A few hours later-

He hadn't been wrong to think that the girl was a monster. Because she was, in a manner of speaking.

Nezu's test had pretty much determined such among other things. For the test, Nezu had had her fight against several of the teachers- but made it very plain from the beginning that Ichigo was still healing from her injuries and they would have to dial things back a little bit.

Anyone who fought her and noticed her begin to tire- was the stop the fight immediately lest they endanger her life. And since they worked at a hero school, they even had her 'step mother' and her little friend Rukia act as their 'hostages'.

Not to be mean or anything.

But because Nezu had determined that since she cared about her family so much, then they would use them for this to try and draw out as much of her abilities as they could. Strength wise at least.

Toshinori had taken Rukia- because the little jerk had scribbled on his face and he was still a little bit irked about that. While Midnight had taken the woman.

Both of them had hidden themselves carefully amongst the buildings and other stuff located at one of the training grounds. But Ichigo had found them strangely easy. And had defeated Midnight with disgustingly very little effort and taken her 'step mother' back.

After that, she'd gone up against all of them. And completely and utterly crushed them all. The most frightening thing about it, was that she managed to do it without any effort at all.

Hell, she hadn't even had to move! None of them really saw what she did to them, but the best way that Toshinori could manage to describe it was as if some fiercely terrifying, invisible force had suddenly attacked them all. They all collapsed to the ground, frozen and unable to breathe.

Present Mic and Midnight had both wet themselves from it and then passed out. While Toshinori had fallen to his knees clawing at his throat, trying to loosen whatever it was that felt as if it were wrapped around his throat and then started vomiting. His heart was frantically beating against his ribs as he tried over and over again to try and get to his feet and failed. Horribly.

His vision dimmed and went utterly black and just before he could lose consciousness- the terrifying feeling vanished and he could suddenly breathe again.

It took several moments for his vison to return. And when it did, Ichigo was kneeling next to him and he could feel her hand on his back. Rubbing it in a comforting manner, her expression concerned as her friend and step mother both ran over to her and started to demand what the hell that was.

Because apparently they hadn't even known that she could do that.

Toshinori had merely stared at them all in stunned disbelief for a moment as Ichigo had quietly explained to them that that was just her presence being projected across the training area.

Her presence? Seriously? Was all he could manage to think as he stared at the girl in shock. Totally missing how pale and rattled the two women were from suffering similar effects to himself and the others.

Needless to say, Nezu determined that anyone who could bring not only the other heroes, but a juggernaut like the Pillar of Peace down so easily- was too dangerous to be allowed to wander the streets alone and unprotected.

If villains got their hands on the girl and bent her to their will, the result would be beyond disastrous. And though he was still understandably rattled by what had happened, Toshinori couldn't help but agree with the principal.

After that, he and the others were taken to the infirmary where Recovery Girl would treat them until they were feeling better. While Nezu pulled the girl, her friend, her step mother and her father aside to speak with them all on what would be happening now.

He managed to iron out a deal for keeping the girl on campus where she could be protected by them and such. And since she held a royal rank within her clan- her parents would be allowed to come and go- within reason, of course, to check on the girl.

But her friend Rukia would be staying with her at the school. To help her by giving her someone familiar to talk to if she needed it since it would help her adjust to her situation better.

After that, the two adults spent several minutes saying goodbye and even handed the two some small items. A cell phone, a bank card to shop online with for anything that they may need over the next few days. And then they gave the two a hug and left.

Once they were gone, Nezu had one of the other teachers, Vlad King, take them to the student dorms and let them pick out a couple of rooms for themselves. While the principal found them a laptop that they could use to do their online shopping on and then after delivering it to them, then left to go and check on the teachers that Ichigo had defeated earlier.

Leaving the two girls to their own vices.

After the fur ball had left them alone, Ichigo had plugged in the laptop that they'd been given to use and set to work on getting the two of them the stuff that they would need for their stay. She got them both at least wo weeks worth of clothing, necessities, small pieces of furniture, shoes, bed covers and pillows. And maybe a few other miscellaneous items that she felt that they might need.

Like books and such to entertain themselves with.

Once she was done, she handed the computer over to Rukia so that she could look online for whatever information she could find available on where they were.

However the girl wasn't very tech savvy and somehow wound up on a porn sight that Ichigo quickly had to close the window too, clear the browsing cookies and then did a security check for viruses and malware before then shutting the computer off.

"Sorry." Rukia said once she set the computer aside and then leaned back against the side of the bed.

"Don't worry about it. We'll leave the information gathering to Kisuke and Youroichi."

"That...may be for the best." Rukia said awkwardly as she looked down at her friend from her perch on the bed. "You look tired." She said as she leaned down a little bit to get a closer look at Ichigo's face. The other girl's eyes were closed and she looked as if she were already on the verge of sleep.

"I'm drowsy." Ichigo muttered.

"Why don't you get some rest then." Rukia suggested as she started to get up so that the other girl could lie down on the bed without her being in the way. "I'm starting to get a little bit hungry so I think I'll go see if there's any food around."

Ichigo opened her eyes and looked at her for a moment before saying, "I think I'll come with you." Rukia merely stared at her for a moment before nodding her head.

"Okay. I would imagine that your sort of hungry anyways given how long you must have been in that hospital."

She wasn't wrong.

The truth of the matter was that Ichigo had been trying to ignore the vicious cramping in her stomach for a few hours now. And with everything that had been going on, she hadn't wanted to ask for anything to eat from strangers. At least not until she was certain of their real intentions anyways.

And since she knew now that she would be staying with them for an undisclosed amount of time, she was fairly certain that they didn't want to hurt her or they would have done so already.

Besides, she was hoping to do a little bit of exploring while they were outside of the room and see if she could find a bathroom. She felt...grungy. And really wanted to take a bath before she called it a night.

Slowly getting to her feet, she fell into step behind Rukia as the smaller girl headed towards the door.

Finding the cafeteria was fairly easy for them.

Especially when they could smell the food being cooked/served, and heard the low hum of more than a dozen or so chatting voices. Young, chatting voices.

Ichigo looked at Rukia and mouthed the word, kids, to her with a vaguely alarmed expression on her face. Rukia supposed that she couldn't blame her friend any for her reaction. After all, among the first things to be destroyed back home had been the schools.

The enemy hadn't even waited until the kids were out of them. They'd blown up every school and preschool that they came across. Hundreds of thousands of children had all died in fiery blazes without any way of escaping.

It had been beyond cruel as far as Ichigo was concerned. Especially since a lot of the children killed had been relatives, and friends to a lot of people that they had known.

The only reason that Ichigo's own sisters hadn't died like the other kids was because she had kept them home for the day, knowing that something was going to happen. But was unable to really pin point what.

Ichigo still blamed herself for not being able to figure out what the enemy had been up too in time. But Rukia knew that even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to save many of the kids. It simply hadn't been possible.

Reaching out and taking the taller girl's hand in hers, she noticed the weird way that Ichigo flinched and softly sighed. "Do you want to go back to the room?" She asked.

Ichigo shook her head stubbornly and simply wrapped her fingers around Rukia's smaller hand and let the girl lead her into the room.