Hey! This is a one-shot I wrote based off a prompt I saw a while ago.
Disclaimer: If I was Rick Riordan, I probably wouldn't be writing fanfiction, but really, that's up to him to decide. I'm not judging.
The last person Percy expected to see at this concert was Annabeth Chase. Prim, proper, stubborn, Annabeth Chase. It was a punk concert after all, for one of Percy's favorite bands. It didn't make any sense why she would be there.
But there she stood, feet away from him, bobbing her head to the music as she closed her eyes. She hadn't noticed him yet- that was a good thing, they'd always had this love/hate relationship. Mostly the hate part though.
This would earn her a lot of teasing Monday morning, when they got back to school. Their friend groups were closely aligned, which meant although they didn't particularly like each other, they were forced to interact.
The band switched songs, and Percy began doing a slight little dance, side to side. This was one of his favorite songs of theirs- he was glad it was included in the set. The song always got him pumped. He smiled up at the stage, and brushed a floppy lock of hair out of his face.
He looked to Annabeth- she was smiling, and bopping to the music, doing the same thing he was. Percy smirked. This had to be the funniest thing he'd seen in the last month.
Making his way over to her, he readied his face, smirking. Percy knew exactly what he'd say when she saw him. It had to be something snarky, and of course sarcastic. That was his specialty.
He stuck his pointer finger out, and tapped her one the shoulder. Annabeth didn't stop dancing, turning around to see him. And that's when the dancing stopped. Her grin turned into a frown. "You have got to be kidding me."
"What do you mean princess?" Percy smirked at her. "Surprised I'm here?"
Annabeth grumbled as Percy took her in. That's when he noticed- she looked good. Like, really, really good. So good any guy would fall to his knees, begging her to give him a chance. That tight white shirt… those jeans, wow, she looked amazing. "Not really," She said, shaking him out of his senses. What the hell was he just doing, ogling Annabeth Chase?
"Well I'm surprised to see you here." Percy told her, leaning closer and smiling. "I didn't know you liked rock and roll."
Annabeth scoffed. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me Seaweed Brain." She looked him up and down. "And that I guess is one of them."
"Seaweed Brain?" Percy chuckled lowly, "Where'd that come from Wise girl?" He said, adding a nickname of his own to the batch.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, scoffing once again. Damn, she really was gorgeous. He didn't know why he hadn't noticed this before. She was probably too busy annoying him, or vice versa. It was their thing, messing with each other. Despite how much they mutually despised each other, everyone secretly thought they'd get together. Percy hadn't understood it until now.
Annabeth counted on her fingers, "One, you're always talking about swimming, and the sea." She pointed another one up. "Two, I'm sorry to say it," She gave him a fake sympathetic look, "but you're not the sharpest pencil in the batch."
"First of all," Percy looked at her, a little bit hurt. She'd never really gotten to him like that, but he was insecure about his intelligence. "Rude, and second of all, I'm not always talking about water. I just like the sea. It's refreshing."
Annabeth shook her head, "Refreshing?" She said, "That's the best you could come up with?"
"You're putting me on the spot here Wise Girl." Percy laughed a bit. "What am I supposed to say?"
She punched him the shoulder, lightly, and Percy laughed. "Not that," She told him. "But seriously," She looked at him, her eyes widening just a bit. "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody about this. Please."
"Why?" Percy smirked, "Is little goody-two shoes Annabeth Chase afraid people will find out she loves rock and roll?"
Annabeth sighed, and looked away. "There it is," She turned back to him. "You being a jerk again, like always."
"What do you mean?" Percy asked, his cocky smile falling. He knew he wasn't the nicest person in the world, but he wasn't a jerk. The mutual teasing was a part of their relationship, it had always been that way.
She rolled her eyes, "Maybe you don't understand this, but being called 'little goody-two shoes Annabeth Chase' is not a compliment. And where did the 'little' come from? It's rude."
"Oh, so you mocking my intelligence level isn't rude?" Percy shot back, raising an eyebrow. "I may do stupid things, but I'm not stupid."
Annabeth shook her head. "When did I say that?" She glared at him. "Tell me when I said that."
"It's that constant condescending tone you have- it never goes away. Look I may be failing some of my classes, but that doesn't make you better than me. Just because you're smart for passing your classes, doesn't mean I'm dumb for not."
Annabeth clicked her tongue, and tapped the side of his chin. "I guess I didn't think about it that way." She said. Percy noticed how she didn't apologize. In fact, he was noticing a lot about her right now. Things he hadn't noticed before, when they were incessantly bickering. He'd always thought about Annabeth as a little bit too earnest, stuck up, smart. But as he took a second look, he added "absolutely gorgeous" to his list.
"No apology?" Percy asked, after a disheartening awkward silence. "I should've known."
Annabeth turned to him, and frowned. "I like this song." She told him, "So shut up. Maybe you'll get an apology later."
"How much later?" Percy asked her innocently, quirking both of his eyebrows up.
She didn't look away from the stage. "When you get me a burger at Usov's Deli." Her hand went to her back pocket, and she picked up her phone, and glanced back a little, showing it to someone. "They close in two hours," She said, "So that's your answer."
"Ms. Chase," Percy scoffed dramatically, "Are you asking me on a date?"
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No, think of it as a…" She hesitated, and a sly smiling forming on her lips. "Pity meal." She said finally.
"How is it a pity meal if I'm the one paying," Percy asked, waving his hand in the air, "That's not the point of a pity meal."
"'Not the point'?" Annabeth quoted, "My mere presence makes it a pity meal. You'll be glad to hang out with me."
Percy snickered, "Cocky, are we?" He said.
"Can't I just be self-confident?" Annabeth raised her eyebrows, coping the earnest look he had shown before. He responded by rolling his eyes, and groaning.
"Fine," Percy said, and flicked her in the shoulder lightly, "But you're paying for your own meal." He told her, "This isn't a date or anything like that."
Annabeth turned around him, and looked up at him through her lashes. God, that did things to him. "I wouldn't dream of it," she said, and batted the said lashes at him.
He looked away quickly, unable to conceal his blush. What the hell was she doing to him? They'd always had cheesy banter, that was a given, but this? This wasn't banter- it was flirting. Then again, their friends always saw it as flirting, so why hadn't Percy seen it? He was oblivious, but not that oblivious. Especially when it came to beautiful girls flirting with him.
The weirdest part about it- he had flirted back, while not realizing it. He had the reins to his brain the entire time, but it was almost instinct to flirt with her while not even realizing it.
And so, as they swayed back and forth, side by side, he noticed new things about her. Those curly ringlets, that Percy would love to pull (though he knew from experience that was not okay). Her tan, clear skin, and those gray eyes. The gray eyes that looked like they could peirce into your soul.
Once, Annabeth caught him looking at her, and just glared at him. Unapologetically glared. There was softness to it though- a softness to those gray eyes, which strangely, made him want to melt. Sure, Percy had hung around plenty of hot girls. Most of them were more punk like him. The only girl in his friend group that was into the punk stuff was Thalia, and she didn't even like guys.
But he'd hung out with other punk girls at clubs. He wouldn't say he was a player, but he got his fair share of numbers. His phone was full of people with people he didn't even know. Half of his contact's were just numbers- no names attached to him. He once thought about naming them things like "goth number one," or "goth number two," but decided against it.
Annabeth wasn't punk. Nor she was goth. Her outfit showed that, quite obviously. A fitted white crop top and high waisted jeans. Her hair out in ringlets. That was not usually goth attire. He almost wanted to ask her how she got into it, but it was probably Thalia. Thalia always tried to push her "punk" agenda onto everyone around her. No wonder Annabeth had finally succeeded.
Well, and the other option was she'd gotten into it all on her own. The band that was playing- it was pretty obscure. Percy only knew about it because of the rock and roll radio station. On Tuesdays, they let bands send in their songs, and they'd play them. Percy heard one of the songs, and immediately researched the band. The rest of their songs were just as good.
He poked her. "How'd you get into rock and roll? Punk culture too, I guess that's what you would call it." He asked, finally letting himself inquire.
"I don't know," Annabeth said. "It wasn't Thalia, like you're probably thinking. She doesn't even know I like it. Last time I let her talk about music to me was in the seventh grade." She sighed. "Worst. Day. Ever."
Percy chuckled at that. "Yeah, Thalia likes more of the mainstream punk bands." He held out his hand for a fist bump. "Nice to see people appreciate the richness of obscurity."
Annabeth laughed at that. It was high and sweet, but definitely not a giggle. She held up her fist, and met his. Maybe they could find a way to make this pleasant. That was what this concert was for, to have fun, right?
"Yeah," Annabeth said, "I've heard Thalia ranting to people about the bands she likes. Mainstream can be so…" Annabeth paused. "Bleh."
Percy nodded eagerly. This conversation was going exactly how he wanted. "I totally agree. I mean, it's still rock and roll to me, but I prefer the undiscovered bands. It's nice to find someone, and become a genuine fan, even if they're unknown."
The band stopped playing and Percy looked at his watch, realizing how much time had passed. Onestage, the band thanked everyone for coming, and started to pack up. Percy turned to Annabeth. "I guess I owe you a sandwich."
She looked at him quizzically. "Wouldn't that make this a date, like you said?"
Percy shrugged. "Whatever you want, babe." He smiled wickedly.
"Oh," Annabeth, "You're one of those guys." At Percy's confused expression, she elaborated. "You know, who calls everyone 'babe'"
Percy shook his head, and continued to smirk. "Not everyone." He said, and leaned closer to her. "Let's get out of here. I was joking about the date thing. It would be rude of me not to buy you something."
"Percy, I'm perfectly capable of purchasing my own sandwich." She told him. "Really, I'm good. I was joking too."
Percy rolled his eyes, "Look Wise girl," he said, using the nickname he had given her earlier, "As a guy, I can't not buy you a sandwich. That would be rude. An insult to my manhood."
"And as a girl," Annabeth said. "I think that's sexist. I can buy my own food Percy," She said, as they walked out of the bar where the concert had been hosted.
"It's chivalry," Percy muttered, "I'm trying to be nice, is that such a foriegn subject to you."
Annabeth looked him up and down before responding. Literally stopping in front of him, and looking up and down his body. It was like she was checking him out, but with the suitability of an elephant in roller blades. "Chivalry?" She finally said, "From you? Seaweed brain, you're wearing a leather jacket."
"What's wrong with that?" Percy asked, sarcastic.
Annabeth didn't have anything to say to that. Instead, she continued walking. "I got a ride here. I was planning to call an uber back. Now I don't need to. Can I hitch a ride with you?"
Percy nodded. "Sure. I mean, we're going to the same place, right?"
"And I'm buying my own sandwich," Annabeth added. Percy groaned. She really didn't get it, did she?
Percy shrugged, knowing he'd find some way to purchase it for her. "Fine, do whatever you want." He looked to his car, which stood a few feet away from the pair. "We're here. Precious, meet Annabeth." He pointed to the car. "Annabeth, meet precious."
Annabeth didn't look impressed. To any person who saw the car at first, it looked like a hunk of junk. It was his step-dad's old Pruis. When the car got into a mysterious horse-related accident (Percy claimed no affiliation), Paul gave it to him, and bought a new one for himself. They were in need of a replacement anyway. But Percy loved the car to death, hence the name "precious."
"You named your car?" Annabeth asked, looking again, with her signature quizzical look. "That's got to be a new level of weird for you."
Percy took out his keys, and opened the car. "Weird is just a mean way of saying different." He opened the car door, and motioned for her to come along. "Do you want a sandwich or not?"
"If I sit in that car," Annabeth started cautiously, "Will it spontaneously combust?"
Percy shrugged, and shook his head. "Probably not."
"That's making me feel any better," Annabeth said, but got into the car anyway. He smiled at her from the driver's seat, and she shifted back and forth uncomfortably in the passenger's seat. They drove in silence to Usov's, and because it was later in the night, Percy got a good spot. He checked his watch. Twenty minutes until it closed- they had time.
Annabeth followed Percy as he opened the door, a signature bell ringing. "Hey," said the girl at the cash register, a disheartened brunette who obviously didn't want to serve them. "We close in twenty minutes, so if you want a sandwich, you'll have to eat it somewhere else."
"Okay Katie," Annabeth said.
"How do you know her name?" He whispered to her, and Annabeth subtly pointed at the name tag, which proudly stated in comic sans, "Katie Gardner."
Katie nodded at Annabeth, and wrinkled her nose at Percy. "Okay, what would you like?"
"Tomato Mozzarella," Annabeth immediately said, and grabbed a bag of chips from the side. "Salt and vinegar chips, and Sprite."
Katie got a Sprite can from the back, and placed it next to Annabeth's bag of chips. "And for you?" She asked, looking at him impatiently.
"Same as the lady," He said, nodding towards Annabeth.
Katie nodded, and added a two next to the order sheet. "Together or seperate?"
"Together-" Percy said, just as Annabeth countered him. She glared at him, and hissed quickly a string of insults he didn't want to repeat. He simply smiled down at her kindly, despite the glare on her face. How could she still look that good while angry. It was a mystery to him. "Together," He repeated, and pulled out his wallet, getting his debit card.
Katie didn't seem fazed. "Insert your chip, and your orders will be ready in about five to ten minutes." Percy complied, and successfully paid, despite Annabeth's protest.
"Percy," She hissed at him, "This isn't a date."
He responded by simply grabbing her hand, and holding it to his chest as they waited. "Maybe it is. I'd be fine if it was, you know."
Annabeth's glare fell from her face, and turned into something that almost matched his own face. Attraction- mutual attraction. She then punched his chest lightly. "Hey," Percy said, "If I did that, I'd be beaten up right now."
"It doesn't matter," Annabeth said, "Stop messing with me," She muttered.
Percy's smile from before fell. "I'm not messing with you. What makes you think that?"
She sighed, "Guys like you don't like girls like me."
"What do you mean?" Percy shook his head, "We're not different. I like you Annabeth, I really do."
Annabeth looked away. "I need to focus on my grades, that's what my dad says. Look, he'd never allow me to have a boyfriend. He barely tolerated my last one, when he sees you, he'll flip."
That was disheartening. But no worries, Percy thought, moving her hand from his chest and kissing it. "Parents love me," He said, "Don't worry. And look, just because I like you doesn't mean you have to like me back. To be honest, I've never seen you this way before, I mean, of course we've always mindlessly flirted, but I honestly didn't consider the fact I might like you."
"What?" Annabeth said, her eyes widening. "You seriously like me?" she asked.
Percy cocked his head, "What's not to like? You're gorgeous, smart, witty," He could continue on for days, with the amount of thoughts about her going on in his head.
"Go on…" Annabeth said, and smiled at him.
Percy laughed, "Now you're just digging for compliments. But honestly Wise Girl," He told her, "Today made me see you in a very different way. In fact, at first I was going to make fun of you. But then," he looked down at their hands, which were joined together, "This happened. And I liked the playful banter we had. I really did. I don't want to be enemies. I don't want to hold stuff over your head, but," He cleared his throat. "I think I really like you."
"Order number seventy-two!" Katie called out, before Annabeth could respond.
"Goddaminit," He muttered, and walked over, smiled at Katie, and grabbed the bag. Once he returned to Annabeth, he grabbed her hand again, "Let's go eat in my car, okay? We can drive somewhere nice, and you don't have to answer me if you don't want to."
Annabeth looked at him, just stared for a moment. "Okay, and I almost forgot, I'm sorry about before." She finally said quietly. He nodded, but was worried he'd crossed a line he shouldn't have. Once they got back in the car, the ride was silent, until Percy pulled up to this nice spot- which overlooked the town. He opened the bag Katie had given them, and handed Annabeth her sandwich, chips and Sprite.
They ate again in silence, until Annabeth cleared her throat and spoke. "This may be the Sprite talking," She said, and Percy laughed a bit, "But I think I like you to. A lot." She said, and set down her drink, holding out her hand. Percy readily accepted it, and pulled her closer, careful not to harm any food.
He stared at her for a moment, intensely, wondering if anybody would stop him from doing so. It was as if he was in a trance- and he didn't want to get out. Finally, he spoke. "Can I kiss you?"
"Chivalry isn't dead," She told him, referencing the joke from earlier. "And yeah, I'd like that very much."
Percy leaned forward, and let his lips touch her's ever so softly. It felt like home. She tasted of sprite and potato chips, but Percy didn't care. For all he knew, he tasted the same way. And Annabeth was a good kisser, she knew when to stop and come up for air, where to put her hands and how to hold him. When they split apart, Percy smiled at her, and soon did Annabeth, grinning so hard he couldn't take it. He kissed her on the nose once more, and then leaned back.
"That was nice." Annabeth said finally, rubbing her lips with the tips of her fingers.
Percy laughed, "Just nice? Because I'm sure that was the best kiss I've had in my life," He said, "Seemed more than nice to me."
Annabeth nudged him, "Yeah, you're right. I'll upgrade you to good."
"That's all I get?" he said, "I guess I'll have to work on that," He said, going in for another kiss. Percy smiled against her lips. He felt something in his chest he hadn't before. It was more than just attraction, it was the pathway to love. It told him, he could love her, and he would.
He would fall fast and hard for her, he knew that. Percy just hoped that he could rock and roll her world, just as she had to him.
In the past, I've loved reading Punk!Percy AU's, and I thought it would be nice. I don't know how it turned out, but I'd love it if you could tell me what you think in the review's.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!