Twisted Destiny
All belongs to the amazing J.K. Rowling

I just like playing her sandbox

This is non-canon/AU and characters have been edited to fit my vision

Chapter One

The little girl stood staring around in absolute wonder at the amazing new world that surrounded her. Brightly colored shop windows in purples, reds, greens, yellows, and oranges advertising the newest racing brooms, cauldrons for all your potion needs, a manguary for all your familiar needs, and so much more! Just this morning she had been an ordinary girl of 11 living with her Aunt, Uncle and cousin. However, thanks to the stern looking older woman standing next to her with a kind smile on her face, she found out she was a witch! All the letters that had arrived at the house addressed to her which her Uncle refused to allow her to read had all been her notification to join the Wizarding World and attend a prestigious school just for witches and wizards.

"Professor, how am I to pay for all these supplies when I have no money," asked the little girl.

Professor McGonagall looked down at the girl next to her, who so looked like her parents with her bright emerald eyes and dark hair. In the afternoon sunlight, she noted that her hair was a strange combination of her parents: mostly black, but with deep red strands that caught the light - reminiscent of her mother's bright, fiery red - and ended with the barest twist of curls. Minerva was reminded of Lily upon seeing her small, oval shaped face and cute button nose, but she knew the side-swept fringe covering her forehead hid the lightning bolt shaped scar from that fateful night all those years ago.

"We will be going to Gringotts. That is the bank for the wizarding world. Your parents left you a trust. We will use your key, which I have here to retrieve the funds needed to get your items. We will also be exchanging some of the galleons, which is the wizarding currency, for muggle currency to take you clothes shopping," the professor said with a look on her face that allowed no argument.

"I've never been clothes shopping before. My aunt usually just brings me clothes home from the second hand store and I make do with them, even if they don't fit."

"Hermione, you will be entering a whole new world and deserve to start that world with a new wardrobe. It is my job, and dare I say my privilege, to introduce you to that world." Minerva was proud to be the one to introduce the wizarding world to Hermione. She was looking forward to educating the young girl about all the customs and traditions.

As they continued down the alley towards Gringotts, Minerva couldn't help but smile as she watched the amazement and delight that Hermione showed while gazing at all the wonders around her. She noticed the bright gleam that sparked in Hermione's emerald eyes as they passed Flourish and Blotts Wizarding Book Store. Minerva would make sure to spend some extra time there while helping to pick out some important books for Hermione to start reading besides her school books before attending school in just a few days. Entering the marble bank Hermione, couldn't help but gasp in surprise as what appeared to be little gremlins were working behind counters. They had very pointy teeth, long fingers with sharp dagger-like nails and beady black eyes.

"Please Professor," Hermione whispered in a scared little voice, "where are we and if I may, what are these creatures?"

"These, Hermione dear, are Goblins. They are highly intelligent beings that run this bank." Professor McGonagall replied as they stepped forward to one of the open counters containing a goblin. "We would like to make a withdrawal and a currency exchange for muggle funds upon our return."

The fierce looking goblin leaned forward looking between the Professor and the tiny girl standing beside her. "And do you have the vault key," replied the goblin in a gruff and dark toned voice.

Professor McGonagall retrieved two large bronze looking keys from out of her tartan robes, "Yes, here is the Potter vault key and we would also like to make a stop at the McGonagall vault while here." The goblin looked shocked at the pronouncement of the Potter vault key and stared hard at both witches standing in front of him.

"Very well, I will call Griphook to take you down," sneered the goblin. " Upon your return you may join back here to exchange the wizarding currency for muggle currency." The goblin turned and with a signal neither witches saw called a new goblin forward.

Following the goblin to a cavern-like room Hermione saw a cart that reminded her of a roller coaster cart, it was also on rails. "You'll need to sit on one side and I will sit on the other side. This is a fast, unpleasant ride," Professor McGonagall told her with a grimace on her face. If by the look on Professor McGonagall's face was anything to go by.

"Are there any seat belts or restraints to keep us in the cart?"

"There are spells on the carts that prevent passengers from falling out if something were to happen," replied the Professor in a pinched tone. Both climbed in the cart and as soon as they were settled, they zoomed off at a breakneck pace. The feeling reminded Hermione of the commercials on the telly advertising amusement park rides. If she had to compare them then this would definitely be one of the faster, scarier rides at the park. They sped up and down the tracks, curving this way then that way. Hermione's hair was a whirl around her as they descended a steep crest, coming to a stop at a medium-sized door covered in what looked like cogs and bolts in bronze and silver. It reminded Hermione of the inside of a watch she once took apart to see if she could fix it so she would have one and not get in trouble again for being late to fix supper.

"This is where your key comes into play," Professor McGonagall said as she climbed as gracefully as possible from the cart. "Follow the goblin and he will explain what you need to do to open your vault. Each vault has a different combination of movements or placements one needs to open the door." Following the goblin the short distance from the cart, Hermione watched the goblin, who was of similar size and stature to her..

"Key please." Handing the goblin her key, Hermione waited like her professor said for the next instructions. "You need to place your right hand here," the goblin said as he indicated a spot just below a medium sized cog, " then run your left hand in a downward diagonal swipe towards the outside of the door to the left." Following the directions Hermione did as she was bid and the door gave a soft glow, then sprung open a few inches. Stepping away from the door, Hermione made to peek into the vault, not knowing what was on the other side or if she was allowed to look.

"You will need to take what you feel you need for the school supplies and your new wardrobe we will be purchasing." Handing Hermione a velvet pouch in a deep crimson, Professor McGonagall indicated for Hermione to enter her vault. "The large gold coins are Galleons, the silver are Sickles and the small ones are Knuts. Each has their own value like what the Muggles have for pounds, I believe they call their money. I'm not familiar with the exchange rate but seeing as we need to buy you clothes from the muggle world also I would suggest getting a sizable amount of each. Whatever you have leftover from our shopping you may keep for the school year. You may come back at Christmas if you need to or you can wait until the following school term begins to get more."

Hermione had never had her own money before let alone this much. It was truly a sight to behold. Looking at the crimson pouch and what she thought she would need she gave Professor McGonagall a questioning look. "Don't worry, the pouch is charmed to hold as much as you put in it."

Grabbing four large double handfuls from each pile, Hermione then turned to look at her Professor. "Do you think that will be enough? I've never had my own money before or gone shopping for myself before. I'm not sure what's to be expected," uncertainty entered her voice as she bowed her head in quiet shame.

"Don't worry lass, we will come back for more if that's not enough, but I'm sure it will be just fine." The professor looked at her kindly and with a gentle note in her voice at Hermione's uncertainty.

Returning to the cart, both witches settled upon the cart again and before either were fully prepared, they shot off further along the track, up, down, curving here and there until they came to a stop in front of a large door like Hermione's, but with gold inlay and more cogs. "I won't be but a moment," stated her professor. Not even a full five minutes later Professor McGonagall returned with the goblin.

Upon her return the goblin flicked a switch and pulled a lever which promptly lifted the cart up and off its tracks, swinging round to face the direction they had just come from. "Return journey cart 73," the goblin said into what looked like an old telephone that looked like it was from the early 1900's, if Hermione was to make a guess. The cart was off again at a breakneck speed, zipping around faster than their journey down. They soon reached the entrance where another witch seemed to be waiting for her trip down.

"Glad that part is over with. Now we will exchange wizarding money for muggle money to go shopping for some of your clothes before we return to the alley and get your school supplies and wizarding wardrobe." Stepping lightly from the cart Professor McGonagall motioned for Hermione to follow her. They both stepped up to the teller they had been at before and quickly exchanged galleons for muggle pounds. Hermione couldn't believe it as she looked at the notes in her hands. There in her hands had to be the most money she had ever seen before.

"Professor, are you sure I'll need this much? I'm sure I can just go to a second hand store or even the store where my Aunt gets my clothes. It won't be a problem." Hermione said in awe and a little scared at the prospect of spending such a great amount on herself. She had always made do with what her Aunt brought home for her. The clothes might not be something she liked or were too big but she at least had clothes.

"Hermione, I will only say this one last time. You are entering a new world and need to make a statement. That statement begins with how you are dressed as some of your fellow classmates and dare I say fellow wizards judge on how one is dressed. Now we will be off. I have it on good terms that we need to visit a place called Oxford Street."


A few hours later, carrying more bags than Hermione could ever remember having filled with clothes, let alone anything else that was just for her, both witches entered Diagon Alley again; this time, with wizarding shopping to be had.

Hermione had learned several things about her Professor upon their excursion into the muggle world. One, her professor could change her clothes with a wave of her wand, she was Scottish and very proud of it, she had one hell of a temper when someone made her angry (that sales girl did make fun of Hermione and had nearly made her cry) which made Hermione feel protected, unlike how she felt with her relatives. A swish of McGonagall's wand later and she was back in her tartan robes, another flick and all the bags were small enough to all fit inside Hermione's new purse.

"Now lass, we will be going to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to purchase your school robes and uniforms. I imagine it will take her an hour or so to get your order ready once she has you all measured. While she is finishing those we will work our way down the alley to get your supplies and wand." Professor McGonagall led the way to a bright shop with four different styles of robes floating in the shop window. Each set was a different color, yellow, red, blue and green.

The shop was filled with all kinds of fabrics with such a variety of colors it made for a cladiscope in one's mind. There, on one of the pedestals being measured, was a blond haired boy with slicked back hair and a haughty type body language. A woman with matching blond hair stood next to the boy, holding what looked like swatches of fabric.

"We need three sets of robes with this Acromantula silk lining and I believe that will do for right now. We will be back in at Christmastime to order more," the blond woman said to an older lady with greying black hair, round face and kind brown eyes. "Ah, Professor McGonagall, how pleasant to see you again," the blond said, turning to face Hermione and her Professor.

"Lady Malfoy, always a pleasure seeing you, and this must be young Master Draco come to get his school robes." Professor McGonagall had that pinched look on her face that Hermione had come to recognize, even in her short amount of time spent with her, to mean anything but pleasant.

"Yes, we are getting school robes here. His other robes will be coming in from Paris, as per usual. Only the best will do for a Malfoy," Lady Malfoy said as she looked down her elegant nose. "And who might this be, that has you out of Hogwarts at this time? Surely there is much to be done to get the school ready for this year's incoming students."

"This is our dear Miss Potter," replied Professor McGonagall with a proud lilt to her Scottish-accented voice. "She is picking up her school supplies and will be joining us at Hogwarts this year. Hermione, may I introduce you to Lady Narcissa Malfoy and her son, Draco Malfoy. He will be in your year this school year."

Hermione studied both Lady Malfoy and the blond boy as they both stood in front of her. How was she to address them? Was she supposed to curtsy since this was a Lady? Surely not, her professor hadn't curtsied. "Hello, Lady Malfoy and Mr. Malfoy." There, that was sweet and to the point. Surely that would do and would not get either herself or the professor in trouble.

"Miss Potter, you say? Yes, well I do see a resemblance to her mother and that scar does state rather obviously who she is for the world to see." Lady Malfoy all but dripped disdain with her words. "Well, we must be off. More shops to see and all that," with a dismissive wave of her hand Lady Malfoy glided out of the store with Draco following a short distance behind her.

"Ah, Miss Potter, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Madam Malkin . If you would please step this way and up onto the pedestal, we will get you measured for school robes." Madam Malkin bustled about while Hermione stepped onto the pedestal. "Now, do you have any preference for the lining or know what style of robes you would like, deary?" A measuring tape zipped about Hermione measuring from the bottom of her foot all the way to her shoulder, then zipped shoulder to shoulder and all about her person.

Looking to Professor McGonagall for guidance, "I'm not sure what all I need. I know I need school robes but beyond that I'm not sure." Hermione was lost as she watched the measuring tape then glanced around the store at all the bolts of fabric.

"We will require two sets of potions robes, one good set of robes with the silk lining, four sets of regular school robes, six school uniforms with a typical white blouse, jumper, a mixture of skirts and slacks. We would like them in your finest linen. We also require the standard school shoes but also a pair of the dragonhide boots if you have them," Professor McGonagall came to Hermione's rescue,knowing just what was needed.

Madam Malkin wrote everything down with what looked like a feather in a lime green color. "I have all but the dragonhide boots. For those you will need to visit next door at Phootsy Dragonhide and More. He will have what you require, and I dare say you'll have pick of the colors too deary, he just got in a brand new shipment this morning. These will take me right at two hours to get ready. If you'll return then I'll have them packed and ready for you."

"That sounds ideal, Madam. We shall return after our other purchases are completed. Come along , there are other shops we must visit and the day isn't getting any younger." Stepping briskly out of the shop to the shop next door, Hermione saw all types of what she guessed to be dragon leather. There were reds, greens, blacks that shined iridescent, purples, even pinks! How was she to pick from all of these. They were all - well except that nasty putrid color- very pretty.

"Professor McGonagall, it's so lovely to see such a fine beauty like yourself out and about. To what do I owe such a pleasant surprise from such a beauty gracing my shop this fine day?" A heavy set man rounded the counter to take Professor McGonagall's hand, raising it up to his mouth he dropped a kiss to the back of her hand.

With a pinched look on her face the professor seemed to hold no esteem for this man. "We are in need of a set of dragonhide boots for Miss Potter here. She needs a quality set to get her through the year."

"What a great honor to have you grace my store, Miss Potter!" The gleam from the round man's beady eyes unsettled Hermione. Stepping closer to her professor Hermione felt uncertain about purchasing anything from him. The man turned to start pulling samples out from his wide variety of hides.

Leaning slightly towards Hermione, the professor whispered low enough that only Hermione could hear, "He may be unpleasant but he does have the best quality dragon hide. He also makes the finest dragon hide boots this side of the pond. If you would prefer for the future you can always order through the owl post any boots you may need." This reassured Hermione as she looked back to the man and the samples he was pulling forward. She thought maybe just a pair of plain black as she didn't want anything to stand out or clash with her uniform, then she spotted the perfect hide she wanted. It was a brilliant black that shimmered like oil on water on a hot, sunny summer day.

"Please sir, I've found the hide I would like for my boots. This here," picking up the sample Hermione showed it to both the man and her professor. "Is what I would like."

"That is quite the eye you have for dragonhide . That is the finest Hebridean Black hide I've gotten in for quite awhile now. I have just enough of it," looking down at Hermione's feet, "to make a pair for such small feet. Any bigger than your small feet and it wouldn't be possible with that hide. Now please come over here and stand on the hide." Slowly, approaching the hide Hermione did as she was bid. The hide wrapped around her feet, up her ankles and stopped mid calf. A few flicks of his wand and the man had the dragon hide form fitted to Hermione's foot and calf. "Please lift your left foot up and we will place the sole of the boot. I imagine you want the best which comes with soundless soles and a slight heel." Seeing the look of horror on Hermione's face, the man chuckled. "The heel will be 5cm, nothing too tall for you," winked the man as he flicked his wand again and a black heel formed to the bottom of her boot. "If you would lift your right foot, we will repeat the process." With a quick motion and a hop to comply, the other boot was finished.

"Walk around the store and see how they feel to you. Any adjustments that need to be made can be done before you leave the store. If at any time these boots fall apart, which has never happened in the 50 years I've been making boots, you will receive a free replacement pair." Hermione walked a circle around the store then back to the spot she started.

"They are comfortable but the insides are rough and feel like sandpaper against my skin."

"Ah yes, that is a complaint I receive from women quite often. We can line the boots with a soft liner if you would prefer. This will make it so that the boots gape a slight bit at the top and not be as form fitted. I tell you this as I imagine you are wanting these for your potions classes. Potions are volatile and can cause burns and such;dragonhide is impervious to all but the worst kind of potions. You won't see those potions until your 7th year." The man was pulling out various assortments of materials from behind a curtain as he explained. Glancing at Professor McGonagall, Hermione received a nod in confirmation. "These are some of the thinner,yet soft, liners I have in stock. My best ones have sold out and I'm waiting on a shipment that should be here sometime next week." Laying out what looked like twenty swatches Hermione took her time looking through them.

Professor McGonagall picked up a swatch, "This is what I have lining my boots. They make for a comfortable fit, no blisters or rub burns to speak of from this lining." The material looked like a shamrock green with grey and red stripes throughout the material. Seeing the look on Hermione's face, the Professor chuckled, "Now lass, the material can be charmed to any color you desire. You don't have to have my tartan pattern for your liner."

Ducking her head for not knowing that such a thing was possible, "I would like this material but in a black to match the dragonhide or as close to it as possible." Hermione turned her head to look at the man who was grinning. Taking the boots off she offered them back to the man so he could make the lining.

A swish of his wand and a flick of his wrist the lining had turned to match her boots and was sized perfectly inside. "Try them now, they should still be perfect for you and now not so rough."

Walking around the store Hermione noticed a white iridescent hide that gleamed in the light. She made a note to herself about the hide and to get her next pair in that hide since it was so pretty. The boots she had on now were, as the man said, perfect. "They fit wonderfully, the best pair of boots I've ever had." She complimented the man, though she might not like him, he did know his way around a pair of boots in Hermione's opinion. Judging from Professor McGonagall's expression this was the correct way to compliment the man.

"Excellent, excellent, now let's see - ah yes - your total is 60 galleons. Best hide and liner with the best quality sole." Looking at her professor Hermione dug into her pouch for the correct amount upon the nod from her professor. "Do you wish to take this with you now, delivery or box them up for you to carry?"

"Box them up, we have other stops to make today," replied Professor McGonagall. Taking the box from the man she shrank the box and handed it to Hermione for her to store in her purse alongside the bags from before. "The next shop will be the apothecary where you will get your potion supplies. If you are anything like normal first years you will need a backup cauldron. I suggest getting three just on the off chance something were to happen. Your potions professor, Professor Snape, doesn't take well to lending out his classroom cauldrons and will most likely give you detention for needing one, claiming you were unprepared for class."

The apothecary smelled, well there was no other word for it besides foul. There was the smell of herbs which was pleasant smelling, but then there was the smell from when food went bad and grew mold. Neither witches seemed to want to stay in the shop and look around, thus they hurried to gather the correct supplies on Hermione's school list with the extra cauldrons. Hermione thought maybe it would be a good idea to double the potions ingredients if Professor Snape didn't take well to using his cauldron. There was no telling what he would do if she had to use his supplies should she run out.

With her potion supplies gathered and shrunk down in her purse, Professor McGonagall led the way to a shop down the street. The sign over the door read "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C". Upon entering the shop Hermione couldn't help but notice it was dusty and smelled a bit musty like it hadn't been aired out in a very long time. There were rows and shelves stuffed with boxes upon boxes. The boxes had to hold wands, surmised Hermione as she gazed about the shop.

Just then an older man with sideburns that reached his chin came gliding out of one of the rows on a ladder attached to the row. "Ah Miss Potter, I wondered when I might seeing you. It seems just yesterday that I saw your parents picking out their first wands." The man who must have been Mr. Ollivander, Hermione guessed, was plucking a couple boxes as he made his way to her. Setting down the boxes the old man opened up the top box revealing a beautiful dark wood with spiral inlay of a reddish color. "Well pick it up and give it a wave," looking at her professor over her shoulder who gave her a slight smile and a nod of her head, Hermione picked up the pretty wand and waved it. The wand shot out red sparks causing several boxes to come flying out of their places along one wall. "No, not that one, here try this one my dear." Mr. Ollivander handed her another wand. This one was a greyish color with silver vines running along it. One swish later and all the boxes along the wall in front of her landed on the floor in a heap. "Definitely not that one. I wonder," Mr. Ollivander disappeared into the stacks to return with a very dusty black box. Inside was a beautiful dark wood wand with a pretty handle. Lifting it from the box Mr. Ollivander handed it to her. The wand zinged out of her hand before Hermione had a chance to wave it. "Well then, that's a no as well. You're going to be a difficult customer, I can tell, Miss Potter."

Three hours and several hundred wands later, or so Hermione estimated the amount of wands she had tried before it was decided that they would join Mr. Ollivander in the back room. Her poor Professor had hair standing out of her carefully crafted bun from all the sparks and electricity that shot around the room. "Mr. Ollivander, I've never heard of such a difficult time finding a wand. Surely you have something for our Miss Potter here." Professor McGonagall stated as they entered the room in the back of the shop.

"Professor, I dare confess I've never in my whole life had such a difficult time in matching the wand to the witch before. This is why I've decided to try something almost unheard of in this day and age. We will try matching the components of the wand before making it." Pulling a black rectangle box about the size of a paper grocery bag from the floor by what would be considered a work bench, Mr. Ollivander opened a small latch at the top. "Now Miss Potter, I want you to put your right hand in the box without looking. Feel with your magic for one that calls to you. Inside are blanks, unfinished wands if you will. Each are made of different materials and sizes. The one for you will pull at your magic," explained Mr. Ollivander.

Reaching carefully inside the box Hermione closed her eyes. Inside she could feel different textures. Some were smooth, some rough, some felt bumpy then she felt it. The blank for her, it tugged hard at her magic. It felt like someone was pulling at the inside of her body through her hand. Placing her hand around the blank she pulled it out of the box and opened her eyes. There, in her glowing hand, was a blank wand that was a beautiful, brilliant red color with golden veins running throughout the grain.

"That, my dear, is a 1,400 year old piece of Sequoia sempervirens, commonly known as coastal redwood from the western state of Oregon in the United States. It is a hardwood, and it will be good for transfiguration and charms, with the potential to be a very powerful wand. Now, keeping your blank in your right hand, reach out with your left hand out along these shelves," he indicated to a row of shelves filled with various containers to the right of the work bench. Some were as small as a thimble and some were as big as a large mixing bowl. Hermione did as she was bid and walked towards the wall with her left hand out. She immediately felt a tug on her magic. Following the tug she reached out to a container the size of a large egg which had some sort of powder in it. Turning back to Mr. Ollivander, she handed the container to him yet there was still a pull on her magic.

"I still feel a tug on my magic." Hermione looked at Mr. Ollivander with a question on her face.

"Follow the tug, some special wands have two cores interwoven. They are rare but they do happen. Place the blank and the container in your right hand while reaching out with your left hand again to follow the tug," explained Mr. Ollivander.

Walking towards the containers again with her right hand filled and the left out in front of her, Hermione was drawn further down the wall than before. There on the top shelf she felt the pull harder this time. "I can't reach it but it's that oblong container in the corner on the very top shelf." Hermione pointed towards the container. Mr. Ollivander gave her a very strange look before getting a step stool out from the opposite corner of the room.

Taking down the container he handed it to her. "Are you sure this is the correct container?" he asked. The puzzlement on his face was plain to see for both witches. When Hermione nodded, the puzzlement turned to a look of awe on his wrinkled old face. "Ms. Potter you have a very powerful wand in the making in your hands. The blank, in itself, is powerful. The small container in your right hand is ashwinder egg shells. They are only found in the remains of a Fiendfyre. The oblong box contains a feather from a dark phoenix, but not just any dark phoenix." Opening the box so both witches could see the dark purple feather inside, " This one comes from the sorceress Morgana's familiar. This phoenix only ever gave one feather and has never been called to any wand before."

Both Hermione and Professor McGonagall looked at Mr. Ollivander in surprise at his explanation of the components of Hermione's wand. Professor McGonagall turned slightly to look at Hermione with a penetrating gaze. "A powerful wand for a powerful witch," she said, still looking at Hermione and wondering what was to come in the following years. She turned back to Mr. Ollivander, "When can we expect her wand to be made? I've never even heard of a custom wand having been made in all the years I've been around."

"I can have the wand made in forty-five minutes if all goes it does not go well, it could take up to two days. But seeing how these pieces picked themselves, I believe it will be the minimum." Mr. Ollivander turned to Hermione holding out his hands for the components.

"We will be back then, as we still have a few stops to make before the end of our shopping trip." Leading Hermione back to the front of the shop Professor McGonagall gave Hermione a calculating look. "We should head to the trunk shop for all your new belongings, from there we will stop at Scribbulus Writing Implements. By then, your wand should be ready and we will stop at Madam Malkin's to pick up your robes." With a smile, Professor McGonagall led the way out of the shop towards a store with stacks of what looked like steamer trunks in the window. "We will save Flourish and Blotts for last, as I have a feeling we both will enjoy that store the most."

The trunk shop was filled with all sizes and styles of trunks. Picking out a large ornate trunk with swirls of gold and silver, Hermione felt this was the quickest out of all the stops they had made that day.

Entering Scribbulus Writing Implements was an experience all of its own. There were quills of all sorts. From gryphon feathers, phoenix feathers, peacock feathers, plain owl feathers and so many more in all colors. The inks, oh yes Hermione could see herself having fun with all the different pigments. Professor McGonagall pointed out a set of standard quills and black ink stating they were good for starting out. Hermione picked the set up then picked out a black eagle feather quill and a white peacock feather quill along with dark purple, emerald green and bright blue ink just for the fun of it.

Walking briskly down to Madam Malkin's to pick up her robes, Hermione found herself with an extremely large black and white owl swooping towards her. Trying to block her face from an attack she lifted her arm and closed her eyes dreading the possible attack to her person. A weight and what felt like claws settled on her forearm. A gentle hoot had her opening her eyes. There one her forearm was the owl with bright yellow eyes watching her. A slight laugh to her right had Hermione turning her head from the owl to Professor McGonagall.

"Well my dear I would say your familiar has found you. No sense in continuing on until we purchase your owl and her supplies." Professor McGonagall, still laughing to herself and with a smile on her face, directed Hermione to Eeylops Owl Emporium, two doors down on the right.. There inside were cages upon cages of owls, the smell was slightly gross like the shop needed a good deep cleaning. With the large owl now perched on Hermione's shoulder, they approached the counter in the rear of the store where a pimple-faced young man with a messy crop of brownish hair was snoring with his head on the counter. "Mr. Althon," the stern voice of Professor McGonagall broke the silence in the dark shop.

The young man jerked awake with drool dripping from his mouth attached to the counter. He wiped at his mouth with the end of his sleeve and blinked his eyes in rapid succession. "May I help ya?" Upon clearing the sleep from his eyes which grew wider and wider as they took in the sight before him. "That owl don't like no one and bites eve'one who comes close to it. Stand very still while I get me dragonhide gloves to remove her for ya."

"The owl seems to have picked her owner as she flew straight to Miss Potter here and hasn't left her since. Now if you are quite done blithering," that stern look was back along with the thicker Scottish burr, "Mr. Althon, we need to purchase the supplies to go along with her. A nice large travel cage, some owl pellets, a perch and of course the forms for registering a familiar bond with the ministry. Quickly please, as we don't have all day."

The stunned looking young man quickly rounded the counter and gathered the supplies the professor told him to get. "This here be the best travel cage and pellets we gots in stock. Ifs you needing nicer we has a catalogue you can owl order from." Setting all on the counter he grabbed a calculator from beside the old time cash register. "That'll be 12 galleons, 3 sickles and 2 knutts." Holding out his hand he waited while Hermione dug through her purse in search of her pouch of wizarding money. Finally finding it in the side pocket she pulled out the funds handing it over to the young man. "You be needin help getting that owl in the travel cage?"

Turning to look at Professor McGonagall, Hermione asked, "Will she be allowed in the shops on my shoulder? She doesn't seem to want to leave me and I'd hate to offend her since we just met."

"Since she is your familiar she'll be allowed in the shops. We'll need to stop and fill out the paperwork and send it off to the ministry before proceeding to our next stop. I suggest we sit at one of the tables outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to fill them out. We may also get a scoop of their ice cream while there." Hermione's eyes widened with the thought of getting ice cream. Ice cream was a very special treat that she only got when she did odd jobs around the neighborhood and hid her money from Dudley.

Florean Fortescue's was only two doors down from the owl shop and had a couple tables outside that weren't taken. "What would you like lass? On the rare occasion to indulge I get the chocolate raspberry swirl. I have heard from students that the chocolate banana with strawberry is also a good flavor."

"Um, well the chocolate banana sounds good," reaching in her pouch she drew out a couple galleons to hand to the professor.

"Ach, no need, lass. This will be my treat for the day. Not every day a young lady turns eleven." The smile on her professor's face reached her eyes this time. Turning and walking away from Hermione, the professor entered the shop to place their orders.

Looking at the gorgeous owl now perching on the edge of the table in front of her, "What should your name be? Do you have a name already?" The owl hooted at her with that question as if answering in a negative way. "Well then, let's see about a name. I've always liked Norse mythology so what say we name you after a Norse goddess? How about Frig, she's the goddess of love," one look from the owl shot that down. "Um okay, no love goddess names." Laughing, Hermione thought back to her primary school days and the project she did on the different Norse goddesses. "Gefion was the fertility goddess; no, I don't think that fits you at all. You look more like a goddess of wisdom, but I don't remember there being a goddess of wisdom." Contemplating names and the looks she kept receiving from her owl, Hermione missed her professor joining her at the table. "How about Sif? She was the goddess of fertility and was the wife of Thor." An angry-sounding hoot told Hermione that wasn't an option either. "Ok, so let's think logically here. You have black feathers with white scattered throughout, you are rather large but not in a fat way at all," Professor McGonagall laughed quietly at that. "Well how about Freya? She's the goddess of war, death and sorcery." A fluttering of wings and what sounded like a happy hoot-hoot came from the owl.

"That lass, sounds like a perfect name for a fine specimen of an owl. Now shall we enjoy our ice cream while we fill out these forms?" Professor McGonagall nudged Hermione's ice cream closer to her while she pulled out the forms and a quill from inside her robes. Hermione looked at the quill questionably, "It's a self inking quill. I order them through the owl post and always carry one with me for such instances like this. Now then," sitting ramrod straight in her seat, the professor looked at Freya. "We need to write down your markings, name and breed. Judging from your size and plumage I would say you're an Eagle Owl, and a fine one at that. Markings are a rare combination of black with specklings of white evenly throughout. You both are in agreement that your name is Freya," she noted, looking between the owl who hooted softly and Hermione who nodded. "Well then, that's the paperwork other than a signature of the owner and the receipt for said familiar." Professor McGonagall handed the quill over to Hermione and indicated where to sign her name. The quill felt wonky in her hand and nothing at all like a pen or pencil. "You'll want to practice with one of your quills to get used to writing with them."

Digging through her purse Hermione located her receipt and handed it over to the professor. Pulling her wand from her sleeve, she flicked it which caused the receipt to duplicate. Folding the receipt inside the paperwork and sealing them with a bit of ribbon she conjured from thin air, Professor McGonagall tapped her wand twice on the paperwork, which promptly disappeared. "There, now the paperwork is at the ministry and your familiar, Freya, is fully legal in the eyes of the ministry. That means she can go with you everywhere without hiderence. You will receive a band you will need to place on her right leg once you get it. This will indicate to all that she is a familiar and not just a pet. There is a difference in our world. A familiar bond isn't typical, but not rare either. Some bonds are just the animal picking who they like and attaching themselves to that person. Some bonds are deeper where you actually feel and see what the other is doing. These deeper bonds are of the rarer sort. If I was a guessing sort I would say yours will be a deeper rare bond. Freya has formed already formed quite the attachment to your person already."

"Please Professor McGonagall, where am I to keep her? Am I to leave her at the school while on break? Surely I can't bring her back to the house with me. I don't have room in my cupboard for my trunk along with Freya and her cage." Hermione said very sadly as she thought of what her relatives, especially her Uncle, would say upon returning with an owl for a pet.

"What!?" Exclaimed her professor, "What do you mean in your cupboard? Surely you mean your room." The look of incomprehension on the professors face had Hermione cringing back into her seat.

"Pl..Please P..P..Professor McGonagall," stammered Hermione as she folded herself back into her chair. "My room is the cupboard under the stairs. I've stayed there all my life. It's where my Aunt and Uncle have me stay and when I've done something to anger either of them, it's where they lock me in until they deem me punished enough to come out and do more chores." Hermione could see the anger in the professor's eyes as she stared at her. Hermione knew telling her professor about her living quarters wouldn't end well. It never did, she thought solemnly. She had told a couple of her primary school teachers and none had helped her. She had gotten a week in the cupboard, watered down soup once a day and one bathroom break in the morning and one in the evening for telling.

"Miss Potter, Hermione," the sound of Professor McGonagall's voice broke through the bleak thoughts of all the punishments she would incur upon her return. "You are not the one in trouble." Reaching across the table the professor gently placed her hand on top of Hermione's which caused her to flinch, and did not go unnoticed by her professor. "I will personally deal with your Aunt and Uncle upon returning you to their care. This will no longer happen." The scathing tone of her voice was intimidating and the look of outrage on Professor McGonagall's face would send even her Uncle running, she was sure of it. Maybe things would change for the better now that she knew she was a witch and going away for most of the year to a school far away from her relatives.

Minerva McGonagall was not a woman to trifle with, and child abuse was something she took very seriously. Knowing now that Hermione Potter was forced to live under the stairs in a cupboard and subjected to long periods of time without food and hygiene made her want to transfigure the girls relatives into snow globes so she could shake them regularly. No child should have to go through what she had just heard Hermione had to endure for the past nine and a half years. Looking at Miss Potter with a critical gaze, she could now see how the girl was tiny for her years,not only in height, but also in her slight frame. Looking at her made McGonagall wonder just what had happened in that house behind closed doors. She hoped that nothing untoward had happened to this slight girl. She would be bringing all this to Albus when she returned to the school. He should have known what was going on and taken the girl from her relatives. She knew Miss Potter's godfather was out of the picture, but a magical guardian could've been set up if they hadn't already been. Hell, she would have gladly taken the girl in and raised her. She had always wanted a child of her own.

"Come along, Miss Potter. It is time we finished our stops." Getting to her feet, Professor McGonagall smoothed down the nonexistent wrinkles in her robes before holding her hand out to Hermione to help her stand from her curled up position in the chair. Slowly Hermione reached her hand out and a small smile graced her face as she realized that even with the revelations she had revealed to her professor, her professor wasn't holding it against her.

Both witches headed to the robe-makers store to pick up the robes that were ordered earlier that day. Freya was perched on Hermione's shoulder looking like a regal owl. To Hermione's surprise, Freya didn't weigh that much despite her size. She decided she would need to do some research on owls . She needed to know what they prefered to eat, and most importantly how to properly care for her new familiar.

"Ah, Miss Potter, welcome back! I just finished all your robes; you have impeccable timing." Madam Malkin's excited voice reached her as Hermione entered the store. "I've already packed them for you with tissue paper between each robe to keep them separated and I do hope you don't mind, I added some lavender scented sachet to help with the new robe smell. There's a charm on each sachet to repel bugs, which I find to be very useful when storing robes. You seem like a young lady who would like lavender instead of my typical rose scented sachet. Of course if you don't like the lavender sachet then just let me know and I can make one to your liking for future purchases." Madam Malkin smiled kindly at Hermione as she explained all she had done for her.

"Thank you Madam Malkin, I do so love french lavender so I'm sure the lavender you so thoughtfully used will be perfect." Hermione was surprised yet grateful for the thoughtful gesture this lady had shown her.

Professor McGonagall pulled Hermione to the side and with a lowered voice told her that in the wizarding world it was a custom to leave a gratuity. The larger the gratuity the happier a witch or wizard was with the service they had received. This made Hermione realize just how much she still had to learn of the wizarding world and all its customs.

Upon ringing up the total, Hermione was sure to include a tip she thought would be appreciated. The look on Professor McGonagall's face indicated that yes, the tip was the right way to go about showing her gratitude in that sort of situation. Hermione made a mental note to do that in the future.

"Now let's go get your wand. I believe we've been longer than the forty-five minutes Mr. Ollivander indicated your wand would take to be completed." Professor McGonagall led the way back down the alley toward the wandmakers shop past the store fronts that had previously visited and the one they had yet to visit.

Hermione was eager to get her wand. All the ones she had handled in the beginning made her feel, well...not quite tingly, but sort of that fuzzy feeling when one rubs their hand on dirty velvet. She wanted to feel what the proper wand, her wand, would feel like in her hand. Would it feel the same way or would it feel like something amazing?

As they entered the wandmakers shop, Mr. Ollivander exited the back room. "Ah, Miss Potter, impeccable timing as I have just finished your wand. All the components fit together seamlessly." He set the black box with it's velvet lining down on the counter while lifting out the beautiful reddish colored wand. "I've taken it down to 29cm and have carved the handle so that it should properly fit in your small hands." He held the wand out to Hermione with the handle towards her.

Hermione reached slowly out, holding her breath as she took the wand in her small hand the room exploded around her. Her mind was a torrent of images and feelings. Her legs gave out from under her as she was surrounded in a gold field of pure magic that lifted her from the floor.

Professor McGonagall was beside herself and Mr. Ollivander stood rooted to the spot in astonishment. "What is happening? I've never seen anything like it." Professor McGonagall's strained voice reached Mr. Ollivander through the gold vortex that surrounded Hermione.

"This is extraordinary! Truly extraordinary, never has this happened in all my years, or my ancestor's years. Never has a wand had such a reaction to its witch or wizard." The wandmaker stared openly at the sight before him in astonishment.

Just as suddenly as the phenomenon occurred it ended, leaving Hermione Potter collapsed on the floor. Memories, visions, and feelings swarmed in a kaleidoscope in her head as she blacked out.

End Chapter One