A/N: Hey everyone, sorry that I took down my other Harry Potter story. I was having trouble with one of the chapters and I didn't have the heart to place the story up for adoption. So I decided to challenge myself to redo it and turn it into a Severus/Lily fanfic as well as having a FemHarry. Please know that even though this fanfic is different than the other one, the story is still the same so you've got to at least give me credit on that.

A word to the wise, I literally have read the books and seen all 8 films, so don't lecture me what should be in my HP fanfic. I know that it won't be much but still, I hope that you guys like it. In this first chapter, I did my best with what I got so don't hate me for it because I really did try my best at writing it. Please leave positive reviews, don't hate the writer and as always, Happy Reading!


"Severus, don't tickle her so much or you'll make her sick. She just finished lunch." Lily scolded her husband as he tickles their one-year old daughter, who was laughing a mile a minute.

Severus smirked as he throws his squealing daughter in the air and catches her. "Sorry, Abby, your mummy said that we can't play anymore." he said, pouting as he holds her close.

"Sev, don't pout otherwise you'll make her cry." said Lily, shaking her head at her stoic husband as she tried to hide her smile. "Now, can you place our giggling child down for her nap?"

Severus rolled to his feet, cradling his daughter against his chest. "Okay, my sweet Abby, let's go upstairs." He walked graciously up the stairs to the nursery, and sits in the rocking chair near the moonlit window, letting her snuggle into his robes.

Severus opened his eyes, remembering his wife and daughter. It had been ten years since he held his daughter Abigail in his arms and seeing her vibrant smile. Taking another sip of whisky, he sighs as another memory comes forward.

Lily and Severus were in the living room on Spinner's end as baby Abigail was sitting in Lily's lap, chewing on Severus' robes with her gums as Albus sits across from them in a sitting chair by the fireplace. "Never! Not a chance!" Lily said sharply, causing Abigail to look up at her, her bottom lip trembling, threatening to cry.

Severus took Abigail from his wife's lap and cuddled her to his chest. "It's okay, baby girl, don't cry. Mummy isn't angry with you." he tells her, quieting his daughter a bit before placing a hand on Lily's shoulder. "It's not going to be forever. Its only until the Dark Lord can be defeated."

"But we won't ever get to see you." said Lily.

"The Dark Lord won't get you or our daughter if I join him and spy for our side." said Severus. "When we are successful, I will come and retrieve you."


"No buts." said Severus. Abigail started to get restless and whimpers in distress.

"Lily, I love you and our daughter more than anything in the world." Severus tells her as he pulls his wife in for a hug. "I can't explain how much I want to be with you, but I value your safety more. We'll be together again, I promise."

Severus sets down the glass he was holding and walks across the room. He knew that he couldn't beat himself over what happened, but he would make it right tonight. Severus walks out of his house and apparated to Wisteria Walk. He was several feet away from Number 4, Privet Drive when he heard another pop.

"Severus Snape, what are you doing here at this hour!?" asked the Scottish voice of Minerva McGonagall.

"I'm getting my daughter, Mother." Severus tells her. "I shouldn't have let him talk me into letting Petunia raise her."

"Good." she said. "I told Albus years ago that they were the worse sort of muggles. But did he listen? No he did not!"

As both of them reached the house, they could see that it was dark inside. Severus waves his wand over the door and both of them walks into the house. Minerva walks upstairs to see if she can find her granddaughter while Severus looks around. On the walls, there were pictures of his sister in law, her husband and nephew but none of his daughter.

"I've checked upstairs, there's no sign of Abigail." said Minerva as she came back downstairs.

"Point me, Abigail Evans." said Severus and his wand points to the cupboard under the stairs.

With a silent unlocking charm, Severus opens the door and sees his daughter asleep in her cot, wearing clothes that were twice her size. "We need to get her out of her. Now." whispered Minerva.

"Agreed. I should wake her first." whispered Severus and gently shakes his daughter on the shoulder. "Abby."

Abigail opens her eyes and sees two people staring at her. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm your dad, Severus Snape." said her father. "And this is your Gran, my adopted mom."

"Hello sweetie." said Minerva.

"Daddy, you came for me." said Abigail with a smile.

"Yes, child I did." he said. "Now, we have to move quickly before your aunt and uncle wake up. Do you have anything that belongs to you?"

She nodded, grabbing a small wolf and dog from her bed. "Good, now let's hurry." said Minerva as Severus takes her stuff animals from her before picking up his daughter.

They quietly left without being noticed. "Are you going to get in trouble for taking me?" asked Abigail.

"No." Minerva tells her once they had reached their apparation spot. "Your father and I will explain when we get you home."

"Home?" she asked.

"Yes, the house where you spent your first birthday in." said Severus, then looks down at her. "Now, hold on tight. I don't want to lose you."

Abigail nodded and holds onto her father as he and Minerva apparated from Surrey. Once they were back at Spinner's end, Severus hurries to his house with his mother close behind him with Abigail still in his arms.

"Mother, will you call Poppy and see if she's available?" asked Severus when they walked through the door.

"Certainly." said Minerva, walking over to the fireplace as he places her on the couch.

"Does anything hurt you at all, Abby?" asked Severus.

"Just my arm and maybe my stomach." replied Abigail. Minerva returned with Madam Pomfrey behind her.

"Who is this lovely young lady?" asked Poppy as she sits next to Abigail.

"I'm Abigail." she said, introducing herself. "Who are you?"

"My name Madam Pomfrey." said Poppy. "I'm the matron of Hogwarts infirmary."

"What's Hogwarts?" asked Abigail.

"I'll explain in a bit, Abby." said Severus.

"Now, let's see what the damage is." said Madam Pomfrey as she waves her wand over Abigail. A long piece of parchment appeared over her.

"Oh my." Pomfrey said as she reads the list of things.

"What is it, Poppy?" asked Minerva.

"She's severely malnourished and it looks like her arm has been twisted so hard that there's a hairline fracture." said Poppy. Severus grabs a couple potions from his lab and brings them over to his daughter.

"Sweetheart, I need you to drink these potions." she tells her as she hands the first one to the dark hair child. "This will help you with your stomach."

Abigail looks over at Severus, who nodded and she drinks the potion. "Ew." said Abigail, making a face as she hands back the vial.

"I know, but it will help you in the long run." said Severus as Poppy hands her the second potion.

"This one will help with whatever pain you have in your arm." she said, watching her drink the second potion. Minerva conjures up a glass of water, then hands it to her.

"Thank you." said Abigail, before taking a sip of water.

"You're welcome, lassie." said Minerva, giving her a smile.

"Abby, we're going to be in the next room. If you need anything, call for one of us." said Severus.

"Yes, sir." said Abigail, nodding her head. The three adults went into the next room and Poppy pulls out the parchment.

"There's more to the hairline fracture and malnourishment, isn't there?" asked Severus.

"There is." said Poppy. "She's been abused."

"I knew it!" said Minerva.

"Along with her arm, she has several concussions, a dislocated shoulder, three broken fingers and a sprain ankle. We can undo the damage. But it will be a long process." said Poppy. Just then, the fireplace roared to life and Albus Dumbledore walks through.

"What are you doing here?" growled Severus.

"I could ask you the same thing but I know that you went and got your daughter." said Albus.

"I've told you that Petunia and her husband were the worst kind of muggles." said Minerva as she points a finger at him. "But you didn't listen to me."

"We didn't have a choice." Albus tells her.

"We did have a choice." said Severus. "I could have raised her. She didn't have to deal with them."

"He's right." said Poppy. "You know full well that Severus wouldn't hurt her."

"Fine." said Albus, seeing that it was three against one. "Is there a chance that I could meet her?"

"Yes, but for a brief moment. I have a lot of work to do in order to get her to normal weight and height." he tells him. "She shouldn't be that small."

They returned to the living room and noticed that Abigail had fallen asleep and curled up on the couch. "She looks just like you, Severus." said Albus.

Severus scoffed, then said, "She looks more like Lily than she does me."

"I don't think so." said Minerva. "I believe that she looks more like you when she's asleep than when she's awake."

Severus smiled as she said it. Abigail had his cheekbones, but everything else was all Lily, right down to her green eyes. "She'll have all the boys turning their heads when she gets older." added Poppy.

"She will not be dating any boys until she's thirty." said Severus.

"I will make the arrangements for you to have custody of Abigail." said Albus, then looks over at the young sleeping girl.

"Thank you, Albus." He said and Albus was gone.

A couple hours later, Abigail opens her eyes and stretches, then looks around to see Minerva sitting in a chair, reading the newspaper. Minerva looks up to see that her granddaughter wide awake.

"Looks like someone had a good rest." she said, folding the newspaper.

"Where's dad?" asked Abigail.

"In his lab. He'll be up in a moment. Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I can make you and dad something if you like."

"That won't be necessary." said Severus as he walks into the room and sits next to his daughter.

"Dad." said Abigail, her face brightening up a bit.

"You don't need to cook for your grandmother and I." he tells her. "One of us will cook for you."

"Are you sure?" she asked, tilting her head a bit.

"Yes. Now, your grandmother asked if you were hungry. What would you like to eat?"

"Anything would be good."

"Okay then. How about a turkey sandwich and some fruit?" he asked her.

"That's sounds good." said Abigail. Severus then walks into the kitchen and comes back with a plate of turkey sandwiches and a bowl of fruit. Abigail didn't move from her spot but her eyes widen at the food.

"I don't think I can eat all that." she then said.

"Eat as much as you can." Minerva suggested. "That's all we ask for."

"Now, you asked earlier about Hogwarts." said Severus.

"Yes, sir. What is Hogwarts?" asked Abigail.

"It's a school for young witches and wizards, like you, to learn magic." he simply told her.

"Magic? Like what you did?" questioned Abigail and both of them nodded. "It's not real. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon said so."

"They lied to you, child. Magic is real." said Minerva.

"No it isn't."

"Here, let me show you." said Severus and pulls out his wand. He then transfigured his daughter's glass into a mouse.

"Wow!" said Abigail as she picks up the mouse. "Will I be able to do that?"

"Yes, along with many other subjects." Severus tells her.

"Like what?"

"Like the potions you drank earlier for example."

"Will you teach me?" she asked, her green eyes met her father's.

"Of course I will. If you apply yourself, you'll be making potions in no time at all." he replied with a smile on his face.

Over the next few days, both Severus and Minerva were teaching Abigail about the wizarding world and fattening her up with as much food as possible. One day, Minerva was teaching Abigail how to play wizard's chess in the kitchen while Severus was making lunch.

"You're pieces aren't going to listen if you keep letting them be killed, lass." said Minerva as her knight takes one of Abigail's bishops.

"I like the game, but I don't think I'm good at it." said Abigail.

"You will in time." said Severus. "Just keep practicing and you'll be good before you know it." He walked over to the table with a tray full of sandwiches and crisps floating beside him. In his hand, was a letter addressed for Abigail.

"It seems to me that a certain young lady has gotten her Hogwarts letter." Severus said as he hands her a sandwich.

"Really?" asked Abigail, looking up from the chess board.

"Yes, but you can open it after lunch." he tells her, handing his daughter a sandwich. "Eat first."

As they were eating, Abigail kept reading the front of the envelope over and over again.

Miss A. Snape

Number 37 Spinner's End

Cokeworth, Midlands

Once they finished, Severus handed Abigail her letter. "I see that they haven't changed anything." said Severus, giving his mother a pointed look.

"Don't give me that look, young man." said Minerva, dryly.

"We can get all this stuff in London?"

"Yes, if you know where to go." said Minerva.

"In Diagon Alley. It exists within Muggle London." explained Severus and Abigail nodded. "We'll go later this week."

"Will you come with us, Gran?" asked Abigail.

"No. I have to go to Hogwarts tomorrow and start planning." she said, causing Abigail to have a sad look.

"What's wrong, child?" asked Severus.

"I was hoping that Gran could come." said Abigail. Severus and Minerva looked at each other, then nodded.

"I'll tell you what. How about I will be there when you get your wand?" said Minerva.

"Ok." said Abigail.