A/N: This is an entirely self-indulgent chapter...someone needed to run through the office ;) Welcome to The End...

One year later…

Rey sat in a tiny chair at work, attempting to focus on the picture she was helping Andy color, but her mind was racing and she was tired of trying to pretend it wasn't. She stood restlessly to her feet and glanced at her watch for the hundredth time that morning. Any time now, it had to be. She was brimming with restlessness. Was she nervous or nauseous; was she both? Sighing, she quit pacing the length of the room and sat down in the rocking chair in the corner. Maybe the motion would soothe her spirit. Her hand drifted down to her lower abdomen and she idly drew circles on it while her mind drifted back over the last year…

After the proposal, Ben and Rey decided that they didn't want a long engagement. Instead, they'd had an autumn wedding three months later. It had been a small intimate candlelight affair. Leia's presence had assured it would be elegant, in spite of its size. She and her future Mother-in-Law had a lot of fun planning the wedding together. When Rey grew indecisive or simply irritated with fawning salespeople, Leia would step in, snap her fingers and things would fall into place. Rey had chosen a floral theme budding with deep pink and white florals. To her delight, she had spent a memorable day with Leia and Hope, picking out her wedding dress. It had a vintage air to it. Yards of sheer fabric with lace embellishments. She'd especially loved the yoke neckline and the split, elbow-length sleeves. The first time she put it on, she had felt like a medieval princess who had caught herself a worthy knight to carry her away to his stronghold.

Hope had been thrilled to be the flower girl, and insisted on going slowly down the aisle to put the petals just so for her new mommy to walk on. It had been a night of dreams as their families came together to rejoice in the new union. Afterward, they'd gone to a cozy bed and breakfast in Connecticut for their honeymoon. They took rambling walks through the woods appreciating the beauty of the changing seasons, kissed beneath showers of falling leaves, and watched the sunset from the hot tub on their balcony.

Adjusting to their new normal after they returned home hadn't always been easy, but it was worth it. It had been hard at first for her to balance being a newlywed and a new Mommy. There were days that Hope and Rey hadn't gotten along very well but she was patient and determined to forge a relationship with Hope based on trust and affection. Once a month, Leia and Han would have Hope over for a sleepover weekend so that Ben and Rey could have some alone time. Those had been a much-needed respite.

Rey had worked hard in a creative, DIY whirl to make Ben's apartment less tribute to modernism and more loved oasis. Now you'd see soft pillows strewn on couches and floral curtains ruffled by the breeze. Plants covered flat surfaces, and there were splashes of color in the family photographs. Their laughter filled the home with welcome…they had each other and it was enough.

Upstairs, Ben was in a marketing meeting with his team when they were interrupted by a delivery person.

"I have a delivery for," he glanced down at his clipboard, "Ben Solo."

Ben was surprised, but stood up, "Yeah that's me."

"Then these are for you," the man handed over a bouquet, to Ben's surprise.

Who would send him flowers at work, especially pink carnations? He wondered. He reached for the card and was surprised to find that it was attached to a pacifier. This must be a prank, he thought, opening the card. It read simply, 'Congratulations on your promotion! Love, Starlight.'

Ben froze, like a deer in the headlights, and dove for his smartphone. A quick search on Bing explained the meaning of pink carnations, daisies, and baby's breath to him. As the puzzle pieces fell into place he paled and fled the meeting. He bolted across the floor to the elevator, weaving in and out of coworkers like a race car. He almost collided with a secretary weighed down by a tray of coffees, but leapt out of her way with a deftness born of desperation. On the elevator, he punched the number for the daycare centers' floor and stood there, mercilessly tapping his toes and fingers, much to the chagrin of the other occupants of the elevator.

After three stops on the way down, fate finally showed kindness to him and he arrived on Rey's floor. He ran into her classroom, skidding through the door with a resounding squeal of shoes on linoleum. Rey looked up from her spot in the rocking chair and smiled tentatively at him. Had he gotten the message?

Ben beamed, his smile stretched from ear-to-ear. He knew. He walked over to Rey and knelt in front of her. He took her hands in his large ones. She leaned to meet him forehead to forehead and whispered, "Are you happy?"

Ben echoed her long ago words, and replied, "Exquisitely so, but just to be clear...you're pregnant, right?"

Rey wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "Yes. I took four tests this morning...we're having a baby!"

Nine months…and five hours and thirty-three minutes later….

... little Erik Benjamin Solo made his grand entrance onto the world's stage, "singing" his heart out; much to the delight of his Father, Mother, and big sister, Hope.


A/N: ...and they lived Happily Ever After!

I can't believe it's done, my first fanfic piece ever. Thank you to all of you, dear Followers, who've made this first experience a joy! Thank you to my beta, Angela, for cheering me on, sending me digital cookies, and catching my rogue commas.

Note: Pink carnations= maternal love, Daisies= innocence, and baby's breath is obvious.

I've officially been bitten by the writing bug and I have two stories going as WIPS. The first is Wishes, an Aladdin Reylo with a dynamic plot twist ;) It'll probably be a month or so before I have enough completed chapters to stay ahead of my update schedule. The second WIP is an unnamed Regency Epistolary, not Reylo, that I am writing with my Beta. Stay tuned...

Until the next story hour begins...