So, just for fun, I figured I'd write this. This is an idea that's been bouncing around my mind for some time. This is a what if scenario.

What if #1

Oliver and the Second Stray

Oliver was in the hall, waiting to see the Hokage. He wasn't really sure about the hierarchy; didn't make any sense to him. But in his years of service, both in war and in his own work, he learned not to question it. It was just part of the process.

No matter the government, there was always a wait. Even with their own. Beside him sat a child, probably around his son's age; thirteen maybe. The kid wore the headband all those ninja did. However it was over his left eye. From the look of him, the kid looked pitiful. No life to him, already wore the weight of a hardened soldier. He looked tired. Like he hadn't slept good in years. Even in his hands he held a book that denoted his mental state. "How a shinobi should die".

Oliver tried not to get into other people's business unless he was paid. He had his family to deal with. His wife had been dead for the past five years, and they just ended up in the middle of a different world and country. His niece was already acting up, wanting to go home. She still thought his loser of a brother would ever treat her well. She was slowly coming to terms with their new way of life. Slowly. His son was already talking about trying to be a ninja (he was hoping to talk him out of it). He didn't need to add to that. Oliver figured there were probably tons of children like the one sitting near him. Kids put into tough situations; fighting a war they didn't know anything about besides being a tool for their country. At least they were honest about it in Konoha. Sure, there was propaganda, but the cold hard facts weren't hidden. The kid was called in first; Hatake Kakashi.

Oliver just sat there, lost in thought. It'd really do him no good to interfere. Kid probably had his own stuff going on. Surely counseling was enforced here. They couldn't be that backwards there.

It took an hour more to find out they were that backwards.

All Oliver wanted was to complete his last check in with the Hokage Minato and find out how to get into the police force. Simple.

But that dead-eyed child wouldn't leave his mind. So, he started asking questions and poking around.

"He just needs time." Minato said. Oliver could tell the younger man cared about the kid, just hoped he was acting. However he didn't think this Hokage was that clueless. "He'll be alright. In the meantime, the Anbu will do him good."

Oliver groaned, running his fingers through his short hair.

"Listen… that's not-," he began. "That's not how this works."

Minato shifted, sitting taller, straighter.

"He'll be fine."

"No. He won't. Listen, the kid…. Does he at least have a family to lean back on?" He asked.

"He's alone." The blond answered. Oliver tried not to let it show on his face how messed up that was.

"Group home?"

"No. He's living on his own."

Oliver nearly facepalmed.

If someone didn't do something for that kid, he wouldn't be around long.

"He good at what he does?" Oliver asked.

"He is."

"Tell you what - why don't you have him come live with us, even part time if you don't like it. I got a son and niece around his age. It'd do him good to be around kids his age. You'll satisfy the council's concern, and he'll get that time he needs." Oliver bargained. Maybe it was a dumb idea. The kid looked so haunted already. He wasn't about ready to just let the kid go through all that alone.

Minato stopped. His mouth fell open and just stared at Oliver.

"Why?" Minato asked. It was as if the blond was seeing Oliver for the first time. Almost like he was being reevaluated.

"That kid needs more than just time. You don't leave a broken bone alone and hope time fixes it." He explained.

Minato bowed his head in thought.

"Okay." He said softly.

So that was how Oliver started taking care of another lost child.

It was a cool Thursday morning when the decision was finalized and Kakashi would be moving in. Oliver stood outside the wooden home, waiting for the kid to answer the door. It took time. He probably stood waiting there for ten minutes. Finally when the kid answered the door, Oliver nodded at him.

"The name's Oliver. You need help?" He asked.

"No." Came the simple reply. He already had a handful of things in his arms. From the look of it, it was all he owned. A couple of cook books, a blanket and some clothes.

"Got a name?"

Oliver already knew it, but a man needed to know how to do that much.

"Hatake Kakashi."

Oliver grunted and led the kid away to his new home.

"I got a son and a niece around your age. You might get along."

The look on Kakashi's face said he didn't care. This was probably just another job to him. That was fine with Oliver. At least he'd have somebody around. At least he wouldn't be alone.

When Kakashi met the rest of his family, it was lackluster. The kid set up in Charles's room without a fuss. However Oliver already knew Tami was upset. She at least waited until the kid was away to start in on him.

"We can't take in somebody! Uncle, we need to get home." She stressed.

"There ain't a way, Tams." Oliver said firmly. It was the fifth time they'd the argument.

"But what about father!" She said. Oliver turned his head away.

"Your father doesn't want you. You know that."

"Yes, but what if-"

"He ain't gonna change his mind." Oliver grumbled. He watched Tami jerk back as if she had been hit. Maybe he shouldn't have said that. Probably. But she kept arguing with him. She wasn't listening.

That was when he saw Kakashi out of the corner of his eye. Both of them saw him there.

Tami scowled at the silver haired boy, tossed her head and flounced away.

Kakashi just stood there, watching her go.

"Women." Oliver grumbled. He then looked there kid over, "you good?"

"Maa." Kakashi grunted.

Oliver had thought the kid was just quiet. It took some time, but soon enough he was arguing with Tami and Charles. It could be simple things, or even complex things. Charles and Kakashi had a strange friendship that happened. The two banded together often to harass Tami in subtle ways. At least, Kakashi thought it was subtle. Kid probably didn't understand why he did what he did. Not for some time.

Oliver did at least find that the kid had some friends. He had that green-friend that always showed up. He'd burst in no matter how many locks or preventive measures Oliver took. He just started setting the table for five, instead. It encouraged the friendship between them. The green-kid was decent, even if he was a character. Without even asking, that green-kid just followed Tami's lead and called him Uncle.

Between the four years the kid lived with them, Oliver could see the look in Kakashi's eye when he saw his niece. At first there was nothing. However the minute she didn't stand in awe of what he could do and dismissed him - poor kid fell quick.

At first the kid didn't know what to do. He actually pulled Tami's hair a couple times, even tripped her once. Oliver would have to intervene here and there. Kakashi even insulted her choice of clothes once. The kid seemed to like watching her reactions to things. Tami would growl at him or roll her eyes. She'd get even with him, but him being a ninja it didn't do much.

Oliver left it be - he had thought that the boy would just grow out of the infatuation. Tami just scowled and huffed. Nothing to be afraid of. The kid clearly didn't realize what was going on.

Even after the birth of the Hokage's son, and when Kakashi finally moved out - the kid would come by to visit from time to time. He'd visit Charles, sit with Oliver in the kitchen and talk, or get into a verbal spat with Tami. Charles and Kakashi would talk strategy and tactics. For the most part, everyone got along well enough. But only sometimes. It was worse when Tami dated somebody. Kakashi then would try to distract her to miss the date. Kid didn't know how to handle it. Oliver had a couple late night talks with him. Vague ones, of course. The kid still believed that relationships were strictly a thing Shinobi shouldn't have. The second he realized what was going on Oliver was sure it'd get worse.

It wasn't until Kakashi started reading that Icha Icha book that things changed. He was about twenty when he found that thing. Finally the kid at least knew what was going on. His grade-school behavior changed to awkward glances and blushing. It'd be funny if it wasn't his niece. It was even less funny when she started to respond to his clumsy advances.

"Gonna come to a man's house reading porn and seduce his niece? Thought you were raised better than that." Oliver complained one night.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Oliver-san." Kakashi told him cheerfully.

Little punk thought he was slick.

"Kid, don't play games with me. I played it straight with you. Cross me and you'll regret it." He warned. The kid fell silent.

"Now if this is some game you're playing…."

"No games."

"Good. Keep it that way. And for the love of all things good, stop reading that book in public." Oliver complained. Kakashi only gave him an eye smile. Oliver knew what that meant. It was Kakashi's way of saying he'd do what he wanted.

Oliver shouldn't have been surprised the day he returned home from work and saw Kakashi kissing his niece in front of his house. They were off to the side and hidden behind a tree.

Oliver couldn't believe it. He loudly cleared his throat and the two sprang apart. They were both blushing like mad. The kid almost forgot to put his mask back in place. Tami had the sense to go inside quickly, her face inflamed. She wouldn't look Oliver in the eye.

Oliver stared at Kakashi, trying to decide if the headache that he caused was worth it. The late nights. The hard talks about watching team members die in front of him. Explaining how he didn't need to be the perfect tool. Even backing up his father's decision to save his team members over a mission. That Sakumo sounded like a brave man even if he did leave his son to face the world alone. There was a couple of times Oliver wanted to go rant at his grave. Who did that to their son?

Seeing the man now before him, standing tall and fearless; capable. It was then he decided it was. All Kakashi had needed was someone to actually be there to come home to. Someone who would listen to him and take the time. Other stuff factored in, but mostly? Mostly he needed to be believed in. Not in his skills, but in who he was.

"You coming in or you haunting the porch now?" Oliver asked.

" You're..?" Kakashi stuttered, "I thought…"

"Kid - you had a crush on my niece before you knew what a crush was."

"No, no I didn't until…."

"You really got no idea, do you?" Oliver asked. Kakashi glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I thought you would ignore me." He admitted.

"You two together?"

"Not yet, but…."

"This a game?


"Then I'm expecting you Friday for dinner." Oliver said. The kid just stared. He didn't feel the need to explain. The kid was smart. He'd put it together.

It wasn't even two years later they got married. Took Kakashi only that long because he didn't realize Tami had no idea he was proposing. Oliver didn't help outright. It took the kid some time to figure out he needed help. He felt it was fair - the kid took his niece right from under him. It was time he got at least something of a laugh.

An/: Something cute that I had bouncing around in my head. Hoped you enjoyed it. I'm still going through and studying to get the preliminaries right and how it will go. Hope you guys are staying safe! I'm enjoying time with my family but I miss writing (is that weird? Maybe)

So, for inquiring minds; in this version Tami does not become a ninja. She only did so that she could get home. She's not a fighter, but she will to get what she wants.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed this; have fun and stay safe!