Hi everyone. Here's the next part of this collection, now starring the lovely Diana. Plot-wise this'll be a clean slate, just to keep things simpler going forward. There will still be background arcs that parallel between parts, but other than that each part will be a standalone. Have fun!



Luna Nova was at peace during the middle of that month of warm, calming spring. The magic of the Sorcerer's stone, its glow every stronger, was gifting the residents of the school with a resplendent source of magic never felt in hundreds of years. The lessons and guidance undertaken during that period of constructive harmony were lively and full of bright enthusiasm from student and teacher alike.

In short it was the perfect time to study and hone one's chosen craft in the various types of magic on offer. And with no dramatic events or extra-curricular activities to be held during the months to come, it was all the more reason to focus on the core fundamentals of becoming a prosperous and respectable Witch.

At least, that's how Diana had seen it for a while. In truth there was something else occupying more and more of her time, carving away what little of it she had remaining after studies, class, and all manner of responsibilities a diligent student like herself had taken on.

To say the 'activity' of hers had taken firm hold of her concentration was severely underselling it. Initially it had been a single terrifyingly embarrassing moment of shame that Diana had swore to herself would remain a cast-iron secret buried away in her memories forever. No one would know. Ever.

Yet, what started as a lone incident in private eventually turned into a routine that enveloped the periods she'd normally use for quiet study or reflection until it was ALL she'd do during her free time alone.

She simply couldn't focus properly during a class in session, or through a conversation with a fellow classmate seeking her counsel without having whetted her appetite for that peculiar activity earlier in the day. But even then, her distracted thoughts still tussled messily and would often scramble her words, forcing her to rudely excuse herself from whatever she was currently involved in.

Truly, it was becoming far too insufferable to continue to play her role as Diana Cavendish as if nothing was amiss. Her ridiculous, shameful secret clinging to her every action, every word spoken, felt as if it was going to burst out of her at the most inopportune moment. She knew it. And how she loathed it.

And behind that secret was another that naturally fuelled it; Diana's growing obsession towards a certain Japanese Witch that flew in the face of everything she thought she'd understood about love and life.

It had started very small and subtle to such a point Diana had barely registered it as something quite as powerful as love a year ago. Little things like the squeaky pitch to her laugh, the reckless and boastful nature of her misguided proclamations. Her clumsy yet undeniably athletic strength and stamina. Her unshakeable confidence in what she believed, despite everything to the contrary…

All those things and much, much more. She could spend an entire afternoon day-dreaming them all in a daze as wonderful as it was annoyingly nonconstructive.

In the end one thing was absolutely clear; Diana was madly, stupidly in love with Atsuko 'Akko' Kagari.

And of all the challenges she had faced and conquered with grace in her life, it was the task of confessing those feelings that frightened her most. It wasn't just because of the inevitable drama and gossip that would that would shake the academy to its core if it ever became common knowledge, but also that one accursed fear that surely crippled anyone facing that dilemma.


They were friends, of course. Akko would always flash that cute, dazzling smile any time they'd run into each other. On that alone Diana knew the foolish girl liked her.

But she just wasn't sure if Akko felt anything resembling romantic attraction like she did. And to confess, to have the girl she loved blurt out an uncouth "Huuuh?!" in response to that was terrifying. No doubt whatever closeness they'd shared up to that point would be irreparably damaged.

Diana would not risk that. She was not the kind to act on such reckless impulse anyway. She had to be sure Akko felt something mutual back. But to make matters worse, Diana had no clue whether the girl was even a lesbian like herself or not. And asking anyone who knew her about that was absolutely out of the question for obvious reasons.

She continued to ponder those conundrums as she sat pensively on the tail-end of the couch in her room as Hannah and Barbara chatted non-stop nearby from their respective seats. They'd been lounging there for an hour with plenty of tea and spongecake to go around, basking in the bright midday sunlight of another beautiful day.

Their ceaseless banter was benign enough, but interested her none. It was all fun and fashion, the occasional joke at anothers expense, their personal pursuits for love. Nothing important enough for Diana's input as she pretended to read a small textbook on advanced water magic in one hand, even going so far as to diligently turn the unread pages. Probably a pointless detail her friends would never notice. But the heiress was nothing if not cautious.

Especially so considering how sharp her nerves had become since she'd started that 'routine' when she was left alone. Just thinking about it quickly spun more ideas and variations of it with no effort, nor ability to stem it.

Curses! Will you just stop with that for a few minutes at least? Diana contemplated with a dark frown. While she struggled to restrain her lewd imagination, her two friends' lively conversation proved a minor distraction; banal as it was.

"C'mon, you seriously won't tell me? Your bestest friend in the whole wide world?" Barbara's sing-song voice sounded in partial mock-disbelief. "After everything we've been through together! Hmph!"

"Gah! I-I'm telling you it's just...like real complicated, okay? If I actually told you who it was with, then you'd never stop making fun of me! I know it!" Hannah countered in a huff.

"Pleeease~ I won't tease you or tell anyone! Pinky promise!"

"Like I'd believe that. Last time you said you'd keep a secret you blabbed to Avery like a day later. Nu-uh."

"Aww, that was one time. Avery tricked me by threatening to out that I'm a huge Nightfall nerd. That shouldn't count, right?"

"My secret is a little more embarrassing than liking some book series a bit too much!"

"That's why I want to know so badly!" Diana wasn't looking up from her book, but she could practically hear Barbara bouncing excitedly from her seat. "Pretty please! I'll do your homework for a whole week! Even that magic history paper on the Matriarch of Dust. You always complain how boring she is!"

"Tch! I won't tell you who I'm seeing...yet. But I can let you know a bit about what I'm up to. J-just a bit! At least to make you shut your trap about it. Deal?"

Barbara squealed in delight. "Yeah! Anything!"

"Okay..." Hannah grumbled, then spoke with a tone of concern aimed elsewhere. "But first...Diana?"

The troubled Witch did her best to mask the surprise at being addressed and lowered her book to properly regard the expectant faces of her two friends.


"I kinda want you hear this too, if it's alright. And-and I won't hold it against you if it makes you mad..."

"This IS good!" Barbara piped up.

"Quit it! Don't make me change my mind!" Hannah snapped back.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Diana sighed and properly closed her book and set it down on the coffee table. She didn't quite understand what it was Hannah was getting at, but saw no reason to not humour her.

"Go ahead and speak your mind. I won't be upset." She assured her, earning a tepid smile from her friend.

"Thanks for that." Hannah scrunched her hands in her lap and kept speaking. "Well, here goes. I have been seeing someone-"

Barbara squealed like an over-excited mouse to which Hannah glared back in reply but otherwise ignored the rather irritating sound.

"-someone from this school. A girl, obviously. And...and we've done 'it' here at Luna Nova...a bunch of times..."

Diana's brow raised high at that. She hadn't expected Hannah to admit such a thing. Barbara meanwhile was emitting an odd croaking sound that complimented her face frozen in frazzled shock.

"H-h-here!? At school? THAT! You did THAT!"

"Yes, Barb! Shout it a little louder why don't you!" Hannah yelled back with nearly as much volume. She then turned to Diana, flustered and blushing. "Soo...any thoughts on that? You seem kinda calm about all this."

Diana paused to consider that she expected her to say. Even Barbara was looking to her quizzically.

I'm supposed to be shocked. Of course someone in my position would be the first to decry such indecent acts taking place at the academy, even if the culprit is a close friend. But considering what I've been doing for the past few months...it would be most hypocritical to chastise Hannah in turn.

"You ok, Diana?" Barbara asked.

It pained her to do so, but she couldn't let them on to her own dirty secret. Diana's mask of strict control had to be maintained.

"I am fine. Just a little tired from my daily routine." She replied calmly and crossed her arms, then addressed Hannah with a stiffened tone. "As for what you just told us, I'd be lying if I said I approve of such a thing. We have a status quo, a behavioural standard to maintain here at Luna Nova. And to be partaking in 'activities' of that ilk on school grounds isn't becoming of an aspiring Witch. If the faculty were to catch wind of it, I imagine the fallout would be most severe, and reflect very poorly on our team as a whole."

Hannah flinched and looked to her feet in shame. Barbara glanced over to her friend sheepishly but remained quiet. Had Diana really said the right thing? Was that really her will? Perhaps she would quickly regret it, but the sting of her own hypocrisy couldn't leave things as they were.

So much for control. But I can't force it, not anymore. These feelings of mine aren't going away. I can't fight against them much longer and still pretend to be myself.

"However...I suppose we're all at that age where such things will happen, regardless of any rules put in place. Though I still disapprove, I'm not upset with you, Hannah. Just be very careful and refrain from telling anyone else. I suggest you ask your partner to do the same if you haven't already. That is all."

Hannah and Barbara ogled each other in surprise, then turned back to Diana.

"Wow uh, wasn't expecting that." Hannah said with a chuckle. "Thanks for being so cool with me, even with my breaking the rules and all. And here I was worried you'd chew me out!"

"Diana's like, super mature. She always knows what's best." Barbara added with renewed cheer. "So long as we keep this under wraps, there shouldn't be any trouble. But still, I can't BELIEVE you've been doing that at school! When did you become so crazy brave? And wild?"

Hannah blushed beet-red. "I-I dunno. Sometimes you just meet the right person, I guess-" She glanced at Barbara's watery, pleading eyes and added: "-but I'm NOT telling you who it is! That's that! Besides, there's no time for babbling on about this now. We're supposed to go pick up at that package from Blytonbury, aren't we?"

That last line struck Diana like a glowing arrow of light straight through her heart, immediately exciting her. It took all her collective effort and self-control to not outwardly react.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Barbara stood up quickly and put on her Witch's shawl that had been sitting on the arm rest of her seat. "Totally lost track of time, but we should still make it if we hurry."

They're leaving. They're actually leaving! I'm finally going to be left alone so I can-

"Yeah I don't want to leave it for tomorrow. Let's go!" Hannah said in a rush and bolted to her feet, already wrapped in her own shawl. Her two friends scurried over to the dormitory door and spared a quick apologetic look back at Diana.

"Sorry for this! We'll only be gone for a half an hour or so. Unless you wanted to come with?" Hannah said without slowing down her pace towards the exit.

Diana almost cut her friend off with the speed of her reply, struggling to keep her voice from shaking.

"No. I'll be just fine here...reading. You two enjoy yourselves."

Please go. Please go. Please go.

"Okay. Seems like you need a bit of quiet time to yourself anyway. See you later!"

"Bye, Diana!"

She watched their forms exit the room and bounded to her feet before the door had even closed. Diana's heart was racing with such frenzy she nearly dropped her wand from her sweating, fumbling hands.

Immediately she performed a series of spells one after the other with wordless incantations and twirls of her wand at the door. First a strong magical lock, then one for total sound suppression for outward noise, even an illusion spell spread across the back windows so that any spectator looking in would see nothing but an empty room. And for a last, crude coup de grace, Diana pinned a nearby chair underneath the doorknob.

The whole process took less than ten seconds. She'd repeated the steps before so many times it had become muscle-memory by that point.

After those defensive enchantments were firmly in place, Diana then ran back to her cosy corner of the room then poked her head beneath the bed for a second and then out again, fishing out the large amber-coloured book she'd hidden there.

She'd even gone far enough to enchant that item too, making it not only invisible but also intangible to strictly everyone but herself. Perhaps it was paranoid to go that far, but considering its contents Diana was not going to take any chances.

Then with the mundane-looking book clutched religiously tight to her chest, Diana sat herself upright on the bed before peeling it open slowly on her trembling lap.

She only had half an hour. Not enough time to add to the collection. But plenty for simply enjoying herself for that day. Oh how she'd been craving that moment alone…

Her tenous fervor accelerating at a frightening stride and her sharp, frantic breaths whistling out from an open mouth, Diana desperately regarded the first number of pages within that precious, precious tome.

And there she was. Akko Kagari. Picture after picture of that adorable girl each taking up the entire width of every page. The first few sets had her blushing madly, standing shy and awkward in front of a featureless white wall within the frame, wearing that customised Luna Nova uniform with that too-short skirt that never failed to rile Diana's more unsavoury delights bubbling in her psyche.

As Diana excitedly flipped the pages one after the other, Akko's stiff pose relaxed, as did the coy shyness that was steadily replaced with a cute and bright smiling face brimming with confidence.

Her outfits and hairstyle started to change too the further Diana progressed in that collection. Initially it was innocent enough; simple pink dresses, that obnoxious gown she'd worn during the Love Bee incident, a cream-white version of her regular uniform…

Then came the Shiny Chariot costume, a red bunnygirl outfit with black fishnets wrapped around those thick, posing thighs, tiny black string lace lingerie...another with her on all-fours with a lusty smirk and wearing nothing at all.

Diana had always considered herself a highly decisive person free of procrastination, but in regards to the wonderful delights laid before her quivering lap, she simply couldn't pick which of those to watch first.

But what little time she had to herself spurred Diana to act, so without further hesitation she brushed one of the pictures with the glowing tip of her wand, bringing the capture to life with its own bright light and audio as well; playing like a video off the page with dazzling crystal clarity.

"Maaan, studying all day is so exhausting!" Akko's high-pitched voice sounded with a teasing whine from the book. The Japanese Witch entered the frame from off-page looking normal enough, then did a cute twirl before plopping down on a very familiar bed with a cheeky smile. "I think it's about time to relax for a bit, don't you think?"

The bed that Akko was sitting on in the video was Diana's. In fact someone with a sharp eye would recognise the visible angle of the room itself as hers also.

Not only that, Diana couldn't help but start to contemplate that she was actually watching a video of herself. The 'Akko' staring back with at her from the page was Diana; transformed into the girl of her obsessions. Every single recording in that shameful book...

And also-

"My my, what are we going to do with such a lazy student?" A different voice filled the room, projected from the book. Another figure stepped in to meet Akko on the bed, sitting down so close to her that their hips touched.

It was Diana. Or rather, an enchanted copy she'd conjured for that very specific purpose. Able to be summoned at will from the mirror hidden against the wall in the furthest corner of the room near her bed, camouflaged by the same magic used to also hide the book.

Keeping such a thing for personal use, and for such indecent acts...Diana chose to ignore the severe consequences it could bring down upon her. No doubt it would shatter her reputation beyond repair.

No, she wouldn't dwell on that. It was a secret, and would remain so for all time. Right then she chose to simply lose herself in the experience of what was playing from within the book.

Her fantasy. Of her own making…

"D-Diana, hey...you're sitting kinda close..." 'Akko' spoke with a rising blush on her cheeks.

When did I get so proficient at copying her voice? Diana remarked to herself with perking exhilaration. I can barely tell that's me anymore…

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't mind." Her mirror self replied, curling the words with a soft breath and shifted closer. The replication really was perfect. A far cry from the mischievous nature of what it had been. That one was completely under Diana's control, and even had a physical presence though it didn't possess the natural warmness of a real person.

But in the end, it was watching the recordings unfold that proved to be Diana's true pleasure in all that. Watching and...shamefully indulging herself with doing that.

There was so little time however. And yet the more her wild thoughts dwelled on that, the more she wished to throw aside her reservations and do so…

With perfect tempo the video shifted in tone to reflect Diana's desire gleaming ever brighter. Her copy had brought her panting mouth to Akko's neck, gently kissing and caressing it as she spoke. Akko squirmed with a tiny whine and tilted her head back in a serene, blushing trance.

"Akko, you really don't know I how much I need you."

Another drawing kiss that traced her tongue up to the lobe of the other girls' ear.


"I can't help it. I just can't. I want you-"

Diana couldn't hold it anymore. Watching her copy press a deep kiss to Akko's lips as the two of them fell back onto the bed in a sudden burst of want, slotting their bare thighs in between the other, hands touching and groping every curving angle found in that heated moment…

Yes. Just like that…

Diana reached her free hand down to the crevice of her quivering legs locked together whilst clutching the book with the other. As soon as her touch graced the skin of her bare thighs she shivered as a wave of delight rippled throughout her warming body. She then traced her fingers upward, rolling up her skirt just as 'Akko' was having the same done to her; their collective moans of pleasure an echo of one another in that tense quiet.

Shaking with excitement, Diana touched that spot, caressing it delicately over the thin fabric of her underwear. The waves of pleasure rose in a dizzying crescendo with that mere contact; its sudden power causing her knees to quiver uncontrollably.

A sharp noise that cut the moment to pieces suddenly rang out, sounding so unbelievably loud Diana shot up to her feet from her bed in such shock she launched the book off her lap along with her wand which shot off a few angry sparks of blue that pinged off her bookcase and caused its contents to belch out in a wondrous mess all over the floor by her feet.

Diana was still reeling but managed to calm herself a little. That sound just then, someone was knocking on the door. It hadn't been a loud noise at all, but the shock of it had caught her completely off-guard.

Then, Diana heard a voice from beyond the door. One she knew well. Far, far too well.

"Dianaaa~ Hey, are you home? It's me!"

Of all the people...at that specific time.

"Akko!" Diana gasped out. She stood there for a few seconds scrambling on what to do. The enchantments on the door would hold easily, and the sound-proofing ensured none of that previous ruckus or her calling out Akko's name would've been heard. Really, all Diana had to do was stand there and let the girl think no one was in the room.

Yet in that moment Diana chose to foolishly deny that call to reason by picking up her wand that she'd dropped and waving away the defensive spells she'd conjured.

"Just a moment!" She replied with an uncouth yell and set about frantically re-shelving the toppled books in random order with another flicker of magic. Then finished up quickly by pushing the book of her 'collection' with the amber-coloured cover beneath her bed.

"Oh wow, you're actually there! It's my lucky day! I passed Hannah and Barbara on the way over here and they said you'd be around. Still, didn't think I'd actually catch you this time!"

Akko's voice carried clearer towards Diana as she stepped away from her corner of the room and approached the door. Any other visitor she would've just stayed in place and waited, but to hear that sweet voice, it's rough and cheery inflection from so close by…

Diana could never pass up a chance too see Akko again. No matter how inconvenient. With that in mind and a very unsteady balance in her step, she opened the door and was met with the adorable, ever-smiling face of that lovely Japanese Witch. The way her cherry-red eyes twinkled in delight at seeing her already melting Diana's softening heart with every breath.

"Hi Diana! It's great to see you!" Akko greeted and waved childishly with both hands.

She's so cute.

"Greetings, Akko. How can I help you today?"

She hadn't meant her response to sound so dry and formal, but it didn't seem to bother Akko at all.

"Wellll, here's the thing-" She fake-coughed into the ball of her fist and took a nervously rigid stance. "-I've been doing real bad in Magical History lately. Like, really really bad. I totally messed up that last assignment because I kinda...studied from the wrong book for two weeks."

Diana couldn't help but sigh at that and crossed her arms. Her own demeanor was an act of course, considering she was in no position to lecture anyone. But she had to keep up appearances.

"Well, that does sound troublesome. Really, how did you not notice the rest of the class was using a different book?"

"The covers all look the same sometimes!" Akko shot back, but with a playful cheek to her words, brightened by her smile. "Wasn't my fault no one told me!"

"It was. You know it was." Diana replied sternly, but couldn't resist smiling back. "Only you could make that kind of mistake."

"Hey, come on!" Akko giggled at the jab, then composed herself to speak more seriously. "Anyway, I came here to ask you something real quick. And I get it if it's impossible, if you don't have the time, or there's twenty other perfect reasons why you can't do it-"

Diana's heartbeat had just started to slow, only to begin excitedly hammering away again at what she was hearing.

Is she really asking me for that?

"-but I thought there wouldn't be any harm in just trying I guess. You're the smartest Witch in Luna Nova, that's why I could really use your help in tutoring me for a little while. Just a little! Please, Diana!"

Akko slapped her hands together in some foreign prayer and bowed her head. "I just really don't want to fail this next test! My overall grades would drop too low I might not even graduate! I'm sorry to just show up out of nowhere like this, but I do need your help bad!"

She's really asking me to teach her. After the countless times I wanted to extend that offer myself…

The girl continued her pleading babbling, now throwing in completely needless promises and favours like buying the largest cake she could afford, lending away all her Chariot cards, even offering to tutor her in return as silly as that was.

Meanwhile Diana just stood there stunned at what was taking place, her heart soaring in joy yet was riddled with an odd guilt that sat like a stone in her stomach. Akko just wouldn't stop talking, and though Diana had no qualms listening to such a stream of words coming from that girl, she had to give her answer.

"Akko I..."

The brunette ceased her begging and looked up from her praying hands expectantly cautious. Those pleading eyes, like a kitten left in the rain. She'd never be able to refuse her.

"...would love to. Truly."

Akko instantly switched gears and leapt into the air with a jubilant shriek, surprising Diana enough she had to take a step back.

"YEAH! Alright! I did it! Lotte and Sucy aren't going to believe this! They kept saying you'd probably be way too busy for any tutoring, but I guess not huh? Anyway, thank you so much for agreeing to teach me! How does tomorrow morning sound? Around 8am? Pretty sure we've only got classes later in the afternoon."

"I have no issue with that." Diana replied quickly as she basked in the girls' wild energy. Was she even free around that time? No matter. She would make time. For Akko, anything else could go by the wayside.

"Awesome. It's gonna be so great! I mean, THE Diana Cavendish teaching me history! I'll probably have the test answers memorised in one sitting!"

"Best not to get too overconfident, Akko. Consider that advice the start of my teachings. And although we're friends-" Why did using that word seem so unpleasant? "-I will not let that get in the way of seeing you through this next test. You will work hard to not disappoint me. Is this understood?"

Akko's cheer melded with an air of determination when she replied. How Diana adored that bravery of hers. In that moment she had no doubt Akko wouldn't let her down. That precious girl…

"Yes! I totally get you! Don't worry, Diana. I'll work super hard. But also-"

Akko's smile shifted a little as did her composure. It was so subtle, but the way her expression softened so cutely lit fireworks of twirling emotions in Diana's core.

"-I kinda missed seeing you too, you know? You're always so busy with school stuff, or helping people out. And lately I've seen a lot less of you around in general..."

There's a reason for that. A shameful reason.

"...so it's gonna be really great to spend some time with you again. Like we used to!"

Diana nodded simply with a genuine, carefree smile, feeling dazzlingly wonderful that Akko had told her that. It wasn't just for studying. She wanted to be near, to share moments together.

As friends of course, she chose to remind herself. But her love for that ridiculous girl was so invincible that thought didn't damper her mood one fraction.

"You're so sweet to tell me that. I feel the same way. It would be delightful to share some time with you."

"Great to hear! I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning at the library then. I promise I won't be late!"

"I'll hold you to that. Be safe, Akko."

"Course! Gotta run now. I've got detention so I get to sort out the broom closet today. Bye, bye!~"

Diana managed a single blink before Akko was gone in a blur of movement; the distinct pigtail of hers whipping away the last fleeting image she saw of her.

Closing the door slowly she then moved numbly back over to her bed, still reeling over what had just taken place.

The perfect opportunity to grow closer to the girl she loved had quite literally knocked on her door. It was marvellous fortune. A small miracle. And how superbly exciting it was. Already Diana felt more joy brimming in her heart than she'd felt in months. Such was the generous spirit of Akko Kagari, to so easily stir so much happiness within her like that.

Those rising emotions were at fever pitch, guiding Diana back over to sit down on her bed again after re-acquiring that particular book. She didn't bother enchanting the door that time. Diana wasn't quite in control of herself, rather driven by several impulses at once without measure or concern.

No doubt, she was in a strange frenzy of sorts. She had to indulge herself. She had to. Akko would not leave her thoughts for a moment otherwise.

Before long she was sitting up in bed in the same position from before the special visitor had arrived; the book opened to the exact spot from earlier and playing the recording where Diana had left it.

Her skin prickling hot with delight as she stared at the video, Diana reached down beneath her skirt to touch that quivering spot, feeling just the slightest glean of wetness brushing her fingertips.

But despite that building, intoxicating pleasure, Diana's inner voice cut in so sharply that it rose to the forefront.

Again. I'm doing this again. It's going to feel wonderful but…

Her fondling hand stopped moving, stunting the rising delight that still burned hot, begging to be satisfied. What was stopping her?

Diana noticed then that she wasn't looking at the recording anymore, instead focusing tiredly on the rows of books sitting on the shelves beyond the foot of her bed. From the blurring corners of her vision she saw the moving image on the page of Akko and the mirror copy already undressed, squirming bare bodies joined together.

Why can't I…? I couldn't stop thinking about this all day yet…

She closed the book promptly and sat it beside her, stunned at how quickly the moment had passed. Such a thing had never occurred before, not even close.

Diana didn't need to consider very long at all to know why she couldn't do it. And not just then. She doubted she'd be able to indulge that desire the same way ever again.

And it was because of Akko. That beautiful smile, that energetic voice that lingered strong in Diana's stream of consciousness. Seeing that girl again, even so briefly, had ignited Diana's passions beyond any thresholds.

It didn't just feel wrong to continue that wretched activity any longer. It felt like a betrayal; a secret that only grew more twisted the longer it went on.

There was one last thing Diana had to come to terms with as well. A revelation. A raw fact that hung open in her thoughts so vividly that she knew it be the deepest of truths.

Diana needed Akko. Not with magic, lies, or tricks. She needed the real girl in her arms. She wanted to grow as close to her as she could. To express the monument of love that had built peerless within her heavy heart, regardless of the outcome, of whether or not Akko would feel the same way.

"Akko..." She whispered to herself in a tired breath as she stared blankly at the bookcase in front. "I need to...I have to..."

She was going to tutor her the following day. And she was going to confess her feelings. The spike of fear that ran her blood cold at the thought passed quickly, negated by her ceaseless thrum of passion.

Muffled yet familiar voices were approaching from beyond the other side of the door, chatting away loudly. Her friends returning from their errand most likely.

Diana calmly hid the book once again and got to her feet, rolling her skirt back down in the process.

She quite liked that buzzing of gleeful excitement filling her body, even if it was bookended with brief bouts of terrifying anxiety. So much energy...is that how Akko felt all the time?

I'm going to tell her how I feel. I can't smother these emotions away any longer. Look at what's been happening to me doing that. All my shameful secrets. She can't ever know about any of that. Akko would never look at me the same way again.

The dormitory door swung open and allowed Hannah and Barbara's animated chatter to fill the room, stifling Diana's thoughts, but not her resolve to do what had to be done the next day.

She would release herself from that torment of always wondering, of the fear that came with it. Akko Kagari was going to learn of Diana's ever-growing, reckless, stupid, beautiful love.

Diana moved away from her bed and rounded the bookcase about to greet her friends when one final thought ran through her mind. A voice dragged from the darkest depths of reckless desire, shocking her for a moment with its bluntness.

Show her the book.

"Ridiculous." She muttered darkly under her breath and harshly cast that aside. She would never.

Hannah and Barbara, already seated around the table as before, greeted her cheerily when she approached and eventually sat herself down on the same sofa as before. Diana barely acknowledged the exchanged pleasantries, nor the energetic chatter that sprung up a second later between the two.

Akko was her only concern for that stretch of time. And what Diana was going to do when they met once again.

But her secret, the way it clung in the air about her, like an uninvited invisible guest constantly smirking through her defences like nothing, mocking her.

Barbara broke out in a giggling laugh to some unheard joke, followed shortly by Hannah doing the same. The two were completely oblivious to Diana's struggle, but for how long?

Just what was Diana going to reveal to Akko in the morning? Just her feelings...or…?

Show her the book.
