In the early morning, the people of Los Angeles were awoken by the bells of the church. As they got out, into the plaza, they found Zorro standing on top of the imposing white building and five men dangling halfway, heads down, each suspended by two ropes.
Would you, senores, be so kind as to bring out his Excellency? He asked, as some of the soldiers came out of the Tavern. And, Sergeant, how about you also bring here the prisoners captured last night?
Si, Don Zorro! Right away! Mumbled Mendoza, not sure how to address his masked friend.
A few minutes later, the Governor, his daughter, Dos Santos - barely standing and posing a real challenge for Diego as he was fighting the impulse to scream for his friend to be returned to a bed - the rest of the soldiers, as well as the prisoners, the lancers and several tens of Los Angelinos, including the Escalantes, the De la Vegas – Felipe, Don Alejandro and Dona Maria – and Padre Benitaes, were in the plaza.
Now, senores, how about you tell these good people everything you were kind enough to tell me! Zorro started, looking down at his prisoners. In exchange, I promise those of you who offer relevant information will not fall to their death.
The Deputy Governor! He is behind all this. Said one of the men.
He sabotaged the presidios. Retained payment and convinced the soldiers that the Governor was a corrupt tyrant. Screamed another.
He has a deal with the British to sell them California for 15 million pesos. Added the third.
The lancers in the presidios supporting our cause will wear a white ribbon and so will the other men on our side. Said the fourth. But they only know that we want to get rid of the Governor, they do not know what we intend to do with California. He added, clearly concerned for the faith of his men.
And you, senor, don't you have something to add in exchange for your life? Zorro asked the only one who had, so far, refused to talk. You were quite forthcoming with me last night!
I know who you are! The leader tried to menace him.
It doesn't weight much since everybody is about to find out! Replied Zorro to the surprise of most people gathered in the plaza.
It will all go down in four days, at midday precisely. The man finally gave up. The lancers who have not been turned to our side by then and anyone else standing in our way shall be killed. With an army of thousands we were going to keep the Mexican troops abey until the British gave us the money and brought in their own men.
Is there any more information you need, Governor? Asked Zorro
No, I do believe we have all we need, Senor Zorro! He replied, still furious at the thought that he almost married his daughter with his greatest enemy but also confident he had already won the war. After all, through some twist of faith, he had Zorro by his side and he had no intention of letting such an advantage go.
In that case... said Zorro, cutting one by one the ropes which were suspending the men by their feet and causing them to believe for a few moments they were falling to their death when, in fact, they were being turned around and caught in the second rope, stopping, feet first, just a few centimeters above the ground, where the Governor's men rushed to cut them off and take them to prison, I believe my work here is done!
In the public's acclamations, Zorro then climbed on the wall, whistled for Tornado, descended using one of the ropes he had used to support the rebel commanders and, landing on his horse, headed towards the tavern.
Well, Zorro, teased Victoria as he got there, the ring he had given her on her finger, we have a good Alcalde, a generous Governor, the people are free from Spanish tyranny and you have been pardoned! Perhaps it is finally time to fulfill your promise!
Perhaps it is! He agreed as the people in the plaza were holding their breath to finally see who their hero truly was.
He jumped down from his horse and was heading towards Victoria, intended on letting her take off his mask, when a still-sleepy Marisol ran past her stopping at his feet and looked up at him, surprised.
Papi, why are you wearing a mask? The little girl asked.
Certainly not to deceive you, my little princess! He replied with a big smile, picking her up, as Victoria and those who already knew his true identity chuckled at the scene, wondering how come it took them so long to realize Diego was Zorro when even a todler knew it just by looking at him once. Would you like to take it off? He offered, as the people in the plaza were already beginning to guess who he was, since everyone in Los Angeles knew there was only one man the little girl would call "papi".
Marisol just smiled and removed the mask with her little fingers.
As the mask was off, Victoria came to them, a blissful look on her face and, after caressing her adopted daughter's cheek, she stood on her toes and kissed him, leading the little girl to cover her eyes in a gesture betraying a very spoiled and beloved child.
How about next Saturday? He asked as their lips finally parted.
Next Saturday? Victoria repeated confused.
For our wedding. That is, of course, if you still want to marry me. He added
No! She answered leading him to dive into uncertainty for a few moments. I have waited ten years, senor! I have no intention to wait another whole week! In fact, I don't intend to wait even one more day! She continued.
Today it is, then! He agreed.
This afternoon at three? She asked.
Three o'clock. He answered. Padre Benitaes! He then called at the wise man who was, at that very moment, the mere image of happiness. Would you be so kind as to marry us this afternoon?
It will be my honor, Don Diego! Came the answer.
Then it is settled! Said Victoria reluctantly giving up his embrace and heading for the tavern with Marisol. See you later, Diego! She added, turning to smile at him from the terrace, just before going in.
You know, Jessie, said Diego as his betrothed was entering the tavern, I believe you are rubbing off on my future wife!
Good! You certainly need a new challenge! She said smiling. Am I to understand Ignacio is safe?
Hmhm! He confirmed by nodding his head as people were gathering around him. The wounded men?
Alive and recovering. She informed him. Well, I look disgusting and I am bearly able to stand. Perhaps I should go get some sleep and change out of these clothes. She added, before entering the tavern, decided to ask Victoria to provide her with one of her dresses.
And so should we, Diego! Said Don Alejandro, his wife and Felipe by his side, making their way through the crowd, headed for the horses. You had a long night, son! Now I know why you sleep in so late during the day!
Diego smiled, mounted back on Tornado and, making his famous Zorro salute, in everyone's acclaims, left with his family towards their hacienda.
Jessie, in turn, decided to remain in town and, after procuring clean cloths from Victoria, headed for her office in order to get some much-deserved rest in her old little room.
There is one more thing you should know, father! Said Diego as they all entered the hacienda, leaving the poor helpers speechless at realizing their master's son was Zorro.
What else don't I know about you, Diego? He asked holding his breath as Dona Maria and Felipe excused themselves and headed for their quarters, decided to give them some privacy.
This is not about me... Answered Diego. In fact, it is about your hacienda. As he said that, he headed towards the fireplace and opened the sliding panel. After you, father! He invited the surprised old man.
A secret passage? Asked Don Alejandro, looking at his son.
Actually, it is ... much more than that! He replied, as his father entered the passage followed by Diego, and, going down a few stairs, suddenly found himself in Zorro's cave.
Diego was right about the prisoners. After listening to the confessions of their leaders and realizing it was Zorro himself who had led the battle against them, even the gravely wounded ones decided to turn against the men who had incited the riot. Thus, the Governor, who came to Los Angeles with only twenty-five men, left a few days later with an army of a hundred soldiers and all the information he needed to warn Mexico City and the commanders of the garrison and the presidios. He did not require any military support from the Capital, though, as the minds of both Diego and Emmanuel Do Santos, together with the contingent of men now at his disposal, proved more than enough for him to retake control of California without any bloodshed.
Around two o'clock on that very afternoon, the Pueblo de Los Angeles was in a terrible state of agitation over the approaching nuptials. Everyone wanted to be involved and to participate and, since no official invitations had been sent, all the people in town considered themselves invited. Ignacio de Soto, after spending the entire morning glued to a chair, trying to remember every interaction he had ever had with both Zorro and Diego de la Vega and only vaguely aware of what had happened in town (from the conversation between Zorro and the rebel commanders), entered the tavern to find his wife, dressed in a beautiful gown he did not recognize, having lunch.
Good morning husband mine! She said as he sat down in front of her, happy to see he was in one piece but unwilling to give him the satisfaction of knowing she had been worried sick about his safety.
Morning? What are you talking about, my darling? It is two in the afternoon! He corrected her
So? How are you...adjusting? She asked, ignoring the fact that he had dared contradict her since she was feeling a little guilty for not having returned to the hacienda and having decided to stay in town instead. She did, however, think he might need some time by himself and she was usually right about her husband.
Adjusting? To what? He asked
To finding out who Zorro is? She said
I..I don't know what you are talking about, my dear! I have no idea who Zorro is and, for all I know, nobody else does. It is one of those mysteries no one will ever find out, I am sure! He answered, shocking his young bride.
Jessie! Ignacio! Greeted Diego at entering the tavern in an elegant black suit, making De Soto shiver, still undecided as to how to feel about the man who had turned, quite literally over-night, from archenemy into his step-brother. Have you seen Sergeant Mendoza by any chance?
Diego! How are you? Asked Ignacio, in an effort to mask his anxiety.
Very well, Ignacio, thank you! He replied rather casually, looking around for the Sergeant.
I saw Mendoza entering your father's office earlier, Diego. Said Jessie. So what happened last night? You didn't tell him? She asked, looking at her husband, as Diego made a sign with his head, confirming Ignacio surely knew he was Zorro.
Tell me what? Asked Ignacio.
That he is Zorro! She stated.
Diego? Said Ignacio trying to dissimulate. Don't be absurd!
Did they bumped his head? Jessie asked Diego concerned.
No, I don't believe so...Diego replied, suddenly doubting his words.
For God's sake, De la Vega! You have a price on your head! If someone hears this conversation you will hang! Whispered the former alcalde, careful not to be overheard.
Jessie and Diego looked at each other confused. are fearing for Diego's life? Asked Jessie, not sure if to jump and kiss him or to burst out laughing.
Well, since my mother had the bad inspiration to marry his father, I am rather stuck with him, aren't I? He replied, again careful no one else should hear them. My mother would never forgive me if I let anything happen to her "dear Diego"! He replied upset with the thought of his mother preferring Diego over him.
Everybody already knows, Ignacio! Said Diego and Ignacio looked around the room to see the people looking and smiling at Diego. But I do appreciate the sentiment! If you'll excuse me, I need to find the Sergeant.
Has he gone mad? The governor will have him executed! Said De Soto as Diego left the tavern.
He has been pardoned, my darling! After all, yesterday he almost singlehandedly saved the Governor's life, Los Angeles and, quite probably, the entire California! In fact, the Governor has spent the last hour trying to convince him to accept becoming the new Deputy Governor. She assured her husband.
Really? He asked. So.. there is no more Zorro? He added with some regret.
I'm afraid not. She replied, amused by his sudden sadness. By the way, Diego and Victoria are to be married at three.
In half an hour, you mean? Asked Ignacio
Yes. She confirmed
Good I decided to came to town or I might have missed it! Replied Ignacio with some indignation in his voice.
Oh...and Felipe is able to speak and hear. And he is almost as good a fighter as Diego! She continued to fill him in.
Of course he is. Concluded Ignacio.
May I come in, father? Asked Diego at entering the Alcalde's office.
Of course, son! Come in! Don Alejandro approved, indicating for him to enter. I am only glad to see you use the door as the good Sergeant informs me you usually prefer the roof entrance. He continued, with a clear intention to tease him.
Maybe I will use it next time, father. Diego replied seriously. Sergeant, I wanted to talk to you!
With me, Don Diego? He asked.
Yes. As you well know, I am marrying Victoria in about half an hour and I was wondering if you would like to be my best man.
Me? Zorro's best man? Mendoza asked incredulouslyas Don Alejandro was smiling.
Diego smiled back
Well you are my best friend, are you not, Sergeant? Afterall you did save my life quite a few times...
No, Don Diego! You were the one to always save me! The Sergeant said with the sincerity of a child looking up to his older brother. I would be very proud to be your best man, Don Diego! He said, as tears filled his eyes.
Perfect! Smiled Diego. See you in half an hour, Sergeant! Father! I still have some preparations to make. Diego added and exited the office.
My son is Zorro! Said Don Alejandro proudly, as soon as Diego left. I always knew that boy was special, but it is just now that I even begin to understand just how special he truly is, Sergeant! Wherever his mother might be right now, I can only pray she also knows!
The wedding was attended by the entire pueblo, everyone grateful for all Zorro had done for Los Angeles. With Felipe's help, Diego and Victoria's wedding was the first to be immortalized in a heliography (a primitive form of photography), one that, unlike the previous ones Diego had taken, did not fade away since he managed to improve the process. A month after the wedding, just as Diego and Victoria were getting accustomed to their married life and increased family, Captain Dos Santos returned to Los Angeles together with his twenty men, bringing Diego an official appointment as Deputy Governor of California and the papers assigning them to his guard. Three years later, as the Governor moved on to a ministerial position in Mexico City, Diego became the Governor of California, the only one to ever rule from Los Angeles.
Victoria left the tavern to Ramon when she married and he agreed to Diego's suggestion to give half of it to Sergeant Mendoza, who finally got the life he was meant for, happily serving wine at the bar.
Diego and Victoria's only natural children, a twin boy and girl, were born one year after they got married, the same week as Ignacio and Jessie's firstborn, Clara, a girl who was the perfect copy of her mother and who, to her father's despair, eventually ended up marrying Diego's son, Alejandro, the spitting image of his own father. Alejandro shared, however, more than the good looks with Diego since he grew up to become a brilliant inventor and just as good a fighter. Marisol grew up adoring her "papi" and, encouraged by Diego, became a doctor, spending her entire life in Los Angeles with the De la Vegas and the family she eventually made for herself. As for Victoria and Diego's daughter, Elena, she grew up to be one of the most beautiful women in California, kind and gentle but just as brave as her father and as feisty as her mother. It took her a long time to find a husband, though, since, following her mother's advice, she decided not to settled for less than a man who truly desearved her, and eventually became a famous writer and an abolitionist.
Felipe left for Mexico City, not long after Diego and Victoria were married, to study law. It only took him two years to complete his studies since his father had already made sure he possessed extensive knowledge in the field before he even got to university. While one of the most popular young bachelors in the Mexican capital – for rather obvious reasons – he never did like living there and was eager to return to his pueblo. During his long career as a magistrate, Felipe was elected Alcalde of Los Angeles three times (for one-year mandates), eventually following in his father' footsteps towards governorship. He was also involved in the negotiations for California to join the United States, being entrusted to ensure his people would not become second-class citizens in their own country. He married twice in his life. First to Quinona, his first love, when he was 25, a marriage which was very happy but only lasted for three years as his young bride died quite suddenly from an aneurysm, both Diego and Jessie being powerless to help her. Five years later, after a long mourning and sure to have given up on love, Felipe met a beautiful young widow, called Amelia and, a year later they married. Felipe adopted Amelia's four-year-old deaf son, Miguel, and, during their many years together, the pair was also blessed with three daughters and seven grandchildren, both living to meet eight of their fourteen grand-grand-children.
Don Alejandro and Dona Maria had a long and happy marriage, enjoying their lives and each other as their family grew around them.
When the hacienda De la Vega became too small for all of them, Diego enlarged it, so that each family would have its own separate space and privacy. The one thing he never changed was the library. The cave remained a De la Vega secret, only to be shared when the descendants became of age. He also made sure Tornado had his own descendants, the finest horses in California.
As for Zorro, his adventures did not end, as Jessie had thought, when Diego removed the mask. No longer an outlaw, he still rode when the pueblo was attacked and the bells of the Church called for his help. At first, with Diego Governor, it was Felipe to take-on the mantle. Then, Alejandro followed in his father's and his older brother's footsteps. Sometimes, even Elena put on the mask, since she was just as smart, agile and as good a fighter as the De la Vega men. The truth about Zorro's identity, while it had been, for the first years after Diego's reveal, one of the main topics of discussion in all circles of life, in the Americas and in Europe, eventually faded away. Decades later, only the true Los Angelinos remained aware that the mask would hide a De la Vega, and it was a secret they kept only for themselves, certain that Zorro would always ride out to defend them.