It started on one of Peter and Lois's alcohol-fueled rants at one of the family
Members Stewie was too young meg was at work and Chris was well getting
Acquainted with himself to be discreet so Brian was the lucky winner of tonight's
Dysfunctional game of mean spirited hatred. "Damn it Brian without you mooching
Off of this family we could have been something we could have been rich we could have
Been great but no we out of the kindness of our hearts brought you into our home and
You don't do a damn thing to show your appreciation all you do is sit on that couch and
Drink smoke pot and complain about the world while my husband works his ass off to
Support this family and I take care of the kids you what do you do you big loser if you
Don't start shaping up soon your gonna be back on the street right where you started
From huh you like that" after four hours of listening to the same fight Brian finally finding
A space to stand up for himself instead of just ignoring her as anyone else would writing
Her off as a boozed up housewife whose full of rage and dissatisfaction at her life whose
Just taking it out on the only person she could at the moment or even better do what meg
Or Stewie did and work hard to prove her wrong so that later when success that they had
Rightfully earned had shown up in droves they could be content with there lives truly proving
That success is the best revenge in there experience. But no alas Brian did neither of those things
And instead rose to take the bait and stood up and yelled at Lois the she demon of quahog herself
And Peter who was just standing by her side and laughing and swaying plastered and most likely high
On something not even legal in the US "ok you know what screw both of you I am going to make a name
For myself and you two will see how great I am you'll see you'll all see" he declared dramatically as his
Narcissistic personally insured he always did whenever he felt even remotely slighted and wronged
As he dashed out of the room up to stewies to put a plan he had been brewing for a long while into
AUTHORS NOTE hey everyone this is what I imagine would happen if Brian ever went rouge to
Stewie and used his genius to one up people because come on you know he would he's done it
Before just not in such a personal matter before spoilers he's taking his time machine
And other inventions and using them to make him a success to one up other losers like
Himself oh boy this is gonna be fun if anyone wants me to continue please review thanks