Hello, this is my first story. I am a FNAF fanatic and I wanted to write this story after reading so many others. I hope that anyone who reads this enjoys it. please leave a review on what you think.


Alex placed down the phone and sat back in his chair, thinking about what he just heard.

"These things are going to try and kill me?"

He quickly picked up the tablet and flicked through the cameras until he found the stage, he looked all three of them over.

They all had the same figures, all busty females.

"Who would program robots like these to do that?"

The camera suddenly went black, Alex panicked until it came on shortly after, his panick only heightened when he saw that the bunny, the one known as Bonnie, was no longer on the stage.

He flicked through the cameras once more until he found her right outside the door.

"Oh hell no!" he quickly lunged at the button to close the door, the large slab of metal slammed closed.

He turned on the light to see the blue bunny frowning.

The light flickered off and she was no longer there.

He opened the door after confirming that she was indeed gone, leaning out the door with his flashlight just in case.

It was 3am and he had 40% power left, he thought that was good for his first day.

He looked at the stage camera again and saw that this time Chica was gone.

He took no chance and just checked the right hall cam, he saw the chicken moving toward the door.

He jumped from his chair, he tripped over something in his panicked movement.

The last thing he saw before the world went black was a button to close the door.


Alex was awoken by the sound of ringing, he looked around and found that he was in his chair.

He saw a piece of paper on the desk and picked it up.

"We are sorry for scaring you, please come back tomorrow. We want to apologise."

'Who? Was it the animatronics that did this?'

Alex got up from his chair and walked out of his office with the note in hand, he stopped by the show stage and looked at the three robots.

He then noticed a pen laying on the stage beside Chica, he walked over and picked it up.

"Hey Alex! How'd it go?"

He turned around and saw the day guard walk in.

"Oh, hey Vannesa, it went well" he hid the note and the pen behind his back.

"That's great! I'll see you again tomorrow then?"

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely coming back"

Vannesa gave him a smile and walked off.

Alex turned back to the three animatronics.

"Your secret is safe with me" he said quietly before leaving to go home.

Unknown to him, his words made three misunderstood robots very happy.


Alex locked his car and walked inside the building, he met some of the janitorial staff on their way out.

Most of them wished him luck and asked him not to make too much of a mess.

"Wow, you actually came back!" Vannesa said with a smile.

"Yup, just could stay away" he said back.

"Well, have fun tonight. Keep an eye on Chica, she was acting funny today"

"Ok, will do"

Vannesa left without another word, locking the doors on her way out.

It was 11:30, so he had a bit of time before he needed to be in his office.

He walked to the show stage, his return unknowingly making them happy again.

He climbed up onto the stage and walked over to Chica.

"I heard you were acting strange today, are you feeling ok?" he chuckled a bit at his words. "What am I doing? Im talking to a robot!"

He could have sworn he saw a twitch in her facial expression.

"Well, feel free to stop by, I mean all of you" as he walked to his office, he questioned his own words.

That note left so many questions in his head, there was only one explanation: These robots are more alive than anyone thought.


He entered his office just as the lights let out, signaling the beginning of his shift.

The phone rang once again, he debated on answering. What this guy said completely contradicted their behavior.

X 1:30 AM X

It's been an hour and a half and there was no movement from anybody.

He flicked on the stage cam and froze when he saw that Bonnie was gone.

He checked his hall cameras and found her moving towards his office.

'Well, I did tell them they could stop by…'

There was a gentle knock on the left window, he turned on the light and saw her in the window.

"Yes Bonnie, you can come in"

He saw the blue bunny recoil in shock, but she slowly stepped into the doorway.

She looked at him with what he thought to be uncertainty.

"Yes, i'm sure," he answered with a smile.

She stepped into the room and smiled as well.

"You are the first one to let us do this" she spoke in a cute voice.

"So you can talk" Alex spoke, he was right.

"Y-yeah, we are more alive than anyone believes"

"I was right, I'm glad that you guys aren't going to kill me"

"The man on the phone sees us as monsters. All of the previous guards do as well, all except you" she said in a voice that slowly broke down, she began to cry into her hands at the end.

Alex stood up, he did not know what to do, so he did what he thought was right.

He walked up to the bunny girl, she was a bit taller than him, but that did not matter. He got close and wrapped his arms around her, he felt her go stiff. Her crying stopped almost immediately.

"Its ok, as far as I am concerned, you are just misunderstood"

He felt her arms slowly hug him back, treating him as if he was fragile.

They seperated from the hug, Alex took out a piece of cloth and wiped the tears from her face.

"So, can you bring Chica and Freddy here? I want to talk to them as well"

"Yeah, I can do that"

Bonnie got up and walked out of the office.

Alex picked up the tablet and checked the time.

It was 4:15

He flipped to the stage cam and watched as the bunnie spoke to the bear and chicken.

They seemed surprised by her words.

They all got up and walked down the left hallway.

Bonnie entered the room, Freddy and Chica hesitated.

"Are you sure?" the bear asked.

"Yes, all three of you are welcome in here whenever you want"

Chica smiled and walked in, stepping beside Bonnie.

Alex chuckled and stepped out of his office, Freddy took a step back.

Alex grabbed her hand and led her into the room. "It's ok, I'm not afraid of you guys. I don't see you as monsters, as far as I am concerned, you are just as alive as I am"

Freddy began to break down and cry just as Bonnie had done.

Chica moved to comfort her friend but was stopped by Bonnie.

"Just watch," she said quietly.

Alex pulled the bear into a hug, her body went rigid, just like Bonnie.

"T-thank you," she said with a return hug.

They spent the rest of their time talking,

It was 5:50 and the three animatronics had to go back to their stage.

"We will see you again tomorrow Alex~" Freddy said with a wink.

Alex chuckled nervously, he was not sure why, but Freddy was snuggling up beside him the entire time they were talking.

Bonnie and Chica seemed upset for some reason.

He left the office after the bell rang, walking out to the show stage.

He was greeted by Vannesa who asked how his shift went.

"It was fine, not too bad"

"That's good, keep it up" she walked away with a smile.

He looked up at his three new friends, he swore he saw Freddy wink at him again.

Alex walked out to his car, he was going to need a duffle bag….


Alex got out of his car and grabbed the duffle bag, it was full of items such as books, comics, magas, things like that.

They were for the girls, they asked him questions about the outside world and what it was like.

He decided to get some stuff for them to read, that is…..if they can read.

He was once again greeted by the janitors, none of them questioned his bag.

Then he was greeted by Vannesa who looked at it for a second but did not ask, only wishing him luck.

He was locked in as usual, he looked at the girls on the stage.

He found out from them that they were locked up until 12, so they can't move or speak but they can hear and see.

"Hello girls" he held up the bag. "I have some surprises for you, don't keep me waiting" he said with a sly grin.

He walked to the office and sat down, the lights shut off soon after.


He heard the phone ring but muted the message.

He sat back in his chair, waiting for his friends to join

He knew it would take a while because they have to get used to moving again after their servos unlocked.

Standing in one place for hours on end must be torture for them.

Around 1:30 he heard rapid footsteps coming from the left hallway.

'That must be Bonnie'

He turned to the door and was met with a reddish,brown blur tackling him to the floor.

He looked up into the eyes of a fox-like animatronic that looked very angry.

"Foxy no! Don't do it!"

It took both Bonnie and Chica to pull the animatronic off of him and into the hallway, he was pulled into Freddys lap.

"Alex, y-you're leaking"


He brought a hand up to the side of his head and felt blood.

He sat up with a chuckle, he had to remember that they were still robots. They don't bleed, they leak oil or whatever fluid runs through their mechanical bodies.

"Im fine, I have bandages in my bag"

He pointed to the duffle bag which was brought to him by the worried brown bear.

He grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around his head.

"Who….who was that?" he asked after his thoughts realigned.

"That was Foxy, we should have told you about her. She doesn't like night guards"

Bonnie and Chica walked back in with an embarrassed fox behind them.

"I….im sorry I attacked ye ladd, I didn't relise ye were unlike the others"

"Right, I will tell you this as well" he stood up and walked over to the fox. "I don't see you as monsters, you guys are my friends. And there is nothing that will change that"

"F-friends?" Chica asked with a bit of shock.

"Yes, I see all of you as friends. I even brought gifts for you all, that includes you Captain" he pointed at the Foxy.

He walked back over to the duffle bag and opened it up fully. "Here, you can pick out anything you like"

They all peeked into the bag and gasped at what was inside.

"These are…..books?" Freddy asked.

"Yes, I made sure to pick out some of every kind"

"A-and we can keep them?"

"Yes, I will keep them safe in the office when you guys are performing"

He was hugged by Freddy and he hugged back.

"You really do care about us"

"Of course I do"

They sifted through the books.

Chica picked out a cookbook and looked at Alex with a wide smile. He found out Chica liked to attempt cooking sometimes but was always discouraged by her lack of knowledge. She left to go to the kitchen.

Bonnie picked up a book about songs, specifically on guitar. She told him her favorite pastime is trying to play other songs then the ones she was programmed for. She went back to the stage to practice.

Foxy picked up a few comics about adventures and exploring.

Freddy found a romance novel, now she had no idea what it was, but she liked the cover.

"Thank you Alex, no one has ever cared about us as much as you do"

"Aye, ye be a good ladd"

He was suddenly pulled into a kiss by Freddy. His brain stopped working and his body froze up.

He was let go shortly. "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself" she said in a fearful tone.

He was even more shell shocked when he saw a blush on her face.

"Freddy," she looked into his eyes. "It's ok, I'm not upset. I'm just very confused, that was also my first time being kissed by a girl"

They were interrupted by the loud and joyous laughter coming from the one and only pirate fox sitting in the corner.

"It seems ye stole her heart ladd"


The fox quickly stood up and ran away from the angry bear.

Alex was left alone, or so he thought.

"Hey Alex" he saw Chica standing in the doorway.

"Yes Chica?"

"C-can you come with me for a moment?"


He followed her to the kitchen where he saw a cake on the counter.

"Woah, did you make that?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you…..could taste it?"

"Sure!" he said happily and took a slice.





Chica stood by, very nervously, waiting for his judgement.

"Its great"




She shouted and hugged Alex in her excitement, it knocked the air from his lungs.

He helped Chica clean up the mess and then left the kitchen.

He walked around until he found a closed door, there was something about it that drew him closer. Some feeling telling him to enter.

He opened the door and walked in, he took out his flashlight and scanned the dark room.

It was just an empty room, empty except for one thing.

There was an empty suit sitting against the wall, it looked like Freddy except it was a golden yellow.

He stepped into the room and crouched down in front of it.

He looked it over, it looked like it had been there for a few years at least.

He reached out to touch it, suddenly its eyes opened to reveal two white dots.



He fell onto his butt and looked at the golden figure.

"I apologise for scaring you, I am golden Freddy, you can call me Goldie for short"

Her voice was ghostly and almost hollow.

"H-hey…..are you…..alive?"

"If you are asking if I am like the others, then yes. Except I cannot move like them, I cannot move at all"

"Are you lonely in here?"

Her eyes seemed to widen at his question.

"Well…...yes, I wish I could move. The managers have placed me in here because I am no longer needed"

"Would you like to come out for a bit?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I could carry you around until the end of my shift"

"Why would you do that?"

"Would you rather stay in this dark closet?"


"Then its settled" he walked over and picked up the empty suit. It was light, and still felt soft.

"I'm afraid the others may not like this"

"Do they not like you?"

"Its not that, Freddy comes to visit me sometimes"

"Im sure that everything will be fine"

He opened the door and walked out of the closet, he began to head to the office.

"This place has changed a lot…."

He entered the office and saw Freddy.

She gasped and dropped her book.


"Hello Freddy"

"Why didn't you tell me about her?" Alex asked.

"I was afraid you would be scared of her"

"Well, I was shocked that she was also alive like you guys, but then she told me that she has been stuck there. So I decided to take her out for a while"

It was 4:30.

Alex placed Goldie down against the wall of the office in the same position she was in before, but this time he made sure her head was up straight. Then he sat next to her.

"How long have you been in there?"

"I don't remember how long it has been"

"That's horrible" he then came up with an Idea. he would keep it as a surprise for now.

He talked to her for the rest of his shift along with Freddy.

He had to place Goldie back in her closet, he felt bad but things were going to change.


Alex arrived early the next day to speak with Mr Fazbear. He knocked on the door to his office and entered after he heard his voice.

"Ah, Mr Hopper, What can I do for you today?"

"Last night, I found a suit in the closet by the office"

"Ah, yes, old Goldie…...what do you want with it?"

"I would like to buy if from you"

The man's eyes widened. "You want to buy that old suit?"

"Yes, It would be better than it sitting in there collecting dust right?"

"Yes, it would….."

"How much?"

"Well, the suit is old, and it has not been used for a while. So at least two hundred dollars"

"Deal" Alex pulled out his wallet and handed over the money.

"Pleasure doing business with you, you can take it home after your shift tonight"

Alex left the office with a smile on his face.


Alex decided to stay there for his shift.

He greeted the janitors and Vanessa, the doors were locked and Alex walked over to the closet.

"Hey Goldie, I have good news!"

"Hello Alex, what news do you have?"

He picked her up into his arms. "You belong to me now"


"I bought you from Mr. Fazbear today, that means they don't own you anymore"

"You…...you did that…..for me?"

"Yes, now you don't ever have to go back in the closet ever again"

He entered the office and placed Goldie in his chair.

"That means you are going to take me away from here?"

"Is that ok with you? You get to see the world outside, and I can also see about getting you an endoskeleton so you can move"

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"I am doing this because I would hate to be in your position, and because I can't sit back knowing that someone is suffering and I can do something about it"


"Alex? Goldie?" Freddy came into the room.

"Hey Freddy, where are the others?"

"They are still reading those books you gave us"


"Oh, I brought books for them to read so they could learn more about the outside, and they could also live out their dreams"

"You really care about us…."

"Yes, and I always will"

"Hey Alex?"

"Yes Freddy?"

"Can I talk to you in private for a second?"

"Sure" he stood up and followed Freddy. "Don't go anywhere Goldie"

"Ha ha, very funny"

She took him to the show stage, Bonnie and Chica were also there.

"I thought you said you want to talk in private?"

"I just needed to get you to come with me, we all have something to tell you"

"Ok…..what is it?"

"We….see you as more than a friend"

His eyes widened. "Oh"

"You are the first human to ever care about us"

"Yes, the things you say, the things you do, it makes us feel things we don't understand"

"What we do know, is that you are more than a friend to us"

Alex looked at all three of them, he would be lying if he said that he was not happy when he was around them. He would also be lying if he said that he was not aroused by them.

"What we are trying to say, is that we love you Alex"

"This…..is kinda sudden, but I can say that I love all of you as well"

They all brightened as his words.

"We have one more thing, a question"

"Ok, what is it?"

They all struck a pose at the same time.

"Who do you like more?"

"I love all of you the same"

"That's not what we are asking, Which one of us do you find the most attractive?"

'Oh no….'

"Uh….I…" he turned around and sprinted away from the stage.

"I told you he would run!"

"Well let's get him!"

He ran into the office and slammed both doors down.

"What happened?"

"They asked me which one of them I like the most, I can't answer that"

It was only 2:30. The power won't last until six with both doors closed.

"What about me? Do you find me attractive?"

He looked at her, she looked just like Freddy, except yellow.

"Yes, of course you are, and you don't need to strike a pose for me to see that"

"If I could move…..would you kiss me?"

He smiled and walked over to her. "You don't need to be able to move to do that"

He leaned down and kissed her.

X outside the office X

"I told you this would happen"

"Why? Why would he run from us?"

"Its because he likes all three of us, and he doesn't want to admit that he likes one of us over the others"

Bonnie looked through the window and gasped. The other two also looked in.

"He's kissing Goldie…."

"Relax, im sure she just asked him to do so, she cant move"

"What if she is trying to steal him from us?"

"He wouldn't let that happen"

The kiss ended and he spoke to her, they couldn't hear him through the window.

He laughed a bit and picked Goldie up and sat on the chair with her on his lap. It looked a bit awkward with her limp body.

"Look at the way he's holding her!"

"Calm down Bonnie, he probably wanted to sit down too"

X Inside the office X

"Oh dear, is the night guard going to take advantage of my inability to move?"

"No Goldie, I'm not going to do anything to you"

"Are you sure? All of us are completely 'equipped' to handle your desires"

"That is not something I needed to know at the moment"

"At the moment?"

"I can still put you down"

"Ok, ok, I was just teasing you"

Alex looked at the clock, it was 4:45. He stood up and placed Goldie back on the chair. "I will be back to pick you up later"

The lights shut off and the doors opened, Alex took off through the left door.

He encountered Bonnie immediately. "Don't run, honey" she tried to catch him but he dove around her and took off in a sprint.

Chica almost caught up to him, he took a sharp turn into the party room, Chica slid passed the doorway and into a stack of empty pizza boxes.

Alex looked around the room and his heart sunk, there was no way out of this room.

"There you are, darling"

He turned around and came face to face with Freddy.

He slowly backed away from the creeping bear.

"You should have know I would catch you"

He backed up against a table, his hand found a slice of leftover pizza and grabbed it.

"Sorry, I have to go" he threw the slice right in her face.

He moved around her and back out of the door and ran right into Bonnie. It was like running into a soft brick wall.

She grabbed him. "Aww, you ran right into my arms"

Chica finally got out of the pile of pizza boxes, and Freddy peeled the slice of cheesy pizza off of her face.

Alex squirmed a bit, he noticed that Bonnie's body was warm, like a real person.

"Stop struggling honey, we have you now"

"Not yet!" he grabbed his flashlight and shined it right into Bonnie's eyes.

She yelped and had to let him go, he dodged both Freddy and Chica who only grabbed each other in an unintentional hug.

"Sorry Bonnie!" he yelled while sprinting away.

He really hated having to hurt them in any way. But this was his dignity he was defending.

He just hoped that Bonnie could still see properly.

He checked his watch. 5:45.


He was suddenly stopped by his own shirt collar, he turned around to see a silver hook holding him back.


"Aye, Freddy asked me to stop ye from gettin away"

He used his flashlight again, right in Foxy's good eye.


Her hook came loose and he ran away. "Sorry!"

He decided to never leave his flashlight again, and maybe pack some extra batteries.

He passed Pirate cove and into the main show area.

Freddy managed to grab him. "Gotcha!"

He looked up and had to avoid laughing.

"W-what?" she asked.

"You uh" he pointed to a spot on her face, she reached up and peeled a single pepperoni from her forehead.

It was enough for him to wiggle free and keep running.

He came to a stop in front of Bonnie, Chica was to his left, and Foxy was to his right, with Freddy still behind him.

"Uh oh"

Suddenly, all the lights flashed on, and the bell began to ring.

The girls sighed and returned to their places.

"We will get you tonight, darling" Freddy spoke as she passed him.

"Not likely"

He walked back to the office, he had an item to pick up.

"So you didn't forget me?"

"I could never forget you, Goldie"

"Aww, he loves me"

"Indeed I do"

He picked her up and began to walk to the doors.

He was greeted by Vannesa. "Is that Goldie?"

"Yes, I bought her from Mr Fazbear today"

"Oh, well have fun"

She seemed in a hurry today.

Alex walked to his car and placed Goldie in the passenger seat and buckled her in.

He walked around and got in the driver seat.

"So this is a car?"

"Yes, *sigh* I'm going to have to get used to you not knowing what things are"

He drove to his home, Goldie asked questions about the things she was most curious about. Such as stores, large office buildings, residential neighborhoods, and she even saw a dog.

Alex got to his home and carried Goldie inside.

He placed her on the couch and then collapsed beside her.

"All the running finally got to you?"

"I may not survive if I have to do that every night"

"Aww, you can't die! I still need you to show me things"

There was a knock at the door, Alex remembered that he was expecting a very special package today.

He opened the door and greeted the delivery guy, signing for the delivery, the man then wheeled a very large box to his doorstep.


He brought the box inside and placed it in the living room, he laid down the wooden box and clicked open the locks.

"What is that?"

"This, is your special surprise"


"Yes" he flipped open the lid to the crate and looked inside.

He reached inside and lifted out something that made Goldie very surprised.

In his hands was an endoskeleton head.


"Yes, you will be getting your body back"

Goldie would cry if she could, after so many years in that dark room, she will finally be able to walk again. This one human changed her life.

"This is the latest model as well, so you will be a bit more advanced than the ones that replaced you"

"You did all of this for me?"

"Yes I did, you better be thankful, this was not cheap"

He picked Goldie up and laid her down on the floor beside the box.

"You might want to go to sleep or something, this will take a while"

Goldie did just that, the white dots in her eyes faded. He knew she was still in there, just a feeling that he had.

He was not a genius when it came to robotics, but he did study it a bit in college.


"There we go, jeez that took forever"

He placed Goldies head back on.

"Now how the hell am I supposed to wake you up?"

Just as he said those words, her eyes snapped open. They were a bright green color.

"Alex?" her voice still sounded the same, but it was no longer ghostly.

"Im here, it's all done"

Her arms lifted up and her fingers wiggled a bit.

"I….I can move" she sat up and looked around.

"I can move!"

She tried to stand up but stumbled and fell into his arms.

"It might take you a while to get used to walking again"

"Thank you" she began to cry into his shirt.

Alex spent the next two hours teaching Goldie how to walk, she now had full control of her motor functions.

Something that Alex noticed was that this new model came with…..things….that were supposed to make her more lifelike. The crate was also full of spare parts, just in case.

Goldie constantly teased him about his uncomfortableness towards her new body.

He had made her wear clothing, since she was living here now.

Her body was also waterproof, that meant that she could take showers. Something that Alex insisted on since he had been wanting to do something about the smell.

He cleaned her suit fully, she was now a bright yellow-gold instead of the dull gold color that it was.

"So I have to stay here while you go to work?"

"Yes, but we will worry about that later, I need sleep" it was 4pm by the time he had fully taken care of Goldie.

He walked to his room and collapsed on his bed.

He felt his bed shift a bit and had an idea as to why, he rolled over and came face to face with what Goldie insisted he call his girlfriend.

"I thought you didn't need sleep"

"I never did before, but this new body dose"

She grabbed him and pulled his head into her 'assets'

"I love you Alex"

He smiled and decided to give in.

"I love you to, Goldie"