Living in a city of science and still being able to believe in a miracle is not an easy thing. Especially when you are one of the Level 5 with enough calculation power to recognize the numbers behind even the minute phenomena. But #5 had no other choice but to have faith and wait for a miracle.

Misaki Shokuhou was standing in a field of white. There was nothing but snow as far as she could see. Except, cuffed to her hand was a boy.

The boy had spiky hair and he was wearing his high school uniform even in this cold. He laid still next to Misaki's feet, with his cheek against the snow.

She was relieved when she saw the foggy breaths escaping the boy's lips. She bent down and slightly shook his shoulder.


The boy groaned as he opened his eyes. His sight met Misaki's and he asked, "Who are you? Where are we?"

Misaki hid her disappointment as she introduced herself again to the boy, "I'm Misaki Shokuhou, and I have no idea where we are either."

Kamijou slowly sat up and looked at the cuffs trapping his right arm to Blond Haired girl's left.

"Looks like we have to work together", Kamijou said as he shifted his gaze towards the girl.

Misaki simply nodded. They both began walking. Both of them began evaluating the situation much more calmly as the number of steps they took increased. Their visibility improved, they began to notice the skyline.

Even though it initially appeared like an endless field of white they realized they were still in Academy City by the appearance of the Window Less Building in the skyline.

Touma stated this conclusion still continuing their march, "We are still in Academy City." Misaki just nodded again. Her breathing grew heavier as Kamijou picked up pace.

The high school boy noticed this change, "Ah Shokuhou, do you need some rest?"

"Eh...", Misaki was surprised. Even though it was just a normal gesture, to this girl that meant more than just that. "Kamijou-san, do you know my name?"

With a puzzled expression Kamijou Touma answered, "Shokuhou Misaki...right."

Misaki couldn't help but feel the joy spread within herself. But she was still cautious, her eyes locked onto the corners of Touma's mouth as if searching for some kind of ominous color to pop out of there. Touma just grew more puzzled.

After she confirmed there was no color appearing from his mouth, her face grew hotter as she noticed how close there faces were while she observed. She quickly pulled back, before asking again, "Kamijou-san, can you call my name?"

Touma quickly answered, "No matter how many times you ask, I will always remember it, Shokuhou Misaki."

"Heh Heh", the girl let out a weird laughter without realizing when he answered. She slipped her arm into his and pulled herself closer to his body. "Um...Shokuhou-san?!", Touma spoke while flustered.

"It's because you keep going fast Kamijou-san, but now you'll be forced move at my pace", She gave him an upward glance as she spoke in a sweet tone. Kamijou Touma tried focusing on her face but something else grabbed his attention. He simply nodded as her not so middle-schooler like body pressed against his arm.

As they continued exploring the familiar city, Kamijou Touma noticed there was not a single person there other than the both of them. But there something else that he did not notice or maybe he could not.

Misaki saw that the city was not complete, only structures from Academy city were actually there. The structures that were absent were instead replaced by a white static. Some static shapes resembled the actual structures while there also others which were just shapeless static. The more she saw, the more her theory was confirmed. Every building that was here were the ones she clearly remembered, and visited on a regular basis. The structures that were missing she just had a vague memory of them. Kamijou Touma seemed unable to see this difference.

Misaki grew relieved, she knew what was happening and why there were no people around. "Kamijou-san do you want to listen to a story of mine?"

Touma looked at Misaki as they entered a park, "You don't look too worried about seeing no people here, do you know what's happening?" She nodded in response. Touma immediately found himself relieved as well. He somehow had the feeling that listening to her story might be the way to figure out this place, "Sure, tell me your story."

"An year ago I met a guy", she started as they took a seat on a bench. "Our very first meeting itself was unusual, he collided into me then quickly ran away leaving me on the road."

Touma laughed sligthly, "Seems like a guy with no delicacy". Misaki suppressed her own laughter and replied, "That's true."

She also added, "Even though that's the first meeting I would consider that a false start."

"..but, I met the boy again soon, just a few days later." She continued as Touma purchased canned coffee for both of them from the nearby vending machine. "This time he got a peek under my skirt."

"Huh? Who is this guy? Is he the villain in your story?", Touma asked as he sipped the hot coffee. "Not only that he even made fun of my appearance too", Misaki continued clearly enjoying Touma's reactions. "We always met in the worst possible timings to be honest."

"The summer continued, and Academy City had water pools in the underground corridors as a part of Disaster Training for floods. I ran into him again during that time. Yet again he started by making fun of my name.."

"Ah well, I was thinking that too. Shokuhou seems like it would be spelled with crazy characters", Misaki paused for a bit as she recalled a similar reaction from an year before. She sighed slightly before continuing, "Then he even makes fun of my breasts for being small.."

"...but how about now?", she proudly flips her hair with one hand while emphasizing her growth towards him. Touma smiles awkwardly not sure, how to react in that situation. "Now that I recall, I shared a lot of embarrassing moments with that guy."

"...but he never abandoned me, even in the most dangerous situations. He even put his own life in danger to save me."

Touma drank last sip of his coffee, "Seems like you really liked him a lot." Misaki quickly replies with a smile, "I still do."

Misaki looked down, "He paid the price for my incompetence, he almost died because of me." Touma was silent for a second, but then he patted her head slowly, "I don't think you have to feel guilty about that, he probably knew the risk. He probably still wanted to save you, to see you smiling. So you should smile whenever you think of him..."

Misaki looked up with humid eyes. She gave him a huge smile, "...of course."

As Misaki told Touma her story, the clouds gathered above their heads. Soon, it started snowing. A cold wind blew past them.

Misaki wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep herself warm. She was still visibly shivering.

"Ka...Kamijou-san, a gentleman should share his scarf or jacket when a lady is shivering like this." She said while pouting.

Touma just gave a thin smile while unwrapping his scarf and began wrapping it around Misaki. "By the way you never mentioned what the name of this person was.."

Misaki slowly answered, "His name is Ka..." But she could never finish as everything around her faded away starting with the boy. It was abrupt, like someone had unplugged the video game right before you were about to win the boss battle.

Misaki opened her eyes. She knew it was dream. She knew why she could only see the things she memorized, she had realized the truth right then.

Later that day Misaki found herself in a wet sweater as the snow that piled on the roof of the cafe fell onto her back. She was still a considerable distance away from her dorm. A cold wind blew past her.

She was shivering. She looked at the signal to turn green while her patience was growing thin. But...

Misaki felt herself feeling warm, this was due to a certain scarf being wrapped around her. She looked up to see the spiky haired high school boy as he finished wrapping the scarf. "Ah, I just thought you seemed quite cold...don't worry that is a freshly cleaned scarf you can use it."

Misaki asked while fiddling with the scarf, "Why?"

Kamijou Touma replied with a grin, "Someone once told me it was a gentleman's duty to share his scarf when a lady is shivering."

Misaki couldn't believe what she heard. It might be coincidence or someone else might have said the same thing to Touma. But she chose to believe in a miracle. Misaki found herself grinning like an idiot even when she reached her dorm.

Science would define a miracle as rarely possible but not impossible. Misaki found some new strength that day to continue believing in that miracle which would bring her back to her prince