Inspired by The Fake Redhead's Prompts:

'Please don't fall off that cliff, your mother will kill me.'

The trees swayed in the breeze and the seagulls squawked as they flew overhead. The rythmic sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below was a balm for the soul.

So soothing was the ambience that James' head lolled to the side once, twice, and then went still. A few feet away, Sirius sat on the blanket with Harry in his lap. He was showing a Quidditch magazine to the child, pointing out different manoeuvres while Harry nibbled on Sirius' jacket. After a while, Harry got bored and fell asleep. Sirius chuckled and laid Harry down on the blanket, cushioning his head with his jacket. He, too, lay down beside Harry, listening to the peaceful sounds of the ocean.

Lily and Remus were off doing Lily-Remus stuff; by which one could assume he meant research. Lily and Remus were working on a project, and because James and Sirius were being annoying, they'd sent them off to the cliffs for a short picnic. The two of them promised they would come to the cliffs later, which was why the two men had agreed to go.

Sirius was thinking about Remus' light brown hair and how it shone in the sunlight and how he wanted to run his fingers through the tresses. He had started daydreaming about kissing Remus' scars when James rolled over and mumbled, 'Where's Harry?' In a noncommittal tone, he replied, 'Asleep.' James frowned and questioned, 'Where?' Sirius was about to point to Harry's spot when he realised the boy was gone.

He shot to his feet, whirling around in a panic. 'There he is,' James cried suddenly, his finger pointing towards the cliffs. Harry had managed to evade Sirius and had stumbled over to the edge of the cliff.

James' screams resembled an outraged mother's who's found her child wiping their messy, little fingers in the new, white curtains, while Sirius' resembled that of an absentminded sibling who's forgotten to watch over the aforementioned child and knows he's in trouble.

They rushed to Harry's side right before he could take a swift nosedive into the rough waters below.

'Please don't fall off that cliff, Prongslet. Your mother will kill me,' groaned James as he picked Harry up by the back of his shirt. Harry giggled as he swung his legs back and forth. 'Oh mate, that was a close one!' Sirius gasped, his heart pounding in his chest with fear.

The loud smack Sirius received was well deserved. 'Were you thinking of Moony again, Pads?! You're hopeless!' James grumbled, still carrying Harry by his shirt.

Sirius grimaced and muttered, 'I can't help myself, mate. I mean, have you SEEN Moony's eyes? And that hair? And that ASS? Oh Merlin, that ass!'

James hit Sirius' arm again, making him whine with indignation. 'Don't say the A word in front o' Harry! It's not proper for his little ears,' he scolded with little heat. Just then, Lily and Remus apparated right before them. James cried out with surprise, 'Fuck!' and subsequently dropped Harry on his face.

Sirius burst into loud cackles as he watched Lily rush over to a befuddled Harry who'd fallen on the grass. His laughter increased when Lily yanked James down by his ear and snarled at him, spit flying from her mouth, 'Don't curse in front of him!' 'He's not going to learn it if we say it a couple of times, Lils,' James tried to defend himself.

Just then, Harry made James fear for his life by giggling and yelling out loud, 'Fuck!'

There was silence all around. The calm before the storm...

Remus groaned, 'Merlin, help James. Doesn't look like he's gonna survive the day.' Lily was already chasing after James, her wand in her hand.

Sirius turned to Remus and cooed, 'I missed you.' Remus was about to reply when there was burst of loud expletives from behind.

Lily had hexed James in the arse and he'd fallen over. Remus smirked, 'Keep missing me because I'm taking Harry home away from this circus. And you, I know you were involved in this somehow, you'll be separating those two. I don't know how or how long you'll take, so I'll visit Peter in the meantime. He wants me to help him get ready to propose to Marlene.'

Sirius paled at the implication. 'You mean... you want me to... separate Lily from James... when she's got a wand in her hand? And when she looks that terrifying?' He waved his hand in Lily's direction.

Remus looked at the redhead who was straddling her husband's back and had his left leg in a stranglehold Remus had only ever seen during wrestling matches while simultaneously holding her wand in between her teeth. James was squealing in pain and terror, begging for mercy or death.

Secretly amused, Remus nodded with a solemn expression, 'Yes. I encourage you to go now.'

Harry was trying his level best to eat a fistful of grass along with the dirt that had accumulated on his fingers. Remus smiled gently at the boy, cleaned him up and with a soft kiss to his temple, picked him up. 'Go, Sirius. Now,' Remus stated pointedly as he strolled over to the picnic blanket. Quickly accioing everything and miniaturising it, he apparated away.

'Oh Merlin, help me please. I didn't even get a kiss from my Moony... Please let me survive this,' Sirius prayed desperately as he snuck closer to James and Lily. He managed to duck from the Stinging hex Lily sent his way, but he was knocked out the second Lily's shoe hit the side of his head. His last thoughts were 'This wasn't even my fault' and 'James owes me for this shit.'

Feel free to PM me any prompt you might like to see about Harry Potter. Please review as it means a lot. Thank you. :)