Hello everyone!

I do not own trolls, but love the movies. There will be a lot of Broppy fluff coming in future chapters! I hope you enjoy the story!

Branch awoke that morning to the sounds of birds. He slowly got out of bed, yawning. He sleepily walked to the kitchen and started making himself a pot of coffee. As the coffee brewed he got a quick shower. He hummed a little tune to himself as he got ready, after finishing his shower he went to get his coffee and some berries for breakfast. He grabbed a pencil and paper, and sat down to eat.

As he ate his food, he thought of how the last six months changed. His bunker wasn't far from the village now as they expanded to make room for the trolls who decided to live in the pop troll village. After the huge party celebrating the different trolls, they agreed that those who wanted to live amongst each other should have the chance. After talking it over, the leaders agreed pop village was the best option for the main community of trolls with the largest supply of available resources. Branch smiled to himself at the thought of how much in the past months for himself as well. He had never been happier, he grinned to himself as he wrote down a new poem. He had finally confessed to the love of his life, and he was over the moon when she said she loved him back. He blushed at the thought of her, before looking at the entrance. He could normally hear the trolls morning song by now. He shrugged as he kept writing and sipping his coffee. "My sunshine beaming through the storm..." he muttered to himself as he wrote. He got up after finishing his food, and started making pancake batter. With how busy Poppy and the leaders of the other trolls have been, he didn't have much time to hang out with Poppy as he would have liked. They agreed that every morning after the first song of the day and before the first hug time, she would meet him in his bunker for breakfast.

The trolls normally started to sing their morning song by now. Branch's ears twitched when he finally heard a sound that he guessed was a troll, it didn't sound musical at all, it sounded more like a trolling screaming. Branch shot up when he heard more voices joining in, more screams from other trolls. He quickly ran out of the room before he could hear loud drumming. As he went to go to the exit before almost losing his balance when his bunker started to shake. "What is happening?!" He gripped onto the elevator handle as the shaking stopped for a few seconds became more fierce. It kept happening for a few more minutes, until the shaking started to become a rumble, before stopping all together. 'It was large footsteps.' He thought as he quickly pulled the lever to go up. 'Was the village attacked?!' His stomach turned at the thought of the village being attacked. Once he reached the top he quickly went to open the door. When he tried to push nothing happened. He tried opening it again, but with no avail. He growled slightly and ran to one of his secret exits, but was stopped when he ran into a dirt wall. "A cave in? Great." He grumbled in frustration, and checked another exit which he was able to reach. "Good thing I planned for this." He said as he opened to the third door, taking a look around. He didn't see anything but could still hear a couple of trolls yelling, but he couldn't quite make it out. Branch stepped out of his bunker, almost falling in a large spade shaped hole in the ground the size of him. His eyes widened, as he took off into a sprint to the village.

Branch kept running, looking around frantically as he got to the village entrance, but didn't see a single troll. He slowly came to a stop, panting heavily as he looked around. Suddenly his ear twitched, he looked towards the middle of town where he could hear voices. He followed the voices, but slowly stopped when he heard what they were saying.

"That creature attacked the mushroom!" A scared voice came, causing Branch to freeze.

"I thought we were safe here!" A techno troll voice replied.

Branch slowly kept walking, seeing a large crowd surrounding a mushroom stem, which used to be a home. He looked around, and stopped when he saw a blue troll with his pet worm. "Biggie!" He called, making his way through the crowd. "Biggie, what happened? I heard screaming, then felt the earth shake." He panted, "Is anyone hurt?" He asked,

Biggie looked at Branch, and hugged him tightly. "Oh branch! It was horrible! A large beast came and killed two trolls!" He cried.

Branch froze. "Two trolls? Who…" he said quietly, hugging biggie back slightly.

"Bea and Sterling" Biggie replied sadly. Branch patted biggies back gently, knowing biggie was friends with every troll. Branch slowly looked around, trying to find a certain pink hair troll.

While Biggie had Branch lifted off the ground, he was able to get a better look around for a certain pink hair, but his eyes landed on the wreckage. His eyes landed on something that caused him to stop breathing for a moment. "Biggie, put me down." He said, struggling slightly as biggie obeyed. When he was on the ground me quickly pushed Through the crowd to the destroyed home, with biggie on his tail.

Biggie looked at Branch confused. "Branch, what are you doing?" Biggie asked as he realized Branch was going to go into the rubble. "Branch, you shouldn't go in there." He said worried.

Branch stared at the wreckage for a moment, seeing a puddle of blood under a pile of books, before he went searching. "There was…" Branch started rummaging through the debris for a moment before holding up a small teddy bear. He stared at it for a long minute, before looking at Biggie. "Was there a kid here? Was the kid…" his voice failed him before he couldn't finish.

Before Biggie could answer, Smidge pushed through. "Branch, you did come." She said, and stopped when she saw the bear in his hand and looked down.

Branch looked at smidge, before looking at Biggie. "Biggie, do you think you and some other trolls can collect everything you can save from here? Everything belonging to the family?" He asked, handing Biggie the bear. Biggie looked at the bear, then at Branch. He nodded, but handed the bear back to Branch.

"You take this with you, and we will gather all the belongings." Biggie said. "I'm sure Smidge will bring you to Poppy and the others." He smiled slightly, before he started talking to a few other trolls about the clean up.

Smidge looked at Branch. "Come on, poppy told me to come find you." She said, and started walking out of the crowd. Branch followed, and glanced down at the bear before putting it in his hair and walked back to Smidge.

"Was anyone else hurt?" He asked, looking at Smidge, who looked up at him.

"there were a couple of trolls with minor injuries. Some trolls have a broken arm or leg, but nothing life threatening… other than Bea and Sterling." She said sadly. Branch gently places his hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him and smile sadly."Poppy is okay, a couple scratches, but fine. you can just ask it." She teased him, causing Branch's face to darken. "I've never seen that animal before. It ran through the village, and made a Beeline for their house." She said. "It has these long, weird teeth that knocked a few pods down." She pointed to a few fallen pods ahead of them.

Branch looked at the pods. "Long teeth…" he muttered, before seeing smidge climb a tree next to him. He trailed behind her before realizing where they were heading. "Poppy is in the emergency pod?" He said, looking at smidge. "Is she there making sure others are okay?" He asked as she nodded. Smidge opened the pods door and walked in.

"Wait here, I'll be right back. You can sit down." She told him before walking to the back of the pod behind a curtain. Branch looked around the pod, before sitting down. He could see a few beds from where he was sitting, a couple trolls with casts, a couple more with cuts on their arms and faces but nothing serious. A few minutes pass before a loud voice came.

"Branch is here?! You could have said so sooner." Branch smiled when he heard the voice. As he stood up the curtain smidge went behind and moved slightly as a pink troll peered around. When Poppy saw Branch, she smiled and quickly started walking to him. Branch let out a sigh of relief, smiling back at her. Poppy opened her arms when she was close enough to him, causing Branch to do the same. Poppy wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing him tightly as she rested her head against his shoulder. Branch held her close, smiling more with her in his arms. "You're here earlier then I thought." She muttered into his shoulder.

"I heard screaming, and whatever attacked ran over my bunker. The shaking caused a cave in through a couple of my tunnels. But no big damage I think, I had to make it here as fast as I could." He said, before letting her go slightly. When he loosened his grip on her, he could see her hands covered in cuts. He quickly looked her over and noticed her feet and her lower legs cut as well. "Have you put any cream or disinfectant on your cuts?." He asked, seeing her not looking at him when he asked. He shook his head slightly, smiling slightly. "I know you put the village first, but you have to take care of yourself too." He told her, causing Poppy to smile at him.

"I have you for that, don't i?" She grinned when she saw his cheek darken in colour. "Oh you dork, you don't have to worry. I will be fine." She kisses his cheek, holding his hands. "But, there is something I want to talk to you about." As she spoke, her smile faded.

He looked at her confused for a minute, before bringing her to a free bed and sat her down. "Okay, but one moment." He said before walking to the front desk and talked to the receptionist for a moment. The receptionist took a moment to reply, glancing at poppy before nodding and gathered a few supplies and handed him a bin. She could see Branch nodding and walking back to her and closed the curtain to give them privacy. "While you talk, I'll put some cream on your cuts." He said, sitting next to her. "Your feet." He patted his leg once.

Poppy looked at him for a moment before swinging her legs up and put them on his lap. "I should get a massage too." She teased, causing Branch to chuckle. She smiled more at his chuckled, before her smile dropped.

He glanced at her, before taking a disinfectant cloth from his bin. He gently washed the cuts on her legs and feet. After a couple of minutes he handed her a different cloth. "Wash the cuts on your hands." He said, getting out some cream from the bin. She nodded before wincing when she felt the cream on the cuts on her leg. "Sorry, it may sting for a second but it will help." He told her as he slowly and gently rubbed the cream on her cuts. "You said you wanted to talk about something?" He reminded her as he could tell something was off.

"That creature was going on a rampage. It knocked over a few pods before stopping in front of the mushroom houses, and ate it. I was shocked when I saw what happened. I had to help somehow. I swung from the tree and tried to scare it, but it didn't really work. When it was eating, I saw..." she stopped and looked down. Branch knew what she saw, rubbing her leg gently to try and comfort her. "I was lucky I saw movement in the rubble, Beas and Sterling's daughter was still hiding. She was so scared, and was under a lot of debris. With the help of the other trolls we were to scare it with loud drums and some threw rocks at it. I got most of these cuts from digging her out." Poppy paused and took a deep breath, causing Branch to look at her. "What I really wanted to talk about was the little girl. She has a broken arm. She is sleeping right now, and she is full of cuts and bruises." She looked at him. "But before you see her, I had to let you know…" she went silent, looking towards the bed at the end where she came from earlier.

Branch waiting a moment before speaking. "Let me know what?" He looked at her, moving her legs from his lap gently and took her hands on his. He rubbed her hands gently, trying to soothe her as well as put the cream on her cuts.

She stopped him, gripping his hands in hers. She looked him in the eye as she built up the courage to speak again.

"She's grey."