The day began as would any typical day in the heart of Paris. The sun was shining through the window of Marinette Dupain-Cheng's bedroom, above her parent's bustling bakery as they served the morning crowd their breakfast. As the minutes ticked by, the sun slowly inched toward her eyes, waking her up from her disappointingly short sleep. As she blinked the sleep in her eyes away, Marinette turned to look at her alarm clock and blanched. The alarm had obviously not gone off because the clock read 7:30, which left her with only five minutes to get ready, get to school, and be seated in her class. She threw the alarm clock at the comforter on her bed and sped down her ladder to get dressed and ready. Marinette grabbed the pair of pants she wore the day before from her hamper and a simple tank top before she rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and her hair. As she brushed her teeth, she noticed the formation of dark circles underneath her eyes, and the remains of yesterday's makeup smudged around on her face. Usually, she probably would have put on some more makeup to hide the circles under her eyes that had begun to appear more recently. However, since she now only had three minutes left until the start of class, she thought it best to go without it. With her hair somewhat tamed and her clothes slightly crooked, Marinette dashed out the door, only just remembering to grab her purse and a very groggy Kwami.

Marinette was only a few steps away from the entrance of the school when she heard that inevitable chime of the bell. Adrenaline suddenly evaporating, Marinette ambled to her classroom, knowing that she wouldn't make it to class on time no matter what she did. It was just her luck, wasn't it? This was probably her sixth tardy in the past three weeks, any more, and she might be forced to go to summer school. Just thinking about that made her head hurt. How would she be able to protect the city and Chat if she was stuck in school for the entire summer? She could barely carry the burden of escaping to fight crime now, what would she do when she was the only one there to teach. Before she even realized it, Marinette was at the door to her classroom. They wouldn't put her in summer school for just a few missed tardies, she reasoned, Adrien had missed way more school that she had, and he was never punished for it. But then again, he was also almost always excused for those absences. She shook her head. She was getting worked up over nothing. Marinette, realizing she had stood in front of the door for quite a while, entered the class.

The classroom was exactly how it was every day except for the noticeable absence of Chloe Bourgeois, who had been out sick for a week with the flu. Her classmate and Chloe's best friend, Sabrina, was happy to fill in the role of classroom bully while the Mayor's daughter was home sick. Marinette examined the classroom again and noticed that her beloved Adrien was lying down with his head in the crooks of his arms, seemingly sleeping at his desk. He still looked photo-ready even when he was asleep, she noted. She looked up at her teacher, Miss Bustier, and apologized for her tardiness. As she climbed into her own desk behind Adrien, she looked over to her best friend Alya and saw she was adorned with a matching set of dark circles to her own. If she had to guess, Alya had followed her and Chat last night so she could film their fight against the Potpourri Princess. Marinette nudged a greeting to her best friend, who, in turn, responded with a tired grunt and a half-smile.

Marinette turned her attention to the lesson at hand but quickly lost focus as her eyelids began to droop. She had gotten around an hour and a half of sleep, maybe even less. To be honest, she didn't remember ever falling asleep in the first place. She shrugged. She could always blame her sleeplessness on a sewing spree late at night or something like that. Her mind shifted to the sleeping Adrien in front of her, pondering over what could have kept him up so late that he was falling asleep in class. He was usually so awake and alert because it was his first year at a public school. But recently he had begun to doze off in class more. She guessed he was finally feeling the monotony of school life. Her thoughts drifted further into thinking about Adrien when…

"Marinette, could ..--.--.-.. er the questi --.-.-.-.-...- ard?" Miss Bustier's voice yanked her from her thoughts.

"Hmm?" Marinette responded intelligently as she scanned the sparse notes written on the board, hoping for a clue of what she was supposed to be learning.

With her same even disposition, Miss Bustier repeated the question for Marinette," Marinette, could you translate the English sentence into french and then answer the question on the board?"

She nodded curtly and reluctantly left the comfort of her seat. The questions didn't seem too tricky, English had always come naturally to her. But with the amount of sleep she had gotten, it was turning out to be more complicated than what she had expected. Though it took longer than usual, Marinette translated and answered the question. And with a satisfied sigh, she stepped back to signify that she was done.

Suddenly, the floor beneath her feet abandoned her. Her trained reflexes reacted as Marinette grasped the edge of the floor and began to pull herself. Adrien responded faster than the rest of the class and was already next to the growing, inky black hole. He reached out his arm for Marinette to grasp, and just as she had taken hold of his hand, both he and Marinette were sucked in. Faster than a blink, the hole was gone, and so was any trace of Arien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.