Boredom: The state of being weary and restless through lack of interest. It is that dastardly being that seeps into the mind of every living soul, draining its victim of its life force and willpower. It is the very thing that scares even the laziest of people and the most creative of minds. Hell, even the author himself had to remedy himself through the use of forced writing and cheerful music.

For Izuku he very rarely gets bored but when he does, he makes sure that the whole world knows of his suffering.

"IIIIIMMMMMMM BOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEDDD!", Wailed Izuku, clinging on to his pillow like his life depended on it. The young boy has himself sprawled all over his bed, with the All-Might sheets in complete disarray. Actually, his whole room is All-Might themed, the only exception being some 50s style furniture and his collection of cartoons in the corner. Its a good thing that his clothes aren't All-Might themed as well, because it would be an awkward conversation to explain why he would have All-Might undies. I mean really, are you really willing to wear your favorite hero on your crotch?

Weird questions aside, Izuku quickly sat at his desktop. He was thankful that he was not banned from using it, since he was grounded by his mother ever since the incident that took place about a week ago. From there he just spent his time re-watching old cartoons and practicing with his guitar, as well as watching videos of hero fights that recently took place. He is a bit irked that he wasn't there to personally see it, but does not want to incur the wrath of Mamadoriya and her brutish pan of punishment.

Quickly getting that horrid image out his mind, he opened up a video that would always lift up his spirits when the times were tough. This video in particular took place during last year's UA sports festival, when the finals took place. The final match between two students in the hero course, Tamaki Amajiki and Mirio Togata, was a sight to behold in Izuku's eyes. He remembered how the way the two used their quirks along with their considerable fighting prowess. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen in a match like that in the previous years before that. His near insane smile was practically glued on for the duration of the match, remembering when he literaly burned his notes into his notebook, smoke and all.

That was nothing compared to what happened near the end of the fight. As both fighters were now exhausted, Mirio decided to try to catch the gloomy guy off appearing behind him with his clothes off.

"Hahahahaha, no need to be so cheeky there, Tintin!HAHAHAAA!" he called out, banging his fist on the table. The first time he saw that, he nearly died of suffocation from so much laughter. After looking into it, he found it had to do with his quirk, which was some sort of transparency effect on objects. In retrospect it made sense, but you can't blame him for that not being the first thing that came to mind. The reporters who made the article about it certainly had a field day for weeks at the poor teens' expense.

"IZUKU!WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT STAYING QUIET!?", Izuku fell back on his chair from the sudden outburst from his mother in the kitchen, then quickly stood up straight in front of the door with shivering nervousness. "s-sorry, mother! I'll be good, promise!", he answered with a nervous smile.

"...good boy. I love you, my little Izuku!"

"I love you too, mom! More than anything else in the world!"

"Me too, but remember that flattery will get you nowhere~!", She said in a singsong voice.

True, but you can't blame a kid for trying right?

"Heheh, yes mom!"

Once he was sure that she wouldn't burst through the door, he let out a sigh of relief as his head hung in sadness. Say what you will about our crazy green haired problem child, but if there is one thing that he would NOT do under any circumstance it would be to make his mother REALLY upset. Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.

He silently wept comical tears in his room. "the things I do for love...", he muttered miserably.

We've been there, kid. We've all been there.

Inko sighed as she began to boil water for the tea. "I absolutely adore my son, but sometimes I can't help but just wish that he takes more consideration about what he does." She then takes a seat at the table, giving a small smile to her guest. "Either way, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to tutor my son, Ms. Fukukado. I understand how stressful it might be with your already busy schedule."

"Oh not at all! In fact, I kind of wanted to find an excuse to meet him, haha!" That was really just understating her statement to say the least, "Also, you can drop the formalities. Call me Emi"

Ever since she found out about the kid through a certain homeless-man-looking hero she worked with from time to time, she wanted to know more about him. Looking through the public records and quirk registration forms she found that Izuku had a very unusual but powerful quirk. Apparently, Izuku had the ability to bend reality to his will, rendering many laws of physics and other fields of science practically pointless. It was very concerning for her to see that because she wondered how a boy his age would be able to handle a quirk so powerful such as that.

Which she then became amazed at his skills and creativity when she looked through the incident files given to her by a very tired (and slightly drunk) detective Naomasa. The boy was able to control his powers to an extent using nothing more than cartoon logic. It was simple, but very effective as demonstrated in the files. However, it seemed as though he has a hard time trying to reel in his emotions when using them. That might need to be addressed.

It was a good thing she brought the file when she came to visit the Mydoriya family. "Okay then! Now a little bird told me that a certain young man was expelled from school and needed someone to come in and help teach Izuku. The cops figured I was the right gal for the job and so.." Emi spread out her arms, "Here I am!"

She then leaned in as if she was gossiping "Although I do have a few questions about Izuku regarding his quirk."

Inko was confused "Such as?"

"Well for starters, how did Izuku learn to control his quirk like that? Better yet, how did you guys figure out his quirk in the first place?"

"Ah! Well it wasn't easy, I can tell you that." Inko rested her head on one arm, remembering all those times when Izuku was just manifesting his quirk. "When he was born, the doctors were already baffled at how developed he was so quickly. I mean, when he reached the age of one he was already able to learn many things that would be near impossible with other infants. From there we figured that he had some sort of body enhancement quirk but then..." Her expression became more strained.

"Then what?" Emi asked with slight worry, "I hope I didn't bring any bad memories up, did I?"

Inko was quick to reassure her "Ohnonono! Not at all! It's just... well, this was when the incidents started happening."

"Incident? I thought that the incidents didn't happened until he was 4 years old"

"Well those only covered the incidents that had police involved. Back then Izuku wanted to learn more about his quirk, and he did a lot of experimenting in his room. One day he would be stretching his tongue out as far as he could then releasing it back into his mouth, then he would literaly inflate himself like a balloon and just float around the house before deflating, even went so far as to try to see if he could breathe underwater by acting like a fish."

"Yeesh, he sounds like a handful. No offence"

"Heh, none taken. I didn't want him to hurt himself doing those things, so I told him to not do anything he wasn't sure of. So he goes with the crazy idea to try a few things from old pre-quirk era cartoons." Inko let out another sigh " Turns out it went better than expected, and starts watching even more cartoons and it soon became a hobby for him. He even learned how to play guitar and use it as a weapon from a cartoon he watched once, where it starred a horse who was a cowboy."

"Pffft, really?"

"Yes!" The two women shared a laugh at that.

Who knew this boy would learn so much just by watching cartoons?

Once they calmed down, Inko got up from her seat to get the tea ready "Well then, when will my son start his tutoring?"

"Well, he won't start until next week. However I'd like to talk to him, so we get to know each other a bit before starting. Can you call him over here please?"


"WHAT!"SLAM! Izuku bursts through the door with annoyance "I already told that wise guy Naomasa th-" He stops himself as he realizes who was sitting at the dining table.

Emi flashes a closed eye wide grin, "Hey there, sport! Nice jammies!" She calls out, giving the stupefied kid a thumbs up.

"GACK!" Izuku just now realizes that he was wearing a large All-Might onsie. Quick, you can still salvage this! "These pajamas, uh, th-these pajamas are... hand me downs."

"Suuuurrree, whatever you say bud. Now then, you're the guy the towns been talking about huh?"

"You know me!?"

"Well of course! Who hasn't right? Now come on, get over here and have a chat with your new tutor."

"*gasp* You're my tutor!? REALLY!?"

"Really really!"

"WOOHOO!" Izuku threw his hands in the air, bouncing in excitement-WHOOOSH!-before zooming into the room and out again. Emi was caught off guard seeing Izuku quickly appear in front of her, fully clothed and with a notebook handed out to her.

"I can I get an autograph?Pretty please with sprinkles on top!?"

"Pffthahahahah! You're a quick one, I'll give ya that!" She said, signing on the notebook that was filled with very detailed information about her and her quirk. 'Seems this little guy has more smarts than what he lets on. A goofball, but by no means an idiot.'

Inko gave a deadpan stare at her son, who was looking at his notebook as if blessed by the angels themselves (if the single spotlight and heavenly chorus is anything to go by). "Ahem, okay Izuku you can stop bothering Emi now. We need to have a talk."

From there the conversation really just boils down to scheduling the tutor sessions, as well as mandatory "babysitting" hours as said by Emi (much to Izuku's chargin and Inko's amusement). For the smiling hero herself, it seemed that she would very much enjoy her tutoring with Izuku. With the idle chit chat over and the tea finished, Inko allowed her son to go outside with his soon to be tutor.

'Well then, if I'm going to spend time with her, might as well have her know the rest of the gang', thought Izuku.

With that goal in mind, he made a few phone calls as they made their way through town.

Located within the coastline of Musutafu lies a place called the Dagobah Municipal Beach. This was once a beautiful beach that was a hit with the locals, and many flocked towards the area for sun, fun and... "fun". Now its a dump. Don't really have much to say than that.

Mei Hatsume was currently rummaing around the heaps of trash looking for scrap metal, throwing them haphazardly into a small cart. Mirio, on the other hand, stood atop of a very large heap, looking out in search of his friend. Both received a call from Izuku telling them both to wait for him, not really giving any further information. Then again, he spoke really erratically.


Yeah, try understanding this in one take. Imagine trying to figure out what he said at that moment. Good luck with that.

"Jeez, I know Izuku wanted to meet with us for something but would it kill him to slow down on his directions?"

CLATTER!CLATTER! Mei gets up from her scavenging to look up at the muscled blonde with a wide smile. "Oh come on now, Miri! You wanted to see him again too you know!" KLANG! She says as she throws more metal into the cart. "Besides, this is practically the only place where he could cause a ruckus and nobody would care! Who knows how long such a place would last for a guy like him!"

"*sigh* Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, it would do him a lot of good to try to chill down for a bit, you know? I feel like one of these days it's going to backfire on him."

"Haha! I think it already did, with the expulsion and whatnot. But look on the bright side!"

"There's a bright side?", Mirio asked.

"Of course!" Mei punched the air, determination in her eyes. "Now that he doesn't have to deal with that place, he can test out my babies for as long as I want! THE PERFECT GUINEA PIG FOR AN INVENTOR LIKE ME HAHAHA!"

Mirio gave a deadpanned stare at his pink haired friend "Of course you would only think of that, Mei..."

Mirio wasn't friends with Mei until he became friends with Izuku, which was shortly after the UA Sports Festival. While Izuku did come on a bit strong (understatement of the century), he grew to enjoy (scratch that, tolerate) Izuku's antics and became fast friends. However, they weren't really able to hang out as much since he still had to work on his school assignments, not mentioning the internship he currently has with Nighteye. They would still keep in touch, and would often find his green haired buddy in a news story involving some outrageous situation. Given that Sir Nighteye himself is one of the few heroes who actually enjoy hearing about these shenanigans, at the very least Mirio didn't have to worry about his friend becoming more than a annoyance, if the frequent chuckling was anything to go by.

Mei was a whole other can of worms.

Mei Hatsume had met Izuku much earlier than Mirio, following an aftermath of a recent incident between him and Bakugo. It was like any other day where she would just go to the beach and gather materials for her gadgets until-

BOOM! She was startled by the sound of an explosion happening nearby. Looking up she found a certain singed figure heading towards her before quickly diving for cover.


CRAAAAAAAASSSHHHHH! The poor boy crashed into the piles, causing an avalanche of trash which overwhelmed the inventor in the process. It wasn't long until both managed to get their heads out of the sea of metallic residue. From there was when she managed to take a good look at the boy. The boy was also doing the same thing, staring at her. They stayed quiet for about a minute before they boy decided to break the ice.

'Heh! Looks like I ain't the only one down in the dumps, eh pinky?'

Never before she would think about a time she laughed at something so stupid. And from that moment, she decided that this boy was to be her friend.

"Izuku was the first person to even consider about helping me with testing my babies when I first met him. With that quirk of his, I know damn well that I'm going to milk it for what it's worth! So of course I am thinking of that!"

"What, and you don't care at all for his safety?"

Mei holds up a rusty crowbar with slightly violent intent. "Now don't you go and try to mince my words here, mister!" She hissed, "I consider him a good friend and business partner, as well as a volunteer test dummy. I tried asking you, remember?"

"Yes I do remember that. I also remember how that little gadget almost killed me in a fireball."

"Then you know how much I value Izuku."

"That doesn't sound so reassur-"


"IZUKU! YOU'RE HERE!" Mei discarded the crowbar to the si-CLANG!

"OW! WHAT THE HELL MEI!" Oh it hit Mirio, Never mind. Mei promptly ignored the blond.

Izuku ran towards the two with his travelling buddy closely behind. Seems he is a bit eager to get here, looking at how winded his tutor is right now. The poor woman was on her knees trying her best at regaining her consciousness again.

"Izuku...*gasp*...I know how...*wheeze*...much you want to see...*gasp*... them again but at uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppp-bleh!"THUD!

The three quickly ran over to the lady on the ground with concern. Or maybe with slight morbid curiosity, you can never tell with these kind of things.

"Holy crap, she practically ran out of steam! Izuku, what did I say about using your quirk moderately!?"

"Heh, sorry! I guess I was a little excited! But don't worry" WHOOSH! "She will be in good hands!" Said Izuku, now dressed in a doctors' uniform. "Doctor Togata, prepare the patient for treatment. Nurse Mei, get the medical tools."

"Izuku! She's suffering from dehydration, we need to get her to a hospi-"

SLAM! Mirio was silenced with the blunt force of the table, now laying under it while unconscious. Mei set to work helping the young woman get on top of said table. "Okay, patient is ready for treatment."

Izuku gave a slight nod as he rushed towards the ocean. Once on the shore, he pulled out a metal bucket and filled it with water in once swing.VWOOOOOSH! Rushing back to the patients side, he prepared himself. Mei took a step back outside the splash zone.


"BLAAAARGH!" Ms. Joke jolted back into consciousness before loosing her balance, falling out of the table. Coughing out the water, she slowly got back on her feet and looked at Izuku. "Ooookayyy" She said, slightly confused "Any reason I am wet and-" She immediately looked at her surroundings " why is there a guy under this table? And why are you in a doctors' outfit."

Mei took this as her cue to introduce herself. She moves to Izuku's side, now gaining the tutor's attention. "Heyah teach! Sorry about the confusion earlier, but this guy really doesn't know how to keep it together when it comes to meeting new people." Mei offers her hand for a handshake. " The name's Mei Hatsume, Izuku's friend, genius, and inventor extraordinaire!"

The older woman smiled brightly at her introduction. "Emi Fukukado, but you can call me Emi. You know, when I was told that Izuku has friends I was a bit skeptical." She looked to the side sheepishly, lightly scratching her cheek. "Sorry if that seems a bit rude, but after hearing about the guy's little misadventures, I was worried that he was hanging out with the wrong crowd."

"Hah! As if!" Mei draped her arm over her buddy's shoulders, "Those street thugs already tried to recruit the guy, but he was to much of a wild card to even get close. Matter of fact, even the local Yakuza tries to get out of his way!"

Emi's mouth hanged open in shock. "Wait what!? Naomasa didn't tell me that! I even looked into his files and everything!"

Mei gave a playful scoff at that, "That's probably because the green bean over here causes so much trouble he can't keep up with it! I mean really, whatever crap he has in those files are just their own little version of it. I remember this one time where he-"

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU, GREASE MONKEY!" Izuku shoves Mei to the side. WHOOOSH! Dressing back to his casual clothes, he goes back towards the table and drags out the still unconscious Mirio, then hoists him over his shoulder. "Now if you gossip girls are done with the yarn spinnin', I know a place where we can get ourselves some nice grub! WHOSE WITH ME?"

"As long as I don't have to pay, I'm in!"

"Well I am hungry after all that running but..."


Emi pointed at Mirio, "Shouldn't we do something to help him out first?"

Izuku looked at the hunk of tintin flesh on his shoulder "Oh...right..."




Wait for it. Waaaait for iiiiit.


After reviving Mirio (as well as apologizing to Mirio about decking him with a table, as funny as it was), the group went to a local fast food joint where it served burgers. Unfortunately, after a while the staff had to inform their fellow customers that they were out of meat for the time being. The people there wouldn't have to guess very long about it after seeing a mountain of food on one of the tables, courtesy of a hungry Izuku and his guests.

Mirio and Emi just stared at the other two with a look that can only be described as one that desperately tries to register the absolute ridiculous scene happening in front of them. Mei for her part was trying her best to not make much of a mess while eating, which she was failing miserably due to the fact that she was using a cross-head screwdriver to stab into her chicken tendies. Izuku, however...

Emi could not comprehend about how a young man like Izuku would be able to inhale the monstrous amount of food that was on the table itself. Burgers, french fries, curly fries, salads, chicken tenders, and whatever sides and/or items he had was close to touching the ceiling. At this point, it was safe to say that all the people was just staring at him.

'Maybe I was a bit gung-ho about this after all' Emi thought.

Everyone, including the employees, were so engrossed with the boy's eating that they failed to see a middle aged business man walking towards the counter with a strange bag on his side. An American to be exact, working overseas and on his lunch break. He seemed tense, as if he was just about fed up with his day and just wanted something to get his off of it.

Hopefully they were able able to serve him a nice, juicy burger with fries. That would really hit the sp-

Uh Oh.

Hellos Hellos! Kalbern Here!

Okay, this chapter is done! Man what a time killer this is! Anyways I hope you enjoy this as much as I did coming up with it. It's a good thing that I have someone to share Ideas with and proofread it too.

Now then, I just want to give a heads up about the...situation that is going on here, if you catch my drift. I won't go into it too much, because it is kind of a sensitive topic and I am not one to speak about this openly. Basically, I just want to say that for those of you who are kind of dealing with whatever is going on at the moment, regardless of what it is, I just hope that this little story of mine gives just a bit of comfort to you. I hope that with this chapter this makes your day just a little better. Chin up, ol' chap. Keep calm and stay indoors.

Also, If you have any questions, concerns, comments or if you just want to give a little advise please let me know. I would be happy to hear from you guys. Might even do a bit of answering but don't count on it.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!