Oh Hello Dear Readers! It's another update! I would like to answer some of your questions about this story.
[Will Lucy be seven years older than the Tenrou Group? -Yes. Unless I do something in the story to make her younger or smth. gihee
[Will Lucy have a stardress? -I'm thinking about it. It sounds really interesting to combine both dragon slaying magic and celestial magic.
[Will NaLu happen? -What the--OFCOURSE IT WILL. What kind of story is this without our NaLu!? Gihee.
Enjoy Reading!
Chapter Eight
[Let's Go On A Mission]
Getting back the guild was only the first step to bring back Fairy Tail's glory. Lucy and Team Redemption had spent their day in the office to think of a way to make the guild financially stable.
"We don't have enough jewels to support the food and booze in the bar." Meredy remembered Kinana complaining about the shortage of ingredients and alcohol in the kitchen, unlike back then.
"This money issue makes my head hurt." Clyde mumbles and rests his head on the wooden table, "What can you suggest, Master?"
"Please stick with calling me Lucy." the new master of Fairy Tail even had it worse. She had a really serious face on and the same could be said for Jellal and Ultear who's probably brainstorming away from Earthland.
"We can do the traditional way." Jellal breaks the silence, "Mages from guilds get their commission from missions, yes? We could just do that for a while before we come to a much greater way to earn money."
"Aren't Kinana and the others doing that for months now? Their rewards for those mission aren't enough for the guild." Meredy frowns.
"That was back then when their rewards were used to pay Fairy Tail's debt. Now that our debts have gone, we can manage our resources properly."
Lucy got Jellal's point. She thought of the same thing but it includes taking much more dangerous missions, like one of those S-Class Missions... S-Class...? That's it!
"I have thought of a way." everyone looked at their new master and gave a curious stare.
"We will take an S-Class Mission."
"S-Class Missions!?" Clyde squeaks, "Aren't those death sentences?! I heard from a friend who works in a guild that their S-Class Mages usually take those missions and end up coming home losing one or two limbs!"
"Don't fret about it, Clyde." Lucy puts up a confident smile, "We have two wizard saints in this team."
"Former. Please add a former wizard saint there." Jellal closes his eyes and fakes a cough, trying to ignore everyone's gleaming stare at him.
"You were once a wizard saint?" Clyde's jaw meets the floor, "Just how strong is my team!? Don't tell me Meredy was once a wizard saint too!?"
The young pink-haired girl playfully smacks him behind the head, "Hey!"
"I agree with Lucy on taking these S-Class Missions." Ultear spoke for the first time, "We are packed with rare magic and skilled mages, if we work as one, this would be one smooth walk in the park. Of course, we need to be strategic with our actions."
Together, they checked if there are any missions on the requests board which were newly pinned on the wooden bulletin. Kinana and Laki just finished pinning the missions slips here from the old guild.
"Ah Let's see... Help Wanted: Help me heat up my stove... help me sweep my backyard... Help me find my lost cat..." An annoyed nerve popped on Clyde's forehead, "Are these called missions or errands!?"
"It is understandable." Lucy sighs, "Fairy Tail's core members... are gone after all. They're the reason why Fairy Tail is prosperous and well-known in Fiore."
Kinana then approached the team, "Good day Master. Do we have a problem here?"
Lucy flushed, still not used to being called Master, "We were attempting to do an S-Class Mission."
"Oh." Kinana's smile fades, "Fairy Tail has been accepting simple jobs alike to errands for the past few months. It is unlikely we receive an S-Class Mission when we don't have S-Class Wizards the past few months."
Clyde and Meredy groans in frustration, the two were alike in so many ways. They looked at the mission board in annoyance.
"We have two wizard saints in the guild! I bet no guild in Fiore has that!" Clyde bragged with his arms crossed.
"Former." Jellal comments.
"Kinana-nee! Why don't you tell them about Memorial Isla--" Romeo steps in but Kinana covered his mouth, the short-haired bartender fakes a smile. The young boy just looked at her confusingly.
"Memorial?" Lucy raises a brow, "What were you saying Romeo-kun?"
"It is nothing important, Master. It is better not knowing of it."
"I already know what the kid's trying to say." Ultear looks at Kinana knowingly, "It's the island of nightmares, Memorial Island. It is located somewhere at the coast of Fiore. But it's not part of the map in this country."
Romeo takes the hand off his face, "Kinana-nee? Why won't you tell them?"
Kinana had fear reflecting her eyes, it made everyone worry.
"Please don't take this mission, Master... I only wish for everyone to stay here and be safe." Kinana pleads.
"What is this thing about Memorial island?" Lucy wanted to know but everyone just prefers to be secretive, "I want to know as your new master, Kinana-san."
"It is the S-Class Mission we received a month ago." Kinana finally admits, yet she struggles to say more. Laki appeared right beside the girl and decided to take it from there.
"It is rumored... or I prefer saying, proven that no one ever leaves Memorial Island alive. If ever someone does leave the island, they'll come back with a mental illness."
"Why were we given this mission when we don't have S-Class Wizards in the guild a month ago?" Jellal asks, someone must be playing a prank to their guild.
"No one actually knows why this mission was addressed to Fairy Tail, out of all guilds. Maybe the client isn't aware of the core member's disappearance or he must be looking down on our guild to play with us." Laki fixed the tip of her glasses, "We decided to hide the mission slip but never throw it away."
"How much is the reward?"
Laki forms a line on her lips, "If I remember correctly, it was an unrealistic amount."
"It was 10 Million Jewels."
"10 MILLION JEWELS!?" Ultear and Jellal, who were normally calm and composed broke their stance and joined the team to yell the unrealistic and unbelievable reward amount for this S-Class Mission.
"I prefer everyone's well-being than some high reward." Kinana honestly said, "I don't wish for my friends to disappear ever again."
Lucy understands she was just worried for their safety. But this was something they need to do. If ever they get this mission done, they'll have enough money for the guild for the upcoming years, and as a bonus, Fairy Tail would probably regain their reputation for completing such a dangerous mission.
"We will come back safely, Kinana-san." Lucy received the mission slip from Laki and sincerely looked at her worried friends, "We are doing this for our guild. With our strength, magic and bond, no enemy will stop us from getting what we want."
Team Redemption silently agreed behind her.
"But Lucy..." Kinana frowns, concern and worried expressions on her pale face. She even forgot to address Lucy as master for worrying too much.
"Don't worry Kinana-san! Even though I'm not a wizard saint, I can say I'm a good fighter myself." Clyde lightens up the mood and goofs up by bragging his skills. Meredy just rolled her eyes at him.
Lucy held the mission slip and observed it's contents. They just need to defeat some monsters in the island to help the village. Doesn't that sound easy?
"The early we leave, the early we finish." Ultear says. Lucy agreed and said that they should quickly prepare for this S-Class Mission. Everyone decided to ready their personal luggages before setting off to Memorial Island.
Kinana and Laki prepared them packed food with the limited stock in the kitchen. They were indeed worried but they trusted their magic capabilities to ease some of their fears. Macao and the others repeatedly told them to take care and come home as soon as possible.
Lucy was alone and walked by the riverbank to her old apartment. Yesterday, she visited her apartment and talked to her landlady. The landlady was so surprised that she's alive that she thought she's seeing ghosts. Surprisingly, the landlady said that she doesn't have to pay any rent because it was all paid monthly by someone. Lucy was really confused, who would pay for her rent? She just couldn't picture anyone doing her a favor. It all made sense when, for the first time in a while, she entered her room and saw a single gift box on the table.
It was all her father's doing.
Lucy's cold heart melts at this, as she picked up the gift and opens it. It was a nice long sleeved knitted sweater with the shade of pink. It looked so comfortable and fluffy that Lucy promised to wear it in a nice day. Now that she knows his father still cares about her, she felt bad that he's not aware she's not dead. She just has to visit him in Acalypha someday.
She enters her apartment, taking the stairs leading to her room door. It always brings her nostalgia whenever she sees her own apartment. Nothing had changed. The furniture, her books, and even the sheets of her bed were all left the same way she had left it 7 months ago in Earthland. Lucy has kind of lost track of time when she had training with Frostine for two years in the ice dragon realm. She's glad that she can't age on the ice dragon realm because time is literally frozen there. As of now, Lucy is still 18 years young but has the wisdom of a 20 year old.
She needs to start packing before she gets late for their mission. She opens her cabinet and frowned seeing such short and frilly skirts. Somehow, the feeling of wanting to be pretty, sexy, and attractive had left Lucy's persona. Besides, the person she's trying to attract is no longer here. She's not interested on attracting other men's attention.
She got some pair of shorts, jeans, jackets, shirts and some tank tops. No one knows how long will it take them to finish this mission so she made sure to pack a bunch and what's necessary. Lucy came across to some of Natsu's extra shirts he left here just in case he took a shower in her apartment.
Her eyes stung a bit as she reached for the shirt and held it close to her chest. Everything just reminds her of him that it hurts. She will never move on from him, it was just too impossible to accomplish.
She neatly folds the shirt after giving it a light kiss. Returning it in her closet, she readies her bag and locked her apartment door before leaving.
This mission was important. Fairy Tail is relying on this single mission.
She looked at the mirror and irked at her messy hair. Her hair was mid-length after all those months. She got her keys in her pouch and searched for Cancer's key. It's been a while since she last called them.
"Long time no see, ebi." Cancer greets her upon summoning. Lucy gave a warm smile, "A new hairstyle will do, Cancer."
"As you wish, ebi!"
After a few minutes of changing and styling, Lucy's old confidence came back as she faced herself in the mirror.
Her hair was curled and untied, giving it a flowy and wavy feel. She wore a croptop black turtle neck and white long-sleeved vest. It revealed her mid-section area. On her lower half, she wore white shorts with a black belt for her keys. Long brown leather boots completed the look and Natsu's soft muffler was another perfect addition. She found a nice necklace chain in her drawer and she used her wizard saint's badge as a pendant. She wore it beneath her scarf and smiled weakly in front of the mirror.
Lucy almost forgot that she's the master now. She questions herself when she'll get used to being called Master by everyone. It was just too awkward for her but she tried to look like it was normal. Master Makarov will always be the master of Fairy Tail... no one can ever replace him.
It was time to leave for the mission.
"Lucy~" Meredy waves her arm at her when they saw her figure from the distance.
Clyde had prepared his horses and carriage. Upon the sight, Lucy's stomach starts to churn. She forgot they'll be taking this damn carriage to their destination.
"Aww Lucy! Don't look so disgusted at my prized horses!" Clyde crosses his arms and gave her a fake-hurt look.
"Shut up idiot."
Clyde laughs and took her bag to put it on top of the carriage, "Come on inside Master."
"Please. Just Lucy."
"Fine! Master Lucy!"
Lucy never knew Clyde could have such an annoying and teasing nature. It just reminds her of a certain someone. She glares at him before coming inside the transportation of doom.
"I wonder why dragon slayers hate moving vehicles." Ultear questions, "Maybe real dragons are scared of them?"
"Every magic has its own unique weakness, I guess." Jellal shrugs his shoulders and laid by the side of window, his usual spot as it seems.
The journey to Memorial Island will take them 1 day in carriage and 1 day on boat. They have to stop for a small town named Mint Town to meet the client first. Lucy just weakens at the mere thought of travelling for straight two days.
"I could really use Wendy's Troia--brghh..."
"It's okay Lucy. Just sleep on my lap." Ultear offers. She was indeed her life saver whenever she's in motion sickness.
"Thanks..." Lucy said gratefully and settled her head on her lap. Hours of travelling was really hectic, she missed the good old days where she's the one laughing at dragon slayers for this weakness.
Jellal was holding the mission slip, as he carefully observed what's written on it.
"It just says we're going to kill some demons in the island. These demons had killed the previous inhabitants of the island and took over that place since then." the blue-haired mage examined the hideous looking beast painting on the paper, it looked like a demon alright.
"I never seen a demon before." Clyde comments outside, still navigating their carriage, "I hope it's easy to take down with two wizard saints from our team."
"Former." Jellal adds by the sidelines, everyone just ignored him.
"A successful mission just needs a good plan." Ultear closes her eyes, "I have studied demons in the past. But it was specifically demons from the books of Zeref."
Meredy just shudders at the idea of encountering a demon of Zeref in their mission. She was part of the dark guild previously, they encountered a couple of them. It just brings back unwanted memories.
"The only way to get info about the demons is talking to the client. From that point, we'll make a plan." Jellal proposed, everyone nods in agreement except for Lucy who just slept on Ultear's lap.
The sun was setting when they arrived at Mint Town, the place where the client is living. Clyde was very good with directions and they easily found the client's home address. It was a big mansion that sticks out like sore thumb in the small town. Clyde whistles at the grand structure before his eyes, it is clear that the client has the capability to pay them 10 Million Jewels.
"F-Finally!" Lucy groggily steps out of the carriage in a hurry, she almost tripped but Jellal catched her wrist for support. She timidly gave him a smile before looking around her surroundings.
Her eyes scanned the big mansion ahead of them. It was luxurious and huge, it came out of place because the other houses were just simple and mediocre. She had a weird feeling in her gut. It just reminds of her of the Heartfilia Konzern, it wasn't a pleasing memory to look back.
"Woah! A mansion!" Meredy squeals, "It must be great living there!"
The blonde shrugs, "Not really..." she said in a low voice that no one quite got what she said.
"Let's inform them of our presence." Jellal stepped forward and initiated to take the small flight of stairs towards the main door. He gave a couple of knocks and waited for a response.
The door creaks open and a female maid greets them.
"We are the mages from Fairy Tail." Jellal introduced, "We are here to formally accept the mission from the client named Timber Leighton."
"Mages!? The master will be delighted of your presence! Please feel welcome at the Leighton's Konzern." The maid gave them a warm smile and lead them inside.
Lucy felt it. The emptiness and coldness of this building. Do all mansions have that same aura? Their team was guided to what it seems like an office door.
"The master never thought new mages will come here ever again after the last accident."
"May I ask what that is?" Lucy asks.
"A mage guild had tried to do this mission 6 months ago. We have waited for their return but until now, they haven't showed up... Oops! Excuse me for talking too much. Please proceed inside Master Leighton's office."
Ultear was already aware that people who came to that island never came back, so she wasn't that surprised. Clyde gulps his saliva in secret while both Jellal and Lucy kept a professional face. Meredy lost her cheery aura and became a lot more quiet.
When the doors opened, they were greeted by a man's back facing the window. Lucy stepped up and started the conversation, "We are mages from the magic guild Fairy Tail. We are here to formally accept your mission, Sir Timber Leighton."
"My friend was right." The person was Timber Leighton, the owner of the mansion and client of their mission. He had fading orange hair and wore a simple white coat. He turned around to greet them, "Fairy Tail is indeed a kind guild. I guess you have heard the bad rumors of this mission and still came here?"
"We have." Ultear answers.
"I wanted to stop sending this mission to guilds... but a friend of mine recommended me your guild months ago. It took me quite a while to decide and I ended up sending it to your guild. Your guild will be my final hope." His voice was full of sadness, "I just hope it succeeds this time. Are you the famous mages of Fairy Tail? I remember hearing an S-Class requip Mage, an ice mage, a celestial mage and a fire mage."
Everyone remained in their spots. Lucy looked down on the floor. He was talking about her team, Team Natsu.
"I'm the celestial mage, Sir." Lucy introduced herself, "I am Lucy Heartfilia. Sadly, my three comrades whom you have mentioned are no longer with us. They have peacefully passed away."
Timber looked really shock. He must not have heard the news of Tenrou Island. After all, Mint Town was located really far away, the news about it must have not reached here.
"What is this mission all about Sir?" Lucy gets directly to the point, changing the subject to conceal the hurt flashing in her eyes.
"It is freeing Memorial Island from the grasps of demons. That island is the place where I grew up, started my business and built my family." Timber looks even sullen than before, "16 years ago, demons had emerged from no where and destroyed my village. They have this terrible magic of making people crazy and mentally unstable so they could easily kill them. It killed my friends, my parents and wife. I only managed to save my newborn son. Since then, I started living here in Mint Town and managed to live a new life with my son. Please, Fairy Tail, save my island... I have been waiting for 16 years to go back to my island and pay respects to my deceased family, but I just can't go back because of the demons."
"Fairy Tail promises to be the one and final hope to fulfill this mission." Lucy was eager to finish this mission for the sake of their client's deceased family. Aside from that, this mission is the gateway for Fairy Tail to live on it's name for the following years. This mission must be done, deadly or not.
"Thankyou... " Timber's eyes became glassy. He must feel really bad for not going back to his hometown for years. This man became really rich by entering all kind of businesses in Fiore. They even became a regular supplier to the Royal Family. He was driven to earn more money in attempt to hire a lot of mages to defeat the demons in his island, so far his efforts were in vain.
"Do you still remember what these demons can do, Sir? Do they only make people mentally unstable?" Jellal asks.
"It's the only thing I can remember. They also look like big bats in human forms, but they do have big horns on their heads."
"We will leave now so we will earlier finish this mission." Lucy announces, "Fairy Tail will not disappoint you."
"Thankyou, Fairy Tail. I will pray for your safe and successful return. I guarantee that the mission reward is only the minimum, I can give you more for your sincere efforts." Timber offers.
"That's awesome--" Clyde comments but Lucy slaps her palm on his big mouth, "Oh no sir, we will kindly decline. Fairy Tail will only accept what's promised on the mission request."
Timber gladly smiled, he found such a nice, humble guild. He just hopes this will be the last one.
Lucy and Team Redemption returned to their carriage after bidding farewell to their client. They needed to take a ship to reach Memorial island in one day, so they were in a hurry to arrive at the port.
"Master Leighton!" one of the housemaids of the Leighton Konzern bursts inside his office, forgetting her manners for not knocking.
Timber was surprised and asked, "What's the problem?"
"The young master is missing!"
Timber's eyes widened, his heart palpitating in a second, "Did you try finding him in the library? He's usually there."
"He isn't there, Master Leighton. We honestly swear that we looked everywhere in the whole mansion."
"Should I hire another mage guild to look for him!?" Timber panics and steps out of his office. He goes upstairs to his son's room and finds it completely empty. He saw a piece of sticky paper on the bed with his son's penmanship.
'I will do the right thing, Dad. I have lived for this purpose. Please don't come go looking for me.