It was a good hour after Stewie's brutal beat down that had been delivered to him by
Brian that he had gotten cleaned up and set out towards the park to have a chat with
A friend and clear his mind. When he had arrived at the park he immediately spotted
Hudson by the swings and headed that way. After he said hello he immediately started
His tale of woe and the monster that Brian was. After he finished he waited for what seemed
Like centuries for Hudson to respond. Finally he said in a cool calm voice "Stewie you are my
Best friend and one of the most amazing people I've ever met and I say this as someone who
Knows you and wants the best for you but fuck that guy he's an asshole whose using you for
His own selfish gains and he needs to be destroyed" and he looked into Stewies eyes and went for
It he closed the gap between the two and kissed his wide eyed companion "sorry I've been kinda
Wanting to do that for awhile hope you don't mind" the only thing Stewie could think to say was
"no I don't mind I've been kinda wanting to do that too but wasn't sure if you'd be into it now
What's this about destroying Brian" and so the two put their heads together to thoroughly ruin
This dogs life for the crimes he had committed over the years. And so a week later thanks to some
Ingenious planning some melodramatic tears and a handful of security tapes Brian griffin was now
Locked up in quahog state prison for numerous crimes including rape giving a baby herpes and stealing
Stewies inventions after all was said and done Stewie had achieved his dream of living in a mansion only
Instead of living with Brian he lived with meg Chris and his boyfriend Hudson came by for visits quite
Often yes this was the life.