
Percy Jackson knew he was a troubled kid. He knew he did dumb stuff. He had vandalized multiple times, run away a couple of times, had a record of school and street fighting, and was failing school. But most of that wasn't his fault! He just had terrible luck. He never thought his mom would go this far.

"A boarding school?" Percy asked in shock.

"Sweetie, I don't really see the problem. You've gone to a boarding school before," Sally Jackson said. Her brown curly hair was tied in a ponytail to keep it from getting in the dough. She was making homemade blue lasagna and blue cookies for dinner.

The two of them stood in the apartment kitchen while Gabe was passed out on the couch with beer bottles surrounding him. In Percy's hand, he held the documents for enrollment at "Chiron's Boarding School for Troubled Teens."

"But it's a boarding school for troubled kids! It's practically a reform school!" Percy protested.

Sally put her hands on the counter and sighed. "This wasn't my decision, Percy. It was the State's. Your fifth offense at vandalism, street fighting-"

"I was protecting Tyson!" Tyson was one of Percy's friends. He got bullied a ton for being homeless. Percy and this kid Magnus did what they could to help him.

"Running away from home-"

"Gabe's fault!"

"In-school fighting-"

"Tyson, again."

"And your failing grades."

Percy was speechless. The grades thing. His mom always said he just had a different way of learning things. That he was special. That his Dyslexia and ADHD just made things harder, not impossible. But apparently that was out the window.

He didn't argue with her though. His mom seemed to be tenser by the minute plus, smelly Gabe had just woken up.

"Shut up kid," Gabe said. The smell of beer floated through the apartment. "You're going to the boarding school tomorrow and that's that."

"Gabe, please stay out of it," Sally pleaded. She knew that Gabe would just make it worse.

He laughed. "Seeing as you don't have the guts to tell him the harsh reality, I will. It's either this or Juvie. Take your pick, delinquent."

Percy grit his teeth and balled his fists. This jerk had beaten and abused him from the minute he married his mother and now he was going to pay. He looked at his mom and immediately relaxed. The look of worry on her face was enough to make an army stop invading.

"Boarding school, I guess," Percy muttered.

"Thank God," Sally said with a happy sigh.

"Can't say I'm sad to see you go," Gabe said. "Now be nice. I ain't paying to bail you out of jail."

"It's time for dinner," Sally said quickly. She took the lasagna and they all sat down around the table to eat.


"You're sending me away?" Piper asked.

"Piper, you don't understand," protested Tristan McLean.

"No, I understand perfectly. You are trying to get rid of me. But you know what? Fine. I could care less. Have fun here in California with your airheads, auditions, and sunshine while I'll be at a reform school in New York all alone with a bunch of delinquents."

Piper turned to leave when Tristan said, "You stole a car!"

She turned around and looked at her father dead in the eye. "I just wanted your attention. And if you weren't going to notice me for my accomplishments, might as well get you to notice me for my mistakes."

Piper stormed out of the room with Tristan speechless behind her.


"You wicked girl!" screamed her mother. A glass cup shattered next to her face. Hazel curled up into an even smaller ball. She hugged her knees as if the were life preservers despite how bloody they were.

This wasn't the first time this had happened. Marie was just mad that Hazel had stolen from the grocery store for the ninth time. But it really wasn't her fault! If she didn't leave Hazel to fend for herself while Marie wasted her meager salary on clothes and jewels.

Marie stopped throwing the kitchenware and collapsed on the couch. She took her cell phone and dialed a number. "Hello? Yes. I'm calling about my daughter Hazel Levesque. How soon can you take her? Tomorrow? Start of the new school year? Free of charge? I accept your offer. Thank you. Goodbye."

She ended the call and looked straight at Hazel who was still cowering in the corner. "You're going to a new school tomorrow. Chiron's boarding school for troubled teens. Pack your things. They've paid for a train ticket there."

Hazel nodded and stood up. She ran to her room and jumped on to her bed. She took her secret phone, her biological father had given it to her for her thirteenth birthday, and quickly texted her friend Sammy.

I'm leaving for a new school tomorrow. I won't be able to see you for a while

Nooooooo! I'm going to miss you : (

I'm sorry. I'll miss you too.

Can I say goodbye to you?

Meet me tomorrow at the train station

Will do. Goodnight Hazelnut

Night Sammy

Hazel quickly hid her phone again and snuggled under her covers. She'd had a crush on Sammy for a while but didn't expect anything to come of it. Besides. Who knows what might happen at her new school?


"This is the last straw!" yelled his foster mom Katy.

"I can go buy some more," Leo joked. His foster brother Oliver cracked a smile but Katy was not amused.

"That's it. We're sending you to that boarding school we've heard about. You'll be with people like you and the school will help you. We've tried to be sympathetic to your situation, Leo, but this is the last time. You've run away from every single foster home. This boarding school will be good for you," Katy said.

"The train will take you to school tomorrow. Pack your things and say goodbye to Oliver and Lula," said his foster dad Thomas.

Oliver saluted. "Nice knowing you Leo. Thanks for letting me copy your homework even if all of your answers were wrong."

Lula grabbed Leo's leg. "Don't go!"

Leo patted her head. "It's okay Lula. Say bye to Wendy Rabbit for me."

Thomas picked up Lula and went to put her to bed. Oliver went up to his room leaving Leo with Katie. "I'm really sorry Leo. We all wanted this to work out."

Leo shrugged. "It's fine. I knew it wouldn't."

And with that, Leo ran up to his room and started to pack.
