First of all, know that the main protagonist (Harry Potter aka Lord Voldemort aka Haeron Targaryen) will NOT be in a relationship (No marriage in GoT, doesn't mean no flint/sex etc.). The reasons are my own, but it is obvious that a character half psychopathic, intelligent, manipulative, sadistic etc. is not one to pair up…

This fiction will be divided into two points of view. Harry's (1 st person) for important moments, and General (3 rd person) for the rest.

Before reading this fiction, it is important to know three things concerning " my " version of the Magical World, although the shortness of this chapter proves the uselessness of knowing all that :

- Couples have no importance, whether straight or gay. The Magical World not being concerned with religions, prejudices concerning homosexual relations, or other, are non-existent.

-Homosexual couples (whether men or women) can reproduce through a process of magic / fluids fusion and insemination. The Women's couples can choose between them the carrier while the men's couples must call upon a surrogate mother. We can theoretically say that wizards have discovered artificial insemination for centuries, except that their version works 100% and completely mixes their fluids. Concerning the men's couples, their child is 100% theirs and does not carry any gene of the surrogate mother.

-The British Wizarding World is obviously governed by an archaic nobiliary system through three institutions. In descending order : The Council (led by the eleven founding families of the British Magical World that are the Peverell, the Black, the Potter, the Ollivander, the Flint, the Nott, the Longbottom, the Gryffindors, the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs) , The Wizengamot (One hundred wizard families + Merlin Orders) and the Ministry of Magic (Minister elected by the Wizengamot or The Council, depending on the position of the Council concerning the Wizengamot).

Knowing this, you can read my story.


Godric's Hollow

Lord Voldemort's P.O.V

Here I am, finally in front of these pests' house. Wearing my most beautiful robe (Black), I take a cheerful step towards their door. I admit that I am quite enjoying myself, and there is a good reason.

Since Severus, my faithful potionist (and torture toy in his spare time) told me this piece of prophecy, I haven't been able to think straight. It is not every day that we are told of our future defeat against a brat. Thus, I tortured him, just a bit, for this ominous message. It was his fault brimming such grievous news.

Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for them), I had a little spy in their ranks. Well, when I say little, I mean a big badly washed spy with a foul smell, half bald and having a rat head. Peter Pettigrew. Not the smartest, but surprisingly helpful. When I announced that I would offer a huge reward to anyone who brought me to the Potters, I probably hadn't expected it to be him. Yes, I will certainly reward him with ... A little Avada Kedavra,ah! I love this spell; it solves all my problems!

But Severus' request still surprised me. When he learned that I was going to kill the Potters, he begged of me to spare the mudblood. Being a magnanimous Lord, I agreed to try to spare her life. Let no one say that Lord Voldemort isn't merciful.

Well, no more jokes, it's time to deal with these unwelcome busybodies. As I approach the door, a disguised kid (I shiver, it reminds me of my years at the orphanage) looks at me.

"You have a nice costume, sir!" he exclaims in a high-pitched voice.

My answer? I remove my hood while giving him my most terrifying smile. I take great pleasure in seeing him whitening, before crying as he flees. Ah, since I have used this glamor to make myself look like a snake, I take great pleasure in terrifying my slaves (who call themselves my servants, but it's the same thing) and my enemies. My real appearance is actually quite different.

Even though I have nothing to reproach myself for, and must admit to being a handsome man. 6'3" tall, with brown hair elegantly styled on the side, a thin, sculpted face and the body of a Greek god. Yes, I'm a bit narcissistic, so what? I don't see the problem of appreciating yourself. The only difference was my red eyes which were rather hazel. But it was frankly nothing terrifying, so I invented this spell to take on a slightly more terrifying appearance. I chose the snake look-alike expected my Slytherin ascendance and because I can speak parseltongue.

Anyway, I keep walking towards the Potter door when I am faced with a ward. Pff, I quickly analyse it and discover that it is simply used to warn the Potters of any intrusion. An unhealthy smile then appears on my face, and I cross the ward, triggering the Potter's ward. Not losing a minute, I make a gesture with my wand to erect an Anti-Apparition ward.

Ah, I take pleasure in hearing their howls of panic. I vaguely hear a male voice (probably the Potter male) screaming to run away (probably to the mudblood) with the kid (my target). Not wasting time, I blow up the door before quickly erecting a Protego. The male Potter had the audacity to cast an entrail-expelling curse on me.

"An Entrail-Expelling Curse, Potter? Rather dark, for someone of your ... ilk" I say with a smirk.

"And I'm capable of much more, Voldewhore! I won't let you harm my family!" The annoyance cried brandishing his wand.

I inwardly roll my eyes. Is it so difficult to sacrifice a kid to live longer? Please, they can make brats again. Well, too bad, I have no time to waste in arguments. Knowing the specimen, he must had warned the flamed chickens, led by the old lemon, and perhaps the incompetent ministries.

With no warning, I throw him an insidious little spell. An invention of my own, and I must admit that I am very proud of it. Still unnamed, this spell will simply create a boiling liquid (as hot as an Incendio) in his intestines, all in the form of a colic. Potter tries to shield, but is too weak compared to my omnipotence. I watch with interest his reaction.

"What ... Argh !" Potter nuisance cried holding his stomach.

While writhing in pain, he falls to the floor near the stairs while a lot of blood flows from his rear. Interesting, Potter was literally shitting lava. I can't help laughing as he screams in endless pain.

"You're in luck, Potter! I am a merciful lord", I said as I kill him.

Truth be told, I would rather have spent hours watching him squirm in pain, but time is running out and I can hear the mudblood barricading herself upstairs. Passing over Potter's body, I climb the stairs while maintaining a smile of excitement. I love to hunt my prey.

I quickly look at the portraits around me (some glaring at me, others insulting me openly) before burning one. Ah! They're now silent, so much the better. I finally arrive in front of the room where she barricaded herself, must be the child's.

Sighing, I blast the door with a simple gesture, shifting the boxes piled up behind to prevent me from entering. The mudblood then places the child in a small bed before coming between the brat and me, arms wide open. I quickly frown as I watch the scene. It smells like a trap; however, I don't detect anything at all. Well, time to keep my promise. Before I even have time to tell her to step aside, she starts begging me. Ah, music to my ears.

"Not Harry, not Harry, I beg of you, not my baby!"

"Step aside, you idiot ... Come on, step aside ..."

"No, not Harry, please, kill me if you want, kill me instead ..."

"This is my last warning ..."

She's really annoying. Yet, I promised to try to save her, so being magnanimous, I try to keep my word.

"No, not Harry! I beg of you ... Have mercy ... Have mercy ... Not Harry! Not Harry! I beg of you ... I will do what you want ..."

"I told you to step aside, you slut ..."

She insists on staying in front of me. No one, I mean, NO ONE, refuses to obey Lord Voldemort… three times!

"Avada Kedavra!"

There you go, one more body on the ground. That will teach her to refuse to obey, and three times on top of that! Let it not be said that Lord Voldemort does not keep his promises. I actually tried to save her, three times! Is it too much to ask to obey and stand on the side? I could have just knocked her out, but hey, I can't stand being told off.

Now it's time to take care of the kid. What is he glaring? I may have killed his mother, but that is no reason to put such a face. Hm, I feel that the roasted chickens will not be long, it is time to conclude.

I point my wand in a theatrical gesture, despite the lack of spectators, and look the child in the eyes.

"You were born at the wrong time, young Potter. And Lord Voldemort can't stand the competition. Avada Kedavra!" I cry out in all my might.

I avidly watch the jade curse as it rush to the brat. I fucking love this spell, solves all my problems and the colour goes with my robes.

On the other hand, I surely did not expect it to come back to my face. I barely have time to scream then nothing.

Harry's P.O.V

I'm crying. Why am I crying and behind bars?

I'm not saying I don't like it, but am I not supposed to be dead? I quickly look around, and ... well, the mudblood body is still there. And… my robe is on the floor.

Huh? How's that possible? Merlin's bollocks, I'm in the brat's body! A rather interesting turnaround, but Lord Vold ... Harry knows how to adapt to all situations.

I vaguely hear footsteps coming closer, which doesn't really surprise me. Given the half-exploded decor, I dare imagine that the noise attracted attention. Though I wasn't expecting Pettigrew with an alarmed face…

The rat dares take my wand and point it at me? You shall pay for this, vermin. Fortunately, he lowers the wand. He looks panicked, and now that I listen, I can understand why: Someone else is coming.

Before my eyes, the rat turns into its namesake before leaving the place ... with my wand! I don't have time to shout in anger that I see Severus entering the room. He ignores me and throws himself on the mudblood's body with a cry. I didn't know he was so enamoured with her… maybe I should have spared her after all for she could have been used to blackmail my talented potionist.

Severus looked at me with hateful eyes as quickly left the place. He is the second who dares to abandon a poor (evil) baby in a destroyed (I did it) room. Shameless! He too will be at the end of a well placed Crucio .

And a third enters the room ... I didn't know the Potters were running a brothel. Well, I don't know this one. Rather tall and curly black hair and grey eyes are quite revealing. He must be the famous Sirius Black that Bellatrix told me so much about … (more like complained)

With tearful eyes he pounces on me to take me. I'm so tired that I don't have the strength to cry or shit on him. At least he's a pureblood. Then, he went down the stairs still holding me in the crook of his arms. Unfortunately, we are quickly greeted by the dimwit half-giant named Hagrid. I should have killed him at Hogwarts when I had the chance.

I do not pay too much attention to what they say as my hearing is not very developed, probably due to this child's body. On the other hand, I do not approve at all that he places me in the arms of the dumbass. How dare he place Lord Voldharry in the arms of this filthy half-breed?

Well, the rest is a bit vague. I vaguely remember the sound of an engine as I am enveloped in a cocoon of heat. Despite everything, the half-giant ignoramus is warm and comfortable… Should I spare and make him my personal blanket? No matter, I daze off.

As I reopen my eyes, I barely restrain a scream. My field of vision is filled with a white and silky beard. Sweating profusely, I look up to fall on two twinkling blue eyes. I think I had a seizure…

This is it! The old fool found out the truth and imprisoned me! Goodbye tortures and World's conquest!

"He shall be in security, Minerva. Despite her beliefs, Petunia is Harry's aunt and will care for him." The blubbering old coot says.

Ah? Doesn't he intend to keep me imprisoned? Well, it seems that the magical version of Santa Claus doesn't know the truth, quite interesting. However, I am a little too close to him. To take revenge ...


Albus looks at me with round eyes while Minerva (she deserves to be called like that; I respect my worthy foes) hides a smile. Yep, I just threw up in the beard of the old coot! Ah, Voldharry 1 – Old Coot 0.

"He ain't liking tha fly, Prof'ssor Dumbledore!" Hagrid says with his incomprehensible accent.

By Merlin's saggy left bollock! He spends years at school, and still can't speak properly? Even Crabbe and Goyle are... Well ... forget about it, Crabbe and Goyle are way stupider.

"Has he really defeated you-know-who?" Minerva asks in a frightened voice.

I love it when people don't even dare to pronounce my name. How pleasant to see them shake at the mention of this nickname, but it is surely linked to the taboo curse placed on it. Ah!

The old lemon man looks at me once more, although he seems to be mostly focused on my forehead. Hm, I guess the death curse must have left some trace ... Albus then starts to smile, and that's a pretty happy face. What a vision of horror.

"Yes, Voldemort is dead. I don't see any dark magic in his scar, and Severus showed me his arm a few minutes ago. The Dark Mark has completely disappeared!" Dumbledork says with a fucking smile.

For my part, I go white. What? How could MY mark disappear, it is bound to my… horcruxes? Does that mean they don't exist anymore? Come to think of it, it seems logical. Where are all the Egyptian pharaohs and wizards who created them? Or Herpo the foul?

In short, I inflicted nameless pain on myself and weakened magically ... for nothing?

But if all this has never worked, how can I explain that I am alive? Hm ... I see only one theory. My soul was divided into several parts, when I attacked the child and received my spell back (probably the mudblood's trap), my last piece of soul had to merge with the child. Since the child's soul was complete, my spell had to exchange an equivalent part of his soul with mine, making my soul complete.

Knowing that a soul cannot exceed 100%, I suppose that my horcruxes had to cancel immediately, no longer being linked to my main soul. Fortunately for me the child was not sufficiently developed, otherwise I would have been defeated by the majority of his soul. But since he only has one year of memories, I guess my little bit of soul could have taken over.

I'm not going to complain, and then there are advantages to all of this. First of all, the soul of a wizard keeps his experience, his knowledge, and his magic power coefficient. My fusion with the baby's soul, knowing that it was intended to defeat me (and therefore had to have a coefficient equal to mine) had to double my coefficient. Knowing that the merlin scale goes from 1 (muggle) to 1000 (Merlin), I was classified at 700. I must be at 1000, well, I will be once my body is more adapted.

After all, magic comes from both the body and the soul, and it's important to be in good shape. Dumbledore is excellent proof, despite his age, he can move very quickly…

I do not have time to think more about it than the old lemon puts me on the ground, in front of a door. He wouldn't dare living me here…would He? In the middle of winter at night? He shall pay! I don't have time to cry (rather scream) that he casts a spell me to sleep. Fuck you, Dumblewhore!


4 Privet Drive, Surrey, England,

I am awakened by a shrill cry. Opening my eyes while casting my darkest gaze, I stare at the banshee having had the misfortune to wake me up with this noise worthy of a castafiore. What I see is probably the most horrible muggle I have ever seen. She looks like a mixture between a giraffe and a harpy, such horror.

"Petunia? What's going on?"

Then I see another creature escaping from a zoo coming. This time, it is a walrus with a big moustache, holding in his arms a baby walrus. Oh joy, Dumbledore sent me to a zoo ... When I see this ugliness, it should come as no surprise that I want to enslave them. An animal is made to be on all fours in front of its master.

"There is a letter, what does it say?" The Walrus asks as he points me with his big finger.

Well, I hadn't noticed the presence of a letter. Knowing the old fool, he had to shorten the story and ask them (order) to keep me. Once again, Dumbledore put his nose where it doesn't belong. Considering her reddening face while reading the letter, I think I had it right.

"We have to keep IT. Dumbledore says that the ... servants of the one who tried to kill him will try to find him to finish the job. And since I am his aunt, they will surely kill us by the occasion!" the giraffe exclaims as she sends me a glare.

"The old fool speaks of a… magic… which can protect us thanks to our blood connection, as long as he lives here." She adds.

"Freaks. Can't they leave honest people alone?"

If I weren't there to see him , I would have thought I heard a pureblood complaining about muggles. Yet, it a Walrus…maybe the muggle version of Crabbe?

"I won't spend a penny for this freak." The Walrus dares say.

"Don't worry love, we'll give him Dudley's cast-offs. Thankfully, I kept these in the attic." My 'lovely' Aunt placate him.

"Fine, but IT won't have a bedroom. A monster like IT isn't worthy!"

And now the walrus is going away with its mini look-alike. As for my "aunt", she grabs me before taking me inside. I am not very surprised to see her placing myself in a cupboard under the stairs.

I shan't be treated like a slave and they will know the fury of Lord Voldharry! (Note to myself, I have to find a better alias)

Getting up with difficulty on my two small legs, I make a simple hand gesture which opens the door wide. I vaguely hear a conversation and decide to join the muggles. They are in the kitchen as the walrus is seated while the giraffe feeds the baby walrus.

"What? How did you manage to get there? I'll put you back in the cupboard where your kind belongs!" Moustachioed Walrus cried.

He gets up, furious as he ran to me. I inwardly roll my eyes before sending him waltzing against the wall. Given the loud noise, must have been painful… so much the better!

Obviously, the giraffe starts to howl. With a mere glance, I silence her. The problem is that I cannot speak as my vocal cords are not sufficiently developed. Well, for great evils the great remedies.

I make a flaming writing appear in the air, under their frightened looks.

From now on, you shall serve me! Should you refuse, I shall torture your child to insanity then burn you. Have I made myself clear?

"How dare you? I'm won't ..." The moustachioed walrus starts saying.

I'm fed up of this animal. Not wasting time, I cast a Crucio. He falls to the ground writhing in pain. Note that he is so large the ground shook as he fell.

"Vernon! Please stop! stop! We'll do as you want, please!"

Now I know the walrus' name. it'll be easier to call him in public. After a few seconds, I stop the torture then look into her eyes.

I hope I made myself clear. Now, prepare me something to eat, and you will first give the mixture to your infamous brat, in case you think of trying to poison me.

This is how I started my life as Harry Potter, Vanquisher of myself. I love being in control!


3rd person POV

Things had changed at 4 Privet Drive. It all started with the arrival of Harry James Potter, an orphan on 10/31/1981.

The latter lived a king's life in this house, while his aunt and uncle tried to fulfil all his desires. Not out of envy, but terror. Yes, Harry did not hesitate to torture them when they were unfortunate enough to displease him, or even just to speak to him without his consent.

As for Dudley Dursley, the latter became obsessed with Harry, to the point of becoming his most faithful servant, much to the chagrin of his parents. Harry was very happy to have a loyal, beefy servant. Yes, Dudley was very tall and muscular, inheriting that from his father (former boxer) and a precise diet ordered by Harry.

Not to mention that Dudley was quite intelligent, in addition to a sadistic tendency. Yes, for Harry, Dudley was a mix between Crabbe, Goyle, Bellatrix and Rookwood. Well, magicless.

What about Harry? The latter lived in the richly furnished master bedroom, wearing luxurious custom-made clothes. Obviously, he knew that Vernon did not earn enough to pay him all that, which was why he used several Imperius on the company managers of Grunnings (where Vernon worked) to make him the CEO of the group. Harry refused to live in poverty.

Besides, he had not hesitated to show his incredible intelligence at school, proving to everyone that he was a genius. In fact, he had recently graduated. Thanks to his intelligence and powers, he had integrated the King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor also known as Eton College. Obviously, the college was hard of access for a " proletarian " but Harry had known how to use his lineage.

Yes, Harry knew that the Potters were a long line of Counts from the South West of England, and that opened many doors for him. The problem being that he couldn't get his hands on the inheritance (at least on the Muggle side) until he was eighteen (or his emancipation). He quickly made contact in Eton, although he wished he could get hold of a member of the royal family for a little Imperius.

Harry had voluntarily accelerated his schooling so that he could quietly go to Hogwarts. Yes, for the conquest of the world, he needed an identity among muggles like wizards. Finally, he received the letter of admission to Hogwarts on 7/31/1991, and without wasting time he sent it back, stating that he did not need a guide.

This is how Harry was taken to Diagon Alley by Vernon (aka the Moustachioed walrus) on 08/01/1991. Not wishing to attract attention, he ordered Vernon to go and enjoy a restaurant nearby while he was shopping.

He easily entered the Leaky Cauldron before heading to the back. With a simple hand gesture he unveiled the entrance to the Alley before heading quickly to the Gringotts Bank.

He asked a goblin to do a blood inheritance test, while promising ten galleons if the goblin was quick enough. Yes, it was completely unnecessary to use long sentences etc. with goblins. They respected only two things: Power and Money.

The goblin wasted no time before giving a parchment with a needle. Harry pricked his finger, dropping a few carmine drops on the parchment. After a few seconds, the piece of paper lit up to reveal his ancestry.


Harry (Tom) James (Marvolo) Potter (Riddle)


Pureblood (2 nd generation Maternal - 27 th generation Paternal)


Emancipated (by magic)

Family (up to 4 th degree) :

-Liliane Amaranth Potter née Ravenclaw (Mother - pureblood 1 st generation - Witch) DECEASED

-James Fleamont Potter (Father - Pureblood 26 th generation - Wizard) DECEASED

-Petunia Daisy Dursley née Ravenclaw (maternal aunt - pureblood 1 st generation - Squib)

-Dudley Vernon Dursley née Ravenclaw (1stdegree Maternal Cousin - Half-Blood - Squib)

-Florean Fleamont Fortescue (2 nd degree Paternal Cousin - - Pureblood 19th generation - Wizard)

-SIRIUS Orion Black (3 rd degree Paternal Cousin / Godfather - pureblood 2 4 th generation - Wizard)

-Narcissa Druella Black (3 rd degree Paternal Cousin - pureblood 2 4 th generation - Witch)

-Andromeda Melinda Tonks née Black (3 rd degree Paternal Cousin - Pureblood 2 4 th generation - Witch)

-Bellatrix Charis Black (3 rd degree Paternal Cousin - pureblood 2 4 th generation - Witch)

-Draco Lucius Malfoy (4 th degree Paternal Cousin - Pureblood 2 6 th generation - Wizard)

-Nymphadora Licorice Tonks née Black (4 th degree Paternal Cousin - Pureblood 2 5 th generation - Witch)

-Alice Janine Longbottom born Fortescue (3 rd degree Paternal Cousin / Godmother - Pureblood 20 th generation - Witch)

-Neville Auguste Longbottom (4 th degree Paternal Cousin / Godbrother - Pureblood 2 7 th generation - Wizard)


-Lord of the Founding House of Peverell (Paternal / Anima Magic)

-Lord of the Founding House of Gryffindor (Paternal)

-Lord of the Founding House of Slytherin (Anima Magic)

-Lord of the Founding House of Ravenclaw (Maternal)

-Lord of the Founding House of Potter (Paternal)

- Heir to the Founding House of Black (Paternal / Designation)

Harry had been amazed at the revelations regarding his heritage. Of course, he knew about the Gryffindors and the Potters (the Potters had never hidden their ancestry), but for the rest ... He easily guessed that the Evans must have been a Squib line of Ravenclaws , and since the parchment only showed magical names .. . On the other hand, the term " Anima Magic " surprised him. He expected to lose his Lord Slytherin titles by "being reborn " through Harry Potter, but that was not the case.

Yes, it seemed that titles and other possessions remained linked to the soul, or in any case, to the soul before any rebirth. Maison Peverell was another surprise. The Peverells were considered to be the oldest wizards in the British Magic World, their family dating from before the arrival of the Romans in Britain. Without counting this story with the Three Peverell brothers and Death. Yes, everyone knew that the Peverell were the three brothers designated in the Tales of Beetle the Bard.

In any case, he wasted no time in asking for a portfolio concerning all of his family's investments. The goblin had to go and find the managers of the Potter, Peverell, Slytherin and Ravenclaw accounts. Understanding the need to merge everything, Harry ordered the creation of a Group called Peverells & Co.

At the same time, he appointed Ranolf (a fairly vicious but very intelligent goblin), former Peverell Account manager, as Group leader and de facto Manager of all fortunes. Harry learned that his investments were diversified, both in the Muggle World and in the Wizarding World.

Wizarding World:

- The Daily's Prophet (56%)

-Amanuensis Quills (100%)

-Eeylops Owl Emporium (69%)

-Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour (50%)

-Flourish and Blotts (71%)

- Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions (34%)

-Obscurus Books (100%)

- Scribbulus Writing Instruments (100%)

- Twilfitt and Tatting's (56%)

- Whizz Hard Books (100%)

- Slug & Jiggers Apothecary (100%)

-The Coffin House (100%)

-Beard Trimming (51%)

-Chimney Sweep Elf (72%)

- Markus Scarrs Indelible Tattoos (52%)

- McHavelock's Wizarding Headgear (73%)

- Potage's Cauldron Shop (48%)

- Ye Olde Curiosity Shop (100%)

- Pilliwinkle's Playthings (42%)

- Tobacconist (71%)

- Weeoanwhisker's Barber Shop (51%)

- House-Elf Placement Agency (100%)

Muggle World:

-General Motors (12%)

-Boeing (6%)

-Grunnings (100%)

-PepsiCo (26%)

-Shell Oil (16%)

-Ford Motor (16%)

-Intl. Business Machines (51%)

-Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (24%)

The finally merged investments turned out to be very profitable though Harry couldn't see the Black's investments (Harry being only the heir). He asked for a diversification of his Muggle portfolio and an acquisition of the majority shares in all companies, if doable. He also specified that it was necessary to seize businesses vital to the Muggles therefore: Food, Pharmacology, Energy and Communications. Ranolf gladly accepted, not without negotiating a share greater than his 5%. In the end, Harry awarded him a total of 15% per transaction and 3% of net profit in return for his loyal service.

After having settled his business at Gringotts, and acquired a bottomless purse linked to his trust vault (687) to be able to settle his purchases. Not wasting time, he hastened to join Garrick Ollivanders shop in order to finally obtain a wand. He was not very surprised to see the old man appear behind him, but he took great pleasure in seeing him pale.

The Ollivander were the only wizarding family in the world capable of perceiving the soul of a person, and de facto, Garrick Ollivander understood perfectly that Harry was the perfect mix between Harry James Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. After several threats and promises, Harry made Garrick swear on his magic to never reveal the truth. In the end, the old man agreed. For him, it was time for someone to turn the Magical World upside down.

Harry was therefore delighted to obtain a wand : Holly wood, 11", very flexible with Phoenix feather. Without much surprise, it was the twin wand of his previous one.

He then made the rest of his purchases before falling on (unfortunately for him) the dimwit half-giant: Rubeus Hagrid. The half-giant was here to buy fertilizer from Knockturn Alley and of course, Harry had the "pleasure" to meet him once more. Fortunately, Hagrid had to quickly go back to Hogwarts to take care of the plants. In an astonishing gesture, he offered Harry a magnificent snowy owl as he left. It was the first birthday gift that Harry received, well, the first gift without threats…

Harry remained silent for a few moments before leaving the place with the magnificent bird on his shoulder (and his purchases in a shrunken trunk in his pocket). He decided to name the female owl " Hedwig " in honour of Saint Hedwig of Silesia, Queen of Poland and one of the greatest witches in Europe. She was particularly known for her cunningness.

He found Vernon at Patisserie Valérie located at the crossroads between Charing Cross Road and Great Newport Street. The latter quietly finished a piece of black forest before bringing Harry home.

The rest of the vacation was spent quietly, and it was with immense joy that Vernon (and Petunia) dropped Harry off at King's Cross Station so he could start his school year. The latter easily understood the reason for the " joy " of his " family ", and he was happy to recall that Dudley would replace him. He had never seen Vernon turn pale before. And for good reason: Dudley was as sadistic as Bellatrix.

When Harry got into the Hogwarts Express, he immediately entered an empty compartment while Hedwig stood quietly on his shoulder. The latter quickly landed on the luggage floor while Harry rested. To avoid some annoyances, he magically locked and placed a notice-me-not ward on the door.

After several hours, he finally arrived at Hogwarts. He got off quietly, joining the 1st years and, unfortunately, Hagrid. The latter seemed to be their guide. He took them up in barges towards Hogwarts, crossing the lake from Hogsmeade. He was accompanied by Neville Longbottom (he would make him a loyal servant), Hermione Granger (Maybe change her behaviour for a new Bellatrix) and Ronald Weasley (Time to pop the weasel, too much of them!).

When he arrived in front of Hogwarts Great Hall doors, he decided to put his plan in action.


Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry's P.O.V

Here I am, surrounded by frightened prepubescent children. Oh joy! As always, the castle's ghosts complained about the poltergeist.. If Peeves annoys them that much they should torture or banish him...

Not to mention that during the crossing of the lake, a redhead did not stop annoying me. I suspect that he just wants to be friends with the " Boy-Who-Lived ", but if this continues, HE will become the " Boy-Who-Lived " too, when I'm finished with his family.

Finally, Minerva returns. I really find it unfortunate that she never joined me for I really appreciate her. Besides, we were acquaintances during our schooling, which is all the sadder. Still, she largely adhered to my ideas until all went down the drainer with my Horcruxes. Yes, Minerva was a half-blood as I was (Yes, I WAS, as in the PAST as I'm a Pureblood now, Yeah!). I remember that at the time, I was for the complete integration of Muggleborns and Half-bloods (I still am), the memory wiping of refractory Muggle parents (I tend to prefer their death nowadays), and the integration of Muggle parents accepting their children (No longer the case, better kill them or enslave them) by erasing them from the Muggle World and integrating them fully into the Magical World (through sales / accountant trades etc. many trades do not require magic, was a great idea but Purebloods didn't like it…).

"The sorting shall begin." She said.

The other brats startled; they hadn't noticed her. As for the ghost morons, they cleared away while continuing their discussion about the poltergeist.

"Line up and follow me", Minerva ordered.

We then followed her entering the Great Hall where the other kids were quietly seated. As usual, the Slytherins plotted, the Ravenclaws debated, the Gryffindors hollered and the Hufflepuffs cheerfully chatted.

I vaguely heard the beaver (Hermione) talk about the ceiling, citing 'Hogwarts' History'. Given her Know-it-all character, she will be rejected by all the houses except Ravenclaw. It would change having a smart Bellatrix, and if it didn't work, I would go get my real Bellatrix and torture Hermione to the point of insanity. After all, there are many ways to create a second Bellatrix.

As usual, we arrive at a stool on which is the piece of talking leather. Unlike the rest of the kids, I don't jump when he starts to sing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

I gently raise an eyebrow when I hear the song. Its word improves over time. Last time I heard it, It sounded like a mix between a cat and banshee.

I don't pay attention to the sorting, except that Hermione ends up in Gryffindor. Too bad, I will not make her my Bellatrix. I'm not surprised to see the Malfoy offspring ending in Slytherin. His father would cause us a scandal if his son ended up in another house.

When I think about it, I vaguely remember a scene where Abraxas, the grandfather of the offspring, started to cry after messing the varnishing of his nails. Yes, Malfoys were imbued with themselves, Drama Queens and real cry-babies. The only advantage they had was their wealth, which came ... from beauty products.

"Harry Potter!"

Ah, Minerva called me. I walk with a steady step towards the stool, not without noticing the hateful look of Severus. Come to think of it, I owe him a Crucio for having cowardly abandoned me at the Potters. Miserable vermin!

No sooner am I seated than Minerva puts the Sorting Hat on my head.

Well! If I expected that! Ambrosius said (I know, the shitty piece of leather is named after Merlin's alias).

A problem, Leather piece? I replied.

I see you are still as caustic and sarcastic, Tom.

Don't call me that! I am now Harry Potter!

Indeed. At least your dream has come true, you are no longer a Half-Blood.

Indeed, and now that I am rich, I no longer have to pretend to be Pro-Pureblood and to lick the boots of these assholes having a broom in the ass. Now put me in Hufflepuff!

Hufflepuff? I don't think the " Great " Lord Voldemort is cut for Hufflepuff.

Still, I have the necessary characteristics. I work hard, I am loyal to myself and I am very patient.

Yes, it is. On the other hand, loyalty to oneself is rather a trait of character of Slytherin, of which you are the descendant.

I am also a descendant of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor…

True. You are as intelligent as Rowena, and you have the character of a Gryffindor.

Really? It is said, however, that Godric Gryffindor was someone of honour, a true knight from a fairy tale.

The books are wrong my boy. Godric had a character worthy of a wet cat, and above all, his tongue hung well. In fact, he thought very much like you, insulting everyone etc. If I had to choose a real knight, it would be Salazar.

Really? Salazar Slytherin? The undisputed Master of Purity of Blood and the enslavement of Muggles?

Ah? Is that what people say about Salazar these days? It is far from reality… Salazar was above all a great potionist and Master Healer. In fact, he was even for the complete integration of Muggle-born among wizards, while erasing the memory of Muggles. Rather, Godric was for the enslavement of Muggles. Do you really think his sword was there to look pretty? He beheaded thousands of muggles with it, and he loved killing people.

But why does history say the opposite?

It is possible that after the death of Salazar (poor of him, he died of Dragonpox), people felt that Godric was a hero or whatever. Despite his bellicose tendencies, Godric always knew how to make himself seen good by wizards, and goblins.

I see ... well, what if you put me in Hufflepuff now?

Did you even listen? You don't belong to this house!

As Hogwarts Master, I order you to place myself in Hufflepuff.

It has no effect on me. My enchantments prevent any form of control… well tried!

Okay, I rephrase. If you refuse to place me in Hufflepuff, I will steal you from the old fool's office and use you as my latrines!

You wouldn't dare!

Really? I can assure you that I know a spell of diarrhoea and would not hesitate to use it on students with a little compulsion so that they shit you inside!

Grrrr… Very good, but the game is not won! Better be ... HUFFLEPUFF!

I smile, fully satisfied with my sorting. As my robe turns yellow and black, I go sit down with my future servants. Yes, the Hufflepuffs were perfect.

I hadn't chosen them by chance. I quickly realized that the majority of positions in the Ministry of Magic are occupied by Hufflepuffs. Even the Minister for Magic is a former Hufflepuff! Besides the Hufflepuff students represent 40% of the students, and technically, they are those who suffered the least during the war. In short, the Hufflepuffs and former ones represent the majority of wizards in the UK.

Not to mention that they have never had a champion before, and considering how they have just acclaimed me, that will change. Yes, by becoming the Champion and Representative of the badgers, I will be able to take control of the Magic World, and without shedding blood! Besides that, they are loyal, and I love loyalty. My Death Eaters weren't loyal, they were either scared or else following me because our agendas coincided. The Hufflepuffs are different, they follow out of pure loyalty ... I intend to take advantage of them.

I then start to fraternize with the badgers, smiling at everything, shaking their hands. A real politician, I know. I become " friends " with Hannah Abbott (Interesting Half-Blood), Susan Bones (niece of the current Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones), Justin Finch-Fletchley (I know his family, the Finch-Fletchleys being students of Eton and members of the English nobility, they are baronets (to be specified that they are also very rich on the Muggle side)), Zacharias Smith (a descendant of the Hufflepuffs, I remember having killed his grandmother Hepzibah. His family has already recovered the Hufflepuff seat on the Council…) and Cedric Diggory (a boy too charming for my taste, but the Diggories are a very old family and members of the Wizengamot since its creation).

"I'm a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff so I only could come here! The sorting hat immediately placed me in Hufflepuff!" Zacharias exclaimed as proudly shows off his heir ring.

Yes, he probably wants to impress me, which doesn't work. I smiled before showing my hand. Considering the hiccups of surprises, I am not surprised to attract the attention of the whole Hall (even the old lemon looks at me with round eyes, while Severus stares at me while having whitened).

"On my side, I'm lucky to be Lord of the Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Potter and Peverell Houses. Without forgetting that I am the heir of House Black."

"But how? The last Slytherin was ... You-Know-Who! And the Ravenclaws have been extinct for centuries!" Susan Bones wonders looking at my hand with keen interest.

I look around and I can't seem to suppress a small smile. The attention of the students and teachers is completely acquired for me.

"After a hereditary examination among goblins, it was determined that my mother was in fact a 1st generation Pureblood.. My maternal grandfather was apparently a Squib from the Gaunt family while my maternal grandmother was a Squib from the Ravenclaw line. After the death of my mother, and that of Voldemort, I automatically inherited their titles."

I frown slightly when I see them jump at the mention of my old name. Frankly, they have to stop shaking like rabbits.

"You ... have pronounced his name!" shout a student whose name I don't know.

I roll my eyes. I understand that my name has become " taboo ", but that is no reason to whine when someone has the decency to pronounce it.

"There's no need to be afraid of Voldemort. He is definitely dead; I can assure you. If it weren't, I would never have inherited the title of Lord Slytherin. I am well aware that the taboo spell placed on his name has caused havoc, but continuing to fear his name will only reinforce the terror he has sown."

"Well said, my boy !" a voice exclaimed behind me.

I refrain from startling (and torturing) the old man behind me. Turning around with as much grace as possible, I give Albus a large smile.

"Thank you, Headmaster!" I say in my most childlike voice.

He looks at me with his fucking twinkling eyes. Yes, the old lemon seems happy and have taken some weight. Since he is convinced of my death (theoretically, he is not wrong), he must feel relieved to no longer have a Dark Lord to deal with. Well, I cannot blame him as it was I who started our relationship badly. If I hadn't stopped staring at him and mentioning my attacks on the children of the orphanage, we wouldn't be there.

"You can call me ' Professor Dumbledore ', Harry. After all, we know each other well!"

"Really? I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything."

I notice that the other students (and teachers) (and even the ghosts) listen to us carefully.

"Yes, it is true that we haven't seen each other for a long time. You see, when your late parents were alive, I often kept you with me while they went to work. After all, we lived in the same neighbourhood at Godric's Hollow!" he said to me with a melancholic smile.

Well, thinking about it, I actually remember being in his arms several times. It is true that he kept me (well, Harry) several times. That must explain why my resentment is less important.

I noticed that over time, my feelings of hatred, anger etc. became weaker, while my compassion increased slightly. I guess my soul fusion had these effects, which is perfectly normal. I must not forget that my soul piece was only 1/64 when it merged with that of the child.

"Yes, I remember it a little. I liked to snuggle in your beard…" I answer him with a tone that is meant to be nostalgic.

Given his smile, I aimed in the millet! Lo and behold, I am 100% guaranteed to have Albus in my pocket. All in all, there is no point in killing him, he will be a perfect tool for me to control the Magical World.

"What about the Peverells?" Zacharias asks with a certain greed.

"I can answer this question. I learned that the Potters were married to the last descendant of the Peverells seven centuries ago. They were Iolanthe Peverell and Hardwin Potter. They're buried together at Godric's Hollow cemetery", Albus replied for me.

I nod my head to corroborate his words, while the brats look at me with great respect, and to my greatest happiness, admiration.

"Not forgetting that the Potters are related to another well-known family, the Fortescues if I remember correctly. That explains why James and Fleamont have always had free ice cream, now that I think about it", Dumbledore adds with an amused glint in his eyes.

Hm… something tells me that he voluntarily mentioned the Fortescues. I then hear a hiccup of surprise from my left. I open my eyes slightly when I notice Neville Longbottom. I had completely forgotten him, he's too shy.

"But ... that ... uh ... I mean ... that ... how …"

Given Neville's way of stammering, I tell myself that he didn't have a happy childhood. I frown. Augusta Longbottom never seemed to me to be a monster, so what happened so that her grandson became a fearful squirrel?

"We are indeed cousins. What's more, we are Godbrothers since my Godmother is your mother, and your godmother is mine. I am delighted to have a family member by my side, and I frankly hope that we can become friends. What do you think, Neville?"

I look at him with a certain gentleness. The mistreated kids always knew how to make me crack, probably due to my unhappy early childhood. Given his watery eyes and the smile he displays, I have surely already managed to make him my most faithful servant ... or rather friend? Confident? After all, he remains a member of my family.

"Do you… do you really mean that?"

"Of course, Neville. After all, we are from the same family, right? And a Potter never abandons his own… even less a Hufflepuff!"

To my exclamation, I hear the Hufflepuffs applaud, followed closely by the other students and teachers. Albus looks at me with a large smile before going to sit down. The only one making a face is Severus, although his gaze has softened. He must surely think of my late mother ... Regardless, he will not escape his punishment.

After several minutes of discussion, Albus stands up.

"Now that we have satiated our appetite and quenched our thirst, I would like to say a few words about the school's internal regulations. The first years must know that it is forbidden for all students without exception to enter the forest surrounding the school. Some of our older students would do well to remember this."

Given the look he gives to the redheads, I smell a story.

"Mr Filch, the caretaker, also asked me to remind you that it is forbidden to perform spells in the corridors between lessons. The selection of Quidditch players will be made during the second week. Finally, those who wish to be part of the team of their house will have to contact Madame Hooch."

I roll my eyes when I hear Cedric Diggory bragging about being the Hufflepuff seeker. I must admit I love Quidditch, and during my " reign " as Lord Voldemort, I did not miss a single game. I wonder if they noticed that I never did any Raid during Quidditch matches. Obviously, I was too busy attending the matches, all as a VIP.

This is the reason why I invented this spell allowing me to fly without the use of a broom. I like the feeling of freedom as I travel in the skies, without forgetting the adrenaline when I accelerate. I intend to join the Quidditch team, and Lord Voldharry (I still haven't found a correct nickname) deserves only one place: seeker!

"And now, before we go to bed, let's all sing the school anthem!" Dumbledore cried.

I open my eyes in horror, and seeing the teachers' frozen smile, they must feel the same.

"Everyone will sing to their favourite tune", Dumbledore said. "Let's go!"

Without losing a moment, I cast a Muffliato to bare the sound. When they start to sing, I take pity on Neville who tenses up before casting the same spell on him. Given his look full of gratitude, I did well. After two minutes of horror (I really feel sorry for the teachers who seem ready to smother Albus with his own beard), the infamous evil song stops, and I disperse the spells. Dumbledore gives us a quite large watery smile.

"Ah, music. It is more magical than anything we can ever do in this school. And now in bed. Come on, everyone outside."

he said, wiping his eyes.

We then follow the prefect, Gabriel Truman, to our dormitories. Obviously, we are led to the dungeons (not far from the kitchens, as if by chance ...) before stopping in front of a bronze statue representing a badger.

"It's very easy to get in, so look at me," said Gabriel.

He turns back to the statue before putting his right arm against his chest, reminding me of a military salute.

"A Hufflepuff is always loyal!" he exclaims.

The statue shines slightly before revealing a hidden entrance. We start to follow him, and I'm quite surprised by the place.

It's very warm. The walls are in cream coloured stones while the floor is in light wood, probably maple. There are several deep yellow sofas, a few wooden tables with several chairs, a library, cupboards that seem to contain a whole bunch of sweets, not to mention the magnificent fireplace… Yes, I must admit that the common room of the Hufflepuffs is attractive. Nothing to do with that of the Slytherins where luxury and discomfort reign supreme.

I notice about twenty round doors, similar to those described in Tolkien's Hobbit. Yes, I really like Muggle literature…

"The doors on the right lead respectively the boys' dormitory from first to seventh year. On your left, it's the same thing, but for girls. The centre doors lead to the showers and toilets. At Hufflepuff, we are all friends and respectful of others. As a result, we are the only Hogwarts students to have mixed showers. This is not a reason to have sex in the shower, which is not that rare here. But tell yourself that if you come to have sex, anyone else can come in and see it, so at your own risk!"

I'm shocked. Hufflepuffs don't really have gender barriers? And they don't seem against sex in general. And seeing how many Hufflepuffs from other years blushed, I suspect they were caught in the middle of frolicking. I feel like I'm going to enjoy myself here ...

"With that, I let you go to rest. You will be up at 8:00 am tomorrow to attend the speech of our House Head, Professor Sprout. Good night!"

Without losing a moment, he headed into the fifth-year dormitory. Nodding, I enter the dormitory of the first years with my " comrades ". Without much surprise, I find myself in a huge room with a multitude of beds. Unlike the other Houses, they seem to group each year in a single dormitory, not in rooms. We are at least forty Hufflepuffs, and given the number of beds, there have been at least a hundred here.

I take a bed near a window giving a breath-taking view of the lake's inside. I am not surprised to see Neville on my right and Zacharias on my left. Yes, I obviously found my future lieutenants… I feel that I will love my schooling (again)!

3rd Person P.O.V

Thus, began the education of Lord Voldem ... Voldharr ... of Lord Potter. Finally, Harry decided to simply settle for his official titles, no need to spread terror by choosing a ridiculous nickname. Besides the title of Lord Voldemort was invented to separate him as much as possible from his Muggle paternal side, which is not the case as Harry Potter.

Having to choose between his many titles, Harry decided to continue using that of Lord Potter to make the most of his reputation as " future Merlin " and " exalted saviour " which was attributed to him by British wizards.

Harry's lessons unfolded quietly, proving his genius in Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology etc.

His first Potions class, however, was very eventful. Indeed, Severus Snape harboured endless hatred for Harry Potter, much to the dismay of the Hogwarts students. Professor Severus Snape was known to be a great Potion Master, attentive and rigorous. He explained his lessons perfectly and did not favour any student. And above all, he hated and couldn't stand bullies... Like a certain pair of redheads. This is why his hatred of Harry Potter surprised the students, but Harry showed great intelligence.

In order to nail Severus, he decided to publicly apologize to Severus, during the meal, for his father's actions. This event was remembered in Hogwarts annals, and Severus decided to give Harry the benefit of the doubt. Very quickly, he noticed that the latter was a true genius. The pain he felt for a whole month, similar to a Crucio diminished, still remained a mystery. He decided to attribute this act to the Weasleys Twins as a bad joke, punishing them all year round by scrubbing cauldrons and cleaning up the awards room trophies, all under the supervision of Argus Filch.

Harry was surprised, however, to find that Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Rufus Scrimgeour (former Head of the Auror Office) had been the same for ten years. He understood that his curse must have disappeared when his soul merged, which also explained Albus Dumbledore's behaviour. The old man knew full well that the post was cursed by Tom Riddle, and only his death could break the curse.

Harry was also amused to notice one of his former Death Eaters as Muggle Studies professor, Quirinus Quirell. The young man was a true master of Charms and Neutral Magic, in addition to being a 18th generation pureblood.

During his first year of schooling, Harry did not hesitate to show off, demonstrating to all his great abilities. The Magical World readily accepted his talent, most of them lulled by the " Tales of the Survivor ", the " fables and extraordinary adventures of Harry Potter " while others believed that only a very powerful wizard could defeat Voldemort at the age of one. For his part, Dumbledore simply theorized that Harry had to be strong thanks to the prophecy, which stated that they had to be " equals ".

He took the opportunity to make himself appreciated by students of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. While the Hufflepuffs showed unfailing loyalty to the one who was here to " raise " their House above others, the Ravenclaws saw in Harry the reincarnation of Myrddin Wyllt by his knowledge and wisdom, not to mention that he was Lord Ravenclaw. He was accepted by the Gryffindors as Lord Gryffindor, but some considered him to be too " far " from their House beliefs. They did not suspect that Harry was surely the most Gryffindor of them, whether by origin, but also and above all his character.

As for the Slytherins, they gave him great respect as Lord Slytherin, but most of them being sons of Death Eaters, remained suspicious. For his part, Albus greatly approved of Harry's desire to reduce the barriers between the houses. He had no idea that Harry simply wanted to create a single house… his own!

At the end of this year, Harry surpassed the previous end-of-year exam records, surpassing those of Albus Dumbledore in June 1893. He became 1st in his year, followed by Neville Longbottom, Zacharias Smith and Susan Bones. He vaguely remembered Hermione Granger crying at being " only " sixth. The Hufflepuffs thus won the House Cup for the first time since 1882.

During the summer holidays, Harry decided to move into the Potter Manor (formerly Gryffindor Castle) located in the South West of England. The place was very public since this Manor was the place of life of the lineage of the Potter Earls of Stinchcombe, one of the oldest noble families in England. He was obviously accompanied by the Dursleys (still as frightened but loyal). Petunia was delighted to no longer have to do household chores (the House Elves being there for that), and she spent her time mingling with mundanity. For his part, Vernon continued to manage the Grunnings before being entrusted with the position of Chief-Manager of Public Relations for the Peverell group. Harry had noticed that Vernon was extremely good at building relationships, and he planned to take advantage of it. As for Dudley, the latter joined Eton College with Boarding School. Harry had a specific plan for Dudley, and for that, the boy had to build relationships with important figures in the United Kingdom.

In the second year, Harry was surprised to come across his old diary in which Ginny Weasley had written. The latter had left it in the Library, and unfortunately, she had never ceased to describe her " love " for Harry. He decided to start a discussion with the young redhead, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Despite her obsession with the " Boy-Who-Lived ", the girl was smart and magically powerful and of unfailing loyalty to Harry. Yes, Ginny Weasley was the Bellatrix he was looking for. He decided to integrate her into his group, which was all the easier since Ginny had been assigned to Hufflepuff (probably the Sorting Hat noticed her unfailing loyalty to Harry).

He decided to take the Quidditch tests in order to become a Seeker. He demonstrated an ease on the broom, which some attributed to his ancestry (James Potter being an excellent chaser). In the end, and to Cedric Diggory's dismay, Harry became the Main Seeker while the 4th year was relegated to the position of replacement.

He continued to expand his relationships through the various Hogwarts Houses. The students admired him for his intelligence, his authority, his charisma but also for his prowess (after all, he had defeated Lord Voldemort). In order to maximize his relationships, Harry decided to create, with the authorization of the Deputy Headmistress, a tutoring group. Becoming a " teacher " (secretly a dream for years), Harry helped the students in difficulty while giving tips to better understand and remember the lessons. He decided to open this group to all the Houses, and above all, every year.

The fourth years (and more) were at first sceptical, but when Harry demonstrated that he already mastered their lessons (legend has it that Harry had inherited the Intelligence of Rowena Ravenclaw, the " courage " of Godric Gryffindor and of the " cunning " of Salazar Slytherin, in addition to the kindness of Helga Hufflepuff), they decided to join his tutor lessons. In the end, Harry had to divide his schedule to be able to teach. He thus decided to take care of the First to the fourth year from Monday to Wednesday, the Fifth year on Thursday, the Sixth year on Friday and the Seventh year on Saturday, choosing Sunday to rest.

The teachers were very impressed with Harry, and they gave him the honorary title of " assistant professor ", giving him the same rights as a Head Boy (Give / withdraw points, give detentions, no curfew etc.). For his part, Albus awarded a pass for the Restricted Section and was delighted to learn that Harry had never used it. ( he had no idea that Harry already knew the whole of this Library thanks to his past as Tom Riddle and the privileges attributed by Horatio Slughorn)

Harry took advantage of the evening to go check if the Basilisk was still alive. He was delighted to learn that Neidr (Snake in Old English) was still alive. Yes, the snake was male (like all Basilisks), explaining why they were not able to reproduce. As an Assistant Professor, he didn't need to use the invisibility cloak that Albus had given him personally on Christmas Day last year.

After careful consideration, Harry decided to announce that he had discovered the very famous Chamber of Secrets, as well as met the so-called " monster " of Slytherin. This is how Cornelius Fudge, Amelia Bones, Dolores Umbridge and several members of the Ministry of Magic (including several Unspeakables) came to Hogwarts to discover the place. They were initially frightened of Harry's Parseltongue ability, but Harry quickly explained that Parseltongue was simply a magic language mostly made for healing. Fortunately for him that Rita Skeeter was there (He subtly reminded the latter that he owned the Daily's Prophet), the latter publishing a magnificent article describing Harry as a hero capable of magical prowess, and Harry provided her with a book written by Salazar Slytherin himself explaining his profession as a healer.

When the Ministry employees discovered the existence of Neidr, their first reaction was to kill the Basilisk. They were stopped by Dumbledore, the latter asking Harry to confirm that the Snake was peaceful. After a parseltongue discussion, Harry explained that Neidr was primarily there to protect the Castle from Muggles, recalling that at the time, Hogwarts was the seat of a mighty Muggle Lord killed by the founders of the school. In the end, it was decided that the Basilisk could stay at Hogwarts, after a curse was placed over its eyes to prevent it from killing students.

At the end of this year, Harry exploded once again Albus scores, becoming the 1 st student of his year. He once again won the House Cup, in addition to the Quidditch cup. When asked to choose his optional courses, Harry wanted to choose the Alchemy course. He was then told that the Alchemy class was available only if a minimum of twenty students chose this option. This is how after an exciting speech by Harry (explaining that Alchemy was one of the most important areas of Magic, allowing to understand the World and better control magic) during the last Hogwarts Feast, the majority of 2nd year students chose the Alchemy course for the following year.

Harry's third year began with astonishing news. Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange had just died following a game of Gobstones having degenerated. Harry wondered why they allowed the prisoners to have fun before understanding that gave prisoners the opportunity to improve their moral so they can give more energy to Dementors. This is how Harry automatically became Lord Black.

That same year, he was contacted by Remus Lupin (also known as Uncle Moony). The latter wanted to reconnect with Harry to get to know him better. In a gesture of sympathy, he agreed to meet him at the Leaky Cauldron the day he was going to get his things . He thus learned that Remus Lupin had not adopted him pending his condition as a Lycanthrope. Harry was understanding, after all, he had agreed in the past to help Fenrir Greyback obtain rights for the werewolves. In the end, Harry decided to offer a house not far from the Potter Manor to the poor man, as well as a monthly pension of 840 G (a little more than a Hogwarts teacher who earns 800 G per month).

It was during this third year that Harry began to receive marriage proposals. To say that he was appalled would be an understatement, the latter having absolutely no care of prepubescent girls of former death eaters. But he knew perfectly well that the Magical World took a dim view of single people. A question of transmission of the genetic inheritance…

Come to think of it, Albus was the only wizard he knew, having never married. But it was no secret that Albus was gay, and that his fiancé was dead. (Harry and Aberforth were the only ones who knew that Albus' real fiance was none other than Gellert Grindelwald, lifelong prisoner of Nurmengard)

During the journey to Hogwarts on the train, Harry came face to face with (unfortunately) Ronald Weasley. For him, this redhead had to die for his simple existence. The little redhead was harassed by his older brothers (evil twins who took pleasure in humiliating others). Harry believed that they would make excellent torturers in his service. But what caught his eye was the strangely familiar rat ... Peter Pettigrew.

Harry decided to use the greed of the redhead, offering him the exceptional sum (at least for the redhead) of a hundred galleons. At first suspicious, Ronald could not resist the lure of gold. As for the twins, they were amazed by Harry's desire to buy a disgusting old rat. Maybe he was going to use it for a potion?

For his part, Harry was delighted to hold the rat, which was trembling in his hands. Yes, Peter Pettigrew had noticed the sadistic gleam in Harry Potter's eyes… He knew it very well, unfortunately for him. No sooner had Harry returned to his cabin than the rat transformed back into a human.

Begging to spare him, Peter turned pale when he saw Harry's eyes turn blood red. He had Lord Voldemort in front of him ... and he threatened him as a baby. Yes, Peter Pettigrew knew that life ended there for him. In a final effort, he tried to flee the car, but alas, Harry had locked the door with his magic, all with a little Muffliato. Peter didn't have time to turn around as he collapsed to the ground while writhing in pain.

Yes, Harry was glad to torture the big ugly rat, all wandless. After all, he didn't want to activate the trace. After about ten minutes, the rat began to drool with blank eyes. His mind hadn't endured the pain, and Harry didn't intend to stop there. Deciding to carry out a final act of revenge, he turned Peter into a piece of bacon before giving it to Hedwig. At least there would be no more evidence, and his owl would be happy.

Once again, Harry began to build relationships with the other Houses. After all, it was important to bond in order to better control the Magic World. The first years and second years admired him while the third years revered him. As for the pupils of higher years, most respected and admired him. Except of course Cedric Diggory (who was still miffed about this Quidditch story). Harry was also unhappy to discover that half of the Pureblood students had been offered through marriage contracts. Men or Women, it didn't matter.

Even the Malfoys had offered to marry Draco to Harry (to Harry's disgust). But the worst were the proposals for Vincent Crabbe, Millicent Bulstrode and Gregory Goyle. Harry had such nightmares he signed a press release explaining that he would be hosting a grand ball at the famous Potter Mansion on his fifteenth birthday to " look " for someone who might interest him.

Two new courses were added to his schedule, that of Alchemy (taught by Albus Dumbledore) and that of Study of Ancient Runes (taught by Batsheda Babbling).

The Alchemy lessons proved to be very interesting in learning the nature of the four elements (and their importance in Alchemy) as well as transmutation (although the pupils could not start transmutation until the sixth year). As for the Runes, Harry simply chose them out of spite, not wishing to go to other courses.

The rest of the year went relatively well, with Harry getting top marks while Hufflepuff won the House Cup for the third consecutive time and the Quidditch Cup for the second time.

Harry's fourth year turned out to be different from the previous years. It all started with the advent of his fourteenth birthday, and therefore the claim of his seats on the Wizengamot AND on the Council. The event obviously made headlines, not just in the UK. After all, with the death of Sirius Black, it was revealed that Harry now controlled the Council, not counting the 21% of the Wizengamot he controlled.

The fact that he was publicly supported by Albus Dumbledore (Supreme Mugwump and Grand Sorcerer of the Wizengamot) only increased his political power. Harry's first action was to order the peeling of the Ministry of Magic Accounts as well as to track down any form of corruption through suspicious donations. Through a press release, accompanied by Albus, he explained to the Wizarding World that he wanted to ensure the safety of his fellow citizens. It was very widely supported by the population.

This is how he discovered (well, officially) the corruption of Cornelius Fudge as well as the diversion of several hundred thousand Galleons. Without counting the impoverishment of certain Departments (DMLE, DRCMC etc.) and the placement of notorious incompetents (Ludo Bagman at DMGS). In a short time, Cornelius was fired from the Ministry of Magic, like several wizards (Dolores Umbridge, Ludo Bagman, Walden Macnair…) and a new election took place.

To the great shock of the Wizarding World, Bartemius Crouch Senior became Minister for Magic (Harry blackmailed him while threatening to reveal his son hidden in his home). Unfortunately, Cornelius had managed to organize the Three Wizards Tournament with France and Bulgaria, and the contract was unbreakable. At least Harry could now make sure that this Tournament was not too dangerous at Hogwarts ...

He also took advantage of his vacation to attend the Quidditch Championship between Ireland and Bulgaria. He enjoyed the match very much, but less when his former death eaters amused themselves by interrupting the festivities. Unfortunately for them, Harry had brought in the entire Department of Magic Law Enforcement (DMLE) for the occasion, and many wizards were arrested and imprisoned in Azkaban for " promoting terror " and " Attempts of Assassination", Not counting other charges. Among them were Vincent Crabbe Senior, Gregory Goyle Senior, Lucius Malfoy and many others…

During the trip to Hogwarts, Harry discovered the existence of a young blonde with a dreamy look : Luna Lovegood. He instantly understood that she had " Extraplanar Vision ", an extremely rare gift. This vision enabled her to see the emotions as creatures from another plane of existence, and the last case occurred on 15 th century. He instantly decided to integrate her into his group while specifying that she was under his protection.

It was during the first meal of Hogwarts that Albus announced the interruption of the Quidditch Matches for the Triwizard Tournament, specifying it was was reserved for pupils aged at least 17 years, or with parental authorization. When the delegations arrived in October, Harry was amused to see the majority of students from Bulgaria mingling with the Slytherins while the French preferred to mingling with the Hufflepuffs.

He was not surprised to see Fleur Delacour, daughter of the French Minister for Magic, sit next to him. The latter obviously intended to establish links with Harry in order to increase her political weight. Understanding the process, Harry willingly agreed to form a " friendship " (rather Alliance) with this young Half-Veela.

He decided to include his name in the Three Wizards' Cup, and that was how he was chosen as Hogwarts Champion. Once again, he made the front pages of the newspapers as " British Official Representative to other schools " and " Adulated Wizard Champion " ...

The first trial was quite simple, recovering the egg of a Mother-dragon brooding her children ... Harry showed some talent in singing Parselmouth. Few people knew that dragons understood Parseltongue, let alone that they were very receptive to songs in their language.

The hardest part was choosing a person to accompany him to the ball. In the end, he chooses Luna Lovegood to accompany him. The evening was pleasant, and Luna was slightly intimidated by all the envious looks.

The second trial was even simpler. Harry having an understanding of magical languages (Voldemort had needed it to recruit as many supporters), he quickly understood the clue in the golden egg. This is how he saved Luna from Black Lake with a Triton spell (a variant of Head-Bubble allowing to swim as fast as a fish).

Finally, it was the third test. The Labyrinth proved to be a good test, the place being filled with Blast-Ended Skrewts, Acromantulas and other pleasantries of the kind. Harry was the first to reach the cup, and the portkey brought him back to the Labyrinth to the cheers of the audience. In order to show his kindness, Harry decided to offer the 1,000 Galleons reward to the poorest family ... the Weasleys! This is how Harry got the title of " Saint Harry the Generous ", which amused him a lot.

Then came the Fifth year… and above all, the Promised Ball. It was organized at the Potter Manor, inviting the gratin of the Magical World, be they Vampires, Veelas, Goblins, Wizards etc. All accepted his invitation, and for the first time in a century, hundreds of magical beings of different origins were brought together in the same hemicycle.

Just as Harry promised, he decided to inspect the suitors for a possible " companion ". There were several women such as Daphne Greengrass (English) , Fleur Delacour (French) , Vlada Romanov (Russian) , Sakura Ito (Japanese) etc. There were also men such as Theodore Nott (English) , Justin d'Aigremont (French) , Victor Krum (Bulgarian), Vincente di Altieri (Italian) etc.

He had to admit the potential of relationships, particularly of the Delacours (Jean Delacour being the French Minister for Magic), Romanov (Vlada being the eldest daughter of Nicolas III Romanov), Aigremont (d ') (Old French nobility controlling the Council of France) and Altieri (di) (Princely Family of Italy controlling ¼ of the Council of Italy).

In the end, Harry chooses to make a double marriage (rare but used among the nobility) with Vlada Romanov (thus taking control of Magical Russia) and Vincente di Altieri (Thus taking control of Magical Italy). His decision was widely approved, the British seeing an opportunity to more easily control the Magical World while strengthening international relations. The marriage was decided on August 26, 1998.

When he went back to Hogwarts, he had to deal with students who were completely excited about his marriage. Always with his smile and good manners, he continued to build relationships. He literally ran the British Wizarding World, but it was not enough for him. He continued his studies all the same, always proving that he was the best etc. Some, like Draco Malfoy, tried to convince him to release their parents from Azkaban, but Harry rejected them, recalling that their parents were terrorists.

Unfortunately, Draco had the misfortune to challenge Harry to a duel to the death, and this in front of all the students and teachers. Severus Snape tightly pursed his nose that day, bitterly regretting his godson's idiocy.

The duel took place on the Quidditch pitch, referred by Filius Flitwick as Master Duellist. For the occasion, journalists and members of the Ministry were present. And it was in front of his many people that Harry killed Draco Malfoy, all thanks to a magnificent spell of disarmament ( Experlliarmus ) overpowered, causing the young Malfoy to explode. Surprisingly, Harry's reputation did not suffer from this killing, with many believing that Draco Malfoy was as " corrupt " as his father. We learned later of the death of Lucius Malfoy to Azkaban, the latter having in a burst of rage , after receiving the news, attacked with his bare hand ... a Dementor.

For her part, Narcissa Malfoy renounced her title to reintegrate the Blacks, bringing with her the entire Malfoy fortune. Harry took the opportunity to reintegrate Andromeda Black into the family, as well as his daughter, a young Auror by the name of Nymphadora.

The rest of the year went well, with the difference that Harry had to take his O. . He asked to take all available O. , to the shock of the teachers. Being fully authorized, this is how Harry took a total of 19 O. (7 for the core courses, 6 for the optional courses, and 6 for the extracurricular courses). As usual, Harry won the Hufflepuffs the House and Quidditch Cups.

His sixth year remained very calm, and no event took place. He received the results of his O. with an Optimum plus for each of the subjects (O +).

The seventh year did not represent any challenge for Harry, the latter succeeding in passing all of his N.E. with obviously Optimums. Shortly after his exams, he had to marry Vlada and Vincente. This is how the Potter family grows with Vlada Potter and Vincente Potter. Their priority was obviously to consolidate their power through Magic Europe. For his part, Harry implemented his grand plan.

Dudley Dursley passed his exams at Eton College, one of the best students. Under Harry's orders, he began to enter the political world by first representing the Potter House in the House of Lords. Using Harry's money, Dudley joined the government of British Prime Minister Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in 1999. With the support of several muggles (handsomely paid), he prevented the application of the House of Lords Act. This allowed the hereditary nobles to retain control, all beholden to Dudley, and de facto, Harry.

He became the Prime Minister's Press Secretary following the " mysterious " death of Alastair Campbell. Slowly, but surely, he gained momentum across the political world, all under Harry's orders. Thus in 2004, he founded the far-right political party called the Nationalist Party promoting independence from the rest of the world (Britain for British!) And strengthening the nobility with a maximum limitation of royal prerogatives. In 2007, the party obtained 322 seats in the House of Commons and 451 seats in the House of Peers. The Queen officially asks Dudley to become her Prime Minister, the latter willingly accepting it.

This is how the downfall of the royal family begins. With the control of the various institutions, Dudley begins to discredit the royal family by revealing various files (the death of Diana Spencer by MI5 etc.), maintaining that the Royal family manipulates the Kingdom in the Shadow while eliminating the possible competitors. For the first time in centuries, riots broke out across the United Kingdom, many demanding explanations from the royal family. Dudley does not stop there, and he recalls that several families living in Cornwall for example, cannot own land because everything belongs to the Duke of Cornwall, who is by chance Prince Charles.

In 2011, the Royal family was eliminated following the mysterious explosion of Buckingham Palace during the Annual Banquet gathering ALL the members of the Royal family. Dudley finds himself at the head of the United Kingdom. It was in a great speech that he revealed the name of the true founder of the Nationalist Party : Harold James Potter, Earl of Stinchcombe. Using several spells and false family trees, Harry is revealed as the last descendant of the illustrious Tudor Dynasty. On 07/31/2012, Harold James Potter was crowned King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its other kingdoms. He becomes the first King of the Potter dynasty and bearing the name of Harold. Vlada Potter is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other kingdoms. As for Vincente, the latter obtains the title of Prince Consort and Duke of Edinburgh.

Thanks to the revolution led by Dudley, Harry's relationship is perfectly accepted.

While Dudley led his little revolution in the Muggle Political World, Harry dealt with the Magic World. Controlling the Council and the Ministry of Magic, he needed little to control the Wizengamot.

He began the establishment of several pro-creature laws allowing the integration of werewolves, goblins, centaurs, vampires and Veelas. In 2001, the Citizenship Potter Act was promulgated, thus conferring the designation of " magical citizen " to magical creatures, and " Wizarding citizens " on humans. Following this, several noble families of the Magical Citizens were integrated into the Wizengamot (Gringotts for the goblins, Greyback and Lupin for the werewolves, Drakul and Sanguini for the Vampires etc.) In total, 1/3 of the Wizengamot was controlled by the Magical citizens.

Harry decreed the Gringotts Bank as Public Bank, withdrawing its sovereign status while leaving control to the goblins. This news was greatly appreciated, preventing the goblins from carrying out their own laws. Wolfsbane potions were distributed free to the Lycanthropes while a huge wooded area was granted to the Centaurs, decreed as inviolable.

In 2008, Harry submitted an unprecedented proposal to the Wizengamot. The establishment of a Magical Monarchy under the Potter Dynasty. With a vote of 112 For and 38 Against, Harry was declared as First King of the British Magic World. His title was that of " His Majesty, Harold 1st of his name, King of the Magical United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its other Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm and of Magical Beings, Slayer of Dark Lords. " Vlada was crowned Princess-Consort while Vincente obtained the title of Prince-Consort.

In 2012, Harry obtained the crown of the Muggle World. He then decided to reveal the existence of the Magical World, and without scaring the population. To do this, he sent healers across the country to treat the sick and cancerous, ordered the creation of magical farms to self-feed the country. Using magic, Harry effectively removed Poverty in the Country.

He entrusted the management of the Bank of England to the goblins, and he merged the Wizengamot with the House of Lords. As for the House of Commons, it was abolished.

Using his connections, and his spouses, Harry took control of Italy and Russia. This is how his campaign to conquer the world began.

He started with the nearest country, and his biggest enemy in Europe : France. With the help of the Delacour family (they swore loyalty), he took control of this country. Unfortunately, the French did not remain without reacting, and it was François Hollande who officially declared war on the Magic United Kingdom.

The French did not resist long, the Ministry of French Magic being on Harry's side. To quickly take control, the French wizards blew up the Senate, the Elysée Palace and the National Assembly, all in full session. In less than a year, France joined the Magic United Kingdom, followed closely by Italy (officially). The other countries did not offer much resistance.

When he conquered Europe in 2024, Harry became the father of twins : Thomas Salazar Potter and Henry James Potter. Thanks to magic, the children were the perfect mix between Harry, Vlada and Vincente. He was surprised to be a father, but deep down, he knew he needed many heirs.

In 2025 Albus Dumbledore died suffocating with a sherbet lemon. In his will, he bequeathed all of his property to Harry Potter. Having previously retrieved the Gaunt's Ring, Harry thus acquired the third Deathly Hallow. He felt no change, however.

In 2026, the United States declared war on the European Magical Empire (formerly Magical United Kingdom), feeling threatened by wizards. The war was bloody, but the wizards demonstrated their power by unleashing a very powerful Fiendfyre on Washington, razing the entire state, and thus burning the White House and its inhabitants. In 2027, the MACUSA took control of the United States before integrating the Magical Empire.

In 2029, the Chinese launched a vast military operation, succeeding in destroying the Durmstrang College in Bulgaria. The Chinese had succeeded during the Communist Revolution in eliminating the Chinese Magical Community, loyal to the Emperor.

The response of the Magical Empire was unprecedented, and a hundred thousand wizards were dispatched with an army totalling 500,000 goblin soldiers and 400,000 animated statues. Without counting that Trolls and Giants were released in centre of Chinese territory. The Magical Empire was surprisingly supported by the Empire of Japan, which had protected its magic community.

In 2036, the Chinese President was executed on the place of the Tian an Men, with the rest of his government. The Chinese losses were significant, with more than 500 million deaths for 120,000 for the Magical Empire. In 2037, China was forcibly integrated into the Magical Empire, and Harry appointed Theodore Nott as Governor of the Province of China.

In 2038, the Empire of Japan joined the Magical Empire, on condition that the Japanese imperial family retained control of Japan. Harry agreed.

In 2040, Harry noticed that he hadn't aged at all, unlike his spouses and children. He looked like a handsome 28 year old man when he was 60…

After various conquests, threats and negotiations, the last independent state in the World submitted to the Magical Empire in 2059. It was Chile.

Harry officially became the first Planetary Emperor, and the Muggle and Magical Worlds were united. The magic families quickly became a nobility ruling the world, and the Muggles became without realizing the slaves. Thanks to magic, pollution was removed, and various runes were used around the World to prevent climatic disasters.

This is how Harry reigned for two centuries ... until this terrible incident.

As he experimented on a soul transplant spell, Harry blew up the scene, dying instantly. The World mourned his death, and it was his grandson, Harold Potter Junior, who assumed the title of Emperor.

But was Harry really dead? No, he was planning to continue his Great Adventure!

Date ?

Location ?

Harry's P.O.V

I must admit I did not plan to die… Well, not this way. Frankly, I managed to die the same way as Luna's mother, it's really not fun. Still…Am I really dead? Dead people can't think…I must be alive then.

Well, alive, it is a way of speaking. I can't move, speak or even see anything. On the other hand, I feel a strange heat surrounding me, and I am rather satisfied.

I feel a strange pain and ... well, the light has just appeared ... at the end of a tunnel? I have always been told not to go to the light, so no!

Oh shit! Hands coming to get me? Please, oh please, tell me it's not Death! Or God? Well, neither! I'm not about to die! No!

Fuck, hands grab me and take me to the light! Nooooo!

"He's a boy, your majesty!" said a male voice.


I open my eyes, having closed them for fear of seeing the light. Oh, I see an old man who looks like Dumbledore. Interesting, reborn? At least I am not dead.

However, given the old man's clothes, I must be in the past.

"Another son for the Targaryens, he's perfect! How fair my wife?" said another voice.

I turn my head to see the speaker. He's a pretty handsome man, with silver hair and purple eyes ... but what catches my eye is the crown on his head. My father is king?

"The queen is fine; however, she will need a lot of rest. How would you like to name your son, your majesty?" asks the old man.

My father looks at me, his eyes calculating. He gasps in surprise, and so does the old man.

"His eyes! I had never seen anything like it before!" said my father.

My eyes? What's the problem with my eyes?

"The right eye is identical to yours, your majesty. But the left eye… it is rare for a child to be born with minnow eyes", says the old man (I really have to learn his name).

"Yes… Green with a red circle… beautiful! It is a sign of fate! This proves that the Targaryens are even more powerful than ever!" said my father.

He then bursts into a borderline … psychopath laugh? In any case, I love this laugh, I have the same!

"His name, your majesty?" the old man asks again.

My father stops laughing before looking at me. I wonder what name he will dress me up…

"Haeron! He shall be Haeron Targaryen, second prince of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, son of Aerys Targaryen II and Rhaella Targaryen !"

If I could widened my eyes, I would have. Haeron looks a lot like Harry… coincidence? I do not think so.

I wonder where I could have landed. I don't have too much time to think about it that a pair of tits is presented to me ... I'm not going to say no, I'm hungry anyway!