Disclaimer: I do NOT own one piece
Chapter 1:Blast to the Past
Luffy was down on all fours. Water, or what most would call tears, were freely flowing from his eyes. He was devastated, as if he'd lost his will to live, his will to even continue his dream.
(Hours Earlier/Flashback)
The crew had found the last Road Poneglyph that pointed them to Raftel, where the crew was sailing too. However, luck was not on their side. As resting in front of the island was a thousand warships, and roughly around a million marines. All led by one man, a man Luffy despised. Sakazuki, better known as Akainu.
Luffy had ordered Franky and Ussop below deck to prepare to fire. He sent Robin to help Ussop with the cannons, due to her ability. Nami was told to hold the course steady, Chopper and Brook were tasked to protect Nami. As for the monster trio and Jinbe? They planned to do he bulk of the fighting.
Once they were close enough, Luffy ordered all cannons fired. He wanted to keep pushing forward. Fighting at sea like this and none of them would live. Fighting on land he knew that he was bound to lose a couple of his friends, his crew. Neither was acceptable but Sakazuki didn't give him an option.
Upon running ashore the straw hat pirates rushed off the ship for a good position to defend themselves and each other. Luffy at the front with Zoro and Sanji to his right and left respectively.
As soon as the marines arrived, all hell broke loose. Hundreds of navy officials died from a single blow, rather it was Luffy, Zoro, Sanji or Jinbe.
It started to look hopeless as marines kept piling out of of ships. That's when it happened, one marine managed to get behind Nami. He ran his blade through her chest from behind and pierced her heart in the process.
Chopper was in monster point, squashing and swinging his arms at marines. All the while taking on heavy fire from navy cannons. They seen that normal cannonballs weren't working when they pulled out a red variant. Loading it up they fired it right at Choppers chest. Now Luffy was expecting a broken rib or minor damage, but what happened was much worse. That cannon ball blew a hole clean through the doctors chest.
The next to fall was Brook. He was moving around laughing and making skull jokes as he cut down marines jovially. That was until that bastard Akainu got involved. He had burned the skeleton's body to ash, he soul floating freely. Until another marine caught the soul in a seastone cage that prevented Brook from floating out. What happened next added to Luffy's misery and despair, the marine had tossed the cage in the ocean.
Akainu was making his way to the Straw Hat's captain, when Ussop backed into his path. He had avoided a sword slash from one marine, only for the fleet admiral to grab his head with a magma hand and completely melting the flesh.
By this point Luffy's soul was broken. He'd lost so much and this man was the source of most of it. However he had his hands full with other marines to focus on Akainu at the moment.
Franky wasn't fairing to bad, but having a metal body helped to tank most attacks. He was taking marines out left and right until they pulled out some weird looking spears. Franky thought nothing of it as one man ran forward and stabbed the spear into the cyborg. Others followed shortly after then the all pressed a button. The electric output caused his circuits to short out. He died, but he didn't go alone as the explosion took out withing a hundred foot radius.
Robin was slowly starting to exhaust herself, when she was roughly hit from behind with a kairoseki staff, or what appeared to be a staff. Once she was down the marines crowded here. What happened next was a monstrous act as every man around her stabbed her with blades or beat her with blunt objects. She attempted to crawl away as one marine walked over, rolled her onto her back with his foot and in execution style put a kairoseki bullet through her head.
As the light left her eyes, Luffy's entire being just shattered. He was numb.
Jinbe's death was the least gruesome of them all. He had taken to many bullets for the others. Eventually he succumb to them as he was rapidly losing blood.
All that was left of his crew was himself, and both his right and left hand men. The monster trio. However, Sanji was the next to go after demolishing a thousand marines. Even if he had lived it wouldn't have been long due to all the gashes ad bullet holes in him.
"Zo…ro," Sanji had said choking on a little bit of blood. "You were, the best friend I could have asked for," he stopped talking as he went into a coughing fit and spitting out blood. "Despite our…disagreements, I knew you were my best friend," At this point Zoro was kneeling at his side as Luffy was defending their last moments of bonding. "I regret so much…and so many things I've said. Please…forgive m-e." Sanji had just barely got the last word out before going limp.
As the last word left the chef's lips, and his body fell limp there were tears in Zoro's eye. The swordsman let out an ear splitting scream of sorrow, agony, and age. His whole body, and his swords were covered in armament haki as he started releasing wind blades. He had destroyed almost a third of the remaining warships, while taking out more the half of the marines that were still living.
After an intense fight with Kizaru, Zoro was exhausted. He wore a proud smirk on his lips as he stood over the body of the now deceased admiral. However being low on energy made the swordsman vulnerable, and two marines took advantage of that fact. A sniper had fired a round into the pirates abdomen allowing a marine with a sword to get the drop from behind. The marine placed his blade to Zoro's neck roughly and slid the sword slitting the man's throat wide open.
In that moment Luffy was at his first mate's side, not even concerned about the marine as he was already dead. Zoro stared into his captains eyes, and choked on his own blood as he barely got the words out, "I-I'm s-so-sorry…c-captain."
Luffy lost it. Zoro's words, while not many held great meaning. Now the Straw Hat captain was seeing red as he let out a blast of conqueror's haki that was so powerful that almost three thousand marines keeled over dead. It was if he was driven be instinct at this point as he shifted through his gears.
First was second gear as he was flashing through the marines delivering devastating blows. One punch had the force to send their organs and bones blowing out of their backs. Then was third gear as he jumped into the air with a giant fist that was launched at multiple marines. The strike flattened them to paper.
Then he moved to fourth gear. He was bounding around like crazy, destroying the last of the warships and any marine on them. By the time it was just Luffy and Akainu, the pirate captain was in fifth gear. Now instead of seeing red, it was straight black. He was moving on pure instinct, no haki and he was practically blind.
When he finally come out of his daze he noticed, that at his feet, was Akainu. He was in two pieces, and it looked like a sword was ran through his chest, into his heart.
A ship had just docked on the shore of Raftel and only two people had got off. Luffy had sensed them approaching and knew exactly who they were. However he no fight left in him.
The first to step up was an old man, but he did so rather hesitantly. "Luffy," he paused to try and find the right words. "I'm so-"
He was cut off though as Luffy spoke, "You understand why I look up too Shanks now Gramps?"
Sighing in defeat, Garp lowered his head and simply said, "Yes."
"Luffy-san," Coby whispered. He couldn't even see despair in the pirates eyes anymore. There were no more tears, just a dead look.
"It's fine Coby, you aren't to blame. If anything the blame is partially on my for not being strong enough to protect my crew, my friends and family…or her." the nineteen year old stated, only for it to die down to a whisper at the end.
"Luffy-san, what would you say if I could send you back?" Coby asked cautiously, while holding eye contact. What he saw made him smile, as there was a small spark in his pirate friends eyes again. "I ate a fruit recently called the warp-warp fruit. It's an odd fruit but it would allow me to send you back."
Luffy was excited, but throughout his adventures he has learned something. He couldn't dive head first into everything. "What's the catch?"
"Well…" Coby paused to think about it. "You'll retain your knowledge and skills, but I think that's a positive. You'll also keep the scar, or rather your younger self will get the scar. Other than that I'm not sure."
"So in other words fate could play a role?" Luffy asked as he thought about it.
"I guess so," Coby said rather unsure how to answer that. "Anyway, you know how far you'd like to go back in time?"
"Yeah," he answered with the first hints of a smile sense Coby and Garp arrived. "I want to go back to the time Shanks visited my village."
"Garp-san," he said turning to the man who mentored him. "Would you like to go back as well?"
Garp was silent through the whole exchange. Until he was offered a chance to go back and correct his own mistakes as well. "Only if Luffy wants me to go with him."
"Come on Gramps," Luffy told the old man. "I know you have your own regrets that you want to correct." the teen said with a solemn smile.
"Alright, if you're both ready then," the young marine said.
"Hold on," Garp stated rather loudly. He fished out a piece of paper from his jacket and handed it to Luffy. "Make sure you give that to your younger self. It's my den den mushi number from that time!"
"Yosh," Luffy almost cheered as he turned to Coby. "Let's do this!"
"Good luck Luffy-san and Garp-san!" Coby cheered before they vanished.
(Foosha Village)
The scene the time traveler appeared at was the time when he had confronted the mountain bandits. 'Perfect!' Luffy thought. The bandits had surrounded his seven year old self. It was then Higuma, if Luffy remembered right, pulled a sword and placed it to his throat.
That's when Shanks, and the Red Hair Pirates arrived. It was in that moment time froze around everyone but Luffy, and Garp who was miles away.
Young Luffy was freaking out, but under normal circumstances he'd have found how some of the people were frozen hilarious. That wasn't the case though as he called out, "Shanks?" when he got no response he tried calling out to others, "Makino? Mayor? Someone please say some-"
"Relax Luffy," the voice of someone cut in. 'Damn this is weird, never thought I'd be talking to myself.'
Seven year old Luffy began to look around wildly, trying to find the person that said that. When his eyes landed on the man, the first thing he noted was the straw hat on his head. As he continued his inspection, the man was wearing a red cardigan that was left open showing his muscular figure and a nasty looking x-shaped scar. He wore a pair of black shorts with fur like cotton around the hems. On his feet were a simple pair of sandals.
Now usually the boy would be afraid, but he somehow knew this man meant him no harm. It was really odd, but seven year old Luffy chose to trust this person. "Who are you?"
The man smiled and stepped closer, now only a small distance away.
"You already know who I am though," the man said as he stepped forward while removing his hat. Then he pointed to the scar under his left eye. The young boy gasped in realization, "I see you understand now."
"Yeah," the younger Luffy said. He was still confused though, "If you're me then why are you here? I'm not dead am I?"
The time travelling Luffy laughed before answering, "No, no you aren't dead. Some terrible things happen in the future."
"What could be so bad that I, you or we?" younger Luffy said while cupping his chin, "What was so bad that I'd want to go back in time then?"
"We end up losing a lot of people that are very dear to us," the future Luffy said solemnly. "This is a chance for me to get a do-over, and for you to make sure it never happens."
"How though? I'm only seven and I'm not that stro-" the boy was silenced as his future self raised a hand.
"You will be in a moment," the teen said with a gentle smile. "Let me explain so you understand alright?" he asked only to get a nod from the seven year old. "In a sense we're going to become the same. When I touch your shoulder, my physical body is going to disappear as you gain my knowledge and my skills."
"Is that all?" the boy said with his head cocked to the side and an eyebrow raised.
"Well, no. You'll also get this scar," the time traveler said as he touched his chest. "Sorry, that's going to hurt though."
His future self looked apologetic at having to give him that news. "Hey, it's okay. If it means I can better protect the people dear to me, I willingly accept." The boy said in a rare moment of intelligence.
The man looked at his younger counterpart with pride. "You ready for this, little me?" He asked before discreetly slipping a piece of paper into his pocket.
"Yosh, lets do this!" the boy said, his eyes reflecting the tone of determination. At that moment the man touch his shoulder, and he slowly started to fade away as memories, skills, and knowledge invaded his mind. Then the physical pain started as the scar was forming, and his muscles grew a little.
Before the, now ethereal form, of the future disappeared he whispered just loud enough, "Protect them, Luffy. Protect everyone dear too you."
With those words, the man disappeared with a smile on his face. At the exact same time the pain stopped. Time was still frozen, as he still needed to adjust to everything. As soon as the pain eased of time started moving again.
'Thanks for another chance, Coby. I'll make sure you become a good marine again!'
'I owe you Coby. I'll make sure you become an honorable marine again.' Luffy thought in happiness. Also glad that he had his Gramps den den mushi number.
'Yosh, I will protect them all this time!'
A/N: Most will surely recognize this story. Hell it's been seven years since the original author has done anything with his. Anyway this will be rated M for gore and the picture the words paint in your mind, language and suggestive themes. SO, this story is not for the faint of heart and people who have frequent nightmares. That said, if you do read you are reading at your own risk.