A/N: Okay, I know I haven't finished up my other WIPs. In fact, I really need to get writing on The High King's Bride so that I can mark that one as complete. However, I found this idea in a file and it took over. I plan to work on this one as I finish THKB and perhaps A Mother's Wish (yes, I'm finally going back to that old WIP). Without further ado, here is my newest tale: In Search of New Dreams.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize and some that you don't.

*J*S* J*S* J*S* J*S* J*S*

Ever since she completed the Labyrinth at the tender age of 15, Sarah Williams loved life. She made it a mission to experience everything that life had to offer. Her parents were astounded to see the, once shy and sullen, girl practically bursting with confidence. She'd always been an attractive girl, but, after her victory, she seemed to shine with an inner light that only enhanced her loveliness.

Being touched by the Underground had some unforeseen consequences. Sarah was suddenly able to see magic in her every day, mundane world. Every sprite, nymph, and other fairytale creature she saw made her long to leave the Above. When Sarah was seventeen, she stumbled upon a portal in the park near her home. Without a moment of hesitation, she went through it and found herself back in the land of the fae.

Soon, she found herself straddling between worlds. She would spend her days in her mortal world; first, finishing high school and, later, attending college. Her free time was spent learning everything she could about the Underground and its inhabitants. She visited different kingdoms and made friends with many different beings.

The day of her college graduation, Sarah made a decision. She was tired of living two lives. After telling her parents that she was moving out of the country for a job opportunity, she left the Above permanently. The Seelie King had offered her residence and she was all too happy to accept.

Sarah settled into her new life with ease. She selected a small cottage in the country and made it into a cozy home. When she wasn't tending to her fairy garden or spending time with her friends, she could be found attending the various festivals and balls that were constantly being thrown by the vivacious fae.

The fae royalty tended to lead very lascivious lives and their parties often reflected their overt lusts. It was normal to walk into a ball alone and leave with one or more partners to a private room. Some were even more blatant in their desires by hosting orgies to celebrate their fancies. Sarah had received her share of invitations to those, but had yet to experience one in person.

The thirty-year-old had had her fair share of men, both fae and human alike. Sarah was like a star come to earth. With her fiery temper and natural beauty, she was a temptation that few could resist. She could even say she had loved a couple of them. Like most other women, she'd had her heart broken and had broken a few hearts of her own.

Tonight, Sarah was getting ready for a ball she had not had the pleasure of attending before. Knowing the reputation of the host, she could guess at the level of daring it might become. With a grin, she plucked her gown from her wardrobe and set it on her bed. What little fabric it contained was cerulean in color and shimmered with silver threads weaved into the silk. This tiny scrap of a dress was recently obtained and Sarah couldn't wait to see how it was received.

After bathing and carefully applying her makeup, she curled and styled her hair into an elegant updo. Her eyes spotted a new bottle next to her other perfumes and she grabbed it. Lifting the cap, she smelled the spicy scent and smiled. During her last trip to the market, she had found a small perfume shop. She'd been enthralled with the fragrance and used her meager mad money to buy it.

Sarah stood from her vanity and began dressing by putting on her prettiest lingerie, just in case. Sarah was hopeful that her evening would end with a bang, so to say. Slipping the dress over her head, she quickly tied the ribbons that would hold it to her form. She decided to forgo any jewelry, allowing her dress to sparkle on its own.

Finally, Sarah stepped into her shoes and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. A grin spread across her face as she took in her appearance. This dress was perfect. She chose not to focus on her imperfections, knowing she needed extra confidence for tonight. With one final glance, she picked up her official invitation.

Taking hold of the crystal orb, she looked into it and said, "I'm ready."

In a blink of an eye, Sarah found herself back in the Castle Beyond the Goblin City. She entered the ballroom and looked around, happy to see she was fashionably late just as she planned. This wasn't the crystal ballroom of her dreams, but a much larger formal room filled with a cacophony of music and mingled voices in conversation.

Sarah began to work the room, talking to the various courtiers present. Most of them were well known to the mortal woman. She even liked a few of them. It had been nearly an hour before she decided it was time for a drink. She was making her way towards the nearest servant when she felt a tap at her shoulder. Turning, she was pleasantly surprised to see the Goblin King grinning down at her.

"Hello, Your Majesty," Sarah said as she curtsied, cheekily.

"Hello, yourself, Lady Champion. I didn't expect you to come tonight."

"I was invited."

Jareth narrowed his eyes. "That invitation has been sent out before, but you've never granted your attendance until now."

"I've been busy," she replied, flippantly.

"Too busy for an old adversary?"

"I thought we'd moved past that, Your Majesty."


Sarah's eyebrows rose as she couldn't help to hide her surprise. She watched as his eyes wandered over her body in blatant interest. The dress had been the perfect choice and she couldn't help but preen a bit under his attention. A grin slowly grew as she realized that her night was headed in the right direction.

"Jareth," she repeated.

"How have you been?" he asked. "It's been, what, six moons since the Samhain Ball."

"Just about," she affirmed. "I've been well and yourself?"

Before he could answer, a slow waltz began to play a distracting melody. Jareth held his hand out to her, his gaze daring her to reject him. As if she would give up this opportunity. It's why she came here tonight, after all.

"Shall we?" he asked.

Sarah took the proffered hand and nodded. "Of course."

Jareth led her to the, already crowded, dance floor. The couple fell into a graceful waltz, their feet moving in perfect synchronicity. One song bled into another and then another until they lost complete track of time. Conversation came easy, but silence was just as comfortable. Sarah was wondering if she would have to make the first move when Jareth finally pressed his advantage. Drawing her close to him, he placed a soft kiss to her neck.

"You are shameless, Your Majesty," Sarah said, grinning.

Jareth laughed. "It must be the company I'm keeping."

Sarah was no longer a timid young novice playing at grown up games with a faerie king. No, she was a woman who had perfected her craft with some of the best players in the Underground. The time had come to take this to the next level. She licked her lips and placed them at his ear. Without further thought, she whispered her intention.

His eyes widened for a brief moment before his mouth broke into a wicked grin. Giving nary a thought to the other partygoers, he all but dragged her into a hidden balcony. As he closed the doors and sealed them with a spell, Sarah moved to the edge and looked out at the darkened Labyrinth. She turned, leaning back as her hands gripped the stone rail. Her eyes gave him a look of frank interest as he sauntered, gracefully, to join her.

"And you call me shameless," he laughed, pulling her close to him by her waist.

"What can I say? I never said I had any shame. When I know what I want, what's the point of beating around the bush?"

"And what is it that you want?"

"I thought I made myself perfectly clear, but maybe I should have just done this."

Sarah placed her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his mouth. He stilled for just a moment before returning her kiss with abandon. Her tongue tapped his lips, asking for entrance. The request was immediately granted as he allowed her to deepen the kiss. Their tongues touched and caressed and Sarah was delighted to know that the Goblin King was definitely skilled in this area. She fervently hoped that his skills only began there.

Jareth pulled back slightly. "You are shivering, precious thing."

Sarah nodded. "It's cold out here."

"Maybe it's time to take this somewhere warmer."

"I thought you'd never ask."

The couple vanished from the cold balcony and reappeared in a warm room. A fire was crackling in a large stone fireplace along one wall, casting the room in cozy glow. Looking around, Sarah could see a king-sized bed and looked at Jareth with one eyebrow raised. His answering grin held wicked intent and she couldn't help the shiver that spread over her body. This time, it had nothing to do with the temperature.

"Nice place you have here," Sarah remarked.

"Why thank you," Jareth replied. "It's made even lovelier by your presence."

"Smooth," she laughed.

Sarah pulled him closer to her by his lapels and kissed him again. His hands drew down her back until they cupped her ass, kneading the soft flesh in time to the thrusts of his tongue. Her own hands began to wander until they found his growing erection. She cupped him, squeezing and releasing his shaft through his trousers. He groaned at the sensation, gyrating his hips against her hand.

Jareth's hands crept back up and took hold of the ribbons he found. With a tug, he loosened the ties on her dress. The silky fabric ended up in a pile at her feet. Stepping out of it, she toed off her shoes. She kicked them both to the side, not caring if she ruined her new gown in her haste. Jareth pulled away from her for a moment, staring at her semi-nude state. Sarah was happy for the desired effect, as she watched Jareth admire her lingerie.

"You look beautiful in blue," he sighed. "My favorite color."

"I know."

Jareth grabbed her face and pressed his lips to hers. She reached down and pulled the stays on her lingerie. It soon joined the same fate as her dress. She began to undress the Goblin King, but he grew impatient. With a thought, his clothes vanished. A small giggle escaped her before she clutched at his shoulders, pouring her all into the kiss. Jareth pushed gently and they tumbled into the massive bed, still kissing with everything they had.

The pair broke from the kiss, breathing hard. His mouth latched onto one erect nipple, suckling at it as she ran her fingers through his hair. One of his hands made its way to the junction of her thighs. He parted her with a finger and probed until he found her clit. Circling it, he tried different motions while watching her face for clues. Her gasping breath told him he had found the right technique. He continued to pleasure her until she went stiff and cried out.

When she came down from her high, she could only look at him and demand, "I want you inside of me, right now."

"As you wish," he replied, climbing on top of her.

Jareth poised himself at her entrance and thrust forward. There were twin gasps as they both adjusted to the new sensation. It didn't take long for him to find a rhythm that had them both reaching for the peak of pleasure. The feeling of Sarah's nails digging into his back told him that she was getting close to her release. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer to her as she began to call his name in ecstasy. With one last gasping scream, she tumbled over the edge.

Sarah could see that he was on the verge of his own summit. This wouldn't do at all. The evening had just started. It would be a shame to let it end so early. She surprised him by pushing at his chest and using his momentary lack of balance to flip him over. The movement dislodged him from her and her bottom lip pushed out in a pout. He grinned and shifted from the edge of the bed, pulling her along with him.

Once he was settled, Sarah moved her hips to line them up with his again. She rubbed herself against his shaft, reveling in the feel of his hardness against her clit. When she grew tired of teasing him, she reached down and slid him inside her. Up and down, her hips began to move at a gentle pace. She reached down and grabbed his hands, placing them on her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and was rewarded with a breathy moan.

Jareth watched her bouncing on his cock and was slightly awed by the expression on her face. Her brow was furled in concentration and her eyes were closed as she actively sought her release. That look was even more seductive than the act, itself, and he had to will away his own orgasm. It was clear that she was no wilting violet, content on getting him off without seeking her own pleasure. He liked that about her.

"Oh, fuck!" she shouted.

Jareth could feel her shuddering around him, signaling her climax. He gripped her hips and rolled them over so that he was hovering above her. Pulling his cock out, he flipped her over so that her ass was in the air in front of him. It was a beautiful ass and he took a moment to admire it before sliding his shaft into the tight warmth of her pussy. She let out another low moan as he began to set a grueling pace, working for his own release. His hands tightened on her hips as he finally spilt his seed within her.

The two of them fell into a heap in the bed, basking in the afterglow of their passion. When their panting breaths finally began to slow, Jareth pulled out of her and rolled to his side. His arm crept around her waist and his soft, even breaths told Sarah that he had fallen asleep. She grinned at the feeling of him spooning her back. Who knew that the Goblin King was a post-coital cuddler? It wasn't long before Sarah found herself following Jareth into slumber.

A few hours later, Sarah woke and looked at her bed companion. Memories of their night activities made her smile. It had been fun while it lasted, but she had had enough of these trysts to know what to expect when dawn broke. Quietly, she moved his arm off her waist and inched towards the edge of the bed. She dressed with that same silent serenity and made her way to the door, opening it to see her own dwelling instead of the stone halls of the castle. Magic was certainly a helpful thing, especially when one wanted to avoid the inevitable 'walk of shame.' With a final look back, she closed the door behind her. It disappeared back into the ether, officially ending her night at the Goblin Castle.

As the weeks passed, Sarah heard nothing from the Goblin King. It wasn't unexpected and life went on as normal. Unfortunately, nothing was as it seemed in the Underground. Especially for the Labyrinth's Champion. About two moons later, when her cycle hadn't come, she decided to visit the village healer. It was all she could do to keep from screaming as the old woman gave voice to her suspicions.

"You're pregnant."