Hey, people of the fandom belonging to the fabulous HTTYD family! This is a notice, regarding a plethora of new oneshots I want to write based off an idea. An idea, which might be a bit on the angsty and dark side of things, just the way I can write.
I had an inspiration. Here I was, watching RTTE for the upteenth time on Netflix, when I got an idea. You see, while it's REALLY good (Nothing, series or movie, gets an IMDB rating of 8.3 just like that, after all), I figured that the violence sector was dialled down drastically. Not the ship and hunter blasting part, but the more dangerous parts. Had it been the real world, lots of bad and worse stiff would have happened. I get it, it was made with a younger target audience, but,
Let me give you an example: You see, the Hunters are said to be professionals in the field. Given that they always have dragons for the Riders to release, it must be true. Then, how is it that the Hunters, even with their amazing stockpile of Dragonroot arrows, just can't hit any of the Riders' dragons at all? Other than some episodes and instances, the arrows are shown to just miss them.
You see, as Viggo put it, Dragon hunting and selling is really hard business, but it's clear that the Grimborns were doing it pretty well before the Riders interfered. So, my idea is to make the Hunters the actual ruthless and professional people they are. Cold, accurate and merciless dragon capturers and killers, who have been given freedom of wreaking havoc on the Riders when the two groups meet at the starting of season 2.
Had it been today, the Grimborn business (at its peak) could be worth billions of dollars, if not in the trillions. I mean, look at the number of ships there are! No matter how many the gang destroy and sink, there are always more that come up and take their places. So, it's a HUGE business, with lots of assets and property (HUNDREDS of ships, multiple hunter ports, and, of course, the thousands of dragon hunters, trappers, soldiers and the workmen). Therefore, I am gonna dial up the angst and gore to the maximum, and I plan to show exactly WHAT Viggo can do to make sure that his business suffers no blows. I plan to show what Viggo can become, and how he is more than capable to wipe out the Riders, and Berk, for that matter.
So, I am guessing it will be a lot of work, but I intend to rewrite every episode with prominent Hunter activity in it, starting from the Night Of The Hunters dualogy. Its a work in progress, as it's a decent amount of writing, bit I will probably have it ready by a couple of days. Until then, I want to know what YOU guys thing of this idea. I like it, a lot, and if you do, then we are in business. But if you don't, I can finish the one I am writing, then stop. Rating will range from 'T' to 'M', but I am guessing it will mostly be 'M'. So, be sure to comment your thoughts, and I will make sure to follow them.
There might be the idea that I can turn this into a story. Sadly, with the power and grit I am vesting in Viggo Grimborn and Ryker Grimborn, that story will finish before it starts. So, I will rewrite episodes with the blind and WILD assumption that the Riders had somehow escaped their earlier Hunter confrontation(s).
Some things to note : Time here doesn't dilate or constrict. For example, the distance between the Edge and Berk is big, even by dragon standards, so it will be so. Lets assume the third episode, where the Riders embark for the journey to the 'Great Beyond' for the first time. There, Fishlegs clearly mentioned that the group had been flying for the majority of the day. Taking into account how how their locations might be on the northern side of earth, that day might account for eleven to twelve hours. The edge is further away, so the ballpark guess is somewhere around fifteen to sixteen hours at Gronckle speed (The speed at which the group has to fly an order to have all the riders present in it). Say the Riders need backup, so Terror Mail makes it to Berk in about twelve hours, given how it must be faster than a Gronckle. Then, the A team arrives, which has a Gronckle in it courtesy of Gothi. In essence, backup requires a day, give or take a few hours, to arrive.
Anyway, as for the other stories, I intend to continue them. Don't you worry. Anyway, I just encountered some hardships in writing the next chapters for my stories, and had this idea in my head plaguing me. So, what better to use this small roadblock to manifest those ideas?
Anyway, Until later, I guess. Abhasclash.