This took a bit longer then I had hoped. I was hoping to finish this within the week but not everything can go as one hoped. Thanks for the reviews and feedback. Its nice knowing that people liked it.

Warhammer 40k is owned by Game Workshops. If I did then I wouldn't write fanfiction.

After an unknown amount of time panicking, wondering how they ended up in this place, and questioning, if this was actually happening the newly reborn Warp God, was finally able to calm down. Instead of freaking out over the many things that had been lost, and there was a lot of that to be sure, she instead tried to focus on the positives of her new existence. For one there was the God-like power which unfortunately might take some getting used too. There was also the fact that there were likely others like her who would possibly be hostile. "Ok, maybe this is not such a good thing after all."

The info dump from the remains of the Aeldari that Slaanesh had consumed did have info on how she could possibly use her powers. Possibly, as there were gaps and she wasn't certain she had inherited any of their abilities as well. Who knows maybe she had gained something or maybe nothing. From what she did know the Warp acted in a strange combination of thinking things into being, and conflicted chaos where anything could happen.

Both of those were not mutually exclusive. Honestly, just looking at the immaterial mess unprotected would drive you insane. A lovely little concept that reminded them about Lovecraftian Horror. "This is supposed to also be some kind of afterlife…"

There was starting to seem to be no positives, to be honest. A small part of them was a bit curious about what was out there beyond their little domain but was rather hesitant to do so. Said hesitation was quickly tossed aside as part of her reminded herself that she wasn't a human. Wings up she started to fly through the swirling mass that was the Warp.

It was strange moving through the Warp for the first time. For one there wasn't any up or down as she could describe it. In the back of their mind, they knew where their orbiting rocks where at all times. Yet, the direction of it kept shifting. "Is that a tower?"

It seemed like an alien-looking one that was made up of coral broken into two and floating within the Warp. As she flew near it she began to have a very unsettling feeling. Landing at the base she noticed how the doorway seemed to be too small for her. "How am I going too…"

That's when she suddenly knew how to create a smaller her. From her hand a smaller her rose up and out. She then stared at it as it stared at her. In unison, they both spoke. "OK, this is confusing as all hell."

Moving the body of the smaller copy while not moving their main self felt extremely out there. Deciding to practice with this later she placed her hand down and let herself walk off it and into the building. At the center of the room was a twisted and unnatural looking coral. On its skin was what looked like claws and petrified faces held in many different expressions. The most common of which was pain, fear, and sadness. "Why do I feel something from this?"

Slowly she touched an outward claw and in an instant she found herself looking up at the sky. Two orange suns greeted her as she looked around and saw giant pieces of land made of some kind of coral shot out of the ground. Whole continents of the stuff with ocean water flowing through massive veins as some kind of squid coral mixed lifeforms began to build a civilization. After centuries of wars, social upheavals, and political unrest the stars were soon opened to them.

Then they came. Beings of metal that tore apart their home. Machines that burned the oceans, set fire to the corals, and ripped them apart. Humanoid looking things that seemed like a parody of a human skeleton walking on the world. In their eyes was nothing but a heartless red glow with a strange green taint. There was no surrender to these mechanical abominations as all they did was slaughter them.

Suddenly they started to fight another group that landed. These seemed to almost look like people clad in some sort of advanced looking armor. Both sides tore apart the world as they fought in the ruins of cities. Until finally the very world was blown apart. In that last instance of the world, the last survivor screamed as the nearly freed lava boiled the water and them alive.

As soon as the visions ceased she was thrown back by a sudden and surprised psychic push. It didn't seem to hurt all that much, to be honest. As the smaller self vision returned it watched as the coral broke apart revealing something of a multi-limbed being with a large head that had three faces each one with an emotion planted on it. Anger, fear, and one of pain. It let out a scream before lunging forward and breaking through the tower. The newborn Daemon slammed into the main body of the god.

Its attacks did nothing as the gap in power was just too much. Instead, it trashed about grasping and clinging on to her. Warp fire and lightning arcing as it continued a pitiful attempt at fighting. Normally, such an attack would be dealt with without much issue. Its opponent was more of a novice in that regard and instead found themselves a bit consumed by the sudden surprise. "GET OFF OF ME!"

Her eyes started to glow before she grabbed the daemon's head and then crushed it. The body went limp letting go of the newborn. With rage, she tossed the broken remains into the currents of the Warp. "Ok, note to self be careful when poking around these places."

The Formless Wastes had mostly remained unchanged with the Fall of the Aeldari. The afterthoughts of so many minds flooding into the unaffiliated realm made it a place of strange allegory and wild dreams. For here the whole place looked like someone was constantly building, undoing, and remaking something out of a strange painting.

The Newborn had left back to the ball of floating rocks while sending her mini-self out to explore the thing that she felt was nearby. On one side she watched as the floor raised glass only for the glass to form into giant skyscrapers, which in turn melted away into water before repeating the process all over again. On the other side was a poker game. Being played by actual characters with floating cards and dancing chips.

The path in front of her was nothing but a swirling mass of storms and lighting with the faint echoes of random gibberish. Flying into the storm she could hear things. Ramblings of madmen calling out to various beings. Images of worlds passed by. She saw one where strange beasts were ridden by what looked like knights of old. Another was a world inhabited by what looked like strange bird-like monkeys that had celebrated their first rocket being launched. The final image showed a temple with an eight-pointed star and an eye that almost looked back at her.

"I know what that is," She stopped as all around her she saw what looked like small vortexes opening up. From each of them, she saw a twisted and bizarre landscape. On one she saw rocks floating over a sea of green water with giant trees that had hordes of insects flying all from them. Another one next to it was a molten world with giant metal forges of black towers that had skulls all over it.

The one above them both was mountains of crystals and strange clouds with eyes illuminated by a purple sun. The last one that opened below the others looked causing her to do a double-take as it looked familiar despite also appearing alien. 'Wait, that looks like some kind of night-'

The vortexes closed before her as suddenly one opened up under her. Tendrils of energy passed by her before erupting, covering her field of view before she felt a strong push. In an instant, she felt strangely solid if the term could even be used. The area around her still looked like the Warp and yet something about it felt off. That was when she caught sight of it. Out the corner of her eye, she saw something floating within the twisting void.

"Is that a planet?"

The Greater Daemon flew through the sea of emotions, thoughts, and random souls looking for its task. Its creator had sent it on a task to speak with the other Chaos Gods for a meeting. First, it made it to Khorne's Bass Citadel. Which was not fun as a few Bloodthirsters decided to attack him for no reason. Then after sending the message the Blood God literally tossed him out.

Next, he moved to the Swamps that had been Nurgles Garden, and instead of flying through the diseased place, they looked for any daemon to relay the information too. A Great Unclean One had noticed and after an exchange with the daemon, they flew away. After that, it flew to the recently rebuilt Palace of Pleasure. Making a mental note to find some way to get revenge on a few daemons for wasting their time more than needed he had figured that was that.

Nope, Tzeentch told his little messenger to go out into the Formless Wastes of the Warp and head for the region many termed the Graveyard of the Gods. There was one more he had to see. As the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch flew he wondered what it was he was supposed to find. His master just told him there was something else they had to get from here. The only things of note within these wastes were a few Undivided Daemons, Enslavers, decayed remains of former gods broken into echoing torrents, and even the broken ruins of Pantheons of dead races.

It defined logic that such things still existed when the races that once worshipped and made them are now dead. So long gone that their memory was itself lost. The Warp cared little for such a thing. As far as it was concerned the races were both dead and still alive. It's currently reflecting this with the Graveyard of the Gods. A limbo realm that few daemons cared to travel too. For this unsettling state made them feel uneasy. Yet, it was here and the Formless Wastes were unaffiliated Chaos Daemons were born.

"I wonder if I am to fetch Be'lakor?" The Daemon Prince had been known to fly around the Formless Wastes whenever he wasn't trying to find a way to become a Chaos God or something else. Perhaps, knowledge on the nature of Godhood or a weapon to further their power. As unsettling as this place was, there are things worth the trip. Ideas on the plans that Tzeentch had with him started to flood the mind of the Greater Daemon.

Perhaps, it could see whatever he was doing and maybe ruin it? Maybe help him out with its success only to twist it around at the last minute? These thoughts were, however, put on hold as they felt a shift in the Warp. "Wait, a minute that can't be a God's domain right?"

As it currently stood there were no major gods outside of the Chaos Pantheon within the Warp. Well, except maybe Isha but no one knew where she was right now. Flying in closer by an unknown hand, or rather by information Tzeentch implanted without the daemon's knowledge, it came across a cloud of rocks, stones, and something the side to asteroids orbiting around a much larger piece of the 'solid' Warp matter. Standing on it had to be the reason for why the Greater Daemon was sent.

The information on why finally came to the daemon. Tzeentch was hoping to sway the newborn into taking a place amongst the Chaos Gods. This was why he had been sent here. Flying up to the main rock he looked at the unaffiliated god or goddess. She turned to him as he was met with the three pupiled eyes stared at the bird looking Greater Daemon. "Who are you?"

"Greetings Great One," The Greater Daemon bowed his head. He didn't know anything about this newborn goddess. As such it was best to play it save. Introductions will do for now. "I am a Gezantos messenger of Tzeentch."

The name Tzeentch sounded familiar. There was a part of her that knew this name but she couldn't pinpoint it. Perhaps it was one of the other god-like entities within this realm. It looks like she was going to have to wing it as best she could. "What do I owe this visit?"

Tzeentch laughed as he heard the curses of one of his pawns. One was a poor laborer who had waged war on the corrupt local rulers of the planet. Another was leading a fight against an extremist group seeking to destabilize the planet. Both of which were fighting each other and had called on him. Unknowingly as why tell them the fact.

Then the Orks showed up and began tearing into both their sides. Sure, he could have warned them or even try to see about interfering directly with the shop carrying them from its path. However, he didn't feel like fighting Gork and Mork nor did he care for the expendables. "This was entertaining but I wonder if my messenger has finally figured out who I sent them to find," Just as he had questioned that the messenger flew in. "Ah, Gezantos you are back I trust you found who I wanted you to meet."

Gezantos bowed before his creator and master. The task had been done and Tzeentch knew it. "Yes, I have met with the unaligned goddess."

"Good everything is going as planned," Tzeentch eaved with a newly formed claw to dismiss his messenger daemon. As they did Tzeentch decided to take another look into the future watching as the maze of possibilities flashed before him.

A truth that was kept a tight secret by him was that manipulating and seeing the future was far harder than he let on. The Warp did not always help him with that and the material world seemed to on occasion ignore him. There were rivals big and small that could take the possibilities and twist them destroying any sort of plans he had. On extremely rare occasions a being would be born totally immune to any sort of fate alteration. Their choices were totally their own.

Such things were to be expected and paradoxically Tzeentch loved it when it happened. A random act of change without no control of him was usually welcomed. "Everything is in complete flux between possibilities," It seemed that all the outcomes of what was to happen, the kidnapping of the Anathema's creations, was equally as likely to happen. "Is it because I am bringing in the newborn?"

He rubbed his newly formed chin in thought for a moment. It could be that the original plan to send servants from the future into the past could be the issue. After all, he was certain that was planned for with only the four of them. Fate shifted as Tzeentch decided to alter his original plan and watched as everything changed. Everything narrowed but still, the possibilities of what was to be was still many and all possible.

"Well, at least the creations are out of his hands in each," For right now he'll wait and see before pushing to deal with the Great Plan. Let things play out and then once he knows where everything was placed the fun can begin. A smirk formed as he couldn't wait to see the outcome. "Sometimes it's best to wait for the perfect time to make a plan of action," A board formed in one of his hands with pieces randomly. "Let them set up an opening for their own end!"

The pieces seemed to move themselves as if set by their own players. Tzeentch then crushed the board in his talon-like hand right as a piece moved. A faint laugh echoed from the God.

Hiding within the Warp almost seemed impossible if it wasn't for this place. Here the servants of the Ruinous Powers tend to avoid. A place that reminded her of the sad truth of her fellow gods. This was the Graveyard of dead Pantheons. Here none of her kind will ever know rest. She wasn't sure if that was better.

All around she could hear them. The faint echoes of dead gods locked within a limbo between oblivion and existence. Nearly all of which were in either despair, fear, pain, torment, or madness. Around the echoing wells that marked their graves, a few Warp predators or minor daemons were seen. Either feeding on the eternal torments or being born from the torments. A few moved off from them and attacked her.

Even in her weakened and injured state, she was still strong enough to toss these minor nuances away. For even if most of her gods were no more and her children the Aeldari had lost most of themselves Isha was still stronger than them. She was still a God born from a vast forge of Warp energies. 'Are they not the same as me?'

Each of these were born from the same forges of vast stable Warp. The younger races made them in their images and now they were all here. Along with the remains of their realms. At one point in her movements, she took a rest in one of them and was bombarded with the dying memories of the race.

She saw their people being butchered like cattle by the Aeldari in their search for pleasure and excess. After just tearing apart everything they had built they then got bored and blew up the moon. "We should never have cut off contact."

Isha stopped her movements as she came across something she never thought she would find. When Slaanesh had been born and after it had taken over the realm of the Aeldari Gods were no more. She had thought that it was destroyed and remade fully into its domain. Perhaps, for the most part, it was the case but she knew what this was. Everything was lost in a stone-like coldness before her. The echoing memories of the Fall slammed into her again.

Tears fell from her face as she looked at what had become of her garden. A reminder of the harshest truth.

The system was not much of anything noticeable. Besides there being a young yellow-orange sun that burned bright the system itself was rather small. Besides three different asteroid belt around the star, there were only four planets. One a barren world, another was ice-covered, and a medium-sized gas giant. There was one planet however that had anything of note. An ancient world that had been terraformed and colonized hundreds of thousands of years ago. An Aeldari Exodite world that had escaped the awakening of Slaanesh.

The inhabitants had still felt the awakening of Slaanesh even if they hadn't seen the rift in space that signal its birth. For a moment many of them could almost hear a loud psychic scream echoing in their mind. A tiny faint shadow that tried to reach out for their souls. It was something that all the surviving Aeldari had felt, if such a word could be used to describe the sensation of Slaanesh reaching for their souls, but for the Exodites the feeling was extremely faint if not nonexistent.

While this was due to their simpler lifestyles this did not protect them in death. Their ancestors had known that whatever was to be born within the collective plane of the gods and their afterlife would that their souls by default. Sitting under an ancient obelisk of psychoactive crystal one of the planets Farseers was in a meditative state communicating with the World Spirit that their ancestors had made.

All around it, the echoes of the souls of the past whispered around protected from the pull of the Warp. Despite this, the World Spirit was able to feel the very edge of the former Sea of Souls. The Farseer's eyes shot open as both they and the World Soul had felt a force seemingly block out the pull of Slaanesh for a second. 'What was that?'

Now you can all probably guess whats coming in the next chapter. The scattering of the Primarchs. Who knows I'm still wondering on if I'll go canon outcomes from them or mix it up.

Anyway, I have nothing else to say so cya all next time.