Disclaimer: I (sadly)don't own Warriors.

Chapter 1: Who am I?

"I'll bet she's beautiful; that girl he talks about

And she's got everything that I have to live without"- Taylor Swift, Teardrops on My Guitar

"Poppyfrost! Cinderheart!" Honeyfern squealed to her littermates. "You'll never guess what happened to me!"

Poppyfrost sighed, then turned to her sister expectantly. "What happened to you?"

"Did you make the most amazing catch, like, ever?"asked Cinderheart, her eyes gleaming.


"Did you eat a wierd piece of fresh-kill?" questioned Poppyfrost.

"Definitely no."

Poppyfrost sighed again. All she really wanted to do was go to sleep. But the best thing to do with Honeyfern was get it done quickly; she knew that her sister would tell them in due time.

"Berrynose asked me to be his mate!" Honeyfern said happily. Wait. What?!

Poppyfrost sat up, suddenly wide awake. "He did what?"

Cinderheart nudged her quickly. "That's great, Honeyfern," was what she said, smiling at her. To Poppyfrost, her eyes said we'll talk later.

As her two sisters headed off, chatting about who they liked, Poppyfrost felt a wave of loneliness wash over her. The she-cats her age were all so sure of themselves. Cinderheart was brave, strong, and clever. Honeyfern was sweet, nice, and oh-so-beautiful. Hollyleaf was smart, caring, and an amazing hunter. Hazeltail was cheerful, kind, and easygoing. But what about her? Who was Poppyfrost, really?

Just an in-between, everyday, average she-cat, she thought. I'm not strong or brave like Cinderheart; I'm certainly not as easygoing and funny as Hazeltail is. I can't be like Hollyleaf, strict and smart. And never in a million seasons will I be as breathtaking as Honeyfern. So who am I?

The question echoed in her head throughout the night, even after everyone else had gone to sleep.

Who am I?

She couldn't bear it. She rose and crept out of the camp. She was at the Sky Oak before she knew it, up on one of the highest branches. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to step off...she found that she couldn't. She felt her facce flush. I'm a coward. She was about to step away from the edge when a voice behind her said, "Don't even think about it."

Poppyfrost whirled around. It was Cinderheart.

"I thought you would be thinking like this," her sister meowed. "But trust me, Poppyfrost, this isn't going to help."

"I know,"she snapped back. "I was going to step away, you mouse-brain!"

"Better to be careful,"Cinderheart replies, unfazed. "Now, why don't we go down again? I hate heights."

When they were both safely on the ground, Cinderheart said, "Poppyfrost, I know it isn't easy, but try to be happy for Honeyfern? You've always been close. Don't let a tom get between you."

"But it's Berrynose,"Poppyfrost said simply. "For him...anything."

"StarClan, I don't know what you two see in that tom," her sister sighed. "He's so full of himself!"

"That's why I like him," the tortoiseshell molly said dreamily. "Few cats have that confidence."

"Ugh. But Poppyfrost, do you hear me? Don't ever let any cat tear you and Honeyfern apart."

"All right, Cinderheart. You don't have to be such a worrywart."

Cinderheart brightened. "You understand? Good. Come on, let's go back."

"You first. I think I'll walk a bit."

Her eyes narrowed. "Don't do anymore stunts."

"I promise."

Once Cinderheart was truly gone, Poppyfrost searched for a star, one that still shone through the clouds. There. A beautiful star, twinkling brightly.

"Star light, star bright," she recited, using the words she had learned from Daisy. "First star I see tonight. Please...make Berrynose love me. Let my wish take wings throughout the night, and wake me with the morning light."

She flew back to her nest, suddenly fearful of her own wish.


So, I've had this idea for a while now.

Though I never actually read the scene, I always found it strange that Berrynose was so flighty; and Poppyfrost would so readily go out with her sister's whatever-the-warrior-equilivent-of-a-cat-who-you-have-been-mates-with-for,-like,-two-days, and why no cat told them off, then I realized it was unfair to them both if I judged them and didn't even try to understand their situation. But there never seemed to be a right time for it, and it ended up somehow in my recycle bin. And I happened to be scrolling through my playlists and when I saw that song...boom. I knew I had to write that story. So here is the first chapter. The quote refers directly to Poppyfrost's feelings at this point. She's thinking, every other she-cat is capable, talented, and smart, even beautiful. And she starts wondering how she feels like to be in-between. But the thing is, Poppyfrost isn't a bad cat. She's pretty, just not as pretty as Honeyfern. She's smart, just not as much as Hollyleaf. She's brave, just not as brave as Cinderheart. She's capable, just not as much as Hazeltail. And she doesn't realize it because everyone else around her is just a little bit more.

Reviews are welcome. I'll try to answer them all; it might take a while since I'm not too good at checking my reviews. Or PMs. Or emails. Or messages. Everything, really. But I do promise to answer what questions I get in time for the next chapter in the AN there. If you review this chapter after the next one, I'll respond to every single one with a PM.

And yeah, before you do, I didn't read this part of the story so most of it is just made up.

Thanks for reading!

Best regards, Iris

P.S. The rhyme Poppyfrost used I learned from a friend. I have no idea if it works.