Charlies little girl

Chapter one- search party

A/N- this is my first story and its new moon for Charlies point of view Charlie is one of my favourite characters and I think he deserved better than he got. Please review I would love it


Charlies POV

I pulled up the police cruiser onto my usual spot on the driveway. Feeling glad I was home after a long day at the station there had been no calls so Mark and I had played a lot of cards. I won 7 games to 3. I saw Bella's truck parked on the side of the road just outside the house. I got out my car anxious to eat whatever amazing food Bella has made us for dinner. I pulled the key out from under the eave and opened the door.

"Bella"? I called as I entered the house.

I got no answer. I took of my coat, shoes and gun belt. I went upstairs and poked my head round her bedroom door, she wasn't there. I was just starting to worry when I saw a note on the dining table.

Going for a walk with Edward up the path, back soon, B

I rolled my eyes at the note, Bella and Edward had probably just gotten lost in each other's eyes or some other equally sappy equivalent. I pulled on my sheriffs' jacket and shoes and decided to go and find them. I walked up the path Bella told me she was at looking for any sign of her or her boyfriend and I found nothing. I sat down on a rock for a minute. I thought about going home and waiting for her to come home and then telling her of for being late home or I could just keep looking for her. My stomach growled so I decided to go home.

I stood up and began the walk back home down the path. By the time I got home it was 21:23

I was relay beginning to worry so I decided it was best to call the Cullen household. I walked over to the old house phone in the hallway entered the number I wanted and hit the call button it nobody answered and it rang out. I was well and truly worried by now so I decided to call Billy it rang twice before he answered

"Hello" came his gruff voice

"Hi Billy its Charlie" I said

"What do I owe the honour old man" he said perking up

"It's Bella she isn't here, she left me a note that said she was going for a walk up the path with her boyfriend but she still hasn't come home I had a look up the path but I didn't see her." I stated

"That's not like Bella" he said "she is normally so responsible do you think something might have happened to her? have you called the Cullen's?"

"I just called them but they didn't pick up I am scared she has gotten lost or tripped and hurt herself," I said truthfully.

"I can send a few people from the Rez to help look for her" Billy offered "can help come down to and man your phone while you look for her"

I thought about that for a moment

"Ok" I accepted

"Okay we will be down in 15 mins"

"Bye, I guess I will see you then" I said and hung up

I sat on my old armchair lost in my own thoughts trying not to think of what could have happened to my only daughter, but trying not to think about something is a form of thinking of it. So I was really just thinking about it. After what felt like no time at all there was a knock at the door I stood up and got the door. Standing at was Billy and Jacob Black, Jarred Lahote, Paul Cameron, and Sam Uley I let them all inside and made sure they were all up to date on the situation.

"Paul, Jarred and I will go into the woods to look for her" said Sam

"I'll come too, Billy and Jacob can call more people to add to our search party" I said

"No Charlie it would be better If you were at home so when we find her, she can be with you." Said Sam "Billy will find enough people to help find her"

"He`s right Charlie" inserted Billy before I could object

"Ok fine" I conceded unable to argue with their logic "Just find her please"

"we will find her Charlie I promise" said Jarred.

5 hours later

"Charlie it`s ok the whole town is out looking for Bella we will find her" Jacob told me for the millionth time. We were sitting a small way passed the crowed of people gathered by the edge of the forest about five-minute walk from the house.

"I know Jake I just can't help but worry she has been gone for hours so she can't have just lost track of time" I told him "something bad must have happened"

We have the whole town searching so now it is just a waiting game. We called the Cullen's three or four times still no answer

Jacob opened his mouth to reply but he was interrupted

"Charlie" somebody called "they found her."

I stood up faster than I would have thought possible and looked across the small patch of grass to see my daughter limp in Sam Uley's massive arms

"I`ve got her" he called in a booming voice

"Is she okay" asked Jacob

"no, I don't think she is hurt she just keeps saying he's gone" answered Sam

I ran across the grass path to Bella and Sam as fast as possible

"Bella, honey are you all right?" I asked softly

"Charlie?" she said her voice a small whisper

"I`m right here, baby" I soothed her taking her soaking wet body from Sam into my arms and holding her close. I sagged a bit under her weight in my arms but was comforted by the fact that she was in my arms, safe at last.

"maybe I should hold onto her." Sam suggested

"I've got her" I said wanting to keep Bella, my only daughter in my arms we walked slowly back to the house the whole town seemed to be following us as we walked slowly but surely making our way home. Bella squeezed her eyes closed tightly

"were almost home now honey" I told her quietly as we neared the porch of our house Sam held the door open for me one of his arms slightly extended as if to catch Bella if she fell out my arms. I walked through the door and into the living room and placed Bella's wet form on the sofa.

"Dad I'm all wet" she said quietly

"that doesn't` matter" I told her then I turned to Harry "Blankets are in the cupboard at the top of the stairs"

"Bella" said Dr Gerandy who has been waiting in the Livingroom for the past hour

"Dr Gerandy" mumbled Bella in recognition

"That's right dear" he said "Are you hurt"

Bella looked confused for a moment before answering with a blank look on her face

"I`m not hurt" she replied simply

Dr Gerandy gave a Bella quick medical examination before asking the question that had been on my mind for hours

"What happened to you" He asked "did you get lost in the woods"

I leaned in to hear her answer it was so quiet

"Yes, I got lost" she said as Dr Gerandy checked the glands under her chin

"Do you feel tired" he asked her

Bella nodded and closed her eyes.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with her" he said looking up at me "Just exhaustion let her sleep it off, and I'll come and check on her tomorrow" he paused and looked down at his watch "well later today actually"

I nodded. We both stood up and walked out to the hallway

"is it true" I asked quietly "did they leave."

"Dr Cullen asked us not to say anything" he told me "the offer was very sudden; and he had to choose immediately. Carlisle didn't want to make a big production out of leaving.

"Some warning might have been nice." I grumbled

Dr Gerandy bite his lip

"Yes, well in this situation some warning might have been called for" he said uncomfortably

"thank you so much for coming" I said "I know it's very late"

"Your welcome" he said as we reached the door "I will be back later to check Bella again.

"goodbye" I said

I turned and saw that everybody in the house had turned and decided to head back to their houses and families. I muttered quiet goodbyes and thank yous to everybody who helped me look for Bella. Until at last it was just Bella and I in the house. I went back into the living room and put my hands on her forehead to check her temperature, I felt that she was cold and wet so I grabbed a blanket from the other sofa where Harry had left an extra one I places the blanket on top of her. The phone rang a few times with people worriedly asking if we had found Bella yet. I told them

"Yeah, we found her. she`s okay. She got lost. She`s fine now"

After a while I decided to go settle down for the night so I sat down on the old armchair next to Bella.

To Be Continued…