Chapter two- Shinso Hitoshi.


After Overhaul said that I went outside and took my mask off. I then took a stroll through the city to find people. I then saw this kid who was being kicked by three other kids. The kid who was being kicked was the same age as me and had purple hair. He was curled up on the ground when I saw him.


"Hey, stop kicking the kid" I said as I walked over there.

The kids kicking him had to be two years older than me.

"Why, he's villainous" said one kid.

"Okay, but before you kick him any longer you have to fight me" I said.

"Why should we?" asked one kid.

"I'm weak and quirkless," I said.

"Let's get him," said the leader of their group.

One tried to punch me, but I caught his hand and judo flipped him. I then curb stomped his balls. I then jumped up and axe kicked one in the head. The last one, their boss, tried to side kick me. I then caught his leg and threw him into the ground. The finishing touch was them being curb stomped in the ribs by me.

"Why'd you help me" asked the kid standing up.

"I thought you needed it," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"Midoriya Izuku," I said, giving him my hand to shake.

"Shinso Hitoshi" said the kid.

"Alright Shinso, come with me" I said.

We then walked to a dump in town.

"Hey Hatsume!" I called out.

"Hello Midoriya!" she responded.

"I need another mask," I explained.

"Did yours break?" she asked.

"No, I need one for this guy," I said while pointing to Shinso.

"Okay, how do I work it into his quirk?" Hatsume asked.

"Shinso tell her what your quirk is" I commanded.

"It's brainwashing. It lets me control anyone who responds to me" he explained.

"Nifty," Hatsume said.

"I'd like something that magnified my voice, but also for it to mimic other people's voices," said Shinso.

"Easy peasy," said Hatsume.

It took about three hours for her to finish Shinso's mask. While that happened I told him what I needed him for. What surprised me was that he was on board so quickly. Once Hatsume was done she gave it to Shinso.

"Bye Hatsume!" I yelled.

"Bye Midoriya!" she yelled back.

Once we made it back it was almost sunset. I knocked on the door. Mimic appeared.

"Hello Midoriya," he greeted me.

"Hello Mimic" I responded.

"Who's this guy?" Mimic asked.

"His name is Shinso Hitoshi, and he's willing to join," I said.

"Awesome, come this way" said Mimic.

We went back to the room and Shinso was interrogated like me. He was accepted soon too.

"Chronostasis, show these two to their room" said Overhaul.

"Yes Overhaul" said Chronostasis.

Once we got to our room we found out that one half was green and the other was purple. The green half had guns galore and the purple side had a pistol and a case for Shinso's mask. Each side had a blue bed with blue pillows. The green side also had a cas for my mask. Each side had a dresser with clothes in them.

"When you're done looking over the room, Overhaul needs you two" said Chronostasis.

After we went straight to Overhaul. When we got to the room he stayed in, we saw a little girl with ruby eyes and a horn on the right side of her head. Her hair was white and went to her mid back. It was unclean and a little wavy. She also had bandages on her arms and legs.

"Yes Overhaul?" I asked as we walked in.

"Ah, you're here, good" he started "This girl's name is Eri, I need you two to tend to her needs. Make sure she has enough food and try to make her happy. You also need to pick your aliases" he said.

"Yes Overhaul" Shinso and I said.

"Good, Midoriya, what will your alias be?" Overhaul asked.

"De Ku" I said.

"De Ku, a variation of your name's kanji, okay. And Shinso?" Overhaul asked.

"Mockingbird," Shinso said.

"Like your quirk, okay, Eri take them to your room" Overhaul said.

Eri just nodded and walked out while we followed her.

"Eri-Chan?" I asked.

"Y-yes," she said.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I picked her up and she told me where to turn and whatnot. It turned out that her room was next to ours.

"Eri-Chan, would you like anything?" I asked.

"Apples," she said.

"Where are they?" I asked

She pointed to a mini-fridge in the corner of a room.

"Okay Eri-Chan" I said.

"Thank you," Eri said.

"Shinso, can you get an apple for Eri?" I asked.

"Sure thing Midoriya," Shinso said.

He went and got an apple while I set Eri down on her bed.

"Shinso, should we use our aliases?" I asked.

"Sure thing" he said while giving the apple to Eri.

"Eri-Chan, is there anything else you need?" I asked.

"No, Deku-nii" she said.

"Okay, bye Eri-Chan" I said.

"B-bye" she said.

"See you soon," I said.

"Okay" she said noticeably cheerier.

"We'll go to bed and check on Eri-Chan first thing in the morning, okay Mockingbird" I said.

"Alright De Ku" he said.



And chapter done, as you can see, Shinso and Eri were seen in this chapter. The four main characters have all met one another and the next chapters are the meat and potatoes of this story. Also you'll see more of Mei in the future. Anyway, later