Alright, here's the shocking conclusion! Thank you to all who supported me on this, a review or follow or fave. It means a lot!

Thank you betas: DarkenedHrt101, SailorMoon489, Nebelflecke, Knowall7, astraerose-silvermoon, and Master-Ray 5!

Sailor Silver Ladybug it was an honor and blast to write this for you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Chapter Four

"I might be the villain of this story."

Rebecca Makkai,The Borrower

A flash of light blinded and a loud boom deafened. When I rallied, I could see that the set was gone, now in pieces on the stage. Usagi was still in my hold, tugging and pushing. But I couldn't hear anything but the ringing, her mouth moving to say something.

Slowly, her words started to come through. " you...Mamo?!"

Taking her hand, I pulled both of us away, moving deeper into the wings of the theatre. For some odd reason, she was fighting me, but I couldn't care less at this moment, I had to get her somewhere safe.

It was dark and loud but I still caught sight of Natsumi and her brother. They were yelling at one another. But then he just laughed and she turned away towards me and Usagi. It reminded me of how guys flirted back in High School.

"Mamoru-senpai! Are you alright? There's a monster on the stage!" And something about Natsumi's fear seemed fake.

Another blast cut off any response I could have given, flinging me and Usagi into the air. I managed to pull her to me before we hit the floor again, the air in my lungs rushing out and my back stinging from bruises already. Nothing was broken, all I had to show for my efforts would be dark spots of blood and Usagi mark free. That was all I needed.

I must have hit my head because I didn't remember letting go of Usagi but now she was standing over me, trying to get me to my feet. And I was struggling to get things to make sense because Natsumi was on the ground, out cold, near me. Did she get hit with something? Where was her brother? Oh god, was that screaming coming from the audience? Why the hell was this happening?

"MAMO!" It was then that I found my face in the tight grip of one Usagi Tsukino. "We should get somewhere safe, yeah?"

I could only nod, taking one of her hands in mine. We had only taken a few steps when something popped and drew my attention from a 'safe spot' back to the stage. Something big was flying in our direction and Usagi hadn't noticed.

On the floor again, Usagi was leaning over me screaming my name. Or saying something...what was it?

Looks like it's finally my turn…


I really didn't mind being stuck in the resses. I did get to go out on my 'own' from time to time. This being one of those times. What I really didn't like was switching places and having to hear that idiot in my head.

I'm not an...wait...why are my thoughts in (italics)?

'Because now instead of me in your head, you're in mine.' is that….

Turning, I showed him his unconscious body on the floor. Cue the freak out.

What the hell?! What is going on I'm...I'm dreaming? That's what this is right?

I sighed, tired already. 'Yep, that's right buddy so just relax.'

It was the same thing every time. That's what really bothered me. Now that he was quiet for a moment, I searched for something to...ah! The crescent moon for the set was still hanging, lowered when an explosion hit the rigging system.

"That'll work nicely."

Jumping with all my might, I bounced from broken piece to broken piece until I was standing inside the massive crescent. It swayed a little from my weight but otherwise held strong. Now over it all, I watched for the right moment to help out, watching as Sailor Moon fought the creature before her with a fire in her eyes.

Is that Sailor Moon?

'Annnnd here we go…'

What does that mean?

'We go through this every time.'

The moon I stood on shifted, a broken mirror swayed as well. It was the mirror Usagi spoke into for the play and it shimmered with my reflection. The light bouncing off it caught my attention for a moment but that was all the voice needed.

You're Moonlight Knight?!

'Keep your panties on, Mamoru.'

All this time, you've been in my you look like me?

'Well since I'm just an astrolprojection of your inner self, yeah.'

..Was that supposed to make sense?

'Jesus, I can't go through all this again.'

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

'Long story short, you freak out like this every damn time.'

How many times have you done this?

I gave it an honest thought but there were just too many times to count. 'A few times.'

You don't even know do you?

'Listen, your body is safe. As safe as it can be after getting hit with a 20 lbs. piece of the stage. And look! Sailor Moon is down there fighting to avenge you!'

Why would Sailor Moon want to avenge me...wait, where's Usako?!

'Safe...for the moment.'

Looking back at the fight, I could see that I had been thoroughly distracted once again. Sailor Moon was wrapped up in some kind of vine. It was now or never.

Pulling on the energy I had, I materialized a rose and flung it as hard as I could. It hit the mark and Sailor Moon was released. Little speech given and I was done.

That's it? That's all you're going to do?

'They're lucky I do that much.'

You piece of sh…

'You think holding this form is easy? Or materializing a rose that can actually do damage? Look at me!'

To prove my point, I tried to grab the moon I stood in and my hand went right through, my power fading fast now.

So what, you're not real?


But you come out of me?

'Is that so hard to believe?'

Apparently it was since he questioned it EVERY time. This conversation was so tired, the bookworm just couldn't believe he had any fighting spirit in him. The one time I told him about his adventures as Tuxedo Kamen...I thought he was going to have a stroke. Never did that again.

If you're me then...what the hell is up with the outfit?

'Excuse me?'

It's so inappropriate!

'Then your brain is inappropriate. I didn't have any say on this costume okay! You're the one that connected with Aladdin from Arabian Nights, not me!'

If you are me then doesn't that mean you're connected too?

'...Shut up!'

The inner Mamoru laughed, Now you know how it feels!

'I've known for a while now.'

Mamoru quieted at that but I knew it wouldn't last long. Are you not going to help her anymore?

I looked back at the fight just as the other Senshi appeared and circled around the creature, coming to Sailor Moon's aid again. 'Unnecessary.'

Leaping away, I found a dark spot behind the stage and madness. This was all I could do, intervene from time to time and hope for the best. All while doing what I could to push Mamoru around inside his head.

Why do you do this?

'To protect our Princess.'

Princess? What the hell?

'A part of you forgot her. I'm the part that didn't.'

Usako said something similar…

'Yeah and you don't think that's odd? A coincidence?'

There are I'm the jerk that forgot her?

'There you go! You caught on faster than usual today.'

What does that mean?

'Every time, every damn time we have these conversations. They vary a little every now and then. But you always figure out that she's your soulmate while I'm the one in control. Because I know everything.'

If we have these conversations every time then why don't I remember?

'I don't know, cause you don't want to? You never remember anything once I go back into your head.'

So...I'm going to forget all of this again? Forget Usako again?

'Afraid so.'

It was painful, the both of us knowing it wasn't going to last. It was like two people's loss instead of one, double the pain and confusion. And the general ache to be with Usagi. That was always there no matter what form either of them were in. No matter who he was or what he knew about himself or his past life. Mamoru, Endymion, Tuxedo Kamen, Moonlight Knight loved Usagi, Serenity, Sailor Moon with a deep passion. It was soul wrenching. And now I had to sit back and watch as he blundered through their relationship yet again.

'If you could remember one thing, I wish you could remember how much she loves you. Loves us.'

Mamoru was silent. I'd never said this to him before but the longer I spent locked in his head the more I realized, he just didn't think he was loved. Either due to lacking the knowledge to see it or refusing to believe it. Mamoru truly believed he didn't deserve to be loved.

A child of the system, he had it the worst being an orphan. Raised to believe you're worthless makes you believe you're a burden to all. A lesser being that would only bring others down if they associated with you. It's why Mamoru had so few friends and why he denied his feelings for Usagi.

It didn't matter, Mamoru wouldn't remember this anyway.

My magic was beginning to fade, Mamoru was beginning to regain consciousness. 'Guess I'll talk to you later.'

Thank you...for keeping her safe.

'Any time.'


My head hurt. It had been hit one too many times. What kind of damage had I received from such a beating? Maybe…

Still here asshole.

'Oh, well. A guy can dream can't he?'

I felt like I had some weird ones too like ones of Arbian nights for some reason. It was confusing or maybe that was the concussion? Or the hands on me, pushing and pulling me to sit before my body was truly ready. Voices were slowly coming into focus, like turning the volume up on a radio station that wasn't quite in tune (AN: look up analog radios youngins.). Another pair of hands pushed on my other side, the one not being pushed up, causing me to twist oddly between sitting and laying down. And the voices got louder but not clearer. My vision got brighter but not clearer. It all only made my head hurt more.

"Can you quiet?"

I whispered but they still heard me and began whispering. One voice was definitely Ami-chan coming from the side pushing me back down. When I realized that, I laid the rest of the way back on the floor. I trusted her medical knowledge far more than whoever was trying to get me to my feet right now.

Two heads appeared over me, blue fuzz and brown. Blinking furiously, I commanded my eyes to focus and found I was right, Ami-chan was beside me. And so was Natsumi. "Oh Mamoru, I was so worried about you! Are you okay?"

It hurt to move my eyes around, pain swelling behind them with each roll and twitch as I searched. But there was no golden hair in sight. "Where's Usagi?"

Focusing on Ami-chan, I ignored the huffs and growls coming from the other girl crowding me. While the one I focused on blushed lightly and smiled. "She's fine. She went to get help for you."

"I want to see her."

There was a prickling in my heart without her near. Not seeing her when I woke felt wrong and I couldn't explain why. I needed her.

Slow down boy. She will be back soon. Rest.

'Is that concern I hear?'

Of course! What do you think happens to me if anything happens to you?

That was an excellent point. 'I assumed you would just float off and attach yourself to some other poor dumbass too stubborn to see a doctor to fry your ass with some pills.'

.Okay, you're clearly fine.

Slowly, slower than before when I was forced, I sat up. My ears were ringing and my vision was still blurry but I wanted to get up. "You shouldn't move yet, Mamoru-san. You took a really hard hit to your head."

"I just want…"

I couldn't finish that sentence. If I said I just wanted to see Usagi, just wanted to be near her, they'd send me to the hospital and tie me to a bed for observation for sure. Then who knew when I'd be released to see her?

I knew when I'd see her now, catching sight of her golden cord as it whipped out from behind her blurry body. The few details I could make out, I knew she'd ditched the crown (or it'd been tossed off) and her hair had fallen off her head. Leaving a long ass braid to whip around as she ran.

Racing towards us, it seemed like she was moving faster than actually possible. Brain damage for sure. I had missing time and a voice in my head already, what more could a blow like a large piece of rubble do to me?

When she got on her knees and slid the rest of the way, she quickly came into view. What with her practically under my nose, it was impossible to miss her. "Paramedics are on their way here."

She handed something to Ami-chan and a second later ice hit the back of my skull. I hissed and Usagi jumped, her hands flying to my shoulders. "I'm alright." Concern was clear on her face, it was so close to mine it was hard to miss. "Worried about me, Odango?"

Now I got to watch the flush bloom rapidly across her cheeks. "Wha...No...I mean…"

"Are you alright?" I asked, cutting her rambling off.

"I'm..I'm fine. You saved me."

"I did? Well, what do ya know…"

"Are you sure you're feeling alright, Mamoru-san?" Ami-chan asked, taking some of the pressure off the ice pack she held to my head.

My eyes refused to leave Usagi and hers were locked on mine. Did they look wild? I didn't feel wild, I felt...less stressed. Like somehow, everything was going to be okay? I'd never considered myself an optimist but now it was like there was a rainbow at the end of the storm cloud or something equally stupid.

And Usagi was looking at me, concern in her eyes and something else. Something a lot

"Yeah. I'm fine. Got knocked around a bit but, everything is going to be okay. Isn't it, Usagi?"

Her blush deepened. Maybe because I addressed her so informally. I couldn't stop myself or find embarrassment in it. Especially if it caused her to blush so prettily. "Ye..yeah! Everything is going to be great."

She looked so happy at the moment and I wasn't really sure why. Or why a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye. I brushed it away without thought and grinned back at her. "Now don't go crying over me, Usagi. I can't have you doing that, ever."

Pulling her hands off my shoulders, she rubbed her cheeks, quickly brushing away the rest of her tears while giggling. "Don't give me anything to cry about and I won't!"

My hands on her knees, it was like the rest of the world melted away. When her big blue eyes met mine and felt like the first time, there was no pain in my chest like there had been before. It was nothing but warmth and joy. All because when she looked at me, I could see the love in her eyes now. All of it aimed right at me.

"Okay, I promise. I'll never give you anything to cry about ever again."

The End