AN: Look what I keysmashed today? Did I have other plans? Did I plan to maybe work on my original stuff? Yes, that's why this happened. (Also I still miss my babies from work and I got some really cute pictures emailed to me the last couple of days so...)
Anyway, here is part two, where Lily babysits Harry and it's nothing but fluff and cuteness!
James: Okay so I didn't want to do this, but Sirius is out with Benjy again and I've got a calc exam
Lily: It is about time you ask me to watch Harry. I was starting to think that you didn't trust me around him
James: I'm not fully convinced that you're not dating me solely because you get to be around him
James: I'm also not fully convinced that you won't run off with him
Lily: I've never met anyone cuter. Or sweeter. Or more handsome.
James: You've said on multiple occasions that he's my clone so
Lily: That makes you equally as handsome, not more handsome
Lily: When's your exam?
James: In two hours
Lily: I'm gonna come over now
James: Harry's napping now, so don't be too disappointed when you get here
Lily: You're ridiculous
Lily: Babies are easy to wake up
James: Lily
Lily: James
Lily: I love Lily James
James: Shut up
Lily: I'll see you in ten!
James: If I let you in
Lily: you'll let me in 3
James: I mean yeah
Lily was smiling like the Cheshire cat when James pulled open the door to his flat.
"Why are you like this?" James asked, tilting his head to the side and running a hand through his hair. Lily reached out with her cheesy grin and pulled him close.
"Because I like you a whole bunch," She said, putting her hands on his cheeks and pressing quick kisses to his cheeks.
"I like you a whole bunch too," He said, hooking one arm around her waist and finding her lips with his as he closed the door.
"Smooth," Lily grinned against his lips and pushed her fingers up into his hair.
"I have my moments."
"Yes you do," Lily nipped at his bottom lip.
"I mean, you have your moments as well," James wrapped his other arm around her and started walking them in the direction of the couch.
"Thanks, I'm glad you think so, since you know," She pressed her lips against his again," You're my boyfriend."
"Right," James nodded. They fell back onto the couch and Lily started laughing. James flipped them over so he was hovering over her, "I like being your boyfriend."
"Amazing." Lily pushed his hair back. "But do you like me being your girlfriend?"
James laughed and kissed up her jaw. "Jury's still out."
Lily hit his shoulder and then pulled him down to kiss her again. "Liar."
"Alright, I like it," He nudged his nose against hers. "I should be looking over my notes for the exam."
"No, you could be looking over your notes." She licked her lips and brushed her hands through his hair again. "But you're too good at math as it is. You don't need to study anymore. You need to kiss me."
James nodded. "You're right,
"I know."
"I do need to kiss you."
"Yes, you do."
And then he did.
Harry woke up about an hour or so before James needed to leave, so Lily and James sat on opposite sides of the couch and tried to get him to walk back and forth between them. He wasn't quite ready to walk yet, he was only ten months old, and he was getting close, but he still used the couch to cruise.
They were both very enthusiastic whenever he would let go of the couch and stand on his own for a few seconds. Harry would start laughing and try to clap before he fell back on his bum.
When it was time for James to leave, he wasn't exactly happy about it.
"Why don't you go and take my exam for me?" James asked as he pulled on his jacket.
"How many reasons do you want?" Lily asked, scooting Harry up her hip and pushing her hair back. "I mean, for one, I'm terrible at maths."
"Yeah, we'll pretend that's why you don't want to leave," James reached out, slipped his hand around the base of her neck and pulled her close for a kiss. He kissed Harry's cheek after and then waved to them as he scooped up his bag. "I'll bring home something for dinner."
Lily grinned at him. "Good luck on your exam," She waved and looked at Harry. "Can you say, 'bu-bye?' Say, 'do well, daddy!'"
"Da!" Harry laughed and waved his hand.
"See you later buddy." James waved again and then he walked out the door.
"Haha! I've got you all to myself now!" She said loud enough for James to hear as he walked away.
She got a text from him a few minutes later.
James: I really do like you a whole bunch
Lily: pardon me, I can't text right now, I'm babysitting
James: Like a whole bunch
Lily: But?
James: No buts.
Lily: Good. I like you a whole bunch too. Now stop distracting me from the baby
James: My bad. Have fun
Lily and Harry had some snacks and built a lot of block towers that Harry immediately knocked over. They sang some songs and Lily read Harry some books that he then chewed on. They took a lot of pictures together so that Lily could send them to James, but she also sent a few to Sirius to let him know that he was missing out on some top tier snuggles and to thank him for giving her his babysitting slot. He sent her back a middle finger emoji, James didn't reply since he was taking an exam.
When James did get back, Lily was warming up some vegetable mash for Harry as the two of them danced around the kitchen to a Taylor Swift song on the radio.
When Lily heard the door open, she put Harry on his feet, holding his fingers so that he could walk to James. "Let's get your dad," She said, watching Harry's little feet move too quickly.
James knelt down and held his hands out. When Harry made it to him, James picked him up and spun him around. "You're getting so big!" Harry was laughing and James raspberried his cheek. "I loved all the pictures," He said, looking at Lily. "And Sirius did as well."
"Yeah, he texted me back." Lily smirked.
"He's just worried that Harry's going to like you more than him." James shrugged.
"He is going to like me more than he likes Sirius." Lily waved his comment away. "Babies always like me."
She turned to the counter and collected Harry's warmed up food from the microwave.
"I got Thia for us." James said, strapping Harry into his highchair.
"Sounds good," Lily said, grabbing a small spoon and a bib.
"I thought so." He ruffled Harry's hair, and then his own and Lily laughed at him.
"How did your exam go?" She asked.
"Perfect. It was longer than it needed to be, but it wasn't too hard."
Lily shook her head. "I wish I was better at maths so I could say shit like that."
Harry said a slew of nonsensical words and then laughed.
"You tell her, Harry," James nodded, walking around Lily to get to the plates. "Swearing in front of babies gives you bad karma."
"I'd hate to see what Sirius' karma looks like," Lily muttered, taking a seat in front of Harry and pulling her legs up in the chair. "How about some green veggies? Does that sound good to you?"
Harry nodded, and opened his mouth before she had the spoon ready.
She started singing along to the radio again as she fed Harry and then James set two plates of Thia food on the table and sat down next to her, pulling her legs onto his lap before he picked up his fork to start eating. Lily took a quick bite of her meal before giving Harry another bite.
They were quiet for a while, content to eat their dinner and listen to the radio.
James looked over at her when they were finished eating and smiled.
"What? Do I have food on my face?" She wiped at her cheeks and he laughed at her.
"No," He shook his head and reached out and ran his fingers through her hair. Between snogging him earlier and Harry tugging at it for the rest of the afternoon, it had seen less snarly days. "No, your face is perfect as usual."
Lily snorted, "Should have known."
"Have we really only been together for a couple months now?" James asked. The look on his face was soft and gentle and Lily was pulled in like the tide.
She shook her head. "No."
"No?" James raised his brow and smiled at her.
"Nah, I'm pretty sure we've always been together."
He leaned over and kissed her. "It feels like it sometimes, doesn't it?"
"In a good way though." Lily nodded. "I mean, most of the time it's in a good way." She couldn't start being too nice to him. He kissed her again despite her teasing, or perhaps because of it.
"I'm home!" Sirius called as the door banged open. "I brought Benjy with me, so you have to be nice to me!"
"Like hell," James called back, pressing another quick kiss to Lily's cheek before he stood up and grabbed the dishes.
"Evening, all," Benjy said as he walked into the kitchen. "Harry," He waved and Harry waved back before stuffing a handful of sliced strawberries into his mouth.
"Little man," Sirius greeted, leaning down to kiss Harry head. Harry giggled at him and then offered him a slobbery handful of strawberries. Sirius pretended to take a bite, "Yum," And then he turned to Lily. "You and I are gonna fight. Out in the parking lot. As soon as James isn't paying attention."
Lily shrugged. "That's fine. I can take you."
"You probably could," Benjy agreed, opening the fridge and pulling out a couple of beers.
"Hey now," Sirius looked over at his boyfriend with narrowed eyes. "That's not very nice."
"I'm just saying, Marlene and Alice beat you at arm wrestling last weekend."
"I was so drunk!" Sirius tried to defend himself.
"So was Marlene?" Benjy tilted his head and handed Sirius one of the beers. Sirius took it and shook his head.
"Marlene is really strong." He muttered, taking a swig.
"So am I," Lily laughed, dumping some shredded chicken onto Harry's tray now. He wasn't as interested in it as he was the strawberries, but he'd get to it eventually.
"Why do you two always threaten to fight one another?" James asked, looking over his shoulder from where he stood at the sink, washing up the dishes.
"I don't know, why do you buy my favorite food and then eat it all without offering any to me?" Sirius countered.
"Were you not just out with Benjy? Didn't you two already eat?"
Sirius shook his head. "That's beside the point and you know it."
"I don't think it is," James used his shoulder to push his glasses up his nose.
"Sirius is just feeling a little jealous." Benjy reached out and rubbed Sirius' back. "You know he doesn't like to share people's attention."
"He does seem rather needy." Lily muttered, and Sirius reached out to pinch her arm. "Hey!"
"Hey, yourself!" Harry laughed and they both turned to smile at him.
"How do you put up with the both of them by yourself so often?" Benjy asked James and then Sirius had to pinch his arm as well.
"It's hard sometimes," James turned off the sink and dried off his hands on his trousers. "I mean, I can't leave them alone in a room for fear that I'll come back and find the room destroyed and at least one of them bleeding."
Lily narrowed her eyes and looked at Sirius. "He's just jealous of our friendship." She said.
"Clearly. Did you hear that? Sounds like he's afraid we'll run off together" Sirius shook his head and Lily snorted.
"He did tell me earlier that he was worried I'd run off with Harry."
"So long as you take me with you," Sirius shrugged. "I mean, James and Ben just bully me all the time."
"James bullies me too," Lily patted Sirius' back empathetically. "We'll pay him back somehow."
"Then they do this," James said to Benjy. "And I want to kick them out of my flat."
"I live here too!" Sirius said.
Harry shouted happily. "And Harry!" Lily pointed out.
"Okay, but it's still my flat."
Lily sighed, "Oh Harry, I'd share my flat with you. I'm sorry your dad isn't being kind right now." She pushed his hair back and James laughed.
"Ridiculous." He shook his head. "What did you two do today?" He asked, looking at Benjy.
"Alice was playing at the coffee shop two streets over. We went to show our support. Then Sirius wanted to bring Remus and Peter coffee at the library."
"Because I'm a good friend."
"Debatable." James muttered.
"How'd your exam go?"
"Well, I got to take the exam since Lily was able to come over." He glared at Sirius.
"You know I didn't know that-"
"Yea, of course I know." James nodded. "I don't blame you, Benjy."
"I knew Lily would come over," Sirius interjected, "She's never doing anything!"
"Hey!" Lily laughed. "I'm a student same as you!"
"Sure, but I've never seen you in class so,"
Lily rolled her eyes and got up from her chair. "We have different classes, Sirius."
"Who has morning classes though? That just sounds fake."
"I'm a morning person," Lily shrugged as she got a washcloth to clean Harry up.
"That sounds fake too." Sirius shrugged back at her.
"I can do that," James said, taking the washcloth from her.
Lily smiled at him and kissed his shoulder as she moved to get something to drink out of the fridge.
"Why do you two always have to do that," Sirius teased. Lily grabbed a coke and turned around to face him.
"Are you giving me shit for kissing him? Again?"
"Yes. Also, James, she said a bad word." He pointed at her and James shook his head.
"Harry, what are we going to do with them?" He pulled Harry out of the chair and Harry laid his head on James' shoulder. "Time for a bath, bud?" He walked Harry out of the room toward the bathroom. "Benjy, you're in charge out here."
"Yes, sir."
"I just kissed his arm, that can't actually bother you. It's hardly even PDA. "
"It bothered me more than if you'd kissed his face." Sirius crossed his arms.
"Really?" Benjy asked. "It looked pretty innocent."
"No it wasn't." Sirius disagreed. "It was a blatant display of affection and it was too much."
"Well you didn't have to watch." Lily knew that he was joking, or she might have actually apologized.
"There was no warning!"
"Alright, that's enough. Let's move to the living room and put on a movie or something." Benjy clapped his hands and stood up, grabbing Sirius's beer so that he would follow.
"Fine." Sirius agreed, and when he stood up he leaned over and kissed Lily on the cheek.
"You just kissed me! My poor nerves!" Lily put a hand over her heart. "My innocence is burned away! I don't know if I can go on!" Sirius laughed at her and grabbed his beer back from Benjy so he could take a swig.
"I don't know where James found you, but he should probably drop you back off wherever it was." He threw an arm around her and they started walking off toward the couch. Benjy already had the remote.
"How did Alice's set go?" Lily asked. She didn't know Alice well, but Alice was dating Frank, and Frank had grown up with Reggie so she knew him pretty well.
"Good!" Sirius nodded. "No one booed at her this time. And she got tips from more people than Ben and I."
Lily laughed and shook her head. "I have no idea if she's good or not, based on what you tell me."
"She's going to be a doctor." Benjy said, by way of explanation.
"Alright then." Lily nodded.
James came out a while later with a freshly cleaned Harry, his wet hair was sticking straight up, snug and warm in his foot pajamas, and when he saw Lily, he reached out for her. Lily's heart just about exploded. James, kissed his head and then handed him off to Lily. "I'm gonna warm up his bottle."
Lily nodded and wrapped her arms around Harry as he snuggled against her chest.
"Don't even say anything," Sirius muttered, elbowing her gently.
"Don't ruin this for me," Lily muttered back.
"I think he knows that you skipped out on him to hang out with me, sweet." Benjy said in a mock whisper.
"No," Sirius shook his head. "He knows that I love him."
"Don't fall asleep yet, little one, you're gonna want your bottle."
"Ba," Harry perked up and looked around.
"Yeah, daddy's getting it."
"Just a minute," James called, walking back into the room with the bottle. He sat down next to Lily and handed Harry the bottle. Lily shifted him around so she was cradling him with his legs across her lap. James put his arm around her shoulders and shuffled closer.
"You're making my teeth hurt." Sirius shook his head.
"It's sweet," Benjy argued.
"Too sweet," Sirius agreed.
"Ah, I got you." Benjy picked up Sirius' hand. "You should let me repaint your nails."
"Do you have green?"
He jumped up from the couch and Benjy followed him off to his room.
Lily glanced up at them, but then her eyes were drawn back down to Harry's face. His eyes were only half open now. "James," Lily said quietly, nudging Harry's hands so that she could hold the bottle for him now that he was almost asleep. "I think Harry is my favorite baby."
"You think?"
Lily nodded. "I mean, I do have a nephew his age. I can't completely discount him."
"That's right." James nodded. "What did your mum say when you told her you were dating a bloke with a baby?"
Lily shrugged, gently, as not to disturb Harry. "She was very concerned that you were a forty three year old man."
"Forty three?"
"Yes. Specifically. So I told her that you were only thirty six."
James laughed quietly, "Was she alright with that?"
"My sister almost had a heart attack, mum thought it was better than forty three though." She set the now empty bottle down on the couch and adjusted Harry in her arms again. "She was a little weary, but not as weary as when my sister introduced us to her now husband. Vernon is a very dislikable person and has very conservative views. When they told us that they were engaged, he told my mum that she didn't have to worry about Petunia anymore, that he was going to make sure that she never had to work a day in her life." Lily rolled her eyes. "My sister has a degree in electrical engineering and her husband doesn't want her to work."
"So the bar was low. Is that what you're saying?"
Lily snorted. "Yeah, it was pretty low. But my mum will like you. And Harry. And she trusts me to make decisions for myself. I like you and I want to be with you because you make me smile a lot, and that's enough for her."
"My mum thinks you're a saint."
"I am, but not because I'm dating you even though you have a baby."
"It's because you're dating me even though I come with Sirius, right? Because that's what my mum was thinking."
Lily laughed, covering her mouth to try and stifle the noise. Harry shifted in her arms. "Yeah, exactly."
"He's not so bad."
"Don't tell him, but I think he's pretty great. Him and Benjy are sweet together too."
"Yeah," James nodded. "Benjy is the first person that Sirius has ever dated, and I'm still surprised at how sweet he can be."
"Really? He looks like that and he's never dated anyone before?" James laughed and shook his head.
"He wasn't interested in dating anyone before he met Benjy. It threw him for a major loop when it happened too, but it helps that Benjy wants the same things from the relationship that Sirius does."
Lily nodded. "I think Remus is my favorite of your friends."
"That's hardly fair, you were friends with him before you met me. He had a head start."
"Plus he works in the library. Marlene and Dorcas are cool too."
"I only hang out with cool people."
"Is that to make yourself seem cool by association?"
"I thought that's why you were dating me, actually."
"You're such a bully." She turned her head and kissed his chin.
"But kissing me when you say that, kind of defeats-" Lily kissed him again. "Oh alright, I'll stop arguing so much."
"No, don't say that. Arguing with you is one of my favorite things to do." James laughed against her lips and brought his hand up to brush his thumb over her cheek.
"Alright, Evans." He kissed her, short and sweet. "But remember that I offered to stop."
She smiled and settled against his chest. "Ridiculous."
"What's ridiculous this time?"
Lily hummed as James pulled her closer, until her back was flushed with his chest, Harry sleeping soundly on her chest. "How happy I am right now."