Jaden was sitting back in his seat relaxing with his eyes closed, on the helicopter that was taking him and the rest of the new students to Duel Academy. He was sitting next to Syrus who took the window seat and was staring out of the window, while Bastion was seated behind them, more specifically behind Syrus.
"Attention new Duel Academy students. This is your captain speaking, if you look out of your window, you'll see your new home away from home for the next 3 years. Quite a sight eh." The sudden voice announced on the intercom.
Jaden opened his eyes to look at the island which was mostly green due to the forest with a silver building in the center.
"All right fasten your seat belts we're going into land, next stop Duel Academy."
Jaden and Syrus were standing outside the school building in their new red jackets. Which they were given as soon after Chancellor Sheppard gave his speech, of course, Jaden didn't pay attention to it.
"So Sy looks like I'm in the red dorm," Jaden told His new friend as he was looking at his PDA. "So am I, did you see some of the dorms here? They look great," Syrus replied doing the same as Jaden. "Oh god, Once Trix and Blaze find out about your dorm they're going to be a massive headache," Yubel told Jaden as she appeared next to him. "Oh come on, they won't be that bad," he told her mentally. Yubel glared at him with a questionable look, "won't be that bad? Please don't tell me you forgot the time where Trix and Blaze attempted to give you kisses during a duel," Jaden sighs quietly, "I'm going to have to talk to them about their flirting habits later."
At this moment Jaden saw Bastion walked past them in his yellow jacket, deep in thought
"Hey Bastion, are you in the red dorm too?" Jaden asked, stopping Bastion in his tracks.
Bastion looked at him with a small smirk and put his hand on his jacket. "Hmm... let's see, yellow sleeves, yellow buttons, Nah I don't think so." Yubel facepalmed, "even I could tell you that Jaden."
"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," he told Bastion. "Anyways could you show us which one of these sweet dorms we will stay in." Bastion gave them a troubled smile and pointed towards a cliff.
"Actually your dorm is over there."
Syrus looked at Jaden "I already saw the dorms, I'm going to walk around and check out the place for a bit"
Jaden smiled at Syrus as he ran off
Jaden had just arrived at the dorm to see a two-story yellow building with a red roof. He smiled. This place was way better than the conditions he was used to "this place is great I mean check out the sweet view," he said out loud he was taken in on how beautifully the sun was reflecting on the sea, making the water sparkle like a night of sparkling stars.
"Beautiful," Burstinatrix commented amazed by the beauty. "Agreed," Yubel replied.
They went to the room that he would be sharing with Syrus and opened the door.
"Alright, this one here is our room you guys,'' when they walked inside both spirits were pissed.
"What is this dorm?" Burstinitrix yelled out, "I thought the red dorms would've been way better than this considering it's based off of a God Card." The room had the walls peeling off, huge cockroaches, and rats running around and Multiple awful smells filled the area. "What is with the living arrangements? Kids can get sick living in conditions like these." Yubel said she lifted the rug more cockroaches scattered around, The wood was moldy and busted up and looked like it could break. They were upset Jaden had to live in these conditions. "Don't worry you guys, I'll manage. I'm kinda used to environments like this." He gave them a reassuring smile. "That's not a good thing Jaden…" Yubel told him. "We're going to the head of the school and demand he change Jadens room," Burstinatrix said, flaming up, but before they could leave to air out their complaints. A 'guy' walked inside the dorm and looked at the newcomer in shock. He was slightly taller than Syrus… Poor kid, it seems everyone is taller than him. He also wore a grey hat that covered most of his navy blue hair, shades covering his eye color, wearing a Slifer red uniform.
"Are you my new roommate?" He asked, attempting to sound like a boy.
Jaden smiled at him, "I guess I am my name is Jaden Yuki." Yubel looked at the guy curious and immediately figured out that this guy was actually a girl. The girl glared at Yubel but you couldn't tell because of the shades. "Hmph, whatever, I'm Brian if you're wondering now leave me alone I want to sleep." she climbed in the bottom bunk and pretended to fall asleep but in reality, she was planning a way to take down Jaden…
He walked out of the dorm room to go look for Syrus. He looked around the Academy for a bit until he arrived at the front of the school. There he found Syrus… and trouble, he and Chazz were dueling. Syrus had 200 Life Points and Chazz had 3200. On Chazz field was his Light and Darkness Dragon. Syrus had nothing on his field. Alexis and Zane were spectating the duel. "Light and Darkness dragon attack this weakling directly," his monster blasted Syrus knocking him back. Chazz laughed as Syrus fell to his knees "finally, you're on your knees where you belong, and since you lost I get your precious Power Bond card." He grabbed Syrus' deck against his protests and took his card. "This deck is worthless just like you," he dropped the deck cards scattered all over the place. Zane shakes his head before walking away. Alexis wanted to say something, but was beaten to the punch by an angered Jaden. "Hey! Just because you won doesn't give you the right to take other people's cards, give him his card back!" he demanded. As he began to pick up Syrus Cards. Chazz looked at Jaden annoyed "get lost! This isn't your business." Jaden glared at him, "when someone is messing with my friends it is my business," He told him. Chazz was about to say something but then he paused. He recognized this kid from the entrance exams. "You're the kid who beat Dr. Crowler," He pointed out this made Zane pause for a second before turning slightly. "You got that right, and if you don't want me to beat you like I did Dr. Crowler, I suggest you give Syrus back his card." Chazz laughed, "do you know who I am…I'm the Jack of this school. You're letting that victory against Dr Crowler get to your head. probably got a lucky draw or something," he told him. Jaden smiled at him, "Is that so? Care to test that theory of yours." Alexis then stepped in, "no way, Chazz just return that card to Syrus. You guys didn't make any deals or anything so let's just go," She suggested. She didn't want to cause any more problems for the Slifer kids. "No no, I'm going to prove that your victory over Crowler was just dumb luck." Jaden smiled, "fine then, if I win you give Syrus back his card." Before he continued he made eye contact with Yubel like they were agreeing. He didn't like betting his spirits, but this was an exception. "If I lose you get any powerful card in my deck no questions asked," he told Chazz. Syrus wanted to stop them, but they already had their duel disk and deck set.
"Get your game on! Chazz," Jaden said his signature catchphrase. "I'll go first Slifer slime, I draw!" He drew his card.
Chazz: LP: 4000 Hand: 6
Jaden: LP: 4000 Hand: 5
"I set a monster face-down and end my turn with two cards face down" 3 set cards appeared. "Then it's my turn… here goes first I'm going to start by summoning my Elemental HERO Blazeman in attack position."
Elemental HERO Blazeman: ATK: 1200
"With his effect, I'm allowed to add polymerization from my deck to my hand." He added the spell card, "I think you know what's next Chazz." He had a smirk, "I play polymerization, fusing my Blazeman and Shadow mist. Time to bring the heat! I Fusion Summon! Elemental HERO Nova Master!"
Elemental HERO Nova Master: ATK: 2600
"That's quite the monster you got there slacker… oh wait did I say your monster… I mean mine. I activate the trap Chthonian Polymer by tributing my face down Reborn Zombie, I can take control over one fusion monster you have out on the field." He had a huge smirk on his face as Nova Master was sent to Chazz ' side of the field. "Oh no, that leaves Jaden quite defenseless" Syrus commented. Alexis didn't say anything but deep down she wanted Jaden to win. Yubel scolded Jaden, "you better step up your game… if I become a part of his deck…" She warned, "don't worry Yubel… I'm not going to lose," he told her mentally. "Nice move Chazz since Shadow mist was sent to the graveyard, I'm allowed to add a hero card from my deck to my hand, I chose my liquid soldier. I guess I'll end my turn with Just two cards facedown."
Chazz: LP: 4000 Hand: 3
Jaden: LP: 4000 Hand: 2
"It's my turn then I draw!" Chazz smirked at what he drew, "I knew when you face Crowler it was just dumb luck, but unfortunately for you, your luck has run out. I summon my Ancient Dragon in attack mode! And with these two next attacks this duel is finished, go Nova Master!" Jaden was scorched with a flame attack.
Chazz: LP: 4000
Jaden: LP: 1400
"And with this next attack from Ancient Dragon this duel's finished, go Ancient Dragon attack and end this duel." the Dragon flew towards Jaden, "oh no, Jaden's going to lose!" Syrus said. Alexis had a look of worry in her eyes as the dragon collided with Jaden. His life points dropped down to 1000?
"What happened? you were supposed to lose." Chazz stated enraged, "I'm sorry Chazz, but my Elemental Recharge trap card gives me 1000 life points for every HERO on the field and guess what your Nova Master is." Jaden smiled at him, Chazz just gritted his teeth in anger. "I end my turn with a facedown, that was just a lucky move that's all." Jaden sighed, "man, you sound like a broken record at this point. Maybe it was luck that I drew my trap card. It was also luck when you drew a chthonian polymer. This game has all sorts of elements of luck in it. Luck is the card you get, skills is what you do with them. I draw!"
Chazz: LP: 4000 Hand: 2
Jaden: LP: 1000 Hand: 3
He looked at the card with a smirk, "perfect" Yubel said with a smirk. "This card will put us on a path to victory," Burstinatrix told him as she appeared beside him. "GO JADEN!" they both cheered. "Let's do this first. I'll summon my Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier to the field. Liquid Soldiers special ability allows me to bring back my Elemental Shadow mist. Shadow mist special ability allows me to add masked change from my deck to my hand when it's special summoned. Next I'll activate mask change… Liquid Soldier time to transform!" Liquid soldIer flew into a magnificent holy light, "come forth Masked HERO Acid!"
Masked HERO Acid: ATK: 2600
"Masked hero acid destroys every spell and trap card on the field!" Both of Chazz's facedowns were destroyed. Chazz gritted his teeth in anger, "so what, that monster only had the same amount of attack points as Nova Master." Jaden smirked, "that might be the case but who said I was done, you see my monsters and I have an unbreakable bond. I activate the fusion card no ones ever seen before… SUPER POLYMERIZATION!" Dark clouds appeared, thunder began roaring in the sky, lightning struck in the middle of the field. Zane looked at Jaden with widened eyes. "With this card, I'm allowed to fuse with monsters on any side of the field." Chazz eyes widened. "No! It can't be," Jaden smiled. "Oh, it be alright. I fuse your Nova Master with my Shadow mist! To form the one who brings hope and miracles to all! The one who brings the amazing light so many can smile again! I fusion summon! my ace Elemental HERO Sunriser!"
Elemental HERO Sunriser: ATK: 2500 DEF: 1200
Chazz gritted his teeth, "you're not going to win. After this battle I'll still survive, then next turn I'll crush you." Jaden smirked "I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there won't be a next turn. Go! Masked HERO Acid, attack Ancient Dragon. When another HERO monster attacks, Sunriser destroys your card. Which means acid attack turns into a direct attack!"
Chazz LP:4000-1400
"And with a direct attack from my Sunriser, you lose." Sunriser stuck down Chazz finishing the duel.
Chazz: LP: 0
Jaden: LP: 1000
Chazz fell to his knees, Power Bond fell out of his pocket. "That's game and that means you give Syrus back his card." He told him giving his signature pose, "way to play jay." Syrus yelled out, happy he was getting his card back. Zane looked at Jaden with a small smile seeing him as a future rival before walking away. Alexis was smiling, happy Chazz got put in his place. Jaden went down to get Syrus Power Bond, Chazz looked at Jaden in anger as he gave the card back to Syrus. "Where did you get that super poly card?" He asked in rage. Jaden looked at Chazz, "Why? So you can get one?" He gave chazz a smirk "Sorry, but there are only a few copies in the world," he lied easily. Truth be told, there was only one copy and no one knows of its origins except Jaden, Yubel… and all who died during that event.
Chazz just ran off in anger, "Wow you're pretty good." Alexis told Jaden with a smile, Jaden eyes widened. This girl was one of the most beautiful he's ever seen. He smiled at her, "Oh me? Apparently not, I win all my duels because of 'luck' " he did a little impression of Chazz. Alexis giggled a bit. "I'm Alexis Rhodes," she held out her hand. "I'm Jaden Yuki," he shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you. They're not too many slifers who would stand up to an obelisk, and duel them, much less defeat them… You're probably one of those who deserve to be an obelisk." Syrus coughed loudly, he was feeling a bit like a 3rd wheel. "Poor guy, you're not the only one feeling like that." Yubel said as she appeared next to Jaden watching him chat up a storm with Alexis 'what the hell is that next to Jaden?' She thought as she saw Yubel, "Thanks, I guess I'm not your average Slifer." he told her, "you don't have the skills of a Slifer." Jaden gave her a smirk, "would like to test these skills yourself." Both her and Jaden were both set to have a duel. When a girl with black hair and hazel eyes walked up to Alexis. "Hey! You're going to be late for the welcome dinner." This girl practically yelled at Alexis. Her eyes fell to the two slifers. She looked at them in disgust, "what are you doing hanging around the queen scram!" She yelled at the two slifers. "chill Jasmine," Alexis told her with a sigh a little annoyed at being called queen. "I have to go you two maybe we can duel later," she told Jaden "yeah, well see you around Alexis." He and Syrus ran off, leaving Jasmine and Alexis talking about how she's friends with two slifers. Thoughts of Yubel appearing in the back of her mind 'Syrus didn't seem to notice whatever that was that was beside him. Judging based on how she looks, she doesn't look like she came here to play nice… Can he see her? And if he can... is he... with her? am I losing my mind? I have so many questions..."
Hey everyone Gamerking5 here, back with chapter 2 of my fanfiction. So I know I had an original chapter. I decided to scrap that idea as a whole… I think giving Jaden a poly relationship is better than a harem... If I do give him a harem I'll add Burstinatrix and Yubel and any 1 character you guys want if you guys want me to do do a harem. I know that this is a little different then what happened in yu-gi-oh GX, and I'm still going to keep the original idea, but I'm going to add more stuff to make the story more interesting. You know when Jasmine called Alexis the queen… (spoiler alert: this isn't just a title) I also don't think you guys would get mad with me replacing Chumley with "Blair'' I have a bunch of interesting things I want to do with her. for anyone whose curious (spoiler alert:) She uses Darklords and Lightsworns she also has powers a fraction of the gentle light and a small bit of darkness of destruction to her. Both females are going to have some interesting plots… also let's talk about super poly… of course Jaden's going to have super poly since he has yubel he isn't going to have all the weapons he gets more masked heroes and HERO fusion monsters a bit later I might give the vision heroes to aster… maybe... if you guys want me to. There's also a bit of backstory about super poly that will be revealed later on in the story. But that's enough of my rambling read and review this is your host gamer king 5 signing out.