"I Want my Mummy"

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Getting a phone call, Davey Motomiya was surprised to hear that her cousin Daphne Blake wanted her to join the Scooby Gang on a mystery.

This would be the first mystery that Davey would be helping her cousin with since a certain incident that had happened in Louisiana a year earlier that everyone was still trying to recover from.

Davey had been learning how to control her new gifts that she had gotten from the incident on Moonscar Island and had tried to keep it a secret from her family friends since she wasn't sure how to explain it all to them.

She also had a feeling that if her parents found out that she had been abducted by a cult of werecats who forcefully turned her and tried to involve her in their ritual, they would have her locked up in her room and never let her out of their sight ever again.

Thankfully, she had been successful in hiding that she was now a werecat for a full year and had gone off to the Digital World to transform and ran around freely with her Digimon partner at her side.

Davey had met a few feline Digimon who were very kind to her, namely Beastmon who was happy to see someone who was similar looking to her and invited her to her castle for some company.

After a year filled with peace, Davey was happy to get a call from Daphne which would allow her to see her new friends once again and be able to spend time with them.

Feeling excited at being able to join them for some fun and could take a break from working at her mother's sweets shop, Davey packed up her bags and went off to the town where a mystery was being solved in a museum.

Arriving in town, Davey and Veemon were both welcomed by the two hippies of Mystery Inc who were quick to rush over and hug them tightly much to Daphne's amusement.

When Davey was first told about the mystery, she couldn't help but find it strange.

She felt like something was off about the motives behind the people who were dressed up as Viking mummies, especially since she did some research on the men and learned that they didn't have any real reason to haunt the museum and scare people away.

Something felt off about the mystery, but Fred Jones shrugged it off and gathered everyone around to tell them his plan on how to capture the mummies.

Growing frustrated that she had been brushed off to the side simply because she was new at solving mysteries, Davey went along with the plan and everyone grabbed costumes to wear as they pretended to be statues for the various exhibits.

Jumping up onto the exhibit about the first Thanksgiving, Davey adjusted the black wig she was wearing and struck a pose, trying to look lifeless as the museum curator walked by, holding a stack of papers in his arms as he made sure the building was locked up for the night.

Once she was sure the professor was far enough away that he wouldn't notice her moving, Davey sighed as quietly as possible and walked over to the hut, opening it to reveal Veemon who was smiling up at his partner.

"Is everything going right?" The blue two foot tall bipedal dragon asked.

"Yep. He's heading towards the cave man exhibit where Scooby and Shaggy are. All we have to do now is head on over there and see if the trap worked." Davey said.

Walking into the hut, Davey then changed out of the beige colored dress she was wearing and pulled on a pair of jeans, a black tube top that exposed her stomach and showed off her diamond piercing, a black leather jacket, brown heeled boots and tied her rose quartz choker around her neck.

Once she was dressed and pulled off the black wig to allow her long raspberry locks to flow free, Davey followed Veemon out to the cave man exhibit where they heard screaming.

They arrived in time to see the mummy Vikings using their axes to cut through the net they were tangled in.

"You're the man, Scoob." Shaggy grinned.

"You're the man." Scooby laughed.

Then, the duo felt someone tapping their shoulders and they turned to spot the two Vikings glowering at them.

"I knew this wasn't going to work." Davey sighed as the duo yelled and dodged the axes that were swung down at them.

"When do any of Fred's traps really work?" Veemon asked.

Spotting the duo of Miracles, the Vikings tried to attack them, but Veemon acted fast by ramming his fists into their faces, knocking them down and giving the dragon and his werecat partner time to run away.

Shaking off the surprise of the attack, the Vikings took off after the four victims, splitting up to try and capture them.

Scooby was chased up the fossil of a dinosaur, but it was destroyed by one of the Vikings using his weapon to break the leg and send the entire body crumbling down.

Shaggy managed to catch him and Davey pointed to the two Vikings, showing that the skull had landed on top of them and they were crawling out of the eye holes.

Out in the halls, Daphne, Fred and Velma Dinkley were all trying to meet up with the other members of the team, but they accidentally bumped into each other as they rounded the corner.

Davey, Veemon, Shaggy and Scooby jumped over their bodies and continued running away from the Vikings, trying to find a place to trap them or to lose sight of them.

As they ran down one hallway, they found a Viking waiting for them and had to run back the other way, only to find the second waiting behind them.

Kicking her leg out, Davey managed to knock the weapon out of his hands before she and the other three took off running.

Spotting a tapestry, Veemon grabbed at the end of it and pulled the clothe off the wall throwing it onto the Vikings to blind them so he, Davey, Scooby and Shaggy could escape.

Tossing the tapestry off their heads, the Vikings shared an angered look before they continued chasing the team of four into the dungeon room and the quartet found themselves to be cornered.

Hearing the Vikings behind them, Veemon waited for them to get closer so he could fight them off but found he didn't have to when a foot slipped out from under a curtain and tripped the Viking mummies, making them fall into the torture instruments, crashing down in a tired and sore heap.

"What the heck just happened?" Davey asked as she and the three males took in the sight.

The lights were then turned on and the quartet turned around to find Fred, Daphne, Velma, the Professor and the security guards walking over to them.

"Nice going, guys, you caught them." Fred praised.

"Uh, right, no problem, Freddy. But, like, we had a little help." Shaggy said.

Then, the mystery person who tripped the Vikings, stepped out from behind the curtains to reveal a middle age man with black hair, dark eyes and a beard dressed in a brown suit and glasses.

At the sight of the man, Davey knew that she didn't trust him.

Call her paranoid, but the DigiDestined of Miracles knew when to trust people and when to avoid them at all costs, and the man who appeared before them was setting off alarm bells in her head.

"Who are you?" Daphne asked.

"I don't believe it. You're Ben Ravencroft the famous horror writer." Velma gasped in awe.

"That's right. And let's see who they are." Ben said as he walked over to the Vikings who had been handcuffed by the guards.

Their masks were pulled off revealing two men underneath that the Professor recognized since he gasped at the sight of them.

"It's Perkins!" The professor gasped at the sight of a brown haired man with a moustache and glasses.

Velma took off the mask of the second Viking, revealing a cleanshaven man with curly black hair.

"And Griswold. Disgruntled archeologists from the museum's Babylon project. They were upset with you for cutting their funding, Dr. Dean." Velma explained to the professor.

"And we would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for this…writer!" Perkins growled at Ben.

Everyone took a step back, stunned that Ben had been accused of the failed capper since he didn't do much work to lure them out and capture them.

"Like, that's a twist." Shaggy commented as the two men were escorted out by the guards and Dr. Dean.

"Yeah, well, at least he didn't call us kids. I hate that." Fred frowned.

"Guess you beat us to the punch, Mr. Ravencroft." Daphne said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upstage you." Ben said as he walked over to stand in front of the gang.

"Speaking of, what are you doing here anyway?" Davey asked trying not to sound suspicious or like she was accusing him of anything.

She seemed to succeed since no one gave her any curious looks, but Veemon could sense that something was off with his partner.

He could read her better than anyone could and he knew that she was trying to figure something out.

"I was doing research on my latest novel when I saw the archeologists acting suspiciously and decided to investigate." Ben explained.

"Maybe you should've reported it to the police or something. You could've gotten hurt. Those guys seemed pretty happy with swinging those weapons around." Veemon stated.

"I appreciate your concern." Ben grinned down at him.

"Mr. Ravencroft, I am a huge fan of your work. I have read all of your books which, in my opinion, are the best horror stories ever written." Velma said as she shook hands with Ben.

The raven haired man appeared stunned that Velma was quite a fan of his, along with the rest of the people in the room.

"Um, thanks, Velma." Ben said stunning her.

"You know my name?" Velma questioned in awe.

"And Daphne's and Fred's." Ben glanced over at the redhead and blond.

Feeling a tail tapping him on the shoulder, Ben turned around to see Shaggy and Scooby looking up at him with expectant expression which made him laugh in amusement.

"And Scooby and Shaggy, of course." Ben said making them smile and Scooby laugh.

He then turned his attention onto the duo of Miracles.

"I don't remember hearing about you two being members of Mystery Inc." He commented.

"Oh, uh, I'm Davey Motomiya and this is my partner Veemon." The raspberry haired girl introduced.

"Hi!" Veemon grinned as he waved up at the man.

Ben smiled at them, looking awed by the sight of the dragon.

By now, Digimon were starting to become more known around the world since more DigiDestineds were popping up all over the place.

Every time Davey left her house, she saw someone with a Digimon at their side or in their arms walking around and the sight always made her smile.

"Davey's my cousin. I invited her to travel around with us for a while." Daphne explained making Ben nod in understanding.

With the greeting done, Ben then addressed the entire group as he spoke with them.

"I've admired your work on unravelling supernatural mysteries for some time now. I mean, basically we're in the same business as mystery and the occult, right?" Ben smiled.

"Oh, please. What we do pales in comparison with the sheer palpable fright of your novels." Velma gushed.

Veemon and Davey shared a look at the way Velma seemed to be glowing with energy as she spoke to the author.

It appeared that she admired the man a bit too much and they feared that the hero worship she had for Ben may end badly for her.

"I wouldn't say that." Ben held his hands up.

"I mean, take "The Dead Mall" for example. Oh, that creepy jewelry store owner was an incredibly complex character." Velma praised.

"You're very kind." Ben said.

There was then a gleam in his eyes that caught the attention of the duo of Miracles, wondering what had caused it and they felt a bit nervous over what was going to happen next.

They were both on edge from what happened with the Vikings and how odd the entire scheme seemed to them and they felt like further inspection should be done before deciding to do anything else.

"Listen, Velma, I'm going back to my home town in Massachusetts this weekend. To the house where I wrote my early books. I go back every year for the fall color. It's very peaceful and relaxing. Why don't you and your friends come visit?" Ben suggested.

"Massachusetts?!" Davey asked eagerly.

Any suspicions and worry she had for the man faded away for a second at the thought of traveling to Massachusetts which was a gorgeous place to spend the fall season in.

It was one of the places she had always wanted to visit, especially with the rich history it had.

"Really? Oh, that would be great! Uh, wouldn't it, gang?" Velma asked her friends first before agreeing.

"Yeah, we could use a break from all these spooky mysteries." Daphne smiled.

"And Oak Haven does have one of the best restaurants in New England." Ben brought up.

That snapped Davey out of her joy at traveling somewhere new and she narrowed her eyes at Ben.

He seemed to know how to easily manipulate Scooby and Shaggy into agreeing.

If the Great Dane and hippy learned that Massachusetts was a popular place for witch burnings, then they would deny the invite and run away, but having the promise of great food dangled in front of them was the best way to convince them to go.

"Like, we're sold. Eh, Scoob?" Shaggy asked as Scooby licked his lips.

"Yeah." Scooby laughed.

"So, when do we leave?" Veemon asked.

(At the Blake household…)

Sitting on her blue comforter, Davey ran her fingers through the silky fur of the black cat she had adopted a year ago.

The cat, Cherry, had grown into a beautiful feline that was spoiled by the Motomiya and Blake families, but she wasn't the only feline they had.

Various cats of all different breeds roamed the Blake mansion and they were well taken care of by the servants.

Daphne and Davey thought they should give the cats a proper home since they no longer had the cult of werecats to tend to them.

Thankfully, they were all very happy and easily claimed the Blake mansion as their new home and would scare off any dogs or other cats that dared come near it.

Meowing, Cherry hopped off the bed and climbed up onto her scratching post.

Setting his packed bag off to the side of the room, Veemon made his way over to his partner and placed his hands on his hips as he stared up at her.

"Okay, what's going on?" Veemon asked.

"I don't know. I just feel like something is off." Davey sighed.

"You got that feeling the second we arrived in Coolsville to help with the mystery." Veemon said.

Shrugging her jacket off, Davey stood up and started stretching out, trying to relax and prepare for the next few days that the gang would be spending getting ready for the drive to Oak Haven.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but…I feel like we shouldn't be going to Oak Haven with Ravencroft. I feel like we shouldn't trust him. I mean, don't you think it's weird that he just knew about the gang? And it seemed pretty weird that he got involved in the mystery and he just nvited us to go to his home town with him when he knew us for a few minutes." Davey pointed out.

"I think you've been paranoid about things ever since our adventures to the Digi World ended and then the whole incident in Lousiana. You keep thinking bad things are going to happen every time you turn your back. Just try to relax and enjoy the vacation we're going on." Veemon comforted.

Sighing at that, Davey found herself nodding and changed into her night clothes before climbing into bed, falling asleep with Veemon and Cherry curled up beside her.

To be continued…