A Sage's Mission





"Thinking/ conversation with Tailed beast/Sacred Gear within the mindscape."

"Tailed Beast/Sacred gear Dragon speaking."




Chapter 11: Stray Priests




"Why isn't he back yet?!" Kunou slammed her hands on the table, frustration and annoyance was all she emitted. Naruto promised he would be back in a day or two. "It's been three days, why hasn't Naruto returned?!" She kept slamming her hands on the table over and over. It was a bit spoiled and unbecoming of a princess's behaviour. Kunou was sitting in one of the many rooms of Urakyoto's palace, along with her mother and Benimaru.

"Princess Kunou please calm yourself. There is a reason for..." Benimaru attempted to placate the stroppy fox...to no avail.

Now's she kicking her legs. "He said he'd be back!" That's all that mattered in Kunou's mind.

"Princess Kunou..." Benimaru again tried his best to ease the situation. But Yasaka beat him to it.

Yasaka was trying to read another of one of the many books and scrolls offered by the Shinobi. The one she was currently reading was about a trio of Shinobi known as the 'Legendary Sanin' and their history. It was recommended to her by Kazekage Gaara.

"Kunou calm down! This is unacceptable behaviour, and I will not tolerate it." Yasaka's hand needed to be firm here. She knows her daughter can be obsessive. The queen of the Youkai needs to ensure her daughter doesn't become spoiled; or at least too spoiled.

Kunou flinched at her mother's tone and shrank in her seat. The last thing she ever wants to do is make her mother angry. Mothers can be quite scary when they're brought to anger. "But he promised." Kunou's ears flopped down, and her eyes watered a little. She's not letting this go.

Yasaka sighed. She wasn't angry at her daughter, and she nearly managed to bring her to tears. Yasaka needed a different approach. "I know you've enjoyed your time with Naruto, and he did promise he'd return soon."

"That's right, he did."

"But you must know that he has a lot of responsibilities. The role he has with his people and with our alliance is a vital one. Sometimes these responsibilities require an immediate response." Yasaka didn't tell her daughter about what is happening right now. She didn't want to worry Kunou about Naruto and his team being within Devil territory. If this is how bad Kunou gets when she thinks Naruto is just late, then imagine how she'll be if she learned where he is now. The other reason was because of Kuroka. Kunou always tried to make Kuroka's life here better and took it as a personal responsibility. If she knew what Kuroka has done, she might take it as a personal failure.

Yasaka sat down next to her daughter, wrapping her arms around her in a motherly embrace. "Naruto may be busy right now, but he will come back. You just need to be patient."


"He's not the only one with responsibilities now. Me, Benimaru, Lord Gaara and you my daughter, all have things we must take care of."

Kunou looked down, tightly clutching her Miko. As much as she wanted Naruto to return right now, she could not deny her mother's words of wisdom. "I'm sorry mother." She looked up at her mother with a smile but sad eyes.

Yasaka nuzzled her daughter. "It's perfectly fine, Kunou." She then released the young fox. "So what were you hoping to do once Naruto returns?" When her daughter is not fulfilling her duties or studying, she can usually be found hanging out with Naruto. She's become quite attached to the young Shinobi.

Upon being asked, Kunou's ears quickly shot up, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "He was going to teach me how to throw shuriken," Kunou said as she clapped her hands together. She's seen the Shinobi throw shuriken and kunai and she wanted to do it too. She asked Naruto to teach her, and after frequent use of the puppy dog look, she got him to accept her request.

Yasaka sat still for just a moment; you couldn't even see or hear her breath. Then she slowly, yet creepily turned her head to face her daughter. Kunou was a bit frightened by her mother's intimidating demeanour. Yasaka's eyes had a shadow over them, and her smile set off so many red flags that Benimaru did the smart thing and stayed well out of this.

Generals know when to retreat.

"...I see. Naruto promised to teach you how to use such weapons." Without informing her first...oh dear. "Well then, before he starts teaching you, I will need to have a short but very important discussion with him." Yasaka's smile didn't fade...it only grew in power. A faint blue aura surrounded her.

If only Naruto knew the trouble he's in.


"Ah-choo!" Naruto sneezed as he soared through the air. Wiping his nose and having a bit of a sniffle. "Someone must be talking about me."

"Oh please not that tired crap again."

"What do you mean, it's a real thing."

"No, it's just something people made up for no reason whatsoever."

"After all the things we've seen and done, and that's the unbelievable thing?"

"All of those things you're talking about were physically there. You just sneezed, and that's it."

"Do you just hate mystery and superstition?"

"I hate stupid people."

"You know you love me."

"...!" Naruto could have sworn he heard Kurama shudder.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."


The Shinobi shook his head. "He hasn't changed." Such a stick in the mud.

Naruto then landed on the top of a bell tower, overlooking the section of the town he's in, making sure to stay out of the town's residence's sight. It was well past midday, they've been searching for hours now. Since they got up, the team all split up and went to their areas of Kuoh town they agreed to check out. Naruto was on his own when checking out his side of Kuoh, and so far it's been a bust.

Before leaving, Naruto used the Shadow Shuriken Jutsu to duplicate the maps. So each team member had the layout of the city. That Jutsu can duplicate objects, Jutsus and more. When used at the right time, it can be a lethal technique. But it can't duplicate everything. It would not work on unique things such as the True Holy Swords.

Naruto thoroughly checked over the areas Irina pointed out to him and then some. Both Naruto and Kurama were confident that Kokabiel and his goons weren't on this side of the town. All Naruto has seen is more of what the humans of this world have. Loads of different moving blocks called 'cars' and all kinds of strange lights, both on the streets and in some buildings. This place was unlike any type of city or village in the Shinobi world. But there was little vegetation, or a massive forest surrounding it...it just didn't feel right to Naruto. Konoha is so much better than this place.

While gazing other the city, Naruto decided to give it a test. "Might as well see how it's progressed." Naruto dug deep within himself and clenched his fist, it lit up with a white aura, his Touki. Unlike last time when it only covered his fingers, it covered his whole fist now. Not only that, but its white aura was thicker and brighter than before. "It's stronger now." Seems the connection has improved.

"Now that the connection has been established, you can bring it out at will, even without using your Senjutsu. And while there is more than last time, the connection still needs much improvement, if it's to become like what the monkey has." Sun's Touki encased his entire body and was so much thicker than Naruto's. Kurama also figured that using Touki without Senjutsu would bring out an acceptable version, but would pale in comparison to a Senjutsu version. Naruto was only able to achieve this because he's a Senjutsu user, which might be the reason behind it.

"It may be taking forever, but its working. So I guess that's ok for now." Naruto released his Touki and the white aura faded. It's not ready for proper combat yet, but maybe Naruto could use it to deliver one solid punch and see the effects first hand. "Any idea what we should do next partner?"

"Scoping out Azazel and see if he's up to something, it's the only other lead we have." Azazel is here the same time Kokabiel is. That bares investigation.

"Yeah, but we should keep our distance for now. There are many things I want to ask him, but we have too much going on now as it is."

"Wow...you're actually restraining yourself...wow..."

"Look furball, all this stuff going on is giving me a headache. I don't want to deal with any more crazy."


"Let's get moving." Naruto jumped off the bell tower and dashed from rooftop to rooftop. He was heading to where his Shadow Clone was. The one he left to watch over Azazel.

Time to see if the leader of the Fallen Angels has been up to anything.


Konohamaru was just about done checking out his area of the town. Him and Naruto's clone made quick work of it. Sadly they found nothing. Not one hint of a Fallen Angle or priest taking up residence around here. They can only hope the others are having better luck than they are.

"We've checked the square, the back streets, the rooftops...we've looked everywhere." Konohamaru was frustratingly listing off all the areas they've looked over. He turned to face Naruto's Shadow Clone. "What do we do now?"

The clone shrugged. "Not much more we can do over here. At least we know they aren't around this part of town." They're narrowing down the search, so it's some progress.

The two were walking down the street, passing many shops and citizens of Kuoh town. Despite the different attire they wore, the Shinobi were able to walk through the streets like everyone else. The two then slipped down an alleyway to escape prying eyes.

"Have you guys found anything?" Naruto's clone brought a finger to his ear and talked through the communication spell that Raphtalia left them.

Hinata was the first to respond. "Nothing yet Naruto-Kun, but we still have some locations to look at."

Naruto's clone nodded in understanding. "Your area of the town was the biggest. Just take your time and make sure you give it a thorough look over." Hinata had the Byakugan, so it made sense to give her and Raphtalia the biggest area to check. Naruto was the fastest, so he had the runner up.

Naruto's clone then moved on to ask the other team. "Xenovia, Irina, how are things on your end?"

Xenovia answered. "It's slow going, but we should be done in a couple of hours; How about you two and the original Naruto?"

The real Naruto then joined the chat. "Original Naruto here and I'm done with my part of town. I'm going to see the Fallen Angel that Issei has been hanging out with. If he's here just to fish, then I'll leave him alone. If not...we'll see how it goes."

Now Naruto's clone spoke. "The clone here, me and Konohamaru are done as well. We'll head back to the church in a bit, but we're going to hand around here for a bit longer just to make sure we haven't missed anything."

"Understood, when we're all done, let's meet back at the church and compare any and all findings. We can at least rule out areas of the town." Said Xenovia, it would be much easier to compare findings in person than over a communication link. "See you then." Xenovia then cut the connection.

"As will we, good luck, everyone." Hinata did the same. The original Naruto cut communication too but didn't say, what with his clone the only one left to talk to.

Naruto's clone and Konohamaru then returned to the street. Konohamaru heard everything, so no words were shared. Now all they need to do is look for anything they may have missed.

I mean that's what they were going to do, until Konohamaru carelessly turned a corner, and bumped into someone.

"Ow...what?!" Konohamaru banged his head off someone, whoever it was, was pretty solid. The young Shinobi rubbed his forehead, it looked red and sore. "All right what's the big idea, buddy!?" Konohamaru shouted before he even looked at the person he crashed into.

"I should be asking you that." A young girl spoke. She had a stoic voice that was almost void of emotion if it wasn't for her also being annoyed at what just happened. It was a voice Konohamaru remembered.

"Koneko..." He finally looked up and saw the Neko Devil. "...What are you doing here?"

Koneko looked at him as if he was an idiot. "I live here."

"Oh yeah..." And here Konohamaru thought she lived in the Underworld.

Koneko shook her head "Never mind, I've been looking for you guys."

Konohamaru tilted his head in confusion. "You have, why?"

"Not just me, but these idiots too." Koneko then looked down her end of the street. "Found them!" She called out to someone.

Both Konohamaru and Naruto's clone looked down the street and saw two people come running. It was Issei...and someone new. This new guy has the same uniform for their academy, but his was fully buttoned up. He was a little bit taller than Issei and had short blond hair and grey eyes.

"Another Devil. This one has a Sacred Gear too, must be a part of that brat Sona's Peerage." Kurama spoke to the clone. Naruto's clones still have a connection to Kurama and his Chakra.

The clone whispered to Konohamaru about this before those two reached them. Best, his student knows.

"Finally found some of you, we've been looking forever." Issei was panting a little bit, seems they really have been looking for them.

"These are the people you've been looking for?" The new guy looked at the Shinobi in disbelief. "I thought you said the people we're looking for are dangerous, they're just..." He didn't get to finish his sentence before Issei wrapped his arm over his shoulder and tightly held his neck. The two spun around, facing away from the others, and Issei got to explaining, with whispers.

"Look, believe me when I say this, but these guys are dangerous."


"The blond one over there, the one with the whiskers, his name is Naruto. I took him on in a duel, and he kicked my ass."

The new Devil looked at him with surprise. "What really, you're serious?"

"As serious as a five-hour boner dude, I went Sacred Gear and everything but nothing I did mattered. So take it from me, don't piss him off." Issei remembers all too well what Naruto did to him...yeah he doesn't want to go through that again.

The two kept going on and on. Saying things like how it didn't make any sense. Or how Rias has yet to find any answers and so on. Not at all realising that Koneko and the Shinobi could still hear them.

"How long are they going to be like this?" Asked Naruto's clone; finding this to be slightly amusing.

"Just ignore them." Koneko then got back on task. "We need to talk."

Konohamaru approached her. "About what?" He had the understanding that the Devils were staying out of this.

Before Koneko could answer him, her sensing went back into effect. When she bumped into Konohamaru, she felt something at that moment. It was much clearer than before. It felt like...Spiritual energy...but there was something else to it, she couldn't yet tell. Koneko ignored Konohamaru's question and grabbed his hand, trying to get a better sense of it.

"What are you doing?" Konohamaru didn't understand. She would barely talk to him yesterday, now she's holding his hand.

Again Koneko didn't answer. She then released his hand and quickly walked towards Naruto, aiming for his hand too. The clone was too busy trying to figure out the new Devil to notice, and finding their antics to be funny.

But Kurama did notice. "Don't let her touch you!" Kurama shouted within the clone's mindscape. Trying to warn his host

He was too late.

Koneko grabbed the clone's hand, and her reaction was immediate. Her eyes widened when she felt it. Just like with Konohamaru, he had the same kind of energy thing going on. But his was...was...Koneko had yet to see its end. She looked up at him in pure shock.

"What...who is he?" Koneko regrets grabbing his hand.

Naruto's clone saw her shocked reaction. "She knows now..." Naruto was kicking himself in the head for letting this happen, letting himself get distracted by the pervert and the newcomer.

But then Naruto's clone saw a change in Koneko; he sensed her emotions. Her shock...turned into fear. No not fear...pure terror. He felt her hand tremble in his grip. He saw her legs lose strength...then he saw her eyes. Eyes he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Senjutsu..." The only word Koneko could utter; barely. The fear inscribe on that single word would bring anyone to tremble along with her. "...How can you..."

"I..." The clone tried to answer. But the moment he opened his mouth, Koneko jumped back a good distance. Her hair was standing on end, and her eyes never left him. The clone could still see her legs shake.

"She's terrified of me?" Naruto's clone needed to do something. "Wait Koneko I'm..." But he made the mistake of talking again. Koneko backed away further, raising her hands as some form of defence. As if she was expecting him to attack her at any moment.

Like her life was in danger.

The standoff between the worried Shinobi and the terrified Neko Devil didn't last. Koneko could no longer maintain the strength to stay, and she ran in the other direction. Not at all telling her two companions about what just happened.

She was too scared to think, to talk, and to act; all she could do was run. It was a fight or flight response.

There was no rhyme or reason, just the instinct to survive.

The other two Devils only now just noticed their teammate's retreat. "Where are you going Koneko?!" They both shouted to her, but their question fell on deaf ears.

Naruto's clone was still frozen in place over what just happened. Only now finally getting his head back in the game. "Konohamaru go after her!"

His student didn't waste any time and got to pursuing Koneko. He had to find out what just happened.

The clone wanted to go after her too. But every time he so much as opened his mouth, he only made her worse. "She's utterly terrified of Senjutsu...of people like me." The eyes he saw from her...were the same eyes the people of Konoha had when Naruto was just a kid; when he was only a Jinchuriki to them. When he was only a weapon and a thing to be feared.

Issei was about to run after them, but Naruto's clone grabbed onto his shoulder and stopped him.

"What are you doing we need to..."

Naruto interrupted him. "Issei...I know you may not believe me here. But the last thing she needs right now is us crowding her. Let's leave this to Konohamaru; I know he'll be able to talk her down." He's the only one that's been able to talk to her, and all Naruto has seen her do is insult Issei. So Konohamaru might have the best chance here.

Here's hoping

Issei didn't say anything. Whether it was because he agreed or couldn't think of anything to say, Naruto's clone didn't know. "Anyway, you wanted to talk with us?"

"Oh, right, yeah, we do."

"Well, it's more like 'you' do."

"Wait, what are you talking about, what does that even mean?"

"The other guy bailed." The clone pointed behind Issei, to where the new Devil should have been. He just did a runner.

Issei spun around, frantically looking for where the traitor went. "Saji you asshole! You were supposed to help us!" Issei nearly pulled out his hair in frustration, he's plans were laid to ruin.

"So his name's Saji...guess Shirone must have been keeping him here." Then he definitely wasn't a member of Rias's Peerage. "So Issei, what is it you want to talk about?" Does Rias want a word and he's the messenger?

"We want to help you destroy Excalibur."



Where'd this come from?


Konohamaru was hot on Koneko's heels, being a rook she was slow, so it was easy for him to catch up to her. Now how does he get her to stop?

"Koneko would you hit the brakes already!" Konohamaru shouted out to her as he kept up his pace. But Koneko stayed on course and continued to dash off to safety. The two ran and weaved their way through many people, as they passed the busy streets of the town. Konohamaru had to slide over the hood of a moving car a one point.

Koneko then turned right down another path, leading away from the main street. Konohamaru didn't lose track of her and turned that corner too. It leads them to a water fountain in the middle of some trees. Luckily there were no people around.

This worked for Konohamaru.

He weaved the hand sign and created a single Shadow Clone. The young Shinobi then jumped, and his clone grabbed him by the legs. With Konohamaru now in his grasp, the clone jumped into the air, and with all its strength, threw Konohamaru right at the fleeing Neko Devil.

Konohamaru came right at Koneko like a shuriken; she had no chance of avoiding him. He smashed into her, and just as quickly, grabbed her around the waist. Koneko lost her footing and fell, along with the Shinobi. Both of them hit the ground and rolled across it, interlocking with each other. They travelled some distance. It ended with them stopping just short of the fountain. Konohamaru was on his back, while Koneko was on top of him.

Konohamaru looked up and saw Koneko with one of the fiercest looks he's ever seen from a person. Sakura should be taking notes. The Neko Devil's teeth were on full display; are those fangs?

Her eyes shined with fear and rage, burrowing deep into Konohamaru's soul. Her hand was holding onto his collar, and her other hand was in the shape of a fist; poised to strike him at a moment's notice. Konohamaru has seen what she can do with a single punch from the Rating Game, and he really didn't want to be on the receiving end of it.

Konohamaru put up his hands in surrender. "Wait, wait stop, I'm not trying to hurt you!" He waved his arms around and pleaded to the Neko Devil not to punch a hole in him.

Koneko stayed like she was, and continued to give him that scary look. "Why are you chasing me?" She asked angrily, her fist remained ready. Konohamaru's answer will determine what Koneko does with it.

Konohamaru swallowed a lump in his throat, memories of what Sakura put Naruto through flashed in his mind. He needed to be real careful here. "Well, when someone looks scared and runs away like that...wouldn't the normal action be to follow them and see if they're alright...so that's what I did...just wanted to make sure you're doing ok." He ended with an affinitive smile, hoping his words stopped her from punching his lights out.

Koneko took his words in but remained still. She was trying to regain her senses after what just happened. So she can make the best decision here. Koneko breathed out a heavy sigh, one filled with exhaustion and stress, and released Konohamaru from her grip; dropping her fist. She no longer had the desire to inflict harm on him.

Koneko stood back up, and Konohamaru followed. Picking himself up and slumping his shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for not hitting me."

Koneko didn't answer him and turned to walk away, only for Konohamaru to cut her off.

"What do you want?"

"To make sure you're ok."

"I am, so move."

Konohamaru didn't budge. "Then what the hell was that back there?" He pointed in the direction they just ran from, where he left his sensei.

"It's 'None of your business' that's what." Koneko wasn't going to tell him anything. She then barged past him, bumping into his shoulder. Konohamaru started rubbing his arm when she did that; like his forehead all over again. It was like hitting a brick wall. What does this cat eat?

Before she could leave, Koneko noticed she was missing something. She rubbed the top of her hair and felt that one of her cat hair clips was missing. She stopped in her tracks and quickly looked in multiple directions, hoping to find her precious hair clip.

But Konohamaru found it first, right where they hit the ground. He bent down to pick it up and got a good look at it. It was in the shape of a cat's face and was coloured black.

Koneko saw him have it and gave him a look that said 'hand it over'. The glaring eyes were a dead giveaway.

Konohamaru instead sat down on the fountain's edge and offered Koneko to sit right next to him.

"I could just beat you to a bloody pulp and take it back?" Koneko would if it came to it.

Konohamaru smirked, but not in a challenging way, but in an understanding way. "You could. Are you?" He's giving her control.

Koneko stared at him with suspicion, trying to figure out what he intends to do. But she couldn't think of a single thing, it's like he doesn't want to fight at all. And unlike with whiskered blond, this guy wasn't setting off alarm bells in her head.

Either because she was too stressed or too tired to fight, she opted to take his offer and sat down next to him. The fountain's water continued to course behind them, but luckily where they're sitting didn't get them wet.

Konohamaru held up the pin, offering to put it back on. Seeing no signs of potential tricks, she let him.

"It was here, right?" Konohamaru started placing the clip on the Neko cat's white hair.


"So right here then?"

"A little to the left." She's had them on so many times; she remembered where she puts them to a T.

The hair clip was in the correct place, and Konohamaru clipped it in. The sound of a metal snap was heard when he pressed his finger down. Koneko had her hair clip back...she looked better with it on.

"...Thank you." Felt weird to say that. Considering what she nearly did to him a few seconds ago.

"No problem." Konohamaru didn't care about what 'nearly' happened. That or he's already forgotten. "You umm...gave us all a scare back there. Are you okay? You freaked out when you touched Naruto sensei's hand." But not when she touched his. Before Koneko could answer, Konohamaru made sure to activate his communication link to Naruto's clone so he could hear the entire conversation. If it's serious then he needs to know, she did run from 'him' after all.

Koneko felt a slit shiver run down her spin when she heard his name again, remembering what she felt from that guy. The power she felt from him alone was enough to scare her...but what else she felt from him put the fear of God in her.

She said something under her breath, but Konohamaru didn't catch it. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You say something?"


"I still can't hear you?"


"Koneko please; louder."

"He's a monster..." Again, Koneko shivered when she said that. To her, it wasn't an opinion, but a fact.

If it was anyone else, at another time and place, Konohamaru would have immediately called them out for labelling his sensei that; probably would have kicked their asses too. But he knows what Koneko has been through. Her calling Naruto a monster wasn't out of anger, but out of fear.

Konohamaru made sure to keep his composure before he started speaking. "Look I don't know why you think he's a monster of all things. But I know Naruto sensei, and he's the furthest thing from a monster." Naruto is a hero and his idol.

It didn't change Koneko's mind. "He uses a cursed power...he'll only hurt others...they always do." She spoke softly, but you could hear the fear within her words, and a hint of sadness.

"Cursed power? Did she sense Kurama in that moment." Konohamaru would completely understand if that was what got her to run for the hills. "What cursed power?"


"Senjutsu? Why's that a cursed power?" It wasn't Kurama's power, but Naruto's Senjutsu that set her off? Then why isn't she scared of Konohamaru? Right he can't use it yet. He still needs the oil to train with it. "I mean I know Senjutsu is powerful, and some people go mad because of it and all. But why does that make Naruto sensei a monster? He hasn't done anything to deserve being called that." She doesn't even know him yet.

Koneko turned to look at Konohamaru with a pleading expression. Was it for her sake or his, Konohamaru couldn't tell? "He'll betray you...he'll hurt you. One day he will abandon you." The Neko Devil looked down with eyes of sadness, yet they held great anger too.

After hearing what she just said, Konohamaru understood what Koneko was really talking about. "Kuroka...she thinks her big sister abandoned her and went nuts with Senjutsu." Koneko believes the story cooked up by the Devils, and that her sister is nothing but a nut job murder. Thinking back on everything Naruto has said about Koneko when he saw her, it made a whole lot a sense now.

"Well, I don't think he ever will. I've been friends with Naruto sensei since we were kids. I know him better than anyone. He never abandons others." Konohamaru flashed a grin filled with pride. A true Shinobi never abandons a comrade, and that is what he, Hinata and Naruto are.

"He will one day. It won't be his choice. Senjutsu will corrupt him and turn him into a monster that only wants to hurt others." Koneko will never become such a thing. She will never become like...her.

"Impossible, Naruto sensei won't ever become like that. And I don't think Senjutsu is as much as a cursed power as you think." He's met two Sage Mode users and the Toad Sages for crying out loud.

"You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what it feels like." Konohamaru can't even use Senjutsu, so how could he.

"Then how about a bet."

Koneko was surprised by this unexpected challenge. "A bet?"

"Yeah. I bet you that one day I can prove to you that Senjutsu is not the cursed power you think it is." The young Shinobi had a confident grin. Not an ounce of doubt in his mind. He knows that Naruto wants to help Kuroka and Shirone. But he can't even get near the latter. Then Konohamaru will take on that task, and help someone that needs support. Not through words, but through action.

Now Koneko was really confused. Didn't he listen to a word she said? It's a cursed power! Besides, he can't use Senjutsu, so what's he talking about. But the better question was. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Because I want to prove you wrong."


"That's it."



"You're an idiot."

"I am who I am, and I'm not ashamed of it."

At this point, Koneko gave up trying to understand this human. Are they all like this; weirdoes? She turned away from him, and they sat in silence. The only sound was the water fountain behind them. They stayed like this for a bit before Koneko figured that he wasn't going to leave.

"You can go back to your sensei now."

"Not yet."


"I'm going to stay here until I know that you're ok, and when you accept my bet."

"How fun growing old."

Both of them remained in place. Neither one wanted or was going to leave. One's head was filled with turmoil, over so many emotions and confusions. The other's was filled with determination and was dead set on a goal.

What a strange pair these two are.


Naruto's clone was sitting inside a local cafe; Issei offered him drinks for the talk. As a Shadow Clone, he didn't need to drink or to eat. But he'll put up the act for now. When Issei went up to order, the clone mulled over everything he heard from Konohamaru and Shirone. She's terrified of Senjutsu, which in turn made her terrified of Naruto and anyone else who can use Senjutsu. Luckily, Konohamaru can't use Senjutsu yet, or he wouldn't have been able to approach her like he did. But now he understands what's going on, from knowing Kuroka's side because of the story from Yasaka, and now Shirone's since he knows the context behind it.

Kuroka struck a deal and become a Devil to save her little sister from a life of poverty. And to keep her from being turned into a Devil as well. Kuroka's Devil master used her for experimentation with the goal to somehow give Devils the power of Senjutsu, but he had to kill Shirone to further his research. Kuroka killed him to prevent that, destroyed his research and fled the Underworld. Kuroka believed she would die, and so left Shirone behind so she wouldn't be hunted down and killed as well. But Kuroka managed to survive and escaped to Urakyoto, and has regretted her decision to leave her little sister behind ever since.

Which is why Yasaka believed Kuroka left Urakyoto, so she can undo her past mistake.

But Shirone's story is very different.

She grew up in the Underworld from that point on and believed the story the New Satan Faction said about Kuroka. That Kuroka abandoned her and went insane with Senjutsu, and became a murderer, a monster. Now she fears herself and anything to do with Senjutsu...maybe anything to do with the Neko species as well.

It just keeps getting more and more complicated. The worst part, Naruto can't help Shirone, or can't help as much as he wants to. Until he sorts out Kuroka, there will be no progress with all this. And as long as Shirone carriers that fear, Naruto can't even get close without causing her to run for her life.

Naruto still remembers the look she gave him...a look the people of Konoha had when he was just a kid...when he was all alone. That brings back some bad memories

But Konohamaru was able to stop her from running, was even able to have a decent conversation with her. Maybe he can help her. If Naruto knows his student as well as he thinks he does, then that bet he's talking about is about helping her.

"Konohamaru must be thinking of proving to Shirone that Senjutsu doesn't always send people insane, that it can be controlled." If Konohamaru gains Shirone's trust, even becoming friends with her. And shows her his ability to learn and master Senjutsu...there might just be a chance.

"Are you thinking of leaving her to Konohamaru to help?"

"I don't know yet." He still needed to think about it.

"Suit yourself."

Naruto came back to reality and saw Issei come to the table with some drinks. It was a bit of a hot day, so it would be nice. Too bad he's just a clone.

"So you want to help us destroy Excalibur huh? Where did this come from? I thought we agreed that you guys would stay out of this." Naruto was serious here. He didn't accuse Issei of anything, but this was all a bit sudden. "What's changed?"

"Well...it's about Kiba."

"The blond with the mole, right?"

"Yeah, that's him."

"Ok, what's he done?"

Issei's eyes strained, he looked off when Naruto asked him that. Like Issei wasn't even sure what Kiba was doing. "He may have gone rogue."

Naruto blinked when Issei said that. "Wait, Kiba may have gone stray, is that what you're telling me?"

"I don't know if he has or if he's going to. After he lost the duel with the blue-haired bombshell, he got worse. Won't listen to Buchou and has been pushing everyone away." Issei sounded pretty gutted about the whole thing. He didn't want their group to split up.

Now Naruto understood what Issei was getting at. "Oh I see, you want to bring Kiba in on this and help him, us, deal with the Excalibur pieces. So he'll go back to normal. That's what you asking right now, isn't it?" He wants to help Kiba get his revenge.

Issei was completely surprised that Naruto got it in one. It was like the whiskered blond just read his mind. But Issei quickly brushed that aside and rapidly nodded several times at Naruto. "Yeah, yeah that's exactly it. I know that if Kiba destroyed just one of those swords, then everything will go back to the way it was. So Naruto what do you think." Issei stared at Naruto in suspense, anxiously waiting for his answer.

Naruto closed his eyes and thought over Issei's words. He can say one thing about the pervert. Issei's heart is in the right place. All he wants is to have his friend back.


"Well, what do you say Naruto?" Issei asked again. He wanted an answer now.

Naruto looked right into Issei's eyes when he said this. He needed Issei to understand. "Issei...your offer is declined."

Out of all the things Issei was hoping to hear, Naruto said the one thing he dreaded. Issei lost his breath, staring at Naruto as if he was just betrayed. "You...why..." Issei shot up from his seat and slammed his hands on the table. The table shook from the sudden impact, and their drinks nearly spilt over. "What do you mean declined?!" Issei shouted right at Naruto in anger. But his actions drew the attention of the other customers in the cafe. Noticing this, Issei gently sat back down and asked again in a more calm tone of voice. "Why? I'm just trying to help Kiba." Issei continued glaring at Naruto's clone.

The clone kept a straight face, completely expecting Issei to lash out at him like he did. He was surprised that Issei didn't take a swing at him.

"He asks why. How about the agreement we made. Or the fact that if these brats meet this Kokabiel, then the only outcome would be their deaths; rookies wanting to pick a fight with a war veteran." Kurama could've kept going.

"Good reasons, but not the reason why I turned him down."

"As I expected from you." Kurama knew where Naruto was going with this right from the start.

"I turned you down Issei because what you're planning to do won't help him."

"It would. All Kiba needs is to vent his anger on one of those swords, and he'll go back to normal." Issei completely disagreed with Naruto.

"If that was how little this revenge stick meant to him."

"What...I...I don't understand where you going with this?" Issei was stuttering. He's completely lost with Naruto's way of thinking.

Naruto shook his head; Issei's not getting it yet. "Remember his words when he took on Xenovia. I will destroy 'all' the Excaliburs. Then he said he would kill their wielders too."

Issei's eyebrows rose and his eyes widened. He was so focused on readying himself to fight Naruto that he didn't hear Kiba say that.

Seeing Issei's reaction, Naruto continued. "This means he's ok with killing Xenovia and Irina for his revenge. Tell me, Issei, do they deserve to die when they had nothing to do with the tragedy that happened to him?" Those girls may have the swords now, but that didn't make them guilty of what Valper and his ilk did.

"Wait! You know about the Holy Sword Project?" How did Naruto know?

"Xenovia filled me in. As an Excalibur user, she was made aware of this old Project. Know that the people of the church are also disgusted by what happened that day." It should have never happened to Kiba or the others. Too bad they kicked Valper out when they should have put him behind bars for the rest of his sad life.

"So what would you do then Issei? If Kiba intended to kill Xenovia and Irina for his revenge, when one of them is also your childhood friend; would you help him or stop him?" Naruto's clone spoke in a calm voice. He didn't want to anger Issei, but help him understand what he's really dealing with. How it could spiral out of control.

Issei leaned against his seat, losing himself as he looked at his drink. His half-opened eyes said it all. "I don't know." He didn't think of any of this.

"Hey cheer up Issei; I don't fault you for not knowing. I didn't know a few years ago about how dangerous becoming an avenger is. I learned eventually, as painful as it was." The stuff with Sasuke and Nagato; those were difficult times.

"Then what do I do?" Issei just wants his friend back.

"Tell me about your friend Kiba, how would you describe him?"

Issei thought back to when he first knew him and started listing off things about him. "He's a pretty boy that steals all the hot girls. He walks around with this smug look, thinking he's prince charming. He..." Issei kept going, and all his answers made Naruto wonder about something.

"They were friends, right?" Naruto has yet to hear Issei say one nice thing about him.

Then Issei's 'listing' shifted. "But he never mistreated me, when he had every right to. He helped me train and has had my back many times. So even if I haven't known him long, or know enough about him, I still think of him as my friend." Issei had a nostalgic smile, remembering all the times Kiba helped him out.

"Issei thinks of him as a friend and a comrade." That's good. "Then you must see the Issue here."


"The Kiba you just describe to me is completely different from the Kiba I met yesterday." That Kiba was nothing but hatred and anger. Who only cared about his own personal agenda and nothing else.

Issei was slowly starting to agree with him. "But why...why is this happening?" For Kiba to change so much, so quickly.

It was simple for Naruto to answer. "Revenge."

"Revenge?" Issei knows he's after the swords, but why has it gotten this bad?

"A lot of people think revenge is black and white. Go deal with what's making you angry or who has hurt you and all the pain you feel goes away. That or you find some peace at the end of it. But it's so much more than that." That's not at all how it goes.

Naruto had Issei's full attention, the young Devil focused entirely on Naruto's words, wanting to hear it all. Naruto continued. "The path of revenge makes you capable of things you weren't capable of before." It changes the rules you once lived by. "Like you said, the Kiba before all this happened. Stuck close to his friends and comrades, and always had their back. Way back then, I bet you thought he would have never become the guy he is now, huh."

Issei slowly nodded his head, agreeing with the clone. Kiba's actions have had Issei scratching his head day after day. "He didn't start fights with people out of the blue like he's doing now."

"Actions that he wasn't able to do are now open to him. In time, actions that would have once repulsed him become acceptable; as long as he gets closer to his revenge."

"Seriously, it could get that bad?" Issei was getting scared now.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "That's how it goes. At the end of the day, as long as he gets his revenge or gets closer to achieving it. Nothing else matters." Friends, home, hobbies and more; they're all pushed aside for this one purpose. "Do you think someone with a mindset like that would be satisfied with just one sword? Or will he get a taste for it and go after the others, then their wielders, then the whole church...how far do you think he'd take it?" When does it stop, when is it enough? Sasuke's path was a perfect example of how crazy it can get.

"What do I do then? I just want to help him." Issei came here with high hopes of helping his friend. Much of that hope has evaporated.

Naruto wasn't friends with Issei or Kiba, but he doesn't want things to end badly for them. So he'll say his piece, and leave it in their hands. "Xenovia told me about what happened to Kiba, why he was the only survivor. The group Kiba was with during the project was a group he was a part of for years. They were pretty much a family." All orphans that found a home at the church. They found each other. "But when the project failed and the ones in charge of it starting killing them off, Kiba's friends all sacrificed themselves so he could escape." Xenovia said that the ones still alive all threw themselves at the people that came to kill them, buying time for one to escape with his life. That one had to have been Kiba.

"That's why Kiba's so angry about all this? His friends died that day." Issei clenched his fist, anger filled his thoughts. Why would the church stoop to that level?

"It's understandable that Kiba would be angry. I get it Issei, and at another point in my life, I might have done the same thing he's doing right now." Before he learned from Jiraiya and Nagato, who knows what Naruto would have done. "But I believe Kiba has misunderstood something."

"What would that be?"

"I don't know Kiba or his friends that died that day. So maybe I don't have a right to say this. But for all his friends to throw away their chance to escape just for him...I refuse to believe they did it just so Kiba could come back can and get revenge. They did it so he could have a future."

"So how do I handle this?"

"Help him. Show him that there is more in his life than hatred. Help him remember why his friends sacrificed themselves that day. Just don't give up on him."

"That...doesn't sound easy."

Naruto had a short quiet laugh. "Of course, it ain't easy. If it was, I wouldn't have to tell you any of this. It would work itself out. Then Kiba and you would be hanging out again."

Issei sank back in his seat. He felt like an impossible task just fell on him. He just wants to be Harem King. Now he's got to deal with all this complicated stuff.

"I know it won't be easy Issei, but nothing worth doing ever was. Just know that it isn't about helping him get his revenge, but saving him from it." Naruto's clone gave Issei the advice he needed. He'll do what he can to help, but at the end of the day, Kiba is Issei's friend, not Naruto's. It's up to Issei to see it through. "I think you could pull it off Issei, I mean you were able to become close friends with a nun of the church. So you must have something going for you ya'know." That Asia girl is in love with him, so something must have happened.

Issei grew an uplifting smile when Naruto's clone told him that. Finally some life back in the guy. "Me and Asia met completely by chance, and I somehow become her first friend."

"Were you a member of Rias's Peerage when you met her?" Naruto really wanted to hear this story.

"Yeah...which is why I couldn't see her at first, Buchou wouldn't allow it, me being a Devil and all." Even with a cease-fire, their factions are still enemies.

"Yet Asia ended up in her Peerage."

"We had a bunch of Fallen Angels to deal with at the abandoned church a few weeks ago. I went there to save her, but I was too late. They took her Sacred Gear and killed her. But we were able to return it to her, and Buchou came and brought her back to life. Now we get to stay friends."

"That cross huh...so that's the story for what happened at that place." Naruto found all this very interesting to hear. But this did leave him with a few questions. "So how did you become a Devil?"

"Buchou turned me into one." Pretty obvious answer.

"Oh, so you and Rias were close friends when it happened."

"Well...not back then."

Naruto blinked at that answer and gave Issei a sidewise glance. "You weren't friends? Then what was your relationship." Issei was surprisingly forthcoming with information right now, and Naruto's clone didn't want to miss this chance to learn more about their Peerage dynamic.

"She was one of the two great ladies of our academy, right alongside Akeno-Senpai. She's been at that academy for a few years now. I'm a member of the perverted trio, we're pretty infamous there."

Naruto rested his chin on his hand, and he leaned on the table. "Not surprising." How many girls beat this kid up? "So are you like the only one she ever turned into a Devil from that academy?" And she's been there for years?

"Yeah, I guess I am. I'm so lucky." Issei was happy to be surrounded by big breasted girls all day long. And can one day achieve his dream of becoming the Harem King.

"Well ain't that something." That's important to know. Naruto then stood up from his seat. "Good talk today, Issei, and I hope you're able to help your friend out."

Issei then stood up as well, seems they both were going to leave. "Yeah...umm Naruto...You're not as much of a blond bastard as I thought you were." Issei felt embarrassed, saying it.

Naruto chuckled. "Well, you're still an annoying, insufferable pervert. But you've got some qualities that are...acceptable." Naruto gave Issei a smug grin. He didn't tolerate the perverted behaviour of Jiraiya and won't with this kid.

"That's the best I'm going to get from you isn't it."

"Oh, yes."

"Whatever, now where is Koneko?"

"She's with Konohamaru right now. They're no doubt having a talk like we just did. Don't worry; when she's done Konohamaru will escort her home or something." Actually, Naruto's clone didn't know what he was going to do.

Issei lamented too that. Koneko was more likely to hit him than anything else. Besides Issei thought that Naruto wasn't all that bad, so his friend must be okay too right...yeah that makes perfect sense. "Then I guess I'll get moving...thanks for the advice." Now Issei just has to figure out how he can reach Kiba. "What happens if Kiba gets involved anyway?"

"If he does, we'll deal with it."


"No, we won't kill him or anything stupid like that." Can't believe Naruto has to tell him that.

"Oh...that's good to know."

"See you another time, pervert."

"Same to you."

The two went their separate ways, each with something they needed to do.

"That was something."

"He's still a perverted idiot. But he's got a heart so theirs that." Unless he does something stupid for Naruto to change his opinion of the kid. "Let's go find Shirone and Konohamaru."

Let's see how they're doing.


Naruto's clone tracked them down and found the two by a water fountain, sitting together, a good sign. Naruto made his presence known to them so he wouldn't surprise Shirone and scare her again. She quickly noticed him and her fear came back. Not as bad as last time, she didn't immediately bail, but Naruto's clone knew to keep his distance.

He stopped a few feet from the fountain. Konohamaru placed his hand on Koneko's shoulder to help ease her nerves. It worked a little bit, but the Neko Devil kept giving Naruto a fearful and menacing glare.

Seeing this, the clone knew he couldn't stay; he's just going to make things worse for her. "Konohamaru...stick with her, and help her however you can."

Naruto's student gave the clone a fierce nod. He was planning to do that from the beginning. The clone crouched down to get on eye level of Koneko. Before he leaves, he had a few words to say.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm not a monster like you think, but I understand if my words don't convince you. I'll leave you alone...I'm sorry for causing you this stress." The clone got up and walked away, trusting Konohamaru to look after her for the time being. It just seemed like Koneko won't or can't move. She's too shaking up to do anything right now; you can't leave someone like that alone.

Once safely out of sight, the clone dispelled himself in a puff of smoke. The memories of what just transpired here would reach the original.


Naruto followed the memories of the clone that stuck around Azazel; he had the clone dispel itself so Naruto could do this faster. Which lead him to a large apartment complex, looked high class, but Naruto didn't really care.

Naruto ran up the side of the building, and stopped on the seventh floor, silently jumping onto a wooden balcony with a window door. Naruto carefully peaked through to see what's inside. Azazel wasn't there, the room was empty.

"Must be out fishing again." Or whatever he does with his spare time.

Naruto did see expensive-looking furniture and paintings on the wall; Azazel's living it up. Naruto took out a piece of paper and market it with the Hiraishin Formula. With this, he can slide it under the door and teleport right into the room, leaving no signs of someone entering through the doors or windows. Kurama didn't feel the presence of any barriers or security spells. It makes it easy for them, but it can also mean that there is nothing worth protecting in that room. Naruto still had to be sure.

But then Naruto felt a sudden surge of memories enter his mind. The clone that he left with Konohamaru just dispelled. What happened with Shirone, with Issei, the stuff about Kiba; Naruto is now aware of all of it.

"Nothing's ever simple, huh." Poor Shirone, to fear her true self and Senjutsu all together. And now Kiba might be up to something.

Naruto shook his head to get back on task, and he slipped the piece of paper under the window door. Once it got through, Naruto teleported in. He gave the room another quick look over for anything to be concerned about. There was no one else in the room, and there were no cameras.

Confident that the coast is clear, Naruto weaved the hand sign and created several clones. Each tasked with searching the room from top to bottom, looking for anything important. With years of pranking and sneaking into places Naruto's not allowed to be in. Naruto and his clones were able to search the room and put things back in place exactly right, so Azazel wouldn't notice someone's been here. Sure he's been caught a lot of times, but most of those times were because he wanted to be caught; getting attention was his goal back then.

Naruto checked his own area of the room, right next to a big flat-screen TV. There were these rectangles and square-shaped metal things under it.

"What's an Atari?" And what the hell's a PS4?


Slow footsteps echoed throughout a dark alleyway, someone was calmly walking in the town of Kuoh. As he neared the end of the dark alley, a small amount of orange sunlight shined on him. The sun was setting, so now is a good time to begin.

The light showed a ceremonial green robe, but his face was still hidden in the shadows. Across the street from him was a local gas station, a suitable way to start things off.

"I believe that will suit our purpose." The old man spoke to someone, as a small magic circle appeared next to his ear.

A crazed individual responded to him. "As much as I love the chaos to come, I really don't want to waste my time with the annoying bitch weaklings of this town getting in the way."

"This is why plans are better suited to other individuals, wouldn't you say Freed. If we do things your way, we'd be searching high and low for these exorcists, and that sounds like an even bigger waste of time." The old man grew a cocky grin, his shark-like teeth on full display, while his face remained hidden under darkness.

Freed shot back. "My way has landed me several Devils and a priest in my pocket, ready to be screwed. We'll understand if this is all too much to handle old-timer. I'd hate it if you suddenly had an accident and dropped dead." His insane laugh rang through the communication spell.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you Freed that the best way to draw out rats isn't to chase them...but to smoke them out." The old man cut the connection and left the dark alleyway. He made his way across the street, right towards the gas station.

Time to make some noise.


Xenovia and Irina just finished checking their area of the town and found no trace of Kokabiel or this Freed. Seems they're not here either. With this part of the town thoroughly looked over, and Naruto's and Konohamaru's areas done too, this leaves only Hinata and Raphtalia's part of town. If they don't find anything, then the only lead they have left is this Fallen Angel that Issei has been seeing.

Perhaps Naruto will find something out.

"What should we do now, Xenovia?" Irina asked.

"There is nothing more we can do here. Let's regroup at the church with the others and compare findings."

"Then follow me." Irina would lead the way back.

But then a loud explosion was heard not too far from their location. The ground shook, setting off several cars alarms around them. The two exorcists quickly snapped to the direction of the sound and could see smoke rising over the buildings. They immediately dashed over to the scene of the explosion to find out what happened, running past some civilians who fled in the other direction.

They soon arrived at the scene, to see a blaze of fire raging before them.

"What's happened here?" Xenovia asked the question on everyone's mind.

"I remember this part of town. I think a local gas station was here, that must be it." Irina knew these streets like the back of her cross.

"So it was an accident?" Xenovia eyed her partner for an explanation.

"Must be, the place was pretty old." Some idiot must have been smoking here. That or it was just a freak accident.

They heard sirens in the distance, as fire engines, police cars and ambulances arrived on the scene. They quickly blocked the street off while the firefighters got to work dealing with the flames. Police kept the crowd back, while the paramedics started seeing to the injured.

A magical orange circle opened up near Xenovia's ear. It was Raphtalia. "Did anyone else hear that?" With her sense of hearing, Raphtalia would have heard it even if she was on the other side of town.

Xenovia responded. "It happened near us, it was just an accident at a gas station."

The Shinobi were also on the line, and they all thought the same thing. The hell's a 'gas station'?

Hinata then spoke. "Is everything ok, do you need help?" She still didn't understand what a gas station was, but if it's severe, then they can make their way to them.

"There's no need, local authorities of the town already have it under control."

"Good to know." Naruto was speaking now. "Just a heads up I'm checking the Fallen Angel's apartment. Haven't found anything important, but I'm going to give it another good look over. Then I'll head to the docks to see if that Fallen Angel has gone fishing again." Naruto would still like to keep eyes on him. He'll go there, check him out, and then leave a Shadow Clone with him once more.

"Ok, FYI we've found nothing in our part of town, how about you Hinata, Raphtalia, anything?" Asked Irina.

"No, they aren't here either," Raphtalia answered.

"That's a shame, what about you, Konohamaru?"

"Not a hint of anything. Right now I'm with Koneko; we're just having a friendly chat is all."

"We should return to the church and compare findings; there must be something we've missed." Xenovia wanted to stay on task, not frolic with the Devils of this town.

Naruto then spoke. "Maybe they don't have a base and are always on the move. Either way, we should change our approach. I'll meet up with you guys at the church after I see the Fallen Angel again. Oh before I go, just a heads up, I had a talk with Issei."

"The Red Dragon Emperor?" Said Xenovia.

"That's such an overblown title."


"Right, right, anyway he wanted to get in on the mission. Some stuff happened, and I turned him down. But Kiba might be a concern. It sounds like he has or is about to leave Rias and go stray."

"If that happens then we will be in our right to eliminate him." Xenovia wouldn't think twice about it if the opportunity occurred.

"No, we're not doing that. I told Issei we wouldn't kill him if Kiba tried something."

"If he becomes a stray then he'll..."

"I know what happens to stray Devils Xenovia, I've seen one face to face. But I'll say it again if Kiba does try something then knock him out, don't kill him."

"If it's easy to do then so be it. But if he becomes a problem or a threat, then I will eliminate Kiba."

"Xenovia..." Naruto didn't get a chance to say anything more before Xenovia cut the connection. She said so before, if the Devils get in the way then she will eliminate them. If Kiba doesn't want to die, then he should just stay out of this. If not, her Excalibur will meet his neck.

The two exorcists turned in the direction of the abandoned church and got on their way.

Completely unaware of the prying eyes.


On the rooftops, looking down at the street below him, he saw them. "Just as I predicted, smoke the rats out." Or in this case 'like moths to a flame'. His plan worked, and now they have found the exorcists, and they don't even suspect a thing.

"So you've found them?" It wasn't Freed this time. This one spoke a more polite tone, but the voice disguised his cruelty.

"Oh yes, but the interesting thing is they're not alone in this town. They were talking to someone."


"No idea, I was too high up to hear their conversation."

"Oh goody more heathens for me to carve up, my Excalibur is just as excited as I am." Freed's not right in the head.

"Trace this connection and met up with me. We'll follow them to their hole and see who these exorcists have brought with them." They'll get the last of the swords and deal with any annoyances left.

Time for the hunter to become the hunted.


Another pair of eyes saw the scene. This one's eyes were blue with a mole underneath.

Kiba was searching the town; he left Rias to continue his goal. He knows that there are five pieces of Excalibur here; he may never get another chance like this again. But then he heard an explosion and rushed to check it out, only to see a blazing flame and local humans already sorting out the problem.

But there they were too, the exorcists: Xenovia, the one who beat him, who stopped him from destroying her Excalibur.

Where are they off too?


Naruto was annoyed with Xenovia, just as he's about to explain the many reasons why she shouldn't kill Kiba, she hangs up on him.


"Guys get back to the church and keep an eye on Xenovia. They would be Kiba's target as well, so please make sure Xenovia doesn't do something stupid. I'll meet you back at the church later." Naruto rubbed his eyes; his time in this town has been nothing but a painful one.

"We will see you later, Naruto-Kun."

"Be well Naruto-Sama."

Both the girls cut the connection.

"Umm Big Brother Naruto, what do I do about Koneko?" Asked Konohamaru. Koneko's still sitting right next to him.

"Get her back home or something, just do what you can to make sure she doesn't get even more worked up and head back to the church."

"Right...see you later." Konohamaru sounded uneasy about it, wonder what's going on over there?

Naruto was done checking the apartment and found nothing important, which explains the lack of security. All that's left to do is see what Azazel is up to right now, and then meet up with the others. Naruto made sure everything was back in place and left the room, using the same trick to get, to get out.

The Shinobi jumped off the wooden balcony and headed to where he first saw Azazel.

Off to the docks.


"Fishing again...seriously?" Naruto's starting to think Azazel came to this town just to fish under the Devil's noses for fun. Azazel was right at the end of the docks, wearing the same clothes he had on last time. But Issei wasn't here with him.

Nighttime has fallen, and the moon shined bright, reflecting off the surface of the ocean. Naruto would admit it was an alright night to fish.

"We're not going to find a lead here, are we?" Naruto was hiding behind one of the dock's warehouses. He had a good line of sight on the Fallen Angel, but not close enough to hear him.

"Maybe we...hold on, someone's coming." Kurama sensed a new presence approaching.

"From where, which direction?" Naruto doubled his efforts to remain hidden; where's this new guy coming from?

"Over to the sea, up in the sky."

Naruto looked up and saw a bright blue light high in the sky. It headed right towards Azazel, leaving a sparkling blue trail behind it.

"Wings?" Is that a bird?

It then landed right next to Azazel, without making a sound. The shining light vanished, and someone new appeared right next to the Fallen Angel. It was a guy. He was wearing a black leather jacket and burgundy jeans that had a silver chain hanging off of them. He also had black shoes. Whoever this guy is likes wearing black. Well, Naruto likes orange, so everyone's got their colour code.

Naruto took a closer look and saw his face, even from this distance he could make it out. What he saw put him on edge. "Those eyes...that hair colour...they're the same as..." No, it can be...is he...

"He's not a full Devil."

"What'd you just say?"

"I don't sense the presence of an Evil Piece in him so he can't be a reincarnated Devil. But he feels human as well."

"A half-breed? So humans and Devils can...ya'know." Not really something Naruto gave much thought. "But he can't be related to Rizevim Lucifer. That scum bag would never let a human or part-human be a member of his clan." Yasaka even said that Rizevim Lucifer is the last of the Lucifer clan.

"I agree, but he does feel similar to Rizevim Lucifer...and he has a Sacred Gear too."

"Another one, does everyone have these things?" This town is just full of Sacred Gear users.

"His Gear feels similar to Issei's in particular. I don't understand why."

"Isn't the pervert's a...what was it again?"


"Yeah that one, aren't they unique, one of a kind." Issei's the only one with the Boosted Gear.

"Which bares the question of who this guy is?"

Naruto's gonna stick around longer. This guy's different and has too many resemblances to Rizevim Lucifer to be ignored. Naruto needs to get closer.

Just who is this guy?


Hinata and Raphtalia made it back to the church before everyone else. Xenovia and Irina were further away so they should be last to arrive. Unless Naruto spends more time watching Azazel. If he's near Azazel then its best they don't contact him; basic radio silence protocol.

The two girls were sitting opposite each other on a couple of the few still intact church pew seats. It was a silent night; it'd be creepy if they were on their own.

Hinata broke the silence. "Raphtalia?"

"Yes, Hinata?"

"How are you holding up?"

"You've been asking me that a lot lately."

"Sorry...I'm just worried about a lot of things happening right now."

Raphtalia looked up at the ceiling; she too was worried about a few things. "Do you think Naruto's warning about Kiba is true? Will the Devil try something?"

"It's not a guarantee, but its best we think of it as a possibility. We all saw the state of him yesterday."

Raphtalia remembers all too well, theirs was the fight she was interested in. Whenever she thought back to that moment, she sometimes imagined herself in place of Kiba. Those were such strange dreams. "Was that why Naruto-Sama has been so concerned about me wanting revenge on Rizevim Lucifer?"

"Yes, and because Naruto understands what you're going through, he's felt the same pain."

"When?" What happened in Naruto's life?

For Raphtalia's sake, Hinata chose to tell her a bit about Naruto's past, knowing he would not mind. "When his sensei Jiraiya was killed." But Naruto must be the one to tell her the full story.

"His sensei too...not just his family." Naruto has lost much in his life. Raphtalia started tapping her finger against her sword's handle, trying to imagine what Naruto was like back then, and how he got through it.

Then Raphtalia's ears pricked up at the sound of footsteps, someone was approaching the church. She heard two separate pair's of footsteps; Xenovia and Irina must be back. Shouldn't have Konohamaru made it back before them?

Raphtalia stood up from her seat and faced the door. "Someone's coming, two people." Hinata also stood up and faced the door, they were ready just in case.

To Raphtalia's surprise, Konohamaru did indeed make it back first, but he wasn't alone. Someone was with him...Koneko was here.

Konohamaru waved at the two girls. "Hey, guys' sorry I'm late, had to bring a friend." The young Shinobi made way for Koneko to get past him. She gave both Hinata and Raphtalia a careful look, before sitting alone on a separate church pew seat in silence.

"Why did you bring Koneko back with you?" Hinata was confused about the whole thing.

Konohamaru had a nervous smile, and a drop of sweat travelled down the side of his face. "Well..."



Konohamaru got the message from Naruto loud and clear, now he just needs to get Koneko home and hurry back to the church.

One problem...Konohamaru was stuck. Koneko was holding onto his jacket's sleeve with a steel grip. He couldn't even stand, let alone move. After Naruto's clone left, she went back to being a bit more fearful, and surprisingly starting holding on to his sleeve. She didn't say a word or offer him an explanation. The young Shinobi had no clue what he's supposed to do here.

He tried to stand up, only for the Neko Devil to pull him back down, his but slamming right on the stone...ouch. He then tried the tactic of waiting her out, soon became pretty evident that wasn't going to work.

"Koneko I really need to get back to my friends. Where do you live? I'll take you there." As long as she leads the way.

Koneko continued to stay silent, and it was starting to freak even Konohamaru out. Before she was so adamant about leaving, now she won't leave at all; poor girl.

Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Konohamaru did a brave or foolish thing; however you would see it. He picked up the Neko Devil. He held her tightly in his arms; if he would so much as get a reaction out of her, then he'd consider this a win.

But nothing...her eyes still looked half dead.

"What the hell do I do now?" He wasn't trained for this.


"You had no choice but to come back here with her?" Hinata filled in the blank.

"Koneko wouldn't tell me where she lives, and their school would be closed now so I can't drop her there." And Konohamaru's been searching the city for so long that he's forgotten where Issei's house was. He just followed Naruto the entire time.

The three all turned to look at the quite Neko Devil, who still remained silent. Just what is going through her head?

Hinata sat in the church pew seat in front of her. She leaned against the seat to try and talk with the young Neko Devil. "How are you feeling Koneko?"


"You can talk to us if you want. I promise we don't mean you any harm."


Hinata took a different approach. Remembering how Konohamaru first engaged in conversation with her, Hinata took out some food. It was only a rice ball, but if Koneko's been out there all day, then she must be hungry.

Koneko did lift her head up slightly when she smelt some food, a cat's desire for food at work. But unlike last time, she didn't go for it; she looked hesitant to reach out for it.

Hinata took the initiative and placed the rice ball on Koneko's lap. When she did this, the Neko Devil was finally able to pick it up and started eating.

Upon seeing her finally have a reaction, Konohamaru and Raphtalia came closer and sat down around her, each giving her friendly smiles to ease her worries. Even Raphtalia was able to do it, as both their lives were affected permanently by Devils, she could relate with her.

Koneko finally lifted her head to face the trio and spoke. "Why...Why are you here...who are you, people?" She spoke quietly and gingerly. She wasn't surrounded by people she knew.

Konohamaru was the once to answer. "We're just people trying to do right in the world."

Koneko remembered how Konohamaru was trying to help her...in his own way. She even started holding on to him. She didn't even know herself why she did that, or why she allowed herself to be taken here. Was she that traumatised?

"That blond guy...how long has he had Senjutsu?" Koneko wouldn't say his name.

Hinata and Raphtalia gasped and were shocked that Koneko knew that about Naruto. But while they were doing that, Konohamaru gave an answer. "A few years now."

"Only a few years...no different from my sister. He's not different." It just hasn't happened yet. The answer didn't change anything.

No one spoke after that, they didn't know what they could say, and they had no idea what to do. Hinata was thinking of taking Koneko to Issei's house, she remembered where it was.

Then Raphtalia's ears pricked up once more. She could hear the sound of footsteps again. Just like last time, she could hear two pairs. That must be Xenovia and Irina.

But then...what is that other sound. Raphtalia could hear something further behind them...movement? Was that Naruto returning? Raphtalia looked at the main entrance carefully, only to see Xenovia and Irina arrive.

"We have returned." Xenovia announced their presence. She saw that everyone but Naruto was here. Yet Koneko was here too. "Why is that Devil here?" Xenovia locked her sights on the lonely Devil.

Hinata stood up and was about to explain the situation. But then Koneko rose to her feet. Getting the attention of everyone else, she's suddenly moving again?

Koneko stood up for one reason, she could smell something, someone. A smell she remembers from the last time she came to this church. "Freed..." She could smell him.

The people in the room heard her say that name. All wondering what she's talking about. But then Raphtalia heard it again, but it was running this time. Someone was approaching at great speeds.

"Behind you!" Raphtalia shouted to the two exorcists, warning them of the incoming danger.

Xenovia immediately turned around, drawing her Excalibur Destruction as she did. She was just able to make out a figure in the distance speeding right towards her. She put up her sword as a defence, barely in time to block a downward sword strike.

"Found Youuuu! Hide and seek is over boy and girls! Let's get some heads rolling!" A man with short white hair and red eyes, with a maniacal grin, he was dressed in clerical clothing. As he spoke, his tongue handed out; a clear sign of insanity.

Xenovia saw his face, and she lit up with rage. "Freed Sellzen, you traitor!" Her Excalibur Destruction released its Holy Power, as did Feed's Excalibur Rapidly. Their swords deadlocked.

The others in the room all got into battle positions. Hinata activated her Byakugan and was ready to move against him, but then she saw something incoming, to her left.

Hinata jumped out of the way, as something white, in the shape of a guillotine passed through the wall.

"It went right through." It didn't damage the wall in any way; it just passed through it like it was nothing but air. The guillotine then returned to where it came from, Hinata was forced to dodge it again on its return trip.

A person then came through the wall. Just like the guillotine, he passed through it...it was like Kakashi's or Obito's Kamui.

"Oh darn, it seems I missed. You're certainly an agile one." The old man that came through the wall wore green ceremonial clothes and had crazy green hair. His teeth were just like Kisame's

Hinata kept her focus on this man. "Who are you?" She took her default fighting stance.

The old man was all too willing to introduce himself. "You may call me Terra young girl." He held out his hand, and the same white guillotine appeared. He held it in his hands as a weapon.

Hinata got a better look at it. "Flour?" It was indeed made up of flour. Is it like Gaara's sand? But that wouldn't explain how it, or he could just pass through solid objects.

Hinata needed to tell Naruto. She reached for her ear to contact him...but nothing happened. The communication circle didn't appear. Has it failed? "Raphtalia contact Naruto!" Raphtalia was the one who cast it so hers must still work.

Raphtalia did just that, but just like Hinata's attempt, hers failed too. "My communication Youjutsu is no longer active!" She never cancelled it out?

"It would be an issue if you contacted any more helpers, so we made sure to turn this area into a dead zone. No contact in, not contact out. It's just us now." Another one calmly walked thought the main door, he past Xenovia and Freed whose blades were still locked for dominance.

"Exorcists, a Devi, Youkai and more humans, that's certainly not the line up I expected." This one was decked in scarlet plate mail with a white robe, equipped with six swords. He looked around the room, and his sights ended on Koneko. "A Neko, and here I thought your kind were all but dead. Not to worry, I'll help that along." He grasped the two swords at his waist, ready to draw them.

Koneko readied herself for an impending attack, but she was still not all here. Knowing this, Konohamaru got next to her. "Back of tin man your fights with me."

Tin man looked at Konohamaru with disappointment. "Know your place boy."

"Saddler...so it is you." Irina knew his face from those listed as banished from the church. "You were a former paladin that was banished for your cruel acts against those not of the church." He tortured all the other species: Devils, Youkai, Vampires and many more.

"I simply wished for them to repent for their sins and be forgiven by God. No different than what you exorcists do." They kill, he kills.

"Saddler, you bastard, stop spouting that fucking name!" Freed's been hearing the name of God from these two all day long.

"We don't torture our enemies!" Irina shouted at Saddler; an act of torture was unforgivable.

"And that's why Devils like her are still around to this day." Saddler looked at Koneko with killer intent, more than anyone else in the room, he wanted her dead the most.

"How dare you use God's name in such a way. Freed, Terra, Saddler, I condemn your souls in the name of our God, and you will die here and now!" Xenovia broke the deadlock and pushed Freed back, and was ready to kill the traitor.

Freed was more than willing to play along. "Then let's start sending your limbs flying! I'm going to so enjoy killing you fuckers."


From an outside view of the church, one would have heard the sounds of metal clashing. One would see bright lights shining through its many windows, and the voices of many would eco from the decaying building.

Freed Sellzen backflipped out of the main entrance, landing several feet away. Xenovia, Irina and Raphtalia, gave chase, all leaping out from the doorway. The three swordsman surrounded Freed, to cut off his chance of escape.

"My my, aren't I popular today. I had no idea swordsmen just can't get enough of me." Freed then licked his Excalibur, with a crazed glint in his eye. "Or maybe it's just my shiny toy. So which one of you wants to feed it first!"

Xenovia answered his challenge and came at the stray head-on. She will use her Excalibur Destruction to break his Excalibur Rapidly if need be. Xenovia swung her blade at Freed, with the intent to end his life, only for Freed to vanish from sight.

"So fast!" Xenovia has never seen Excalibur Rapidly in action.

Freed dodged her strike and appeared behind her, ready to run her through. Xenovia couldn't turn around fast enough to defend and had no choice but to roll to the side to avoid his blade's thrust.

Freed wouldn't waste this opportunity and moved in on Xenovia before she could recover. He raised his blade high above his head; he'd cleave her head off. But before he could take a swing, he felt something wrap around his wrists, stopping him from moving.

He looked up in frustration. "Huh what is this shit?!" A white rope was wrapped around him. Following the line, it leads to Irina. She used her Mimic to form a rope and saved Xenovia.

Raphtalia moved in while Freed was distracted, appearing in front of him and aiming for his arms. He can't use a sword without them.

Freed jumped back and avoided Raphtalia's attack. He then ran at Irina. The closer he got to her, the looser her rope became.

She used her Mimic again and formed a katana, and engaged Freed head to head. Their swords connecting several times, but with his superior speed, Freed soon gained the upper hand. After several clashes, he kicked Irina in the gut; she coughed up spit and was forced back.

The ground beneath them soon shook from a sudden impact. Freed turned around to see Xenovia use her Excalibur to create a wave of destruction aimed right at him. This wave travelled across the earth, kicking up stone and dirt; nothing stood in its wake.

Freed jumped into the air, Xenovia's attack was only on the ground level. But while he was in the air, he was unable to dodge their next attack. Raphtalia created a magical circle and fired a large amount of Spiritual energy at the stray.

"Oh shit." Freed defended with his Excalibur and blocked most of the damage, but he still felt the impact and was thrown to the ground.

Raphtalia dashed towards him to finish him before he could get up but Freed just managed to block her killing strike. The two looked each other in the eye. Raphtalia looked at him with anger and disgusted. Freed looked at her with the same insane grin he's always had.

"Not half bad are you furry." Freed pushed his blade against hers and rose to his feet. "But it seems your toothpick just can't stand up to the big leagues."

Raphtalia will acknowledge that his Excalibur is stronger than her ninjatō. Her sword entirely relies on her Spiritual energy to power it, and hers is no match for an Excalibur. But in no way did that mean she was helpless. "I don't need to beat your sword." She pushed back against Freed to keep her ground. "I just need to kill you."

"Do you now, well don't be surprised when I cut you up into a million tiny pieces and make a new coat out of you. Or maybe just a new pair of paints there are just so many options." Freed's never killed a Youkai before, a new first time.

Then a development happened. A bright light started shinning between the two, catching all of them off guard. Freed was the first one to spot it. "Why the hell does a Youkai have a cross, what kind of bullshit is that?"

Raphtalia felt something from her cross, just like she did when Xenovia battled Kiba. But her cross was doing more than vibrating a little. This time it was shining with Holy Power...Holy Power it's stealing from Freed's Excalibur.

Holy Power was being drained from Excalibur Rapidly by her cross, the energy travelled through Raphtalia's blade to reach her cross.

"Bitch trying to steal my sword's juices!" Freed shoulder bashed Raphtalia away. She flipped across the ground and regained her footing.

Xenovia and Irina rushed to her side, and the three stared down the stray once again. All their swords at the ready to attack once more.

Raphtalia glanced at her cross, to see it still shining bright; it stole and kept the Holy Power. "Sun said it needs Holy Power to open...does this mean..." Raphtalia has a chance to open it here and now?


Hinata was forced to jump through the church window when an onslaught of flour made guillotines came at her. The glass shattered as she jumped through and landed on a branch of a nearby tree. Her Byakugan was active, and she could see Terra clearly, he was on the other side of the wall. But just like before, he fazed through it.

"He doesn't have a Sharingan so it can't be Kamui, and I'm not seeing any kind of magical circle or hand signs being used." Hinata has yet to see the setup. But it performs just like Kamui. His body and even his attack pass through things. If its anything like Kamui then Hinata can't just careless attack him, her attacks won't hit. She needs to aim for a mutual or a counter strike.

Terra stood before Hinata without a hint of concern. "You must know that this has been a long time coming for me. So it does me well that the time has finally arrived." He held up his hand as flour slipped through his fingers. "But it has been a boring experience, so I do hope you'll offer me a bit of entertainment before you die." He fired a large amount of flour at Hinata, but she easily evaded it.

She jumped overhead, and while in mid-air, she threw several shuriken at her opponent. Each shot would hit its mark.

Terra simple smiled. "Precedence: Metal lower, flour higher." He held up his flour in defence, and the shuriken bounced right off.

Hinata landed on the side of the wall, using her Chakra to stick to its surface. "No effect...it didn't even look like they hit." Her attack bounced off the flour, leaving no trace of any kind of mark. "This is different from Lord Gaara's sand shield Jutsu." That sand was a powerful defence, but attacks still impacted the sand and chipped some of its shell away. "What ability is that?" Hinata needed to figure this out and quick.

Terra moved to attack. "Precedence: Flour higher, wall lower." He formed another guillotine and aimed it right at Hinata. She dropped to the floor and avoided the attack, but the wall gave in to Terra's attack and crumbled.

Hinata had eyes in the back of her head and saw the stone coming down on her, and she moved forward, to bridge the gap between her and Terra. His attack moved to pursue her, and she hopped over the attack just before it made contact. Hinata went to deliver a high kick against Terra's face.

"Precedence: Skin higher, boot lower." Hinata's kick stopped dead in its tracks, it felt like she kicked an invisible force or something she could not understand. Hinata followed up her attack by swiftly equipping a kunai, and aimed right for his eye.

Terra moved his head to avoid the kunai, but his cheek was slashed by Hinata's blade.

The flour came back around, and Hinata was forced to retreat, avoiding an impact that broke apart the ground beneath them.

She glanced at her kunai and saw blood; she was able to cut him. "My kick failed, yet my kunai worked?" Hinata could see a cut across Terra's cheek; he seemed annoyed by that.

Terra whipped the blood of his cheek with his thumb. "You're certainly not what I expected. No power of any kind yet you perform so well." This girl was different from the usual human rabble; Terra has never seen eyes like that. "You'll be worth an in-depth study once this day is done."

Hinata didn't respond but kept her focus, putting all her effort into understanding his ability.

"Precedence: Flour higher, skin lower." Terra launched another attack, and Hinata bent backwards to avoid it. His weapon hit a tree behind her...but didn't even scratch it? Yet it had no trouble destroying stone?

"At one moment it's like it's indestructible, the next it fails completely." His ability was wildly inconsistent. But it might have just given Hinata a clue to understanding it.

Terra wanted to get payback against Hinata for cutting him and gathered up a large amount of flour. He then stuck out his hands, lunching a massive tidal wave of flour that equalled in size to the church; he intends to bury her alive.

Hinata stood her ground and took a new stance. She stuck her hands out to her sides and began spinning in place. The winds kicked up around her. The ground at her feet was being marked by her technique. Soon a wave of Chakra encased her in the shape of a dome.

"Rotation!" A Hyuga clan only Jutsu that needs the Byakugan to be performed. By emitting Chakra from all their Tenketsus; their chakra points, a Hyuga creates a protective shield around them, protective them from all directions.

Hinata failed to learn this ability for some time. But after the Fourth Great Ninja War and remembering her sparing lessons from her late cousin Neji Hyuga, Hinata finally learned and mastered the Jutsu.

The great wave of flour clashed against her rotation. But her defence quickly, and effortlessly dispersed Terra's attack. The flour was sent in all directions, covering the grass and trees around them. One would think it was snowing.

Terra narrowed his eyes at Hinata. What she just did wasn't magic. "Maybe a new kind of Sacred Gear...the only thing that stands out is her eyes."

Hinata then stopped defending and when on the attack. "Eight Trigrams Air Palm!" She sent a force of Charka at her opponent.

"Precedence: Ground lower." Instead of defending against it like he's done before, Terra sank into the ground. Just like how he goes through walls. Hinata's attack missed and destroyed several trees behind him.

But she could still see him. "He's underground. Now I'm certain this is not Kamui." Kamui would send a person's body parts or complete body to another dimension. But he's fully here in this plane of existence.

Hinata can still hit him.

She jumped into the air, just above where he would be. Hinata gathered up more Chakra this time. "Eight Trigrams Air Palm!" More powerful than before, this attack dug its way underground like a drill.

It hit.

Terra was sent flying out of the earth, like he just popped out the ground. Hitting the stone wall of the church, denting and cracking it. A trail of blood leaked out of the old man's mouth. His was injured but not defeated, and he looked in pain.

But Hinata has noticed something from this recent exchange.

"He didn't try to block my attacks that were Chakra based...and he keeps saying 'Precedence'." And even when he fazed through the ground, her attacks could still hit him.

Has she discovered a flaw in his ability?


Everyone else scattered out of the church, leaving only three people in the decaying place of God. Konohamaru and Koneko stood fast against Saddler. The former paladin drew two of his six swords, they shined with Holy Power.

Konohamaru didn't have much concern as Holy Power wouldn't have the same effects on him as it would a Devil. But Koneko tensed up, she knows the damage she could receive from just a scratch.

Saddler looked pleased, with an uncomfortable smug smile. "Feeling afraid, Devil? That's good. You understand your foulness must be purged and brought to salvation." He slowly walked towards the uneasy Neko Devil, his swords dragging against the floor.

Konohamaru took a step forward in front of Koneko. "I told you, you're fighting me!" He said he would help Koneko and that's just what he's going to do.

Saddler stopped and was uncaring about Konohamaru's declaration. "Know your place; I have no interest in killing those of God's image. But that abomination other there is a blight on this world." He pointed his sword towards Koneko.

"She's done nothing wrong!" Konohamaru gritted his teeth. This guy's pissing him off.

"She is alive...that's crime enough."

"You're a murderous whack job."

"I'm fulfilling God's will and ridding this world of its abominations. I do what the church lacks the strength to do. Now step aside."

"Make me." Konohamaru wouldn't budge.

"So be it, die!" Saddler raised his swords and charged at Konohamaru.

Konohamaru had to prioritise Koneko's safety first. He threw down a smoke bomb; its smoke filled the church and concealed the young Shinobi and Neko Devil.

Saddler ran through the smoke and aimed for where he last saw them. It was a swing and a miss, he hit nothing but air.

Konohamaru jumped out the cloud of smoke, towards the ceiling with Koneko in his arms. They landed up in the rafters.

"Stay here." If Koneko stays quiet, she can be safe here.

"But you..."

"I deal with this bastard. Just leave it to me and when you get the chance get out of here." Konohamaru could lure him away, and Koneko could make a break for it.

Koneko didn't get this kid. "Why are you helping me, what do you even gain out of it?"

Before jumping down to face his opponent, Konohamaru had one thing to say. "It's my Nindo, my Ninja Way. I don't give up, I don't run away and I never go back on my word. My names Konohamaru Sarutobi, remember it." He then pushed off the rafter, heading right to Saddler. Koneko peaked over the edge to see what Konohamaru plans to do.

Saddler swung his swords to clear away the smoke. He looked around to see his prey missing, did they run?

With his guard down, he felt a kick hit the back of his head. Followed by another right across his cheek. He was pushed back from the hit and landed next to a church pew seat, but he stayed upright.

"Fine, I'll deal with you first." Once this kids out the way, that cowardly Devil will be easy prey.

Koneko was getting worried about Konohamaru, how will he beat this guy who is an experienced killer? But then he surprised her when he made a hand sign, and two copies of himself appeared next to him in a puff of smoke.

Saddler didn't look impressed. "Meer illusions, I know which one of you is real." Saddler wasn't dissuaded and ignored the 'illusions'.

The 'illusions' went on the move; one went low, the other went high. Saddler planned on passing between them, but then he heard the sound of rock cracking underfoot. The 'illusion' on the ground stepped and cracked some stone rubble.

"They're not fake?!"

Too late to change his course, he put up his swords in a cross guard defence, blocking the kicks from the clones. Saddler smirked and pushed back, swinging his blades at the clones that over-committed; slicing them in two.

The clone disappeared in a puff of smoke and Saddler intended to finish off the real one.

Saddler made it right to Konohamaru...and took his head.

Koneko saw it happen and nearly called out his name. But then Konohamaru puffed into smoke as well. "He was a clone too?!" Koneko put it together. "The one that brought me up here was a clone all along." Then where's the real Konohamaru?

She got her answer.

The real Konohamaru jumped out of hiding from behind one of the church pew seats and weaved the hand signs. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" He took a deep breath and shot out a ball of fire.

Saddler was caught entirely off guard and had no time to act. He was engulfed by the fireball. Flames burst at his side of the room, the sound of wood crackling could be heard.

The young Shinobi landed and smirked at his successful manoeuvre. But he remembered big brother Naruto's lesson. 'Until you seen them fully beaten, never assume in battle.'" Konohamaru quickly created four more clones, and they took position in front of him, each bringing out a kunai.

The flames died down, and Saddler was severely burned. His hood was gone, and you could see nasty burns across his face, he lost some of his hair too. His armour was scorched and was missing a lot of it's plates; you could see the right side of his bare chest. He held himself up with his sword, trying to get back on his feet.

If looks could kill, Konohamaru would be dead ten times over...Saddler was beyond pissed.

"Had enough tin man!"

"Face divine punishment!" Saddler's eyes glowed golden.

All of Konohamaru's clones were suddenly turned to stone. Before he was next Konohamaru dashed off and hid out of sight. "Was that an Earth Style like Jutsu?" He can turn people to stone just by looking? not good.

"Wait...my clones haven't dispelled?" That attack didn't take them out. Konohamaru willing dispelled his clones. And felt the memories come back to him. They didn't turn to stone. The stone statues were still there.

"They were encased in stone." So it won't kill him, but it will trap him. But in this fight that would be his death.

Konohamaru peaked over the seat. Saddler's eyes were no longer glowing. Does that mean his ability's no longer in effect?

To test this out, Konohamaru created another clone, and this clone jumped out of hiding, drawing Saddler's attention.

But Saddler didn't encase him to stone; instead, he jumped after him and killed the clone, impaling the poor guy.

"It must have a time limit." But who knows when he can use it again.

Konohamaru vaulted across the seat, ready to face and finish off Saddler.

Saddler turned to face him as well. "No more hiding boy."

"It's called tactics, idiot!"

"Call it what you will but I will ensure Gods will and..." Whatever grand, practised speech Saddler had planned was interrupted by a church pew seat being swung at him like a baseball bat. He flew across the church and crashed onto another set of seats, cracking and breaking the wood. There's no place left to sit now.

The young Shinobi didn't see that coming. "What the!" Who did that?

He looked down the room and saw Koneko...she's fighting too?

"I told you to get out of here!" He must have given her plenty of chances to run.

"You did." She dropped her makeshift bat.

"So, what then?" Why is she still here?

"I'm returning the favour." Koneko's regular stoic expression was back. Is she doing better now?

Konohamaru smirked and shrugged his shoulders; if she wants to help, then he won't turn her away. "Ok, show me what you can do Koneko." He gave her thumbs up, hoping to encourage her to show him her strength.

Koneko responded in kind. "Word." But didn't smile...so close. "And the names Koneko Toujou, remember it." That got a chuckle out of Konohamaru; cat just stole his line.

The wooden pile erupted from the pissed off former paladin. He slowly walked out of the heap he was thrown in. "I have never been so humiliated in my life. God's will must be upheld, and you are in the way of that."

"No one cares what your deal is so shut up already." Koneko's had enough of his preaching.

"What she said." Konohamaru agreed; he should just pull out the Rasengan already.

The three occupants of the room remained still for all but a single second, before dashing off towards each other. They would meet in the centre of the room; fists, Jutsus and swords at the ready.

This battle's just getting started.


Raphtalia clashed against Freed's Excalibur Rapidly once more, draining even more Holy Power from his weapon.

"The shitty Youkai is more annoying than the shitty exorcists, just let me kill you already!" Freed's having a tough time against his foes. At the beginning he held the advantage, his speed was superior. The only one who could react to him was Raphtalia, but unlike Xenovia and Irina, she lacked the power to best his blade; her sword was the weakest.

But that wasn't the Youkai's aim.

She kept aiming for his blade, always doing her damndest to connect her strikes. Raphtalia's cross has been continuously draining his sword's Holy Power. And now it's starting to take its toll.

Xenovia came up from behind him, and Freed broke off from Raphtalia and ran to escape. But Xenovia was right on him. Has he gotten slower?

"Your sword's speed is falling, you scum!" Xenovia was closing the gap.

"Then stop being cheaters and give me back my sword's juices!" It's three on one.

"There is no fairness in battle!" Raphtalia appeared in front of him and blocked his path. Shinobi don't believe that fighting is or would ever be fair. A duel is one thing, but a fight; no chance.

Freed was pinned between these two, now's their chance.

"Sword Birth!" An onslaught of swords suddenly appeared outside the tree line, travelling across the earth right to the four swordsmen. All were forced to jump out of the way or risk being impaled.

"That attack...Knight of Gremory, show yourself!" Xenovia called out to the one hidden with the woods.

She was right on the mark.

Yuuto Kiba came walking out into view, a sword in his hands and a certain air about him. "When I saw you two at the scene of the explosion...I was wondering what I should do. Then to my surprise, I find out I wasn't the only one stalking you." Kiba deliberately held back to see what the other guys would do.

"If you didn't know what you would do, then why would you even come here, Knight of Gremory?" Xenovia kept her sights on Kiba, while Raphtalia and Irina watched Freed.

"Oh hello, there shitty pretty boy Devil nice to see you again, come to get stabbed for old times sake." Freed kept up his act, even with the position he's in.

Kiba looked at the stray with pure loathing. Kiba would like nothing more than to put him down and destroy the sword in his hands.

"Answer my question, Devil?" Xenovia regained Kiba's attention.

"I'm here because I have a mission to finish." His duty remains the same. Kiba raised his sword.

Xenovia got her answer. Kiba's no one's ally in this fight, he's here for his own agenda. She raised her sword as well, waiting for Kiba's next move.

With this distraction, Freed saw an opportunity to escape. The stray attempted to jump over Raphtalia, only for Irina to cut him off. Her Mimic became a pike, and she swatted him out the sky.

Freed was thrown to the ground, and Raphtalia charged in.

She knew...she knew for certain...one more strike, and she'll finally know...

Her aim was true, and as she passed Freed, just as he moved to evade, her sword struck his. But that last impact shattered her blade, its metal shards scattered to the winds.

Raphtalia has lost her weapon.

The Youkai stopped in her tracks because she felt the surge. Her cross was shaking, rattling, floating; all of the above. Its light and Holy Power shined so bright that it forced her to shut her eyes or risk becoming blind.

Those around her were glued to the display. Not one understood what was happening...or what was about to happen.

Raphtalia was scared, she has no idea what's happening. But she held true to her convictions, this was her aim right from the start, and she will see it through to its end. The cross's Holy Power soon became calmer, and with one final surge, the light broke off from the cross and floated before her.

The light took the shape of a hilt...a sword's hilt. Raphtalia didn't know what would happen, but she pressed forward.

Dropping the hilt of her now destroyed blade, she reached out for the one before her eyes. The moment her hand grabbed the handle, near blinding light coursed throughout the area around them.

It then all came back and swirled around the top of the hilt, slowly moving up as golden energy grew from the sword's handle in her grasp. Like a blade was growing into existence.

Until finally the sword was fully formed and the light died down, revealing to all witnesses, Raphtalia's new weapon.

It was a European styled sword with a golden guard. The blade itself curved inward with a green plant stem, and leaf petals engraved into its metal; a beautiful blade, a powerful one, one that the others have seen before.

Xenovia could hardly believe her own eyes. The sword in Raphtalia's hand...she's only seen it in books. "Raphtalia...how...why do you possess the missing Excalibur Blessing?" Xenovia asked as she stuttered. That sword, along with Excalibur Ruler, went missing long ago.

Raphtalia stared at the blade in her hand. She felt its power, and while it shocked her, she didn't show it, her face remained emotionless. All Raphtalia did was stare at her new sword, trying to understand this new discovery.

"Mother...what haven't you told me?" Why keep this a secret?

Why did their family have this?


Naruto was able to sneak closer to Azazel and this newcomer. He was behind them, hiding at the edge of the docks, just above the water. He can listen in now.

"I understand your having a bit of a problem Azazel, can't keep your people in line?" Cold, cool and condescending was Naruto's first impressions of this guy. He acted without any concern.

"Oh, I wouldn't call it that. Just some old friend clinging to past glories. Or that's how he sees it. I, for one, have no interest in war." Said Azazel, as he cast his fishing line again.

"They're talking about Kokabiel."

"Yasaka was right from the start. Azazel doesn't want another war." That's a relief. Naruto now knows the big boss of the Fallen Angels isn't involved. "But that's why Kokabiel's here...he wants to start a war? That would destroy this world." They've been operating on the idea that a war could happen if this all goes south. Now Naruto learns that this is Kokabiel's goal all along. Why, what reason could he have for it? What's driving the crow to do that?

Naruto needs to take down Kokabiel. Not just to get the swords back, but to stop his genocidal crusade.

"Is that why you called me over?"

"You wouldn't spare time for little old me otherwise, would you, Vali." Azazel gave the now named Vali a sideways glance and a smirk. "It would be real helpful if you stop Kokabiel before he goes too far. You can handle him however you wish, but just bring him back to me alive."

"Fine...maybe he'll give me some challenge." Vali hasn't had a real fight in a while. "Maybe I'll finally be able to see my destined rival in this town."

"He's still very new at this, so keep your expectations modest."

Vali looked up to the sky "It's a shame...to be born in an era without God."

Naruto quirked an eyebrow from that statement. "A world without God...what's that supposed to mean?" Isn't this world full of people calling themselves Gods? It's like everyone, and their neighbour can be one here. Naruto's already met one.

"Forget about that for now. If this Vali is going after Kokabiel then maybe he can lead us right to him."

"He might be able to, or he could start searching like we've been doing." It wouldn't be a bad idea to follow this guy. "Maybe..." Naruto stopped his train of thought, he just felt it...

His barrier, the one he placed at the church...has been breached. Someone has just entered this town who's a Senjutsu user. The barrier alerted Naruto to this person's location in real-time, and he felt their energy signature.

"It's her..." Kuroka has finally come.

"She's here..." Naruto immediately moved back to the warehouses, avoiding detection from the two he just spied on. Naruto left a Shadow Clone to keep an eye on them, and he moved away from the docks at great speeds. Heading right to where he can feel Kuroka's presence.

This is his first, and maybe even his last shot at getting her. He can't let this chance slip away.

"Konohamaru would have taken her back home so that's where she must be going." Koneko would be asleep and alone, perfect for Kuroka to grab her.

He needs to move fast and avoid getting detected by her.

"Kuroka, we need to talk."

And after that, deal with Kokabiel, if this Vali leads Naruto right to him.


Rias stayed behind at her club room, long past school hours. Not for homework or club activities, but for research. She first started with Kokabiel and the Excalibur pieces; she wanted to know just who was messing with her territory.

The Devils records were extensive, and as an heiress to a high profile clan, she had access to some of the top-quality books available. The seven different powers of Excalibur were impressive. Destruction, transformation, illusions, blessings, control, invisibility and speed; Excalibur earned its infamy.

The Leader Class Fallen Angel Kokabiel, who fought in the Great War and lived to tell about it. Someone with power and experience, and is capable of great cruelty.

A part of Rias does hope that Kokabiel will be dealt with soon.

The other part of her research was those humans; Naruto, Hinata and Konohamaru. Raphtalia she was less interested in, she's a Youkai so Rias could understand her. But these humans...were unique.

She looked up their names to find some trace of them or their family line. The internet from both the human world and the Underworld was vast. Yet her laptop found nothing. Their names gave her no results...they didn't exist.

Like ghosts; they were before her, but she could not explain their existence.

It brought her great concern. Able to do what they shouldn't have been able to do, no background to speak of, and they carry great defiance; for those with no trace of power.

But Koneko said she could feel something from them, but has yet to figure it out or explain it. For now, she wants her servants to keep their distance from them. Not until she has something, not until she finds something she can use.

"Just what is happening within my territory?" Unknowns brought Devils great concern, and Rias was no different. Whatever they seem to have has allowed them to defeat a Devil with a Sacred Gear, an impressive achievement. It interested her, how powerful could they become if they were Devils?

But that Naruto was an enigma. He carried a different look from any other humans she's seen. He didn't look at them with scorn; he even defended Asia from his 'friend'. But didn't look at them with respect either.

No Naruto's look...was one of study. Just like how Rias was trying to understand them, he was doing the same.

To what end?

The doors to her club room opened, and her queen Akeno entered the room. She looked concerned about her friend. "You've been cooped up in here for hours Rias, don't you think you should get some sleep."

Rias looked back at her laptop. "Just a little longer, I have yet to find the answers I'm looking for." She rested her chin on the top of her hand.

Akeno walked around the desk to see her searches. "Still found nothing?"

Rias shook her head. "Their names, their faces...I could find nothing. I even looked for that symbol, but that bore no fruit." The headbands Naruto and Konohamaru wore had a symbol engraved on it. It was almost like a leaf.

Akeno offered a theory. "Perhaps a new kind of organization within the church?"

"I doubt that they didn't seem like what you would usually expect from the church." And they didn't have Holy Power either. But there was that Youkai with the cross... "I not sure what I should do Akeno."

"Then maybe we should contact someone who could help?"

"Such as?"

"Your brother."

Rias was surprised by Akeno's suggestion. "My elder brother is a very busy person, his role as Lucifer takes much of his attention."

"I know but don't you think the situation warrants contacting him. Excaliburs, Kokabiel, people of the church and humans that came out of thin air, this might be more than we can handle Rias. At the very least we can get his opinion and advice before we make any moves." Akeno knows Rias's stubbiness more than anyone.

After carefully thinking it over with a new perspective, Rias heeded her friend's advice. "You've convinced me." Rias stood up from her set and closed her laptop. "Let's get in contact with my brother."





Chapter 11: Stray Priests: Complete.




Terra (Terra of the Left) from A Certain Magical Index.

Saddler from How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. (Creative decision on my part: Changed his power to trapping people in stone rather than turning them into stone.)

Excalibur Blessing ability change for the story:

In canon, the power of this sword works in proportion to one's belief in the church and God's teachings, and mostly during Holy rituals. Its ability is strengthening the user, and weakening creatures of darkness like Devils and vampires.

In my story, the strengthening and weakening power is the same. But its effectiveness is linked to the users will and actions. The stronger their will, the better the effects. But the actions taken with the sword also come into play. Example: If Raphtalia tried to kill an innocent, then the buff she gains from the sword would be significantly weakened.

I always found it weird that in cannon DXD, Blessing is the only Excalibur where it matters if you're a follower of God or not. Freed hated God, but he had no trouble using all the other swords of Excalibur. Or how even after being a Devil, Xenovia could still use a True Holy Sword. Or Issei, who isn't even a Holy Sword user, could use Ascalon. (I know about the sword merging with his Boosted Gear thing. But it always bothered me that the concept, or rule, of how deadly a Holy sword is to a Devil, got pushed to the side so badly; that now mostly Devils are swinging them, with no trouble. The argument that with God's and the Devil's Kings deaths, good and evil are out of balance and can now change. But I still have my issues with it.)

Koneko's fear:

There are two ways it could have gone. One, Koneko sees Naruto in control of his Senjutsu so well that it amazes her how he's not gone insane. Or two, he's ground zero for what she's scared of; with the amount of Senjutsu he can control (Naruto's final fight with Sasuke.)

I went with the latter because to me, if someone is terrified of heights, even if there are railings in place, would not change the fact that they're still terrified of heights.

Or those with arachnophobia at a zoo. You could get near the spiders then because there is glass between you and the spiders. But if that glass came down, the person with arachnophobia would be the first out the door.

(Not poking fun or mocking those with a fear of heights or spiders. It's just how I interpret fears.)

Hinata didn't see the strays coming because she only gets the long, x-ray, 360 degree vision when her Byakugan is active. But that drains Chakra, and overuse will strain the eyes so Hinata doesn't have it on 24/7.


If Vali used Divine Dividing on Naruto while in Sage Mode, then it could shut down his Sacred Gear. Divine Dividing absorbs and stores an enemy's power in the wings, and vents out power the same way should it be too much to handle. But the effects of Petrified Toad Transformation are almost immediate if the user can't control it, (Which Vali can't.) So Vali wouldn't turn to stone, but his Gear would, and would then need to reset. But he would not be able to reset it now that it's stone, so until someone destroys his Gear or he destroys it himself, he'll be without his Gear.

But it's not just Sage Power Vali would need to be worried about, its Kurama's power as well. Because other than those who hand a Rinnegan. Or had Otsutsuki Blood (The Golden and Silver brothers that were related to the Sage of Sixth Paths.) Anyone who tried to drain Kurama's Chakra, or even eat his flesh, ended up dead or with some nasty headaches (With a lot of screaming too.)

So it's possible Vali can't divide Kurama's Chakra safely either, since it's alive and has a will of its own. His Chakra fight's back unless it's sealed.

Kurama even told Naruto that he can give or take Chakra at will (Naruto Shippuden Episode 362. Most likely referring to his own Chakra.). So if Vali stole his Chakra, it's a possibility that Naruto might be able to just take it back from him. (Added note: Kurama could take Naruto's Chakra when he used the first version of KCM. Or when Naruto tried to take Kurama's Chakra for the first time and ended up in a Chakra tug of war. Chakra absorption is something Kurama has been shown to do. But he mostly just blows up his enemies with a Tailed Beats Bomb.)




Next: Chapter 12: Collisions


