No Shield/Critical 1
Activate [V]: COST [Counterblast (1) & retire three rear-guards], your opponent chooses three of his or her rear-guards, and retires them. This unit gets [Power]+15000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.
Activate [V] [1/Turn]: If your opponent has four or less cards in his or her damage zone and no rear-guards, COST [Soul Blast (1) grade 3], and deal one damage to your opponent's vanguard.
Fall into the deep! Damned Charging Lance!
Controlling and winding up the negative emotions of those who were former Paladins, he is the terrorist ringleader who founded the Shadow Paladins. Despair, jealousy, fear and the like, in fact, every negative emotion can be altered as is his power. He regards his comrades as mere tools for his schemes, so when he has no more use for them and cannot use his power, they become nothing more than his next meal. During the darkness beyond even light, the blades of "Shadow Erosion" pour into the target like a stream of bullets, and when it's done, it feasts on the leftovers of the light.
(Author's Note: Because the reboot does not provide card lore, I'll be taking the lore for remade cards from their original versions under the assumption that the reboot does not contradict any of the lore from the original series and G. As always if a unit I made myself is CotD, I'll also provide lore for it, but in the case of wholly original to the reboot units and units that had no lore in the original, they'll simply be given no lore text.)
Next time, Leah steps up to the plate and meets a dark challenge in Ride 2: Power of Prophecy!
Author's Note: Something I'm considering doing is a segment here after chapters where I discuss my reasons for particular changes I make in this reboot of my fanfics, but it's something I'd only do if there was general interest in more than just a couple of things. Otherwise any questions people voice in reviews can be addressed in a PM or in a summary section at the start of each chapter. I'd be interested in people's opinions as to whether a sort of 'Digidramon Thoughts' section at the end of each chapter is something they'd like to see.